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The weirdest part about the leak is how the author mentions they want to keep complete anonymity, yet goes into depth about his background and career history…


Yes I think someone got carried away with their LARP


Is this referencing the guy that talked about the underwater mobile base amd all that? On 4chan?


Different guy more recently. Look up " I worked with nhi till 2018" in alien sub


Clearly inspired by that LARP and others like it


Why are you immediately assuming LARP, especially the biology EBO post seemed way too detailed and scientifically detailed to be a LARP. Plus LARPers normally want attention, they don't delete their post 48 hours after making it if the goal is to have fun and get Internet clout.


Because why Reddit?


Most media doesn’t actually care about NHI?


Many do, I think, but it's under the "woo" category.


I don't think it's the subject, but the actual "evidence". Get something concrete and undeniable and it'll be global news.


Because that adds to the trolling.


He could have been setting someone up by giving the target's details.


Somebody set up us the bomb


base base base


Badger badger badger badger badger


we get signal


That's what I thought, like maybe he didn't like his boss or something.


Imagine for a second you are whistleblower. You would quadruple hide everything that could identify you. You would give red herrings, you would make people think it is LARP. You would give enough truth hidden in lies that do not matter. 


If i was a whistleblower, making people thinking i was a LARP would be the exact opposite of what i would try to do. That would make my story disposable, and unbelievable except to people who knew it was true, to whom I would be a target. I agree, it's bizarre that any leaker would claim anonymity and then spoil it with their whole easily traceable career backstory.


Funny thing is, if you go to anything that is posted about a possible whistleblower, or some info about NHI/UAP, people go straight to “LARP, this guy is trolling, grifter”. Why would anyone that have special info worry about putting their life at risk for a bunch of people that literally disregard anything?


Doesn't seem to be the case for Grusch or Nell. Moreso for Elizondo


This guys are public figures right now, they have to play the political game. From what it seems, none of them wanted to be the next Snowden, and I don’t blame them for it. They were smart, they are using politics and their egos, saying that there is big money going for the DOD, unsupervised. They want their own government to do the trick for them, so no one ends up in jail, or dead.


If you look at Snowden closely, you can see he's just a CIA actor to give the illusion of whistlblowing. Snowden is tweeting from the USA and hasn't been seen in Russia since 2014.


I think it's more likely written by somebody within the intelligence communit. These "leaks" can serve as a vehicle of disinformation and soft disclosure all in one.


Making the phenomenon a commodity really should make it nbd…


What, then, would be the point of whistleblowing? "I'm going to put myself at extreme risk of brutal reprisal so that I can share secrets, and I'm going to deliberately do it in a manner that nobody will believe or find credible."


IIRC, he supposedly has/had terminal cancer and wasn't really *that* concerned about someone figuring it out.


This was the 4chan whistleblower.


Ahhh...I missed the part about *this* being the NEW Reddit blower of whistles, apparently.


There have been two that followed: the genetic scientist, and the [HVAC inspector](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514200831/https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1cqwpdx/i_worked_on_a_team_that_dealt_with_with_nhi/).


I did see the genetics specialist. I'll have to go catch up on the HVAC guy. Thanks!


yeah, sure "leak". A larp based on many other larps that are based on previous larps that are based on previous larps and into infiity


So, if people go out with their “testimony”, they are larping. And when no one is getting motivated anymore to go out as whistleblower, because everything is a lie, then people complain that info is not getting leaked. Nothing satisfies you guys.


If this is the leaker post I think you are referring to I wasn't impressed. It felt like a person who was relatively new the The Phenomenon and wrote a sorta "best of" Larp of popular theories. Not a smoking gun by any means but for a college professor the writing style felt a bit off. At least the 4chan "leak" added new wrinkles to craft recovery. While the EBE leakers post was critiqued in great detail by actual biologists it was a far more compelling read than the recent "leaker." Fantasy or not that was an incredibly detailed post.


