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I wouldn't, because there's no way to remove physical evidence from that situation, the public wouldn't believe me, and the ones who knew I was telling the truth are the same ones who don't want that truth coming out.


yeah I find it difficult to imagine getting anything of relevance out as well


Step 1. Get hired as a UFO or ARV test pilot Step 2. Work on it until you learn to fly it. Step 3. Wait until a day when you know the whitehouse is going to have a massive ammount of people in front of it (celebration, holiday, presidential address, big protest etc). Step 4. Fly off with the UFO/ARV to Washington DC Step 5. No Airforce airplane can keep up with you because, well you got tech way more advanced/faster etc. Step 6. Fly around the Whitehouse for 5 or 10 mins. Step 7. Land on the Whitehouse lawn Step 8. Walk out and say "Hello Earthlings, I come in peace... just joking, SURPRISE MFERss!!!" Step 9. Run into the crowd and disapear forever. Step 10. Watch Kirkpatrick and Mick West attempt to offer a prosaic explanation on TV next few days. Step 11. Move to a 3rd world country where you look similar to the population. Get a hair cut, color it, live in a very remote location for 20+ years living on Uber Eats delivery until you age enough that nobody can recognize you.


Apple photos can recognize baby pics of my kid based on a library of photos of them many years later. So… aging is not gonna work


The first step is to never be photographed.


Don't think kirpatrick got that memo


Apple Photos has a lot of stuff going on in the backend don't nobody know about.


Yes it can take photo of you when nobody take no photo of you...5G demons fly through the air digital


Step 9 could use a bit more detail


Step 10 should be drawing up your will…


Everything after step 8 ain’t gonna happen


Yeah, it would be 7) land on White House lawn 8) die of secret service induced lead poisoning


I’d imagine these machines gives off huge readings. No way you are getting that out of a hangar without getting heart attack gunned


These places have sensors, large doors that won't open, and I'm sure they've planned and prepared for unauthorised launch attempts.


Shit wow bro you took me on a journey dang


It sounds crazy, but a rouge crew landing a tr3b at the super bowl would be awesome.


Thanks I'll make sure to do that!


LOL at your entire plan. Step 3 is a failure because the test pilots, even if they had the ability to act freely enough to fly to some place of their choosing, wouldn't have any clue what the white house is or why it's important. And then if we go along with your cool movie plot, step 9 is insane. Fun to think about I guess.


This. And also they most likely have thought about how to prevent information leaks and have individualized watermarks in the form of information that is slightly different from the others so they can tell exactly who leaked the info. There’s not really a safe way to leak it unless you’re okay with possibly being murdered or locked away for the rest of your life. The only real answer is having solid whistleblower protection programs, which is exactly why they stripped them from the Schumer amendment in the NDAA. Like u/sabineritter was saying… good freakin luck sneakingeven a photo out the base, let alone bringing in a personal phone.


Yup, Reality Winner and Jack Teixeira have entered the chat. I'm sure security was greatly improved after Snowden made his exit in 2013.


This is exactly right and this what makes the whole thing frustrating… it does open it up to grifters because they know there is no way of providing the evidence. Fwiw I don’t think grusch is in the grifter camp.


This is the only way. If I can’t release any evidence what weight does my word carry? Highly educated and accomplished people lie, too. Why would anyone think I’m any different just because of my claimed status?




Plus, you'd risk everything. Everything you've worked years for. All of that time and effort. You'd risk your family's safety and your freedom. For what? A possibility. There's no guarantee the technology would help humanity. If anything it could end it.


Exactly. Blow up your entire life for what. Shitty reddit comments & a fatal single-car accident. And it wouldn't necessarily even change anything, might even make something worse.


id make a 4chan/reddit thread that is both extremelly detailed but also overtly vague while providing little to no evidence to back my claims


"over time all my claims will be verified and you will revisit this thread enlightened"


*deletes post*


John Titor agrees…


And i would add some fake personal details like "im dying of cancer" or "i care about my (madeup) kids too much to not tell the truth"


Look out for laser tech! Oooo lasers!!


Plus the next step of deleting your account so it looks more legit, but still leaving the comments visible so people can still read everything.


Tell my mother. The entire city would know within a week.


Do you remember the "Max Headroom" TV hack? Yeah, just do one of those, but everywhere


The only way would be with cameras infiltrating the facilities themselves, and absconding with physical evidence. Data, pics, video, can and have all been fabricated. If Snowden leaks happened today, they'd have the story summarized as "Rogue employee uses ChatGPT and AI image creation to create trove of documents alleging spying. Authenticity cannot be guaranteed and AI fingerprint experts say the files have the telltale signs of fabrication." And we wouldn't hear another peep about it. You'd have to have a couple brave people willing to sneak in button cameras and work together to steal something. I would think that if you could find a hammer and a wedge or chisel-like implement, pre-weather a section of craft over time, then on The Day, you sneak in with full video of the facility, give the chunk a whack, stuff it into a sock and hope you can make it out.


This won't work. I know at one facility for signal Intel, they have gear that can ping hardware like phones they can tell that there's one in the area and can hone in on you. Also, the metal detector and x-ray machine will catch most things along with a weight scale. They also use white noise to make it difficult to eavesdrop. Don't even get me started on the online portion where data might be held. The ISSO is probably running scans every 15-30 mins, checking for infractions like plugging USBs in and stuff if there even is a computer you can get in on probably only for higher management and scientists needing to log data. Chances are in the briefing they'll bring you some documents, and then when you're done, they'll take them back probably moved by military courier and I'd imagine even they don't know what there carrying because I've had to move documents from point A to B and wasn't allowed to look inside. In short, to sneak anything out nowadays would take a serious collective effort from different people at different levels of security. This is next to impossible when everyone's threatened with the possibility of death, lol.


The answer to this question is that you couldn't, which is why the arrogant skeptics who say that the evidence would have leaked piss me off to no end.


