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I’ve have family in that area and apparently there were quite a few incidences going on for a period.


[https://de173.com/calvin-parker-further-research/](https://de173.com/calvin-parker-further-research/) vintage recordings of interviews/lie detector tests/etc.


I thought that the Betty and Barney Hill 1961 Vermont abduction claim was (allegedly) the most credible (hypnosis, star map, et. al.). But this Pascagoula one is an "up there" unexplainable, and it has never been disproven AFAIK. I remember the reports on it at the time (on the radio), and I remember the book "Beyond Earth: Man's Contact with UFOs" (Bantam, 1974) by Ralph and Judy Blum devotes a whole section to the incident (if my memory serves, it starts off with it).


They were abducted in New Hampshire near Indian head resort.


Thanks for this correction. Appreciated.


The Hills case is just famous, but there is nothing to it. The Hill's star map was widely discredited by scientists ([including Carl Sagan](https://youtu.be/Z9VLAWxDut0?si=dxiZ22gEI7PxCzsR&t=282)) and as for the memories retrieved via hypnosis, the very psychiatrist who performed hypnotic sessions on the Hills, Dr Benjamin Simons, dismissed the grandiose alien abduction explanation.


There are other cases that are just credible. But this one is credible too. Very interesting case, and I think the people that knew them and the police that investigated the incident believed them..


The Berkshire case in Massachusetts had even more disconnected people.


Martin Willis just did an episode this past Tuesday on his Podcsst UFO Live with two of the people involved. And Yes Theory also did a great episode with a few. https://www.youtube.com/live/MPcN0qy6Bt4?si=VoGLET_E9SOYdtx8 https://youtu.be/lPIeD2MFs8k?si=LWfXAZKtfNzu62dn


This is what pushed into believing something’s up with the whole extraterrestrial/alien shit. I’m from Mississippi. People from Mississippi are simple folks, especially from back then. They’re not very creative, are rather mild and laid back, and have no reasons to lie or fabricate stories and experiences. I got goosebumps when I learned bout this.


Here is a stream of a doc on the incident. [https://fmoviesz.to/tv/files-of-the-unexplained-4wwvk/1-1](https://fmoviesz.to/tv/files-of-the-unexplained-4wwvk/1-1)


How is hoax eliminated?


Apparently the two men were left by themselves in a room while being secretly recorded by the police, and the conversation they had in their privacy showed that they both believed in what happened to them. Now, this part of the story could be a fabrication (as there are lots of them when it comes to UFO cases), an exaggeration, and even if true it doesn't 100% rule out it being a hoax - nevertheless, it still indeed better than most abduction stories out there.


It’s my favorite as far as credibility. It’s also mentioned in a channeled text, The Ra Material, where reasons are given for the abduction and details are shared about the beings.


What were the reasons/details given?


8.15 Questioner: Was the landing at Pascagoula in 1973 when Charlie Hickson was taken [on board] this type of landing? Ra: I am Ra. The landing of which you speak was what you would call an anomaly. It was neither the Orion influence nor our peoples in thought-form, but rather a planetary entity of your own vibration which came through quarantine in all innocence in a random landing. 8.16 Questioner: What did they do to Charlie Hickson when they took him on board? Ra: I am Ra. They used his mind/body/spirit complex’s life experience, concentrating upon the experience of the complexes of what you call war. 8.17 Questioner: How did they use them? Ra: I am Ra. The use of experience is to learn. Consider a race who watches a movie. It experiences a story and identifies with the feelings, perceptions, and experiences of the hero. 8.18 Questioner: Was Charlie Hickson originally of the same social memory complex as the ones who picked him up? Ra: I am Ra. This entity of vibratory sound complex did not have a connection with those who used him. 8.19 Questioner: Did those who used him use his war experiences to learn more of the Law of One? Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. 8.20 Questioner: Were the entities that picked him— can you describe… is that the normal configuration of these entities? They [inaudible] rather unusual. Ra: I am Ra. The configuration of their beings is their normal configuration. The unusualness is not remarkable. We ourselves, when we chose a mission among your peoples, needed to study your peoples for had we arrived in no other form than our own, we would have been perceived as light. 8.21 Questioner: Well, what density did the entities who picked up Charlie Hickson come from? What was their density? Ra: I am Ra. The entities in whom you show such interest are third-density beings of a fairly high order. We should express the understanding to you that these entities would not have used the mind/body/spirit complex, Charlie, except for the resolve of this entity before incarnation to be of service.


https://www.lawofone.info/results.php?q=Charles+hickson Due to the fairly specific language used in The Law Of One you may need to read other passages to better parse the meaning and provide additional context. I’m far from an expert, I just recently started reading random passages out of interest.


I wonder about this bit > They are from the Sirius **galaxy** AFAIK there is no sirius galaxy. Sirius is a star that we all know, but I don't believe there is a galaxy of the same name.


