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The following submission statement was provided by /u/runswithbabies: --- Submission statement: screenshots of a post that was made and then removed by someone claiming to be ex Air Force CCT and their experiences he believes are relevant to this subject --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cyam5q/air_force_cct_posted_whistleblowing_account_its/l5848op/


For anyone who can’t see page 8, it says: confidently say and genuinely believe to be an absolute FACT: a crash retrieval program DOES exist. It DOES operate outside the bounds of JSOC, OGA, etc... and IS deploying to retrieve downed "craft" of unknown origin. Having said that - I CANNOT confirm anything about NHI being part of this. There are obviously parts of this that seem to indicate something is going on beyond the norm - particularly since even the most high-risk and potentially incendiary operations are still handled by either OGA or JSOC - the fact that this is siloed off as its own thing is EXTREMELY fucking weird to me. And of course some of the anecdotal details seem very odd also. The above I know to be true - and it very well could just be a dedicated TF tasked with recovering enemy tech. I find that hard to believe, for some reason. But it's definitely possible. I don't know and haven't heard ANYTHING about some of the other crazy shit people claim to know - some of it sounds pretty far out and hard to believe for me. But considering what I do KNOW to be true - it's all potentially possible. What I can also say as a fact and something I learned from my career - secrets ARE kept. And the government DOES do things, know things and effectively keep those things secret for a very long time. People seem to think that's not possible but it most certainly is. Anyway - hope this is at least interesting for someone. Maybe it won't be but l've wanted to share it and if anyone reading this was serving in this section during this time - particularly if they are friends of Joey Nobody or "worked out of Virginia Beach" circa '05-'11 - would love to hear from y‹ v think the more people who share their fragments .. knowledge - we can put more pieces of this puzzle together.


I was a CCT for just one enlistment and didnt do anything like this, was at a white side unit, but I can 100% tell you that while I dont know this person, he absolutely is a part of the community he says he is. I would be able to tell immediately otherwise (lingo, unit names and responsibilities etc). Most convincing thing I've ever seen or heard about this. My mind is blown.


8 year green beret, mostly white side also. Worked some t1 support along with having friends who took the walk. Once they go to that side it's radio silence for the most part. When they go to that side they are pretty tight lippped even after a few beers and I respect that. But opsec becomes pretty loose in close circles. When you get in that community you also make friends from other branches who are also trying to break past t1 units. You're saying there's opportunities past t1? Well yeah, thats what made me sad. That's when I learned that there is no real cap to service, operators, pilots, mechanics all have a job that no one can talk about. but at some point you're not working for the country you volunteered to protect. You have now entered a new realm, and that is a legitimate dark place. JSOC is the daddy, agency is the mommy. I have no proof what so ever also. But when I run into compadres who are t1 pilots or t1 medics, there's only one thing they won't entertain and get uncomfortable. It's UAPs. Conversation stops, I'm 3/3 on this. If we could just be honest.


Erm why is this account marked as "Account suspended" ? barely 3 hours after it's posting ? mods care to chip in if that was a bot account or else ?


> mods care to chip in if that was a bot account or else ? Speaking as mod: nothing to do with us. We have no power or insight on account-level actions like that.


Seriously, can mods see anything about the suspended account? u/[MKULTRA\_Escapee](https://www.reddit.com/user/MKULTRA_Escapee/) ? Is this something reddit admins would have done?


Mods on subreddits have no power like that or insight on account level things beyond what you do. That's all Admin to User level.


it will be gone by morning




This is why I get so upset about the term "deepstate" being thrown around these days. There absolutely is a legitimate deepstate, and it's terrifying, but it is *not* what's being called the deepstate in public.


and account is gone already, weird


So they deal with aliens all the time woop woop. They can get off their high horses and inform the public. They aren’t heroes protecting the country. They are machine cogs enhancing private wealth


There's actually a term(code word) that goes with the type of work those T1 guys do. I remember getting a brief on it but told never to repeat it. I've also asked various pilots, OSI agent, and one space force general on UAPs. The concensus for most of them is they get really nervous when asked about it. The only ones that even remotely entertained my question were the OSI guy and the general, which gave me the most in-depth response.


Awww ur not gonna let us in on the code word? Cmon maaaaannnn


Nah, this site is 1000% monitored. I'd bet my life that first initial post hit govt radar and this one probably as well someone at NSA working overtime 🤣. Leave it to your imagination, and I signed an NDA.


it’s Bosco isn’t it?


It's Ligma.


Nah man, it's obviously Updog.


We can just use AI to find the negatives of words spoken and written in the military. Essentially record everything said and it will tell you what has been unsaid


5 years of call of duty, i can confirm i have no idea about the lingos


> 8 year green beret, mostly **white side** also. Worked some t1 support along with having friends who **took the walk**. Apologies for my ignorance, but the search results I’m getting for “green beret white side” are all over the place. Can you explain what this means? Also, does “took the walk” mean Delta selection?