> It felt like a person who was relatively new the The Phenomenon and wrote a sorta "best of" Larp of popular theories Honestly, that's the biggest giveaway for all these most recent larps. Two of them claimed that Bob Lazar was telling the truth, that's a pretty big sign that they do not have inside info and that they're just UFO larpers. [Except for this one, this one seems legit IMO.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cyam5q/air_force_cct_posted_whistleblowing_account_its/)


Wow, I missed this post, thank you! The commenter talking about Mage, Brazil is wild too.


Based off of what we've heard the govt is capable of and is doing to whistleblowers today, I think it's totally plausible Lazar has had his background and credibility destroyed by some 3 letter agency. My point is that claiming Lazar was telling the truth should not discredit or supplement anyone's claims.


But Bob wasn't discredited by any outside source. He discredits himself. He lied about his education and he lied about his role at Los Alamos. You could claim that "Well all the other students were threatened into silence, they gathered up thousands of yearbooks and burnt them, they manipulated the memory of everyone" etc. But even if we pretend that's possible, Bob was asked to name his teachers at MIT/Caltech, and he ended up naming his teachers from his college. That's him, straight-up lying, on camera. There's no outside power that did that to him. Same for Los Alamos, he claimed to be a physicist there, but everything points to him being a technician. His colleagues, his previous experience, his education, his marriage certificate, the timeline, etc. There's so much evidence that Bob is a liar, there's no real evidence that he was actually who he claims he was. He never provided any inside information, he never gave us unique details that could be verified, he basically just copied all the UFO lore at the time, and people believe him because he's smart enough to make a somewhat convincing story. But even without all that, if we listen to the people we trust, Like John Greenwald (Black Vault), Dr Eric Davis (Wilson memo), Stanton Friedman, Chris Mellon, Jacques Vallee, etc, none of them take Bob seriously, they know he's a fraud. The only two people who are still somewhat defending Bob, are two people who have a track record of falling for questionable stuff. Knapp and Corbell. Sorry for the wall of text!


I appreciate the wall of text. I also hold Mellon and Valle in high regard, and at this point consider them to be some of the most credible people involved in the didcussion, their hesitancy with Lazar impacted my take on the whole thing. But what i was getting at was thatt a legitimate person may have experienced something similar to what Lazar claimed to experience, and when they decided to divulge their story they could say he's telling the truth because they actually did experience what he claimed to. Even if Bob Lazar is lying, and they dint know it. All I'm saying is claiming Lazar was right should neither add or detract to/from another person's credibility, unless they claimed to work together or were related somehow. FWIW I don't have an opinion on Lazar other than it's an entertaining story and I can see it being possible as well as a lie.


Oh, I understand what you're saying now. My bad. Yeah, you're right. He might say "Bob Lazar was right" without having any confirmation or idea about Bob directly. Just that Bob said some things that happen to be correct. Like reverse engineering, perhaps. > FWIW I don't have an opinion on Lazar other than it's an entertaining story and I can see it being possible as well as a lie. I used to believe Bob. It's still the story I hope to be true the most. But the more I've looked into his story the less I believed it. Hope I'm proven wrong one day, but I don't think I will.


I used to believe Bob as well. The more I've looked into him, the more convinced I am that Bob is recounting a mixture of stories that he overheard others talking about at LANL, and that he was told directly. I think he created his backstory and tried to weave all the bits and pieces together into one narrative that made him the "hero" of the story. I feel like he was hoping to "blow the lid off," so to speak, and then he could take credit for being THE guy who forced disclosure. I could be way off base, but that's the angle that made most sense to me.


I agree. I've gone back and forth, but anytime I'm swayed either way it's been by people with a clear bias pro or against him. Sp I just 🤷 and let myself be entertained by his claims. Thanks for having a normal polite discussion. 🍻


> Thanks for having a normal polite discussion. 🍻 Likewise, those are rare here. People tend to be very emotional about this topic for some reason. We're all on the same side tho, or we should be ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


100%! People take ownership over stories as if they're their own. I don't get it but to each their own hah.


How do you feel about Hal Puthoff?


I don't really hold him in high regard. But to be fair I don't know much about him except that he believes/believed(?) in psychic powers and that the attempts to replicate his experiments have been unsuccessful. What do you think of him?