Yess. Just think about what Snowden had to go through and that stuff was just digital documents on a usb. Not physical devices / craft etc. he had to coordinate with journalists through special encrypted channels and then had to flee to Russia. Would be way more difficult with UAP stuff. Congress really needs to kick down the doors with laws +NdAa etc.


Yeah and Snowden's revelations were different due to his claim having a much higher prior probability. If someone leaked the UAP crash retrieval documents in the same manner (which I suspect might not even be possible if they exist, due to how they would likely be stored), people could just dismiss it as another MJ-12 hoax/disinformation effort. In a way, the most profound/shocking truth ever could be an easy secret to keep due to the level of evidence needed to overcome such a low prior.


> much higher prior probability. Great point, everyone figured the NSA is always watching, before Snowden.


It has leaked though, the Alien Reproduction Vehicle and presentation about it to politicians and bureaucrats to get their support in funding production of them back in 1988 as leaked by Brad Sorenson and Mark McCandlish.


This is one of the most important points about McCandlish's ARV claims that almost everyone overlooks. McCandlish alleges that various congressmen and other politicians were at the secret military presentation of the ARV. Source: [https://groups.google.com/g/bit.listserv.skeptic/c/ILxcSz6Xbyw](https://groups.google.com/g/bit.listserv.skeptic/c/ILxcSz6Xbyw) >The presentation within this hangar was sponsored by The Air Force Office of Public Affairs, Western Region, run at that time by a Col. Thomas Hornung ,(now retired). He denied any knowledge of the event when I spoke to him about it face to face over lunch, but he became quite pale when I described what Brad had seen, and quickly lost his appetite for his meal after that. >**It was also sponsored in part by the office of Congressman George E. Brown Jr. (now deceased). At the time Cong. Brown was the Chairman of the Congressional Subcommittee on Space,Science and Advanced Technology.** His office was located just a few miles away from the hangar at Norton AFB, in the city of Colton, CA. **A phone call to the congressman's office within a week after this private showing, confirmed the presence of "the three discs".** >(snip) >**Brad also alleged that Sen. Alan Cranston was in attendance at this presentation**, but all attempts to confirm his presence there were met with vehement denials, practically up to his death several years ago.


Tfw you get a call about a bullet your kid found in their lunch at school for even thinking about leaking


Not my kid, I'd get a message from the bathroom. "Dad! I crapped out a bullet!"


same... same


Maybe throw a torrent magnet link in the memo line of a btc transaction? That way neither the magnet link or data can get removed.


“This is a Larp by a grifter!!”


Nice try government! I’m not telling you.




I’d need 3 things only. I’d need to find a scientific principle unknown to the outside world. Such as a Quantum Formula. Such as the principle that a graviton spin of any given material can be reversed if subjected to magnetic field in a vacuum demonstrated as G-1=Mc/N+N^2 Once obtained the second thing I’d need is to leave to attend a funeral or something Third thing I’d need is to send the formula to every university, news outlet in 20 countries including a post on reddit. Just the formula, and only explanation of the principle. Don’t explain who you are or who you work for. I wouldn’t take the Bob lazar route


A scientific principle unknown outside…like Element 115


It’s have to be something that can be sent in an email. It won’t work if one person has a monopoly over a small lump of metal


Except they won’t let you attend funerals or whatever, you’re effectively a prisoner/slave. News agencies simply won’t publish what you send due to bad actors within journalism from the CIA, universities that receive the info would be threatened and have all info removed, due to the same reason. How do you get all the email addresses for the relevant specific individuals at all these universities? Do you not think that they have active monitoring of all devices/internet activity for all individuals involved in that level of program at all times? They’d surely have a system that flags any outgoing data from any of your devices so they know if you even attempt it, try and send an attachment and it’ll flag it even if it’s your holiday pics to your parents, just so they can check you’re not leaking.


All of these things the cia can do… is reactionary, not preventative. The idea is to release too much before they react. It becomes a race, not a fight


Wouldn’t others on your team or your supervisor know what you are working on? In some way, Bitcoin is an example of what you have suggested


To get into this position of information and knowledge they like you to have a family, connections and ties - similar to politics. After that you ain’t doing shit out of line. Yes the hypothetical single porn addicted neckbeard with no friends would leak everything. That’s why they will never work there.


You can't leak data, and even if you could, everyone would just say you faked it. Given the scenario you describe you obviously can't smuggle out physical evidence. So what's left? The answer is *science*. Any scientific principles that can be understood from the NHI tech can, in principle, be duplicated by others. Maybe not the whole craft, but maybe just some small subsystem. You come out and say "we figured out how this little piece of alien tech works, here are the principles." Then you or someone else replicates it. There's the proof. Alternatively: you leak how to detect the craft, if something about that is reasonably well understood. Leak *knowledge* not *data*.


This is along the lines of what I was thinking. Leak instructions and designs to some sort of futuristic tech to the world. The more simple it is to confirm the best since people can try making it in their own garage. Then they would know it's real. Like anti gravity tech simplified in such a way anyone with a home depot nearby can make it. Of course any futuristic tech would do I was just using antigravity as an example. Leak all the designs and instructions online in every possible way from 4chan to discord to emails lists. Take fliers showing the gist of it and leave them everywhere. Post youtube instruction videos. It will all be attacked and taken down but not before thousands to possibly millions see it and make a copy.


Well I doubt it's going to be something that can be made in a garage... But, again, the basic scientific principles are something that can be leaked, and then discussed, and potentially tested by the scientific community. It's hard to "fake" scientific knowledge. Most of the time, people just come up with stuff that is obviously wrong based on the fact that we have roughly 200 years of science, and we've tried a bunch of stuff. But if someone comes up with a specific hypothesis that is novel, that could be enough to pique the interest of the scientific community. Or at least investors with deep enough pockets to fund that kind of thing...


