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The following submission statement was provided by /u/NewParadigmInstitute: --- COLONEL KARL E. NELL Aerospace Executive, Senior Military Officer & Corporate Strategist "Non-Human Intelligence exists. Non-Human Intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and it's been ongoing. And there are unelected people in the government that are aware of that. There's zero doubt." --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d48rxs/nonhuman_intelligence_exists_there_is_zero_doubt/l6cjaw4/


You guys should run this ad during the NBA finals.


Wemby is gonna feel like we’re onto him then


Just as long as his rookie card keeps going up I’m fine with the muggles knowing he’s not from here.


I found my other great mind that thinks alike. Hi, great mind.


Let’s all put money together and do it lol


Hear hear. I got 20 bucks for that.


Yeah I’ll put $100.


I got 5 on it


Your comment with your handle made me laugh. Damnit


Grab a 40 let’s get keyed


If everyone put in a dollar we'd be good


# #thereszerodoubt Let it begin. 


I dig it, I’m in. #thereszerodoubt


I'm down to do that.


It's time


Everyone here should go to the New Paradigm Institute’s website and use their template to email your respective representatives. It only takes 1-2 minutes. I do it daily.


Aaaaaaaand, that’s how you get put on a list.


Seriously. I’d donate to help fund it. Play it anywhere. Hell, go around and airdrop it to random people at a cafe or on the plane lol More awareness is more momentum.


...and take away airtime from all of the betting/gambling ads? I don't see that happening.


Solution: 1XBET should run that shit for an ad during the finals!






Happy to support this 💪🏽


they would want us to pay for it.


It's the human intelligence we are all wondering about.


There is ZERO and it’s not doubt


We’ll have a felon in office shortly so that’s accurate


*convicted felon. Most politicians are almost certainly committing felonies on the regular.


Great compilation. But you should have added Obama and Edgar Mitchell


Thanks Obama.


Personally I think they need to lose Hellyer. Especially as an opener or closer. Hellyer starts looking real funky once you look into him. He says he learned none of this alleged stuff from his time in govt, but from "internet research". That immediately sets off alarm bells from someone like me who is in *zero doubt* about the reality of at least the "paranormal" (generally referred to as ghosts/poltergeists) as I've experienced it. That leads me to a very open place about UFOs, and even has me wondering if they're related. If it has me running then those much less forgiving & more skeptical will tear this apart.


+Eshed. Note that Ross Coulthart in his recent coverage of Nell's speech named Mellon, Elizondo, Grusch, and then diplomatically added "and others". Good on him. He learned from the previous times when people called him out on endorsing poor-quality "sources". Otherwise, though, a great clip. Nell probably didn't expect his words to make such an impact.


Did you know the story of [[Edgar Mitchell’s long lost tie pins?]](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/8sKQq6cAHY) Hal Puthoff was either in on the trick or credulous enough to believe in telekinesis… that Uri Geller transported Edgar Mitchell’s long lost tie pins back to him through time and space. Literally coughing one up at lunch in the SRI cafeteria. Later, another pin fell out of Puthoff’s coat jacket back at the lab in front of Mitchell. Consider how intertwined Hal Puthoff is with the current group of disclosure activists. Consider how important the Wilson/ Davis notes are to the disclosure story, but they are connected to a group with such shady or credulous stories.


This is by the way one of the biggest problem about a lot of the insiders...some of the stuff they were saying is so weird that it's hard to believe... Like keeping a program like this secret for 80 years. Like no leaked videos or photos (except the 2017 videos) Like CIA Ramirez telling he wrestled with lizard people in his bedroom Like Tom Delonge telling the wildest stuff and going incognito again Like Grusch telling us that there a 40 witnesses...and no one came forward yet. I don't know what to think. They are either mentally ill, they are lying for commercial use or they are telling the truth...


>I don't know what to think. They are either mentally ill, they are lying for commercial use or they are telling the truth... My current conclusion is that these people know shit. None of them. They are like you and me and everyone on this sub - deeply into ufos, and like you and me they are 100% convinced the shit is real and that there is a coverup. They read all the compelling stories right? The difference is these people have a stage where people listen because they work for the USG or 3 letter agencies and bc of that, they think they can stir things up. But I believe there's really nothing to stir.


I mean some of them like david fravor have proof of a ufo encounter like the gimbal footage, not all of them are bullshitting to stir the pot and get views


Gimbal is a different incident over a decade later. Even FLIR1 was taken by different pilots after Fravor, but they assume it is a similar tic tac.


So basically….a circle jerk?


A saucer jerk


Several sources say the 40 witness have come forward and have testified behind closed door. Congress know a lot more than they're letting on


Several sources say my girlfriend goes to another school.


Uri Geller is a fraud and for him to be used in anyway is ….completely insane


Add Tim Gallaudet, Radcliff, Jimmy Carter, John Samford


Did this guy mention those names? This video looks like it spliced together names he mentioned.




Yeah, we know that. We heard this since decades. Now, time for some evidence.


Cold hard evidence. Everything else is speculation


The lack of evidence compared to the size of belief is approaching the impressive heights achieved by organized religion. In fact the church might want to reach out to the UFO community and find out how they're doing it.


Go watch the first 2.5 episodes of Encounters, Steven Speilberg’s documentary on the reality of mass sightings.