Thanks for your response. I'm curious, given your background - if you were in OP's position, would you be comfortable making a disclosure like this? Making a public statement like this, in such detail, that seems so sensitive? If everything OP says is true, and this is just a guess- but it seems like it would be very easy for the government to identify him and/or the other individuals he refers to. That is something I would be very concerned about - actually would terrify me. But maybe this is not something he is prohibited from discussing. My assumption is that anything and everything a CCT would do or observe while on active duty would be sensitive/secret/top secret/subject to an NDA. But I don't know, I'm just civilian. Would you be comfortable making such a disclosure?


I would remain anonymous as well, but mostly because of the nature of the community. There is a white blood cell-like swarming on controllers that draw attention to themselves, try and look 'tacticool' on instagram, etc. Reputation is everything. The only NDAs I ever personally signed were for certain training that I did that would offend the sensibilities of certain activists in our country, but nothing cruel, cool or crazy. I also had a TS clearance, but its kind of a joke unless you are operating at the tier 1 level. I think OP was very tactful in what he said, and most of it (as related to the job, units etc) is open source. I cant see him being in legal trouble for anything that was said, but, it would probably be ridiculed in the community. I support him. Good cause. Edited for typos


Were the NDA’s for the advanced med course where you claymore pigs and then try stabilise them? Wink 16 times for yes, nod 47 times for no.


Im sure it offers great training, but that's fucking horrible.


If it’s any consolation, when “live tissue trauma training” or LTTT was done during my time in, the pigs were sedated, the training was taken with extreme gravity, and it unquestionably saved lives down range. I’ve never met anyone who completed LTTT who didn’t think it was some of the best training available in the entire military.


I'm sure it is, and I'm not suggesting that they change anything, but I was happier before I knew it was a thing.


Yeah, grim isn't it?! There was also a scandal with that rogue morgue or funeral organiser.  They were taking human bodies that when alive had opted to give them to science but were selling them to DoD for testing IEDs or other explosives which really upset the families. Especially bizarre because the range would have been contaminated as a biohazard and a ballistic gel would have been better probably (unless they just ran those tests in an unsanitised way). 


They are not worried about anonymous people who cant actually prove anything.. we have public figures beating down the doors and they arent letting them in.. Classic case of my teenagers favorite saying.. "cant prove it!" for just about anything i am almost certain he has done.


“for everything I am almost certain he has done” is such a funny way to say that for some reason lol sounds just like something my dad would say 


Well, you know it beyond a reasonable doubt. Put that teenager behind bars - where all teenagers belong. At least that's what Matlock tells me


thank you sir you are an essential part of this being a 10/10 post


This guy just dropped some crazy info. It's enough info so that if someone with a high enough clearance REALLY wanted to get to the bottom of these programs, they now know how they're setup, the dotted lines, where they're not connected, etc. Similar programs may exist (e.g. Biology, Weapons/Flight R&D) and established the same way. On the downside, this guy gave out so much info and specific details, he was probably identified within minutes of the post. That really sucks, I'm worried for him.


If he is who he says he is he isn't worried about being doxxed. The CCT community is very small. The officer CCT community even smaller. And finally an officer that came from USAFA. I imagine there are very few people that have that background for that time period.


Sure, but its the attention-grabbing aspect, not the experience, that is taboo. For sure it wouldn't be hard for his contemporaries to 'crack the code', but its not his face on Soldier of Fortune.


Prior TACP / JTAC… can confirm, he’s not bullshitting.


I come from the same community, and was a JTAC myself who has on occasion worked with these folks. 100% agree. I was looking for typos or other verbiage give aways and I only saw one minor thing which seemed pretty sensical given how much was written. I too have some stories, as I’m sure others do, and have watched things unfold on this sub that have made me think “you guys are overreacting” or are far overreaching in some conclusions. The risk in speaking up hasn’t been worth it. But this seems legit.


Are SEALS excluded from the beyond T1 units due to the book deals they all sign upon graduation from BUDS?


ST6 recruits exclusively from SEAL teams. What y'all know as Delta recruits from anyone within the DoD. They're both T1 units, but Delta has always and will always be held in much higher regard. Your comment is a joke we always made to the SEALs we trained with in our pipelines. Another was asking how the creative writing course was in the SQT pipeline.


Thank you for this, us civvies cannot tell fake military jargon from real tbh. This is horrifying. Science is being willfully hidden away. There is no social contract.


That's exactly what I thought. He talks the talk.


Da mvp!


Thank you for posting this!


How is it that this program are the only ones responding to crashes? How can they be everywhere when it happens all over the world? Even if it is a rare occurrence.


I guess if it were a dedicated task force and a crash site is identified, they’re scrambled and could be deployed basically anywhere on the planet under 24 hours. Especially If it’s a rare occurrence


They designated different people around the world to be a sort of quick reaction force. Different people from different units will fly out to one close headquarter location for brief then sent off to the area. You'll get a no notice VIP restricted area deployment and have probably less than 2 hours to grab your gear and go if not almost immediate. Basically, it's a FAST team we had them overseas usually required for us to get on base to designated location within an hour. I'd imagine every critical AF unit has a fast team because imagine the logistics in moving these assets quick someone has to get the aircraft ready at a moments notice and I'm sure the guys that did that got fed some bs cover story.


It might also help if they've managed to reverse engineer a craft that they themselves can use and deploy with unheard of reaction time


The same way they’re already all over the world and you don’t hear about it.