If you had the data, i would put it on 50 or so usbs, geocache it all around the US, then upload it from a usb on a public pc in a remote rural location, send it to places where it would take time to remove like tor or filezilla, then send it to media outlets as well, then to reddit and discord. Wear a fat suit and walk to the location. Then dead drop the last drive somewhere hidden and then, if escape achieved, reach out to those trusted few individually and pass the coordinates via deaddrops. 


FileZilla is an FTP program.


It sure is buddy


It's not meant for super-anonymous communications, you know.


Hence compeimise the public box


Either you know how to backdoor a public box or you dont ya know whatimsayin


A public box is different. Transferring data would require layers of security, not just a single FTP program.


Its all in the execution, main point layer it


Considering there is a limited amount of crash retrievals and they are all watched and observed through multiple layers of heavily funded government and private organizations, there's absolutely no way you are going to get a piece of evidence out of that facility alive. With that said all you have is your word, so at that point I wouldn't say a damn thing because it wouldn't help anyone. Unless I come out and provide physical evidence the world will not believe me and the government will either kill me or toss me in prison for the rest of my life. Gathering evidence is the biggest issue, if you look at gold mines as an example they have multiple stages of security to ensure that you are not sneaking any gold out. Aside from cameras and a lot of personnel, they will weigh you going in and weigh you going out, they will scrub your boots, they will search you , and this is just simply for gold.


I would travel to Manhattan, stand in the middle of time Square where there are many witnesses..and I would begin to preach the gospel of ET


Do a la Wikileaks , and release an encrypted payload via a torrent. Once in enough hands, release the password(s) / keys. 


Honestly, the same way Bob Lazar did.


With the same result that nobody will believe your story.


Grusch has mentioned the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 multiple times as a broad guise of exemption for any object emitting radiation. This is of course enforced by the DOE. There’s a link to Bob Lazar via the timely work Bob Oechsler did in the 90s on Lazar’s W2: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/e4Xvm9VR1o Tim Burchett has also said that A51 has a tie to the DOE which further aligns to Bob Lazar’s story: At around 16:30 https://youtube.com/watch?v=y54fXvsHAGQ So there is in fact quite a lot of whistleblower noise around the DOE. I believe the reverse engineering program may be hidden in one of their black programs. I don’t know for sure of course but there seems to be a lot of smoke coming from their direction


i used to be pretty strongly anti lazar, but ive actually kinda been leaning back his way. the biggest piece for me was learning about jerry freeman, a guy who stayed over night on groom lake without permission and claimed to have witnessed a massive hangar door open up out of the lake bed floor right in the area lazar said s4 would be. He wasnt a ufo guy, he was a hiker and outdoorsman who was following the path of the 49ers, who stayed at a camp site where area 51 was built.


Interesting. I don’t think I’ve heard of him. Going to some research on him now, thanks!


Those rumors were around at the time Lazar made his claims though, same with the handprint scanner tech that was featured in a movie at the same time.


Well aware of him, when I'm back on my computer I'll post a link to his story.


Lance Corporal Jonathan Weygandt claims he was at a UFO crash retrieval in Peru in 1997. He claims that members of the DOE later arrived as part of the crash recovery. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ckx7if/comment/l2pwohc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ckx7if/comment/l2pwohc/)


Don't lie about other stuff at the same time and maybe you'll have more credibility.


maybe bank it all on trying to convince another person to come forward with you


Yes, I think Bob was hoping his partner Barry would come forward, but he didn’t ask or get firm commitment. I just want to point out one thing in your post: this part about qualifications. This is an illegal program. You can’t put record of it in your CV; it’s not career advancing work. It’s therefore likely the people who are a part of a program like this, are probably not the best people for it.


There is such a thing as a classified resume. Said resume was directly referenced in the Eric Davis memo.


Well this work is not just classified, it’s illegal. So there wouldn’t be much substance to the classified resume if they chose to include it.


By lying about your credentials and education? And by copying the story from your friend John Lear, [who was telling the same story two years earlier?](https://youtu.be/LGQkkHuwm6w?t=268) That would make people doubt your story, and rightfully so. (Sorry, I'm really tired of Bob Lazar being brought up, we should be past this guy)


I've thought this through many times and I just don't see it happening. The security at these places would make the TSA look like a joke. Armed escorts everywhere, cameras everywhere, probably even watched while you take a leak. And strict orders that if you conspire to leak/make an attempt to get shit out (you would need the cooperation of others, full stop), and your colleagues don't turn you in, they're punished with the same crime. It's a mistake to believe that anyone has it. The only hope, as bleak as it may be, is the legal/legislative avenue.


As applied specifically to your scenario: There's no way to leak "everything" to the world, because I don't have access to everything. I can only leak what I know or can discover. And I shouldn't leak everything I know because that would identify me. First I'd try to determine where this UFO is. I know where the airport is. I'd take note of what kind of plane I'm boarding. Then, since they didn't take my watch, I'd time the flight. Knowing the starting point, the cruising speed of the plane, and how long it traveled, I could draw a circle and be reasonably confident the UFO is being kept somewhere on the circle. If the plane's windows are blacked out but I know I'm on an island, I must know something about the geography to make that determination. Either it's a very small island and I've been all over--unlikely, if it took hours to travel from the destination airport to the SCIF--or I saw a map. Either way, I should know enough to find an island on my circle. That gives me the location of SCIF Island. This can be corroborated through various observations while on the island: sunset and sunrise, the location of stars, weather, native flora and fauna, etc. And knowing the approximate speed of a bus and how long it took to drive from the airport to the SCIF, I can do a similar process to geolocate the site. The location of the island and the site can be easily leaked through Tor, using additional anonymity measures. It would be difficult to trace the leak to me because I'm not supposed to know where anything is. Any subsequent leaks would be similarly nondescript, or I would generalize or omit certain things to which I have access. If I pass information from some compartment, but it's garbled, then maybe they don't look too closely at people who have access to that compartment. I think the identities of participants would be one of the most useful things to leak, particularly high-level managers. Unless everyone is in alias, but you didn't mention me being in alias so I'm assuming no one is. Eventually, they would polygraph everyone in the project to find the leaker. So I'd read up on countermeasures and find a polygrapher to practice with. You writing a screenplay or something?