Apparently in the law of one 'Ra' calls solar systems galaxies. >The galaxy term must be split. We call galaxy that vibrational complex that is local. Thus, your sun is what we would call the center of a galaxy. We see you have another meaning for this term. https://www.lawofone.info/s/16#35


Well there it is, see when my old lady gets on me about my "making sure we mean the same thing by the same word" calling it pointless I knew she was wrong haha. Thanks


I’d really like to know this, too.


As an investigator I have listened to the recordings and I believe their accounts to be true as they were genuinely fearful and yes they did report the incident right after but there are some red flags. Such as they admitted to drinking while they were fishing and if I remember correctly they also said they had smoked a joint, also the investigators didn’t think to ask if they had been to that exact location before and at the same time together. Another thing is that as an investigator my initial thinking is why would these persons be reporting such an incredible thing? Were they reporting this as a diversion from some other area where they committed a heinous crime? It definitely deserved further investigation and maybe a visit to the location right away and photographs taken. There is many other things that a seasoned investigator would have done but that would take up too much time to mention here. I did like the recent interview with the one person that was still alive and he still seems sincere in that he believes what happened to him. Neither of them seemed to profit off of their experience and that lends some credibility to the story. But there has never been such a similar account to my knowledge from the general area before or since. There was definitely more that should have been done by the investigators but that was the 70’s. It was a different world then!


Shared psychosis, also known as Folie à Deux, is a thing. It is quite rare, no doubt, but given that we have zero evidence to support that abductions are real, shared psychosis remains a better explanation than anything supernatural.


> we have zero evidence to support that abductions are real Maybe not absolute scientific proof, but there’s plenty of evidence. Also the lines seem to be blurred in “abduction” vs. a yet-unknown psychosomatic episode which renders itself to the experiencer as a physical abduction experience, and I’m not sure how much the difference matters. But as far as we are concerned, this would still be entirely separate and distinct category of phenomena from known explanations like sleep paralysis or psychosis


What evidence? Just anecdotes, memories, as well as false memories and hoaxes thrown in the mix. Moreover, why would alien abduction stories - once accepted to be of psychosomatic nature - be "entirely separate and distinct category" from other types of hallucinations? If I hallucinate of, I don't know, saving an elderly from drowning in a river, or being pursued by an angry T-Rex, those can be understood as psychosis. Fair enough. But if I hallucinate of being seized by humanoid beings, that is an entirely separated thing? Why?


These are more than hallucinations bud.


So we come full circle: based on what evidence?


I'll take another look at it. Thank you. I'm surprised Travis Walton isn't talked about more on these subs.


Interesting: Questioner: Was Charlie Hickson originally of the same social memory complex as the ones who picked him up? Ra: I am Ra. This entity of vibratory sound complex did not have a connection with those who used him. 8.16 Questioner: What did they do to Charlie Hickson when they took him on board? Ra: I am Ra. They used his mind/body/spirit complex’s life experience, concentrating upon the experience of the complexes of what you call war. Questioner: Was the landing at Pascagoula in 1973 when Charlie Hickson was taken [on board] this type of landing? Ra: I am Ra. The landing of which you speak was what you would call an anomaly. It was neither the Orion influence nor our peoples in thought-form, but rather a planetary entity of your own vibration which came through quarantine in all innocence in a random landing. 8.21 Questioner: Well, what density did the entities who picked up Charlie Hickson come from? What was their density? Ra: I am Ra. The entities in whom you show such interest are third-density beings of a fairly high order. We should express the understanding to you that these entities would not have used the mind/body/spirit complex, Charlie, except for the resolve of this entity before incarnation to be of service. 38.11 Questioner: I believe this is an important point for us in understanding the balancing aspect of meditation since we have here its antithesis in another type of evolution. These entities moved, we are told by Charlie Hickson, without moving their legs. They… I am assuming they use a principle that is somewhat similar to the principle of movement of your crystal bells in moving their physical vehicles. Is this correct? Ra: I am Ra. This is partially incorrect. 38.10 Questioner: I am assuming, then, that their investigations of bellicosity were primarily the type that they extracted from Hickson’s memory rather than warfare among themselves? Is this correct? Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Entities of this heritage would find it nearly impossible to fight. Indeed, their studies of movements of all kinds is their form of meditation due to the fact that their activity is upon the level of what you would call meditation and thus must be balanced, just as your entities need constant moments of meditation to balance your activities.


No, I wouldn't say it's the most credible abduction case. Read the work of David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins. There are 1000s of credible abduction cases with outside witnesses, physical evidence and medical evidence. 


I’m familiar with the work of both, although not exhaustively…Any case in particular that stands out to you as being more credible and/or more legitimate?


Most of the people they work with prefer anonymity to avoid persecution but Linda Napolitano stands out as far as outside witnesses. There are also countless cases of women with confirmed pregnancies including sonograms then they have an abduction and the entire fetus as well as uterine lining is missing the next morning with no explanation. It happens to women over and over. 