You know the us can literally have any asset anywhere in the world at any time ? We can literally drop a team of “nobodies” on anyones head at Any time. That’s where you hear terms like “always ready always waiting always watching”. There’s assets out there that literally just train and wait and they’re placed strategically around the world. That’s why places like Ukraine and Israel are important I’d bet we have significant forces in Ukraine and Poland rn who don’t do anything but pray that Putin slips up so they can either defend or get some action in a red theatre


not only rangers can deploy in 24 hours but the marine corps is entirely based on being an expeditionary unit that can deploy anywhere quickly. Given that theyre beyond T1 that would imply they can do that too easily.


I don't know if you guys noticed he mentions 16 months later contracting with OGA if you add 2003+16 years =2019, then add 16 months contracting you get 2020 April time frame. Hopefully, some of you remember the date correlates with "OPERATION ORGAN RANGE," that was an apparent crash retrieval In MAGE,BRAZIL, which BTW is designated an OCONUS location. Dates were between April 20th - May 14th 20 troops were sent in 10 special forces members, and 10 26th space aggressor squadron members led by Captain Barnes, who's also Space Force to retrieve a downed UAP. Due to the limited nature of these crashes, Brazil might have been the OP this guys chief came back from. I wish I could get his name because I found Captain Barnes, and we have a mutual friend in common, I wanna see if maybe their friends on facebook/linkedin which would only solidify it further. Since I imagine they keep the same small group of guys for these VIP restricted area ops. Also, being prior Air Force as well, his lingo is pretty accurate. [MY FOIA REQUEST FOR OPERATION ORGAN RANGE](https://ibb.co/1LDMdmQ)


Hell yea, good on you Airman!


When you get a response post it. Probably will be a completely black piece of paper but I'd be curious if you get stonewalled on it. Nice sleuthing there Airman and thank you for your service.


I already got stonewalled that paper was the last response I got. My friend worked with Barnes before he retired. I was going to ask him, but he advised me not to.


Damn funny how nothing's going on yet you always seem to be running into closed doors. I may submit one just to mess with them lol.


Probably shouldn't let them be able to link your Reddit account to your foia request though


Some have suggested these groups try to never write anything down and all work is kept in human memory and through 1:1 compartmentalised conversation. Having no paperwork helps push back on such requests.


Pencils down.


how might i read more about this specifically? I’m very intrigued at the idea of memory-based classification


I picked it up from those folk who have told their stories. It was something that stood out to me when they said things like “we weren’t allowed to write anything down and had to commit it to memory” I doubt they even have pay stubs. F*k knows how they file their taxes.


Wow. Mage, Brazil being confirmed was NOT on my bingo card.


Yo, that's some detail. What's your fav source for info on that operation?


Honestly, the info is pretty much scattered at this point for those who remember there was a huge media blackout campaign that happened shortly after. The area in brazil got blocked off as well by their commandos. Mage brazil event was hitting the news due to the activity hell mage was even trending on IG/Twitter search at the time, and I think the government wanted to put an end to it. Now, you can barely find any references to it online, let alone the initial document that came out explaining what happened on the mission.


Gotcha. Hope your FOIA proves useful.


I sent a few links at the time to some friends as it was happening pretty much real time. I was able to dig them up, some of them were removed (some of them very shortly after being posted, I remember tweets disappearing left and right), but there they are: 1. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/gjd12f/video\_being\_circulated\_on\_brazilian\_twitter\_after/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/gjd12f/video_being_circulated_on_brazilian_twitter_after/) 2. [https://twitter.com/1898Well/status/1260677481323024385](https://twitter.com/1898Well/status/1260677481323024385) 3. [https://twitter.com/NathyRebelles/status/1260644773087424512](https://twitter.com/NathyRebelles/status/1260644773087424512) 4. [https://twitter.com/tonssouza/status/1260699448080039937](https://twitter.com/tonssouza/status/1260699448080039937) 5. [https://twitter.com/maths2023/status/1260605390917709827](https://twitter.com/maths2023/status/1260605390917709827) 6. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/gjkuuh/brazil\_ufo\_crash\_visual\_consistency\_of\_craft\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/gjkuuh/brazil_ufo_crash_visual_consistency_of_craft_from/) (personally not a fan of the "out of focus" videos but comments are good) 7. [https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/tecnologia/nao-ha-nenhuma-evidencia-de-queda-de-ovni-em-mage-diz-ufologo/](https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/tecnologia/nao-ha-nenhuma-evidencia-de-queda-de-ovni-em-mage-diz-ufologo/) 8. [https://twitter.com/DiegoLiesenfeld/status/1260718972485468163](https://twitter.com/DiegoLiesenfeld/status/1260718972485468163) translation from [https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/gjd12f/comment/fql80li/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button:](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/gjd12f/comment/fql80li/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button:) "He's saying that there were 2 hellicopters chasing the red light and then 2 more hellis got there and after a while the red light started to descend, he heard an explosion and the hellis started flying surrounding the area" 9. [https://twitter.com/HPelicioni/status/1260522671474970625?s=09](https://twitter.com/HPelicioni/status/1260522671474970625?s=09) 10. [https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/gj7y6w/ufo\_has\_crashed\_last\_night\_in\_rio\_de\_janeiro/](https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/gj7y6w/ufo_has_crashed_last_night_in_rio_de_janeiro/) 11. [https://twitter.com/Amandaaneery26/status/1260389092665278471](https://twitter.com/Amandaaneery26/status/1260389092665278471) 12. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UF0/comments/gl02w5/comment/fqx7smv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UF0/comments/gl02w5/comment/fqx7smv/) (I remember seeing the plane from Washington on the radar, can't find any proof now other than this comment) 13. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/nzfgzf/whatever\_happened\_with\_the\_mage\_brazil\_ufo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/nzfgzf/whatever_happened_with_the_mage_brazil_ufo/) 14. [https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkyy5g/ufo-over-mage-brazil-sparks-social-media-panic-and-conspiracies](https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkyy5g/ufo-over-mage-brazil-sparks-social-media-panic-and-conspiracies) 15. [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/gje4yl/mods\_in\_rufos\_actively\_censoring\_posts\_regarding/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/gje4yl/mods_in_rufos_actively_censoring_posts_regarding/) (with a comment from a mod about the keyword "Brazil" being censored)