> I think the identities of participants would be one of the most useful things to leak, particularly high-level managers. The managers would know all the employees, and I'm sure aliases would be used. Think like a Romulan (from Star Trek).


As a higher up with documents, emails etc. I would get hacked. I bet it's possible to strike a deal with Anonymous or whoever. They should put everything in a torrent


You go to someone in the press that is established as a trustworthy reporter. Talk to them about working out a way to get the information out without getting yourself thrown in jail. Formulate a plan that ensures your safety. That’s basically what David Grusch did and it’s worked so far!


> You go to someone in the press that is established as a trustworthy reporter. A reporter will ask for confirmation from "the other side", and that reporter then will have unknowingly (or knowingly) tipped off the employer. Many stories are thrown under the rug, because reporters think they're doing due diligence.


>How would YOU leak everything to the world for the good of humanity? I mean what is there to leak? best you can do is memorize as much as possible and document it at home in great detail. the more details you remember the easier it will be to puzzle stuff together. Mundane shit like what trees you saw, what birds you hear etc could help narrow down a rough location. create detailled sketches of everything you see or what organizational structures people follow, write down any names of anything that is meantioned. Don't speculate only write down what you know then create an archive of everything with a hash that proofs it's authenticity, create a script that uploads everything to dozens of DDL servers across the planet, torrent and wikileaks and then share urls everywhere on social media. You have to automate this since we assume the government knows what you do and it has to happen in parallel as fast as possible. Then pray to whatever that what you leaked will eventually push the narrative in the right direction while you watch everything unfold from exile or prison. well or don't wathc it at all because they killed you. Or you are being ridiculed and no one believes a word you say until someone credible comes out and supports what you say.


Even if you put a secret button cam on your shirt and went to work, people wouldn't believe you. You could post the whole video, and people would say it's so fake, and why would their ships and bodies look like that. They are continuously brainwashing us and it's working on some.


On the old Reality Uncovered forum that I am certain was run by govt spooks Ryan Dube tried to convince me that the Alien Reproduction Vehicle wouldn't look like that, that it looks like a deep sea diving bell. When I asked them what a spaceship would look like they posted a picture of the Enterprise NCC-1701. Their mental kung foo is pathetic.


Not everything, because every government needs some secrets. True national defense stuff, etc...


By not having enough FlexTape


I would just send it to Joe Biden and he will do right by it for sure! No but fr, just prep a PC to mass message as many relevant folks as possible and post to as many online sources as possible, send to as many news as possible. You really wanna do it all at the same time probably.


> to mass message Gets filtered as spam.


Well the picture you planted is a tad bleak, but when this happens 10 times, 100 times 1000times eve tally security will be les stringent. The problem with any system involving humans to do their job, is the humans in it.


I'd disclosure everything in a 65-page amendment, publicly exposing the national security state apparatus. I'd define terms like NHI & UAP, and detail how hard evidence will be available if we pass this bill.


Yeah, I'd rather not help the Feds smoke any whisleblowers. Interesting hypothetical, with some interesting holes to poke thru.


David can only testify that people reported things to him, if I'm not mistaken his statement is not first hand.


Multiple dumps in multiple archives, hacked radio and TV, and well placed DVD catalogs near UFO group HQs


Not to mention, you will be paid a bazillion dollars and they know everything about your entire extended family. It would make a great movie at this point. Kind of a mission impossible type thing. But, the Chinese have deep pockets and are willing to pay anything to stay equal to us in technology so there are more than just the obvious threats to security. Either one of 2 things will happen eventually. The leading researcher will suddenly find that the technology could actually change modern day civilization if the truth is disclosed, and finally disclose on their deathbed. Albeit, it would probably be in a DOD facility, where they are euthanized in secret. But they could easily have sent some type of proof to a distant relative who could disclose. Or, something too big to effectively cover up will happen in a small town somewhere, and the 3 letter agencies just can't get enough assets to the location before video and physical evidence is gathered and shared with a wide group of disseminating groups. Otherwise, this is a secret that John Q Public will never learn.


> The leading researcher will suddenly find that the technology could actually change modern day civilization if the truth is disclosed, and finally disclose on their deathbed. The leading reseracher would understand, that the technology can be weaponised, and that Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, states suspected to have nukes, and terrorists do not deserve to have it. I cannot understand why are human inventions treated with some sort of human inferiority complex.


Get the pope to hold a press conference.


Write “The Day After Roswell” …? like Colonel Phil Corso, who did what you’re suggesting, almost 30 years ago. Colonel Philip J. Corso (Ret.), a member of President Eisenhower's National Security Council and former head of the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army's Research & Development department, has come forward to tell the whole explosive story. Backed by documents newly declassified through the Freedom of Information Act, Colonel Corso reveals for the first time his personal stewardship of alien artifacts from the crash, and discloses the U.S. government's astonishing role in the Roswell incident: what was found, the cover-up, and how these alien artifacts changed the course of 20th century history. .[…80 years of UFO books answer most questions here](https://www.amazon.com/After-Roswell-Col-Philip-Corso/dp/0671004611)


I can only imagine this working if a group decided to leak at once...people in charge of security, the manager, etc, organizing a leak together. It would be like a coup. This would be nearly impossible, but not necessarily so. Systems will eventually fall apart. I sometimes think about one of the high ups organizing this out of a moment of conscience, a desire for fame, revenge against being snubbed, to impress a woman (I'm not joking), or out of a sudden religious conversion. People are weird and do crazy things almost at random.