Do you expect whistleblowers to be in the know about UFO conspiracies? Do they have to?  You say they sound like they were relatively new to the Phenomenon. Maybe it is a good sign? I do not know but feel like being a devil's advocate.


No I don't expect them to be at all. If anything it gives them a little credence to their claim if they aren't fans. Unfortunately for this leaker it feels like they are a new fan reading off the best of talking points. Not a good sign to me.


I see where you are coming from. Personally I'd never heard of the Diablo Canyon stuff.  Or the crafts navigation system being able to do something akin to going back & forward in time.. atleast, that was new to me. Also, I've known a few collage professors who couldn't write a complete sentence. Haha


I 100% agree about the college professor part. I'll look for the paragraph mentioning "Diablo Canyon" as I don't remember the context. The many paragraphs about the various division wings felt like a lot of filler. Here is the leak: [https://archive.is/2024.05.14-131006/https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1cqwpdx/i\_worked\_on\_a\_team\_that\_dealt\_with\_with\_nhi/](https://archive.is/2024.05.14-131006/https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1cqwpdx/i_worked_on_a_team_that_dealt_with_with_nhi/) Also, fake or not I love these leakers, its a fun read regardless.


I usually agree, but that one just seemed like a poor effort. The beginning paragraphs were boring preamble, it didn't make much sense, and there were so many contradictions. A C- from me.


If you read the thread I am also commenting on how its not a good attempt at being a "leaker".


I agree with you there. I also find the other accounts fun to read too.


It is interesting that several of these 'leaks' have mentioned there is an area where these craft avoid. Whether or not it's 'Diablo Canyon' or somewhere else still is not clear. If I recall correctly the X-Files movie had a scene in the Arizona(or New Mexico) desert where Mulder met with a dying "Smoking Man" where he told Mulder they don't come here for some weird reason. My guess would be there is a gravity anomaly where fields intersect, maybe a good analogy is sailing between South America and Antarctica, we still avoid it today because of the extreme weather and peculiar ocean currents.


>I recall correctly the X-Files movie had a scene in the Arizona(or New Mexico) desert where Mulder met with a dying "Smoking Man" where he told Mulder they don't come here for some weird reason. Was it the movie or the (original) series finale? I can't remember


The OG ending, some bullshit.....


It could have been the series finale...not the movie. It's been so long since I have seen either....they all kind of blend together.


> My guess would be there is a gravity anomaly where fields intersect, maybe a good analogy is sailing between South America and Antarctica, we still avoid it today because of the extreme weather and peculiar ocean currents. Maybe we have a blank spot in our cosmology, due to which we don't know how those peculiar ocean currents at that exact spot happen.


Apparently the navigation system details were similar to what was in the Sekret Machines books.


I thought the ebe leaker was a serial troll. He accidentally replied as his real account meaning to play the scientist. That dude went on to be an annoying troll in the missing airline sub. He was unhinged for how much he wanted to make things up.


Literally none of this is true. It's just disinformation that gets baselessly repeated.


So explain why I’m mistaken? I’ve seen the screenshots.


There are literally no screenshots, and you are just spreading baseless disinformation.


Are you another Batman from India?


I think pb was legit banned site wide because of all the fake accounts he created to circumvent bans.


That was not a leak. That was a story. Someone telling a story is not a leak. It's something to (at best) consider as unlikely but possible. Only after actual evidence is shared should it be considered a leak. I know it's shitty, but anyone can make a new account and write a story saying they worked for any organization and make up anything they want about what goes on behind their closed doors. Although it's astronomically more likely to be a LARP, I always remember the Nimitz story and how that was told in the same manner on reddit years before it was made public. Nobody believed it then, it was debunked and disregarded and then confirmed to be true (true as in there was an incident, was it NHI, though? I think so, but we can't be 100% sure) years later only after highly qualified witnesses came forward.


That is why I usually keep open mind, but not jump guns in anything that is posted in the internet. I really like that lately we have some anonymous whistleblowers coming out, and I know some of them can be LARPers, but at least we have people possibly coming out with info. What kills me is people here come out like crazy doing everything in their power to debunk whatever is posted, like if they life depended on it.