I have a feeling the would get more attention if true. Not sure if you have had children, but I don’t see pregnant women suddenly losing children as the type to be quiet.


Do some research. There are countless reports of this and the women are very upset. But as you dismiss them so do their doctors and families and friends. You can get on YouTube and watch interviews with these women. They are devastated by it. 


Thanks I’ll check it out. Haven’t heard this part of the story before


Not trying to directly throw water on this but I’m unfamiliar with the case got this off the Wikipedia. “Aviation journalist and UFO skeptic Philip J. Klass found "discrepancies" in Hickson's story, noted that Hickson refused to take a polygraph exam conducted by an experienced examiner, and concluded that the case was a hoax.[13][14] Skeptical investigator Joe Nickell wrote that Hickson's behavior was "questionable" and that Hickson later altered or embellished his claims. Nickell speculated that Hickson may have fantasized the alien encounter during a hypnagogic "waking dream state", and suggested that Parker's corroboration of the tale was likely due to suggestibility because he initially told police he had "passed out at the beginning of the incident and failed to regain consciousness until it was over",[6][7] a claim supported by Hickson during his To Tell the Truth appearance.”


Both men were by all accounts permanently traumatized by the experience. In particular, the younger man, Calvin Parker, who would later go on to write a book and appear in documentaries before his recent death, all of which corroborated and expanded upon Hicksons account. I would take the “skepticism” from the Wikipedia entry with a grain of salt, personally speaking


Consider that he *did* take a polygraph. It didn't show that he was being deceptive. Someone later on, not sure who, claimed person administering the test wasn't experienced. Secondly the initial story and the later story that Calvin told even just shortly before he died this year are the same. I'd love to see Klass' breakdown of the changes in his story because I have dug into this as much as I could watching early news back then, later interviews, even later ones. It all seems exceptionally consistent. Hickson & Parker both never tried to deny his claim of Parker falling asleep, but the idea then that the idea was planted by Hickson seems absurd. The hypnagogic hallucination seems less extreme, but still a bit out there. Of course not as out there as the actual abduction claims. Klass has a knack for pulling out any technically plausible thing. I could end up in another room and say an alien brought me and he may insist my whole body atom for atom quark for quark underwent quantum teleportation at once since it's technically possible in the macro sense (but not really).


I tend to think the event happened, but they were part of some wicked project, not real aliens


There's no real evidence for any of them so in my opinion, none of them are credible. Frankly, I feel like this shouldn't be the subreddit for discussing alien abductions, but maybe I'm the only one.


One of the things that makes this case unique (although I’m sure there are others that share this in common) is the fact that the case is also a UFO sighting in its own right. Multiple, independent eyewitnesses reported seeing a strange craft in the immediate vicinity of the area where the men were allegedly abducted that same night.


I don't think anecdotal evidence is enough to go on personally, especially for extraordinary claims like these.


Everything starts of anecdotal.




I think the one that stands out the most to me is the Ariel school incident, definitely an interesting case even if it's purely eyewitness accounts, it's still 60+ children that all seem to share the same story and experience that hasn't changed for decades now. I feel like it would be pretty difficult to coordinate a hoax of that scale and keep it up for so long, so I definitely feel like they encountered something that day.


I used to feel similarly in general. Then I had a "paranormal" experience that was undeniable. Physical objects moving with no input whatsoever alongside witnesses over nearly 2 weeks it happened several times. I was in denial for a while because it was so incredible. Toothpaste doesn't just "appear" behind someone floating in the air then hover for a second and fly scross the room as if thrown. It doesn't happen in the world I know and with the rules of science I understand & value. (**Edit: I don't expect you to believe me, just try to humor me and consider how this would affect your paradigms**) Anyway, that happened and it made me realize about "ghost" or whatever they are experiences that since I'm not lying surely some other people aren't lying as well. Even if it's just me it's significant, but it's almost positively not because I'm not special nor the first to allege such an experience. I have applied that thinking to UFOs as well. I'm on the fence about the whole UFO world, but when I think and reflect it seems likely that just like with my experience *at least* one of these people is being truthful. How many have claimed anomalous sightings in the sky? Countless. How many have claimed abductions? Enough. (I'm exceptionally skeptical of abductions though, don't get me wrong). It's strange. That's my thought process and it's informed by my unique experience here on Earth. I respect your perspective too and I used to think exactly the same regarding any "paranormal" events. Then it happened to me. After it did it took a long time to accept & then break down what I held so close. I love science always have. I realize now though that none of this stuff requires rewriting what we already know, it just requires expansion of our ideas. I have my doubts at this point in my life that the physical is all there is.


So advanced they need to abduct people makes no sense


Kinda does a little. People still tranq animals and put them back sometimes. Edit: I wonder what goes on in their heads when this happens.