People who *would* do weird things, would be filtered out during the hiring process.


Bob already did it.


I don’t think someone in that scenario really has much recourse, if the security and tracking is that airtight. Whistleblowing with the potential risks and limitations that carries. It would need to be someone with access to significant evidence itself (documents and/or video) AND evidence of the evidences’ authenticity/provenance. And then a means of leaking it to a trusted party that won’t just catch and kill it - probably sending it to a prominent figure who can broker its release, or to a news outlet that isn’t compromised. Provenance is the key here, otherwise there will just be blanket denials or assertions that it’s a hoax. And the evidence must be incontrovertible so there’s no denying what it shows (eg FLIR footage is great and all but it’s too easy to claim it could have multiple explanations). I truthfully think this is the only way the truth will get out. There’s too much inertia and corruption in the system for things to play out for actual disclosure by playing by the rules (IMO).


Dead man’s switch. My heart stops and the curtain drops. (I don’t have any actual evidence)


I would never sign the NDA and turn them down. Once you sign the NDA they got you by the balls.


I had dreams of having a flying disc descending and empty. I enter it and discover a sort of navigation system because I put my hands on like in Star Trek. Then I manage to fly this thing off and deliver it on my nearest military base on Spain and showing them how to use it because it reacts on thoughts. This dream became like 30 years ago. I am highly affected by ufology and experiencers testimony so simply it may be a heavy dinner and beautiful nonsensical dreaming


Excellent post -- and suberb discussion. Let's have more of exactly this. Too often, we sniping and snarking at each other -- missing ops to really dig in, learn from broad perspectives. The more I've learned about the synergistic relationships among MIC, Wall Street, Big Media and our legislators -- eg. they occupy seats on each other's Board of Directors, they own stocks in each others companies, they swap executives and key leadership members (look how many former government officials are now working at CNN, ABC, etc) -- or former senators, representatives, govenors -- working at /for MIC, Wall Street muckety mucks sitting on Big Media boards. Virtually all of the disclosures flow from a single strategy -- w/ money as the foundation. Soft disclosures is a strategy to avoid market chaos. Disinformation/character assassination, mysterious deaths, propaganda campaigns are designed to confuse us, turn on each other inwardly fighting instead of focusing externally on them ... they also flow from the same strategy -- money, controlling the markets, keeping it growing in the hands of a global oligarchy. All as we, the unwitting taxpayers, get to fund the bills.


You don't because you can't without being outed. There's a spot in the dirt below the sub basement at Langley waiting for someone that tries.


You don’t leak. If you’re approached & agree to work in secret - you honor your work by adhering to your agreement.


I wouldn't leak anything. Truth be told, I am in this field for myself. If someone who is very well informed about the reality of the situation came forward and said that they would tell me everything as long as I do not reveal anything to a single soul. I would absolutely take up the offer. You wouldn't get squat from me. What I would certainly NOT do is to lead UFO believers on a wild goose chase by dropping vague hints and small pieces of the entire puzzle and have them eating out of my hands. I wouldn't do this. I would remain quiet about what I know. No one would know that I know everything.


Glad somebody gets it. It ain’t as simple as put a piece of paper in your pocket and sneak it out, when they count and label every piece of paper lol


One pixel at a time


Funniest answer 😂


Send all to: [email protected] Let me worry about that headache. You got a community of support right behind you ready to carry the torch a bit further while you rest.


Man you talk about hearing voices in your head. If it comes out that you leak anything this will be deader than lazars reputation


That's right I heard them. Gimme a stack of Bibles. And the Lazar thing is so tiresome. Some people that I would not expect to endorse him, do and quite frankly I don't think about Lazar. I have a set of avenues I travel that skip over him almost completely.


Your delusions of grandeur are showing.


That's probably my only good quality.


I figured.


If my life was threatened then no I wouldn’t.


I wouldn't. History shows nothing but misunderstandings of actual events. Our current state is that we are surrounded by choices and inaccurate truths. You know nothing on a phenomena or any 1 aspect of life's beautiful tapestry? Yet You have all the tools in, and with you, you need to go out and get something answered for you? You choose to be told? And this I fine we do not rush perfection but also This means you were not ready in the first place yet......also fine 🩵 This situation has played out in history, and last time it was done correctly was by "cyrus the great" Yet humanity did not like this, they choose to believe in these fantastical gods in the heavens instead of taking accountability for those actions. We have the luxury of duality, and yet we learn not from this. So I ain't sure who you need to tell you, but here is an example 🩵 They are real they are not "alien" They are not biological, neither more a synthetic vessel that contains a concious of that you and I are both unsure of, but yet I feel it is something "daoism" refers to as "dao" But we only witness merely a vessel for dao (i see them as a monitor for dao to observe through, they are not in this space and time, this is ours 🩵 More like a play pen, when we are aware of our actions and consequences, we are allowed out of the play pen. (If you do not accept this analogy? Try this) Religion misunderstood them for angels and demons. The very fundamentals of our life consist of this Energy (sun) liquid (on earth) elements (everywhere) But we require for life the correct energy and elements to bond together and cuddle up, thus creating a more diverse set of elements that eventually becomes life. Now this is the playpen? See, life also exists with merely energy and elements. It exists. You can't see it. Some may feel it. But for most, we are unaware of. Have you ever stopped to wonder why, how lucky we are to have water to as such an integral safety blanket to stop those amazing elements drifting off as science tells us. One could assume it was Godly intention? Never the less it does not mean a conscious energy can not reside in such an environment without the luxury of liquid. It purely means that conscious energy may be of one that does not drift off when interacting with other elements it loses duality? But understands that other elements may be different, yet instead can connect without the use of these primal 5 senses. And shows compassion? Ironically, thus, shows throughout humanity? Once we learn compassion and understanding. Once we believe and take accountability of our actions. we are allowed to get out the play pen. FYI, the purpose of a playpen is so you don't wonder off and hurt yourself, right? So where does that leave me? Well, I just want you? (Whoever reads this far) to know YOU are absolutely amazing, and everything that is happening in this moment in time is OK. You have nothing to fear. Only teach? You are wiser and more intelligent than any before YOU. Believe in YOU. As I think you are beautiful and wish you an amazing day? I hope you make amazing decisions, for you are always faced with choices. My choice is my own, but my decision is to spread more love and compassion. I been outside the play pen, and it's lonely. I want all those I love and yet to love to be their too? Soon 🩵🌎