I agree with your last paragraph.  Stories that are disregarded today, might prove to be truth tomorrow.   


Yep, just be flexible with your ideas and don't draw conclusions that aren't substantiated.


Can we stop upvoting these posts? This is clearly the same guy who originally posted this "leak" and just deleted his account and made a new one, their only posts on their new account are about this exact subject.


This is all the LARPS rolled into one


This sounds exactly like the "4Chan whistle-blower" stuff...


>•Security rule is people that mention the agency name are killed You know this is fake simply with this. Mention the name on TV, giving more informations about those people, freely share it, have other people spread the infos publicly too. It is not the 1980s anymore, you cannot simply kill someone to avoid data to get out in the wild.


Cut to boeing whistleblowers possibly being killed for going out.


Can someone give some context - what’s the NORAD leak?


Whistleblower posted and Agent Smith took it down. Don't worry, usually this stuff reappears as imgur links eventually :D


Thank you 👌🏽


That last point seems like a bad movie.


1. It's only a leak if it's from the Verified region of anonymous Reddit texts. Otherwise, it's just a sparkling LARP. 2. Why on Earth are Reddit UFO fans calling this particular anonymous Reddit text "the NORAD leak" when the person in question (who claimed to be an engineering professor specialising in autonomous drone swarms) *never once* claimed to work for NORAD, and in fact made a point of saying that *they could and would not identify* the specific government agency that they worked for?


Which NORAD leak? Can someone point me to the original post/leak?


Based off the bullet points, this was just a generic reddit story that made the rounds here shortly ago. Not sure where the NORAD bit comes in https://archive.is/2024.05.14-131006/https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1cqwpdx/i_worked_on_a_team_that_dealt_with_with_nhi/


>•Security rule is people that mention the agency name are killed. You can describe this secret agency all you want but just don't say it by name! Killer secret agencies hate this one trick!


> You can describe this secret agency all you want but just don't say it by name! Killer secret agencies hate this one trick! Yep! It's well known that professional spies from hostile nation-state intelligence agencies are super poor at putting clues together; they can literally only do harm to the USA's security interests if they have an *exact* agency name to work with. They can't use hints, or details about someone's career, or contents of trash cans, or pictures of parking lots; all that tangential information just bounces right off them, like the robots in Westworld. It's a pity, but that's the nature of espionage. Spies are programmed to only respond to *exact* names. So it's perfectly fine and within the security oaths to have UFO leakers say all sorts of hints, like, "I know which company has the UFOs: two words, starts with L and D, rhymes with Dockheed Louglas, and I absolutely can't tell you which branch of the US government knows, but, a little hint, it sounds like "Apartment of Offense"", no enemy could make anything from that. But as soon as they say an *actual* name, that's it, spy game is over, Russia and/or the Venusian High Command wins. I didn't make the UFO spy game rules, sorry!


NHI with links to their UAP that's borderline biological.. I recall one user sometime back stating that there was an abduction account of NHI literally merging/dissolving into their own craft while inside it. Don't recall them linking a specific witness though. Am very curious.


A biological like interface is also reminiscent of some of the things Dave Adair mentioned back in the day/on coast2coast.


I just watched ATLAS on Netflix last night and they do the same thing.


My own alarm bell was the casual mention that he was now a professor. 1. How did he become a professor? It's not easy to land a professorship, & you need very specific skillsets & references & published research papers, none of which he had to my knowledge. 2. Mentioning he is now a professor would immediately identify him to the powers he supposedly wants to hide from. There are not that many people in his position who became professors. The only reason he'd legitimately say this is to actively throw in b.s. to confuse his identity but that strikes me as over-think. It's much more likely he's just lying. We cannot know for sure, of course.


Yeah it's feasible that it was a red herring, but the professor bit seemed to come into play too many times for it to be a little detail thrown in to throw off the scent (kids in his class saying "you must know about aliens", assurances that he does not teach in the state his username hints at). Agreed there. For me it was "I can say that they look like the aliens from close encounters" and there was literally one sentence after that before saying "my source wasn't sure if that was true or not tho". "I can say" = "I am speaking fact", I guess this essay has no facts then lol


Was that post saved somewhere?