Twitter. There were some incredible videos, including the craft and the holes in the threes


All gone now?


Look for magé ufo in Twitter https://x.com/AliensOnEarth_/status/1667486466316926976


any higher quality videos than these that you’re aware of? thanks


Theres a few more videos like the sound of an explosion in the distance and the UFO phenomenon leading up to day of the crash. A bunch of city's down there were sharing videos. Now it's practically all scrubbed except for a few videos you gotta really search for.




Link to said real footage?


Wow I remember the Mage stuff. It was in Rio, right? There was a bunch of helicopters, armored cars and jeeps going around the area with a lot of lights when it happened. There was only a 'conspiracy' about the army being there and all. Pretty much nothing was said about it a few days later, the event pretty much disappeared from the media. Weird to know that it was a real thing, an honest r/suddenlycaralho moment.


”The CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistance of records responsive to your request” Nutty response


Isn't that standard operating procedure


"The fact of the existence or nonexistence of such records is itself currently and properly classified"


This has to be Brazil right? "not ours - and not in country"


Just want to add another dot to this, Ross Coulthart mentioned that the president was briefed on the UAP issue in early 2020 as well.  Had a tough time reasoning why he would be briefed toward the end of his term at the beginning of pandemic, if true.  But that could be a possible catalyst to it.


Those unfamiliar with this event, check out this video from PARASYKE TV that was completely scrubbed from his channel about 2 months ago for unknown reasons. Thankfully u/dismal_ad5379 archived the vid and hosted it on an alternative channel which can be found [here](https://youtu.be/nF4841LhO_U?si=2lH2xqFTmJ85CYCg). FYI I did reach out to the PARASYKE channel directly to ask why the video was scrubbed I'll update if I receive a response.


Thank you. This is absolutely wild. Just watched, never heard of this before. Truly mind blowing. Also side note: Why are we out here killing aliens?? Ugh that just feels like perhaps not the right thing to do.


Respect. 💪🕯️🤞


I really wish my Uncle was still alive. Retired Major General in the Air Force and he definitely alluded to some stuff but I was too young and uninformed to ask him anything.


Submission statement: screenshots of a post that was made and then removed by someone claiming to be ex Air Force CCT and their experiences he believes are relevant to this subject


Thanks for catching that! Post over on /r/crashretrievals, too, please Edit: fixed sub link


Correction, it's actually /r/CrashRetrievals


The fact that there isn't anything mind blowing makes me think it's real


That for sure. Also the amount of acronyms he's throwing around... That's one thing I noticed. Talk to any actual military intelligence and it's all JSOC and FTOK and SCIF and DOTAP etc, and this reads exactly how they speak. They just throw all sorts of acronyms out and expect you to know exactly who they're referring to. And very little data where it's compartmentalized and he wasn't allowed to learn much at all and he isn't supposed to even ask. This sounds legit. No way of knowing but of all LARPs, this is the type that sounds the most real. I at least think he's military, even if a larp.


He did make one mistake in saying the wrong acronym when he meant JSOC. Also, he says he went to the AFA which would make him a commissioned officer. Only problem is CCT is enlisted only (unless the career field has shifted over the years - I've been in the air force almost 20 years and I always remember it being E only). Some stuff he says seems legit but its not exactly arcane knowledge. The 24th STS is considered cream of the crop. As someone who has been in the military and work intel, I don't get the sense that this person isn't military. As you pointed out the use of acronyms and other things feels right. He could have also been special forces adjacent and made this all up. I could use my own knowledge to spin a similar tale. I will say one final thing - I have seen what I believe is unexplainable tech during overseas work, so maybe he's legit.


CCT has officers. Called STOs. (Special Tactics Officer). I was a controller. Dudes legit.


That's good to hear. As I said elsewhere I didn't want to poopoo the story too much.


I’ll tell you what, lots of acronyms to look up. Haha. I do enjoy learning about it all. *edit typo.