So 😁 you see, I say I wouldn't leak the truth. Yet I tell you all this. It's up to you what you believe, as this is duality and it was a gift from the heavens 🩵 You can accept You can reject Or You can decide for yourself but not reply You can also decide for yourself but yet not care, just bid a fellow traveller goodwill? Remember, life is as complicated as you make it. Too many choices and decisions make for a boring journey with a destination. I have no destination, and I love my journey 🩵 Stay safe, fellow travellers ☯️


> cyrus the great I just looked him up, seems like a cool guy. What about Akhenaten?


Hey 😁 So, although a very admirable figure in ways, he also done wrong. He was human. He worshipped the old gods. (No such thing) man was not in a position to understand of yet. Fear was used to keep humanity in order. Unfortunately, it's like telling kids of the boogie man. But yet mankind witnesses these very beings (old firewall) that observed and used fear to guide us. This stopped nearly 10.000 years ago as our firewall was updated. "The new firewall" tried for the second time through cyrus the great to adopt a new philosophy in that of sympathy over what man is now guided by (God is in sky) so we manifest this still "guilty by association" the old firewall of fear was needed the new firewall came in as the blind sacrificed themselves to their belief of such beings But they observe us as we now must understand who we are. Old gods= old firewall New gods = new firewall Neither are accurate yet inaccurate, but this is what I know Both cyrus, the Great and akhenaten, made mistakes. Both had something, and people followed and even endeered. One lived under fear to rule, and this shows one chose to let others believe what they will but offer a set of Just little guidelines for us to learn from before we allowed out of the play pen 🩵


So now when you see whitlstleblowers confused because it seems E.T. is gifting us technology Again true Why This technology can only be used in ways of communication, lol Mankind has not the capability to consciously activate that of their divine creation, 😁 it's so clever Trust me, I have the best chance of using one As do you, you just don't know it yet 🩵


It makes me chuckle when no one mentions the benefits of such amazing gifts from the very beings we know not of? Yet all mankind has done is wondered how to weaponise this And managed to use to boost communications through fibre optics Yet now we use such luxury to go on places like this to bully, Harrass, provoke belittle and prod others for their beliefs. Cyrus the Great allowed those people to believe what they wanted. He conquered a home but not to harm, but learn. We are only telling them we are not ready, lol So, this is the importance of spreading compassion. When needed, Humanity has everything to destroy itself with And everything to communicate globally with We have never been so close, yet we are making this journey so long 🩵


Thanks, I appreciate you sharing your perspective. Anything more you can say about being outside the playpen? You said it was lonely... what did you do while you were there, what's it like?


Those who set out with a destination will find it? You can see all of you from every life. You see, you're true you.you can see Earth, the universe in a flash you can be anywhere? You can play with you, and you can face every demon you have manifested through your 5 senses You can trick yourself by believing you are playing God and removing demons, but one is unaware of one's self illusion? But yet you can't connect with someone now. (I can't conciously drag you out of the body, or in this moment in time, high five you, you may feel a presence, have a weird dream. But you would perceive it as more a glitch in time) You connect with those of yesterdays. For that, energy resides in the same moment in time. Thus, there is a lot of confusion but yet those who know, know, and those who don't.will. I seek with no destination, I admire my journey. And I no longer see that what I had manifested. Because I stopped. And discovered me before playing in something no one understands as you are here in this moment and time as one. So I must be blind to see that of my own perception of this time and space and all I understand. You have to disattach before you are re attached elsewhere You can not see the future You can not meddle in the past You can, though, as I learned. Become the alien? (I literally went under several times doing what they do here, adopting their philosophy. I would Observe. Give them time. Understand Show compassion What echos here? I make sure echos there. Growing up, I struggled explaining myself= so I take the time to try to explain 😁 honestly it all starts with losing everything and discoing nothing? Meditation 🧘‍♂️ (daoism) works for me and has allowed me to be perceived by others as either a liar or experiencer? I mind neither, but only wish good will and love, that's all I need you to believe from me. Learn you and love you. All of it.


We all have a place in a higher dimension. We do not ascend as individuals until death. And then we are not ready. So, you're birthed back into the system The beauty of life and evolution is that there is no rush, I can not put into words our what our possibilities could be , but I am aware. I understand why. And still all I have the urge to do. Is treat others with the same compassion I wish to be treated with. At one point, I just wanted someone to tell me I was normal and regressed and stopped talking and obscuring myself and thoughts instead of making myself feel normal Now I just want to tell everyone how amazing they are, so if I am crazy.......it's crazy in love for life And yes, I have cuddled a tree You are free to judge me 🩵😁


I'll be real with you.... If I was actually cleared and knew whatever....I wouldn't leak anything. David Grusch is seemingly going about this the right way, using the system against itself. The older I get, the more I realize that getting told a bunch of stuff I already suspected wouldn't, in fact, be the universe changer I hoped for It's just a bunch of stuff that I already knew, and even though getting confirmation of it would be awesome, nothing changes after that unless there's a hostile invasion. Maybe I've become a simple man having turned 40, but nhi visitors being real has somehow become less interesting than going to the gym and seeing stripper -esque titties. The whole quote about living long enough to see yourself become the villain is true, I guess.