I'm behind on this one, where and when is this leak from? edit: nevermind, scrolled and found


Forget suicide pods of the future just say the agency name and you’ll be unalive for free! /s


Why would the admittance of the subject be linked to a global conflict? I don’t see why that would be the green light?


Because it’s outing the final hand. It’s like the saying goes, the government is always ahead at least 20-50 years technologically. So if they’re outing something that advanced and out of the blue, that’s like the final hand. At least that’s what I’m getting from it.


Is this a summary of the 4chan leaker?


No, this is from 2 Sundays back.  The post was removed.




It was deleted by the OP, who then deleted their account.


The way she goes.


with zoom getting so good on phones maybe well get more vids like the one from turkey where you can see the grey aliens in the cockpit piloting the ship with is probably trans dimensional as described by respected whistleblowers 


Yep, and this person definitely used the term "transdimensional craft" at least once. 


LOL. We all know the agencies name already


This is my favorite LARP


I imagine Richard Doty was showing the same "leaks" to Paul Benewitz


"The NHI look like the aliens from close encounters" - highly unlikely. Assumes just one group of non-humans.


Hey dude, thanks for sharing. Can you link the 4chan episode as well? Tq!




Might want to talk a bit more about the context of this "Norad leak" when where and from whom ?


It's the lame HVAC larper.


All HVAC guys are lame, no need to reiterate it. Source: former HVAC guy. Have never worked with such a miserable group of people before. Rightfully so, the job fucking blows.


>If the US comes out directly and says "We have craft, we have bodies", it means we are on the verge of a serious global conflict like we've never seen before. THIS is my greatest fear. THIS is the dark side of the phenomenon. THIS is why disclosure needs to happen, and NOT on the timeline of the gatekeepers.


I don't think it's feasible to wish for a large global conflict.


> I don't think it's feasible to wish for a large global conflict. I'd say it's frighteningly *feasible* - wishes are still pretty cheap these days even with inflation, and with things in the world right now it's the sort of wish that even an inattentive garden gnome could fulfill - but certainly not *advisable*.


There won't be any global conflict, because no-one will dare attack United States just to get access to some fancy widgets.


No, you misunderstood me. I am saying that disclosure needs to happen *independent of the g*atekeepers so that we can avoid a large-scale conflict.


You wrote: > it means we are on the verge of a serious global conflict We've been on the verge of serious conflict even *without* some mythical disclosure that some people wish for. > independent of the gatekeepers Who do you think those are?


I didn't write that first part. I copied and pasted it from OP and put it in block quote format. Go argue with somebody else, you struck out dude.


True about the copy-paste. You have my thanks for pointing this out.




☝🏻 “expert”






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Cool highlights, story or not it all adds up to other stories so cool to see more links in *possible* chains. The idea of a name of an agency being so secret has been happening since Delta and I find fascinating on its own. I watch a lot of military interviews and we are still very good at keeping secrets it seems. You put guns to people's heads, or "interrogate" someone and they tend to comply. Now they just leave a bullet on your pillow if you get out of line years down the road. They can keep secrets.


Excuse me, what leak are you talking about?


You guys know this is all bullshit, right?


It's much much much more likely to be a larp than it is legitimate. Stories like this more or less go in one ear out the other for me, without any proof other than one anonymous person's words on the trollies of sites. But you gotta remember that there have been leaks on 4 chan that were disregarded as LARPs only to be backed by evidence later. IIRC The Nimitz story was told on the same manner on reddit in the early 2000s as well, everyone disregarded it until we heard the same story told by Commander David Fravor and several other pilots /navy officers years later As someone who tries to be objectively open minded, comments like yours come off just as biased as the people that read an unsubstantiated story like this and decide file it away in the "fact" section of their mind. Bad vibes.


" People that mention the agency name are killed " 😁 Come on people


yeah, calling it bullshit. Not saying that all ufo related things are, but this is getting out of hand. It's like the MJ12 documents that were believed to be the real deal and were debunked.