You point out something good. The AF now has special tactics officers who can serve in an officer role that is similar to CCT. In the past, were officers unable to serve in a role other than combat rescue officer? My knowledge of this doesn't go far back enough.


So there was PJ (Enlisted), which had accompanying CRO (Officer) , and TACP (Enlisted) had ALO (Officer), SERE was just SERE and Combat Weather (now SR) was just weather... I'm not sure if the CCT Officer- analog existed back in the day.


What did you see?


He’s referring to Joint special ops command which is the controlling umbrella org for seals, delta, etc. regardless of the branch. He’s stating this ‘other’ organization acts in the same way. He is 100% correct with the JSOC acronym.


Anything else you can say about what you saw?


I'm too lazy to type it all but essentially saw what I call a flying brain during a maritime patrol in the Persian Gulf. Followed it for about an hour before the gimbal on our sensor had a really odd malfunction. The object had no visible signs of lift or propulsion and very, very limited infrared signature. It had bulbous tank- like structures on the top and legs on the bottom, giving it a flying brain appearance. Later in that year, someone recorded and posted on our classified version of YouTube the same or a second flying brain in Iraq. Both objects were observed by MQ-9s. Not earth shattering stuff but something.


The fuckkkk... that's wild, thanks! Have you seen the jellyfish video over Iraq (I think), weird irregular shape.


Yep. I was hoping it was the flying brain. I think I even commented on my story there or on one of the threads. Shit I put my story in the UAP task force forums on JWICS, but that has since been taken offline. It's very odd that someone killed our forum. Maybe we got close to something, or maybe they decided it wasn't mission related. Who knows. We have our own version of a lot of the same stuff high side that exists on the regular internet. Chatrooms, video services, forums, wiki, and even a Twitter copy. Only difference is they are heavily monitored and controlled.


> UAP task force forums on JWICS That's the one that Jason Sands said he was on, did you run into him?


I don't recognize the name. There were a TON of people in the IC on there. I never saw anything there that was mind blowing but from 2022-2023 I didn't even look at it. I just went to show someone the flying brain a month or so ago and discovered it was all deleted.


He might be the reason it was taken down, I reckon. Here's a couple links to discussion on here but there's a bunch more posts if you search this sub. https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c9ub5k/whistleblower_jason_sands_explains_that_hes/ https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c9onb2/new_whistleblower_jason_sands_posts_his_dd214/


Did it look anything like the flying jellyfish? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igQM1G7-gpk&t=22 Im guessing it's this footage


Same, I was in for some years, and felt like I was talking to a battle at the pub. By far the most believable thing I've read from a random strangers post.


When I read the words "secret squirrel" I was like, yeah this dud is military. I don't know i mean I'm sure thats common, but I was in comms, and when we would use that phrase all the time when speaking about "need to know" meetings and shit.


Seems common enough. I recognized and understood the term "secret squirrel" from somewhere--either academic, published fiction or non-, or TV. Probably "Black List" or "MI-5." Going to file away this excellent term "pucker factor," sounding like DF Wallace. Now going to obsess on "flying brain" to apparently find nothing. Arg.


Something I’ve noticed in my confidential dealings is how relationship-dependent these special ops are. They draw from people they know, to keep the circle of knowledge small, and that’s often people who live near you when you’re not deployed. Maybe this is a military thing in general, but I’d have otherwise found certain parts of this story to be implausible.


Dude is definitely military. Reads genuine to me.


I've got a few vet friends, and... yeah. They'll tell a story and be like "me and my XYZ were at the QRS on FOB Bologna doing LGBTQ training with the OBGYN" and I'm just staring like... dude, you know I was never enlisted, right? They have their own whole-ass language.


Well, perhaps there is something mind blowing. The person they spoke to said the air appeared to feel "soupy" around the craft. What does that mean? Well, the air itself was probably not "soupy" otherwise they'd have trouble breathing. Yes, you can breathe a highly oxygenated liquid in some cases, but from all accounts it is unpleasant. What does that potentially leave us with? The engine of the craft was still slightly active and either manipulating the spacetime around it or affecting the inertial mass of anything within the field. I suspect most likely it's the latter, but if it's the former, then our understanding of General Relativity is possible incorrect or incomplete. Why? Local observers should never notice these sorts of changes in our theory. But clearly they noticed something was happening.


Or there was some physical effect from the craft which influences brain perceptions. And even in GR you might be able to sense tidal influences or space time metric gradients which are normally utterly minuscule. What's intriguing to me is that it was still operational even though the craft had apparently crashed and was opened up enough to show the nesting layers. Which says to me that somehow the effect is engineered into the materials themselves at a literally atomic level and does not require ongoing power input. That is some exciting physics.


I imagined more like a electromagnetic field that pushed away matter to the point where it feels like you are walking through water or soup.


You ever walked around in really dense fog. I imagine if I was trying to describe a soupy environment it would be that. Would be wild to feel like that but not actually see anything.


I may be the only one but can someone explain what a CCT is? Some sort of Technician I assume.


Combat controller, those dudes do some rad shit.