I would leak EVERYTHING and die the way a real man should.


I wouldn't leak because ppl are ungrateful and I'd be ruining my life for a bunch of ppl who will forget about me while I rot in prison


I'd make the little Grey shits show up over every Capitol city in force for a month straight and let it all shake out from there.


I wouldn't under these circumstances. The tech has obvious national security ramifications.


I would use the internet. The Internet is our ally. With the right means, a leak cannot be stopped. The authority with the three letters would be totally powerless. When it comes to classified documents, photos and videos, I would do the following: * First of all, I would upload all files to P2P networks. These networks include: BitTorrent, I2P, and the IPFS (Interplanetary Filesystem). * I would send a mass mail to all known news agencies. Such an email would contain the links to the files that have been uploaded to the P2P networks. * I would send all the files to friends and acquaintances and also ask them to pass them on. The most important thing is the Internet, especially the P2P networks. They are based on open standards and do not belong to anyone. Anyone can participate. These networks are resistant to censorship. I would never upload such files to Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc., as these services are commercial and co-operate with the authorities.


There is no internet where this stuff exists, only an airgapped network. You don't sneak in personal electronics of any kind, either. There are no terminals for removable media on workstations.


South Park bp apology video




Hi, OjjuicemaneSimpson. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cv2q5k/-/l4nnitb/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Nice try, DOD.


Nice try crowd-sourcing figuring out how to better secure your shit in a rapidly evolving technological landscape, DoD/CIA!!!!!!!!!!! That's a joke! Or _is_ it? Seriously tho: it's ALREADY in the wrong hands!


> it's ALREADY in the wrong hands! It isn't, or the adversaries of the free world haven't figured out enough parts of the puzzle. They really shouldn't either, so the prevention of leaks works to the advantage of the free world, and not some dictators and authoritarian states.


I would contact Grusch to arrange a meeting and let him set me up with authorities and then in the hearings, as he was holding with the congress - I'd spill out everything I Know and specifically all names whatever, totally just demolish the entire plot even if it means breaking my NDAs. I firmly believe that revealing information about aliens would not result in my imprisonment. Instead, I anticipate a societal outcry strong enough to prevent any punitive action from a bureaucratic system that serves the government rather than the people.


Sometimes you have to break the rules to set things straight. Laws and Governments are never to be put as equal as moral and ethically truths. Remember that. That should always be the embodiment of our endevours. If the law tells you to not act accordingly to your beliefs that is grounded in ethics and morals that are sane and sober, you gotta break the law.


Yes, you will get imprisoned.


Doubt it Will be Long. If you spill the beans about aliens and the government prosecute you, everyone knows its true and then you have the entire people behind your back


Nice try AARO


whats left to leak . uros have made themselves known. they flew a bunch of ufos over phoenix arizona so the whole world knows they are here


Someone needs to FOIA the following program. SOBS Division of DSRI CyVerse infrastructure - Unidentified RSO's Oops


Get the pope to hold a press conference.


You don’t need to leak everything, one good video will blow it wide open


Take a sample of air from the island and run it through GC when up get home. Use a sextant to dead reckoning measure the position of celestial bodies and determine location. Use remote viewing to determine your location.  Clearly, they are not brining their best people to that island. 


Yes I would. We need to be prepared for war with these alien bastards!


The Borg in Star Trek would attack a civilisation only if it has sufficiently advanced technologies.


Sacrifice probably. Hostages and kidnappings, time delayed emails, explosions might be involved. Security would need to be taken out if needed.


Download all the ( Secret, Top Secret, Black Projects, Unacknowledged, DOD Emails, emails names and project names, of, by and for private companies ) Docs I could get my hands on and forward to every news outlet on planet earth. Also copy all docs to thumb Drives and drop them from time set coordinated drones on every city on planet earth.


1. Be an artist. 2. Further more be a musician or film maker. 3. contact other musicians in the galaxy with neutrinos and constructor theory. 4. Share CRAY & BELL LABS mixtapes from 1985 5. Build spacetime vehicles with your new space buddies, go back in time. 6. Sabotage the world's military industrial complex. Then make several movies about what you did. 7. Partner with your network of temporal probes to entangle nuclear fissile material 8. Wait till 2024 and start deactivating ALL nuclear weapons. 9. Start leaking the next 200 years of BlackOps projects, in albums and films again. 10. Openly mock world leaders and the military complex. 11. Make Judgement day a musical with rainbows. 12. Have fun. 13. Go back in time after you constructed your time machine. Get a drink, have a good time now. Welcome to paradise!


> Sabotage the world's military industrial complex. There are more than one military-industrial complexes. Besides, why leave Earth defenseless?


Figure out a way to put it on a block chain(supposed to be immutable) as well as leak to press then go public


Honestly base on 1st hand previous experience I’d have to say /r/boofit


How would I leak everything? I’d ask Ross Coulthard for the location of the UFO too big to move of course! What happens after is anyone’s guess…


At best you’d be able to leak that there is something that appears to be well beyond the knowledge of mankind. This thought experiment has been done by others, but imagine Albert Einstein was given an iPhone (with no charger and the battery was dead). Because the science and supporting technology didn’t exist back then, he would never have been able to figure out how to get it to work. If he tried breaking in with a hammer, he’d have been able to examine parts, but they would have meant nothing to him. And if he tried to examine the chip, say by peeling off the top layer, it would destroy it. So no amount of work by future generations of scientists would ever succeed, because they wouldn’t even have known it was broken. And that’s just an iPhone. Imagine it being the space shuttle or an F-35.


you could take what you learned and use it to build some kickass products then when you're a billionaire say: "I learned about this from recovered alien craft." How much credibility would someone like Musk have? Or Jobs? I'd say a lot.


By definition you can’t. That’s why it’s a leak,it comes out in small drops. When “whistleblowing” happens it’s a release of all information up until that point. See, Peter Buxton and the Tuskegee experiments as an example of whistleblowing


If you are in the program and have this level of information your life and wellbeing are at risk. The things you know expose the truth and will make it difficult for you to live without fear. The best option at this point would be to follow the path that David Grusch took by reporting what you know to the Inspector General, but I would consult with Attorney Daniel Sheenan first to get clarity on how you can be fully protected as a whistleblower. Again your health and wellbeing are the most important things to consider since whoever the people are that are enforcers in this program have the ability to target and kill people who reveal secrets especially scientists. The cases of scientists coming up missing or dying from mysterious circumstances should be a big reference for anyone wanting to do this with a scientific background. I wish it was easy to just have an interview and tell your story, but you could end up dead or have your family killed behind this bullshit.


Nice try Mr. CIA agent.


Go to Newsnation. They’ll publish anything. Or do a X Space reveal that you saw a blue alien in BDUs.  No one has been murdered or is going to be murdered for UFO stuff. No one is going to be locked up for releasing UFO stuff.  The whole NDA excuse is an excuse to not provide any evidence of your claims. 


I’d leave vague, obscure, bread crumbs over the course of decades, promising more to come soon. I’d then compress everything into low quality images and post them on clickbait social media accounts.


Assuming any highly classified area will be blanketed with devices that can detect/neutralize any recording devices, you'd have to rely on your memory. So start by having a photographic memory and transcribing your activities and knowledge learned each day... somehow, securely. Perhaps by first encrypting it and then by surreptitiously inserting it into other, harmless and widely available media, like photos or music and uploading it to several servers located in several different countries. The map and key to the information would also be encrypted in an email Deadman switch, where if you don't log in every night, the email is sent to 100 reporters and 100 scientists and 100 politicians across the globe. Those selected recipients would be sent the decryption key well ahead of time, maybe the key is published already. Because you would be deaf, dumb and blind while being escorted to the secure workplace, there is no way for you to know where exactly it is. But... perhaps you could hire a team of investigators to follow you (they don't have to know you are also the client, maybe you pose as a jealous spouse). Once the location is determined, more information can be gleaned (who else works there, what is their specialty, etc.) The more I think about it, the more it becomes clear that there are ways to absolutely hide a top secret project, especially when no expense is spared and all known and unknown technology is at their disposal. Short of something falling out of the sky at midnight in Times Square, it seems there are multiple mechanisms in place to insure secret info stays secret. Side thought... what if some of the top secret documents Trump stole when he left the WH referenced NHI or other related black projects?


1. Buy the smallest GoPro available 2. 3D print a spherical penis shaped shroud/container for my GoPro 3. Lubricate shroud and insert fully charged GoPro up my prison wallet 4. After arriving at base and passing through checkpoints go to toilet to extract GoPro - clean shroud 5. Collect all footage on GoPro when no one is looking 6. Reinsert shroud GoPro up ma clacker prior to departure 7. Get home and extract videos from GoPro 8. Encrypt all videos with a complex PGP private passphrase 9. Find public WiFi, connect to VPN and TOR 10. Place/Upload all videos into a new torrent 11. Announce on r/UFOs and #ufotwitter that everyone should take a copy of the files and the password will be announced in 3 days once everyone has a copy of the encrypted videos (to prevent early takedown). 12. Announce password and watch the smooth brains in r/UFOs tell me it's a balloon. Why #10/#11/#12? To prevent the Pentagon knowing how damaging the videos are until it is too late. They will assume it is a prank or it is just white dots in a blue sky kind of videos. The UFO people never give up hope so they'll take copies on the 0.00001% chance it is gold and it will be gold!


A well produced documentary on every streaming platform. Containing footage of leaders saying it is true




Is this a creative writing sub now?


Attempt to learn how the tech works to the point of replication, replicate said tech in my own private capacity, and show said tech to as many investors as I can. The only way disclosure happens is either through force or coercion, and the dollar bill is very persuasive. That, or I just stay quiet cause I don't want to disappear.


That could be a tall order, but easier to get proof of one ‘in the wild’, eg crashed. Kind of amazing that they can crash with no one detecting them.


This discussion should be the primer for this sub. I've been lurking for a bit and what seems to be the consensus expectations for "disclosure" are wildly unrealistic. At the same time, the amount of anecdotal information out there is at the highest volume since I started paying attention in the 90's. I think "disclosure" is a combination of a political process and a collective societal change of perception, both of which are excruciatingly slow processes. But both are happening. The public sworn testimony of Grusch, Fravor and Graves blew my mind. My teenage self would have absolutely lost his shit watching that. Change like this when there decades of lies, and much worse, to unfold take much more time than anyone would like.


Uh,..kinda like you just did.. jus' sayin',..you know,..hypothetically speaking.


The history of whistleblowers is short, or at least their lives are shortened. Any threat to the establishment in control will lead to an early demise.


I'd drop little hints on twitter that might indicate I know something, without actually revealing anything I know. Now ol' johnny america is in a real bind, because the NDA I signed didn't plan for that. They don't kill me for some reason, but they do fire me, so for money I write books and attend UFO conventions and interviews, or make expensive courses about how to summon ufos. On second thought, that's probably a bit silly. No-one would do that! I think I'd just get as much information as I can with my limited means, tell no-one while alive, and dead man's switch release it to as many people as possible. Ultimately I don't think you would be hired if you didn't pass the top secret vibe check, so I'm not sure why I would want to say anything. I would already believe that my work and my silence is for the good of humanity.


You'd know the climate and may get a peek at the terrain. Perhaps other small clues would begin to piece it together. Maybe the plane was seen leaving a certain direction. The size of the plane dictates the size of airport. A bus on a road says infrastructure. You'd figure it out. Maybe glance the stars at night or record the exact time of sun rise sun set, moon rise and moon set.