They are certified air traffic controllers who can speak to combat pilots like a pilot to help accomplish airfield operations in austere conditions. They do a lot of cool guy shit like jump from planes, and get opportunities to attend a lot of top schools (combat dive, HALO jumping, etc.). Once upon a time the air force would make teams of people like PJ (combat paramedic), SERE instructor (survival specialist), CCT/TACP (call in planes and airstrikes). CCT is widely considered the most badass of AF special combat Airmen. This guy basically claims to have been with Tier 1 operators, which would be pretty rare and crazy to talk about.


PJs are giving you a major side eye for calling the CCTs the most badass lol


So this lines up with the Joint Chiefs FOIA document on UAP retrievals


It really lines up fully with the [Daily Mail’s article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12796167/amp/CIA-secret-office-UFO-retrieval-missions-whistleblowers.html) about the CIA OGA’s crash retrieval program, from late last year


So the Joint Chiefs doc outlines how UAPs are handled via the IC channels. So the army is involved in any frontline retrieval and then directly hands over all recovered materials to IC operators


That does sound consistent. There is a fair amount of blurring between military, intelligence agencies, and the CIA. The important thing is that each group has different authorities which has weird effects on what attached units are allowed to do. For example, during my first deployment it was fully military (Title 10). That meant my role was electronic warfare, the data I generated was Secret with some read-ons, and our targeting was limited to military-appropriate targets. During my second deployment we were attached to a non-military agency (Title 50). Doing the exact same job, my role was now considered a form of intelligence collection, data I generated was TS with some read-ons, and our targeting was expanded to any legitimate target for intelligence gathering. Literally the only difference between deployments was location and who we were attached to, but it completely changed the clearance level (but not the read-ons) and changed the range of allowable targets.


I must have missed that. Do you have a link?


https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dod/23-F-1429_recognized.pdf Refer to item 2 A. On anomalous objects/UAP recovery. But worth reading the whole document


If your wondering if all that reading is worth it, it is


Honestly the rant on the first three pages could be done without lol, but 4-8 are remarkable. This one sounds like an honest account. Just wish I knew what all these damn acronyms mean. Otherwise well done and thank you for sharing!


HVT - High value target CCT- Combat control team NDA- non disclosure agreement STS- special tactics squadron T1- Tier one highest special ops capabilities units in the military. UBL- usama (osama) bin Laden? TF blue- task force blue JTAC- joint terminal attack controller (military job) PJ- pararescue JSOC- joint special operations command OGA- other governmental agency?


Former army qualified JTAC here. Worked with many CCT and T1 guys in my career. His vernacular talking about his military experience in the Air Force and his slang is spot on. This guy IS a CCT with experience, for sure. 100%


That nesting doll design sounds a lot like Salvatore Pias said on Theories Of Everything. He described an object within an object and a special type of fluid if I remember correctly.


There was also a story of a guy who rolled up on a crash site and said it reeked of ammonia before the military showed up and told him to get lost.


I've seen like 3 different stories, some were accounts of that Brazil creature I think, and another was someone explaining a crash they walked up to or something, but yeah, there have been multiple stories describing the ammonia smell.


Yes the girls from the Varghinia event said the being smelled of ammonia. Maybe the fuel source smells of ammonia or some type of fluid in the craft? Or maybe it’s the skin of the NHI reacting to our air. There have been reports that the NHI excrete waste through their skin pores rather than defecating/urinating.


Crashes, shits, leaves




You know what looks like a nesting doll? This gold UFO I filmed. https://imgur.com/a/8DHg3KR Plus they've been filmed expelling dozens of "babies" in just a few seconds. In nature, animals are at their most vulnerable when giving birth or at the end of life. Could the crash be a failed birthing event? Or could the "expelling of dolls" be an end of life destruction of technological devices, aka auto destruction, or even spreading of seeds? It is not far out at all to think that the UFOs might be some kind of biological technology, and once you're there you might as well make it self reproducing and/or self destructing. But those complicated mechanisms would for sure bound to be among the riskiest things the UFOs might do in their time here. Could the ammonia smell be because of some kind of chemical imbalance leading the UFO to smash itself into the ground in its dizzyness? In the early weeks of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is mostly water that comes from your body. After about 20 weeks of pregnancy, your baby's urine makes up most of the fluid. Amniotic fluid also contains nutrients, hormones (chemicals made by the body) and antibodies (cells in the body that fight off infection). Amniotic fluid shouldn't smell like ammonia, but pee does, and amniotic fluid is composed of baby pee. Maybe some kind of biological failure of the pregnancy process leading to ammonia buildup in the amniotic fluid leading to death? Just sharing some thoughts :)


Of the few big “whistleblower” accounts I’ve read here that have caught some steam—the EBO scientist, 4chan ocean guy, one or two others I’m forgetting—this one reads the most realistic and least larpy by far. This is something.


I rather enjoyed the detail about the oblong sphere design, nesting dolls, and soupy air. For such small details, if real provide such a big picture. Plus the ammonia smell is oddly the same thing leakers have said before right? About them excreting from there skin?


> soupy air This was described in the Rendelsham incident as well. Something like time dilation.


As well as all ambient sounds disappearing. If I were to speculate, it's the byproducts of anti gravity generation.


The ammonia smell is also the same in the Varginha accident in Brasil, several witnesses talk about it and also in the hospital where the military brought something to be tested witnesses report that a strong ammonia smell remained in the whole section for days.


It could be the smell of ozone if the air was being ionised.


For anyone wondering when he says OGA he means the CIA not the Office of Global Access


why do you think that? Can you elaborate? Is that code for Other Government Agency?


Exactly that yes, no one on task forces actually calls intel agencies by their names


As someone in the military he says everything with the right military lingo, this is definitely either legit or a vet larping.


I love how he starts out like ***"yeah want to be anonymous, don't want people knowing who I am"*** and then immediately listed the most identifiable information on the planet short of just posting his SSN and a Google earth link. You gotta love it when you see it. He's definitely at least 75% legit.


The account shown in the screen shots is "suspended." What if anything can be deduced from that?


He got got


Former Army SOF dude here (18E). Worked closely with CCTs while in country, they were attached to ODA’s, SEAL teams (tier 2) and JSOC squadrons (tier 1; Delta, ST6, SAS, etc.). From what he’s posting, he’s definitely got the military lingo, acronyms, and dates down. He passes as legit to me for what it’s worth.


Damn I couldn't load the eighth page :/


Spooks got to it first lol


+1, any help with it? It ended rather abruptly!


I added it to comments


The 8th page won't load for me, either.


Added it to the comments


I'm a former Ranger his military speak sounds accurate. 


That checks. He's either lying but was generally involved in the community, is lying and read a lot of shit written by other people in the community, or is telling the truth.


same vibe I got. He could have been legit or just cool adjacent. I'm bothered by him claiming he went to the Academy but had an enlisted job.


There is that cct is for enlisted. 


I’m just glad someone is telling the world how freaking terrifying jumps are when you know broken bones and death are more common than people think.


Either the OP knows a lot about alien sighting history and is bluffing, or this may actually be legit, because an overpowering ammonia smell is very often mentioned in accounts where people have encountered the grays.


Great work. Disclosure and counter disclosure whackamole!! We’ll keep fighting and sharing until truth is enjoyed by all!!


Makes me think he's actually just wanting to get this out there as he went to r/ufo instead of this sub (the name you'd assume unless you knew what the biggest one was). If it was a fake they'd know more about reddit and have an intention to gather attention so they'd come here.


Thats what I was thinking as well. If anything, it adds a bit of credibility knowing it wasn't posted on the "most popular" sub, so to speak


The 4chan leaker guy used a lot of 4chan lingo and seemed comfortable posting/replying on there. The drone swarm guy similarly used some of the same terminally online/younger phrasing. Big reasons I lean a lot more towards LARPs. Both were supposed to be older, late 50s maybe. But yeah, this one at the very least doesn't *sound* like it was written by a 20 year old who spends too much time reading UFO twitter.




why's it strange? 40 year olds were using internet lingo well before the yougins. forums and IRC are what us 40 year olds used back in the day. if anything we're the ones who started internet lingo while playing multi player games like UO, EQ, Starcraft, etc..


The internet is just changing how people of different ages interact. New slang and phrasing spreads easier online.


That's a good catch considering the writer said they used their own version of YouTube twitter forums etc. that indicates to me an unfamiliarity with civie social media.


This is kind of relevant to the post, but I got interested in UFOs from a friend who was a JTAC in Australian special forces. He saw a lot of orbs in Afghanistan, and obviously if you're a JTAC you must be aware of all combat aircraft in the AO because your coordinating aircraft movements. The standout experience for him was him calling in an airstrike at night, I think it was a US Navy F/A-18 Hornet and orb was corkscrewing behind the Hornet and the pilot still managed to drop the ordinance on target despite understandably being freaked out.


Interesting read. Here's a Tommy Valentine that died in a parchute training accident in Arizona. [http://www.veterantributes.org/TributeDetail.php?recordID=1992](http://www.veterantributes.org/TributeDetail.php?recordID=1992)


If he graduated from the academy that means he would be an officer. Which means he wouldn't be a CCT (Combat Controller), he would be an STO (Special Tactics Officer). That's a significant distinction that I feel someone in that field wouldn't ignore. (Source: I'm in the airforce)


Interesting, but In looking into this, it’s not entirely true. One could resign their commission and become a CCT and there’s actually several who have done exactly that.


Not Airforce, but I know it is common in the Spec Ops community for O's to resign their commissions IOT get more time at the tactical level. I would assume this is as likely an explanation for this discrepancy in the USAF as it is in other branches. Great info and perspective. Thanks for pointing it out.


At this point there are so many connections between the dots, if they want to maintain control of the narrative, the only way forward is controlled disclosure.


Super interesting post, and I missed the original one. Thanks for posting this OP. Sounds pretty damn believable to me.


You know before anyone ever told me that things like this happened I already assumed that they did. I Always wonder about the soldiers who for some odd reason have nothing to say about their experiences with the unexplainable. Perhaps its because they have been sworn to secrecy and betraying the secret means their life, or perhaps they cant believe what they have seen and dont think anyone else will believe it either and so to save face they dont speak about it. I for one dont question the facts of the universe and its infinite possibilities. Let me be clear, aliens exist and to say they dont is to deny your own existence. And to say aliens havent traveled here is ludacris, because if you give an intelligent species a sufficient amount of time they will learn things that no one thought possible.


I would say for the most part the folks put on these teams are the cream of the crop. Gung ho patriot types that don't question things. They accept the mission do their jobs. Their main concern on these missions is that everyone on their team goes home the same way they left. Unless it's one of those situations where the wrong guys stumble upon something then you get things like Jonathan Weygandt telling his story.


The only thing that has me questioning is how easy it would be to find out the poster, unless of course he’s skewing the details a bit. An Academy graduate from 03, and a CCT would narrow the search quite a bit I think. Combat Control is a very difficult AFSC to obtain, on top of that him being an officer would make it even more difficult. All of his acronyms are correct though, definitely an airman.


As someone else pointed out, he would also have had to resign his commission prior to becoming a CCT. Which is possible and several have done so, but it makes it even more specific and easy to potentially identify


ammonia smell... just like varginha


fun fact : [the giant largely unexplored cave system that was unexplainably and abruptly](https://youtu.be/d7t_BeP9ga8?t=731) shut down by the military after the Varginha incident very famously smells strongly of ammonia, too. source : I live here and you could smell it from just standing near some entrances


That could well be the bat urine. 'Most of the odor coming from a bat infestation is not produced by the guano, but by the bats themselves and their urine. As such, **it has a musty, ammonia-type smell**, and the larger the colony, the more pervasive and onerous the smell becomes'


So what kind of reaction or process would produce a significant amount of ammonia? Or a byproduct that smells that way? Any chemists out there?


The [EBO leaker ](https://www.reddit.com/r/biology/comments/14s2j9w/from_the_late_2000s_to_the_mid2010s_i_worked_as_a/)also described that the biologics they dealt with consumed a basic liquid food source high in protein and carbohydrates, and the digested waste of their food was secreted out of many pores in their skin in the form of ammonia waste.


Like a cat that goes peepee through their skin instead of a litter box.


Well, there were two downed UAP's in Canadian airspace last year. All they said was "meh, we couldn't find it, so we just left" I am not sure why they think they fooled anyone with that statement, but it definitely deterred a lot of interest from the 'normies'


His example with the two magnets reminded me of Lazar's story about the E115 reactor that pushes your hand back when you try to touch it.


For some reason, while reading this, Senõr (Tales of Yankee Power) by Dylan was playing and I got a really eerie feeling. Weird


As a former Marine, I can say without doubt that this guy is at *least* legit military. The lingo, acronyms and all that are way too on point to be a civvie LARPing. Other than that, obviously, I have no idea...but his backstory does not set off my bullshit detector even one iota.


This reminds me somewhat of certain aspects of the interview with former marine Lance Corporal Jonathan Weygandt concerning an alleged crash/shootdown and recovery in Peru, which many people find a very compelling interview. I decided to rewatch that interview to see if there were any interesting matchups. A couple of things I noticed: 1. Weygandt mentions two CH-47s apparently belonging to the mysterious recovery team. And here we have two CH-47s too, 2. Weygandt speaks of a Lt. Col. from the Air Force and some other AF personnel involved in the recovery team. 3. The men from the recovery team who interrogated Weygandt threatened him, bragging that they ran their own operations and basically answer to no one. This tallies with what we have here. 4. Not mentioned in the post here, but some commenters are saying that the incident mentioned by this poster seems to tally with the Mage Brazil incident. Reading more about that incident, it seems quite possible those craft were shot down by an AA battery just as Weygandt suggests about this incident, and US satellites had been tracking the craft before they were shot down. The Mage incident also allegedly involved some telepathic communication with the occupants, as Weygandt also reports. Weygandt also describes the creatures as having large heads, dark eyes, small nose and mouth, which seems to match some descriptions claimed for Mage. Weygandt also suggested that this kind of shootdown and recovery appeared to be routine for the well-trained team, happening on multiple occasions, which again tallies.


If he wanted to be anonymous why would he post all these details of his career with dates? There aren’t that many academy graduates either…


Sounds like he was more worried about people hitting him up online rather than security or legal issues and maybe assumed most aren’t gonna bother trying to do that research


Probably just skewed the details a bit.


I believe those were the guys that I saw while I was on Eglin.


10/10 even if it's complete bullshit it's a 10/10 post, love it


Where is page 8?


Not sure why some can’t see it, I copy pasted the text of page 8 into the comments


Sometimes I feel these accounts, even if they're LARPS, are part of an effort to soften the ground. Like if I was running a controlled disclosure effort I'd dedicate time and effort on the Frontline communities most likely to believe what's coming and prepare them to communicate to the normies in their life when the truth comes out by equipping then with a general understanding of how things work without necessarily naming makes or giving anything away ahead of official disclosure. That said I admit this is more wishful thinking on my part than anything.


I've worked in this community in a prior life, including the (Non nhi stuff) entities in this post. This guy is the most convincing story I have heard yet. I have no doubt that he has worked with T1 units. This is quite an interesting post. I also am not surprised it has been removed.