What's the tldr on them?


I‘m glad there’s still a few people with common sense in this sub


No evidence. Just more talking heads looking for a payout.


Well I mean we've got pictures, videos, telemetry data, and thousands and thousands of witnesses. So I wouldn't say "no evidence" lol


Yes blurry terrible pictures and videos, telemetry data that really doesn't say anything, and a bunch of people who convinced themselves it's definitely aliens.


WE know that. WE are a handful. Most humans out there would freak out. They have to let the information slowly sink into the subconscious of the ordinary, main stream people. I am as frustrated as most here, but i understand why it is taking long when i see the general level of intelligence whenever i go outside. Patience.


Nazca mummies are like - Heyo!




None of this has been proven yet. What has been proven so far is that the bodies were real beings. The origin is unknown, as one scientist on american team said some of the bodies are clearly not human. Science takes time, proof doesnt come over night




> Whoever downvoted, what in that in that conversation do you disagree with me about? Their feelings were hurt, that’s all.


You know, its funny, when the Nazca mummies came out everyone was either laughing or unsure of the authenticity. I would say even within the UFO community MAYBE 30% were convinced initially. I think this uncertainty was due to 4 reasons. 1. The reveal was sudden and too abrasive / in your face 2. The bodies appeared too similar to popular culture representations while still being novel enough to have a wtf factor 3. It was coming from Mexico, which, like it or not from a global viewpoint, does not have as much weight as countries from Europe, US, etc 4. There had been similar previous confirmed hoaxes that shared vague similarities. Despite all this and as time goes on, the entire Nazca mummies case study appears to be evolving into one of those rare and unique discoveys that was at first laughed at, then gradually became validated. People who had previously critized them are slowly walking these crituqes after more and more accredited individuals / institutions who do not mind the stigma are putting themselves out there to honestly review them. Which is what SHOULD happen in science. What is hilarious is that people who keep asking for hard evidence not only completely ignore(d) prior historical evidence before the mummies were even displayed, but many of these people are also doing the most unscientific thing someone who absolutely demands evidence can do. That is, go in with a strong bias, review the evidence only briefly or from the surface level, self validate through confirmation bias, and strengthened their unscientific opinion through the discussion with others who demonstrated the exact same flawed method they just did. Are the mummies 100% real? Maybe. Has the public given them a fair shake ? No. Has our scientific and government institutions given them a fair shake? No. Has more evidence in favor of them being real amounted more as time has gone on? Yes.


What’s some of the things that came out later? I never saw updates.


Any peer reviewed scientific paper on the nazca mummies?


> Despite all this and as time goes on, the entire Nazca mummies case study appears to be evolving into one of those rare and unique discoveys that was at first laughed at, then gradually became validated it's not. Some impressive credentials have reviewed them and said they're odd (not human). They haven't said they're not of this earth. Initial doubters said they were made up of a mismatch of species. This hasn't been refuted yet. If someone put together a mismatch of spieces and wrapped it with some skin and aged it artificially, I expect researchers would look at it and say it's odd.


Yeah, sure...gee


Jesus Christ I will give all my money to charity and cut off me legs for some proof. I want this to be true so badly, but there is NEVER any evidence. It's like those people claiming the Messiah is coming. He's always just coming "soon" but it never actually happens.


Bro, there is zero doubt. Zero. Doubt. Look at all these people saying so.


Exactly. There is no doubt. You don't need evidence when there is no doubt, because the purpose of evidence is to remove doubt. So we don't need evidence, because there is no doubt that needs to be removed.


I'm in tears my man! Lol! You just summed up this whole sub 


LOL. Love this.


People in this sub have more faith than someone spending money on a televangelist.


And like religions, it’s a perpetual grift.


All the while they collect alms from you while you “await salvation”l


Collect your evidence, have it peer-reviewed, and collect your Nobel prize


Paul Hellyer stated multiple times he did not have special access to any hidden information. All of his beliefs were formed from information he read after he left his government position. He should not be someone we quote as a source. I also don't trust Haim Eshed. He never once mentioned anything about NHI before he had a memoir to sell. That book came out almost 4 years ago and he has said nothing more about his claims in that time frame. Again, he shouldn't be cited as a credible source.


100% ⬆️ Paul Hellyer was a believer, and that’s it. Yes, he was Canadian defence minister but by his own admission he didn’t learn of any first hand evidence from his time in office. Karl Nell’s credibility took a nose dive when he referred to Hellyer and Haim Eshed as data; he may as well have said his sources were episodes of Ancient Aliens and Unsolved Mysteries.


Thank you! I so look forward to the day when people will understand this. 10:03 In your positions of power, did you ever deal with UFO reports? No…only got some sighting reports. Didn’t have time to worry about them…had other things to do. https://youtu.be/3PPDHaIkVYA?si=dsRWWEhBSUf3srzP&t=603


Wilson Davis's memos constantly state that various generals who believe in remote vision or UFOs have tried to organize their projects with taxpayers' money. Status and position mean absolutely nothing, people believe in anything no matter what. The only thing this dude does is attract attention to himself, since apparently he has nothing to do in retirement.


all they have done is said it. theyre just telling us what they heard. no evidence of it at all. Thats the frustrating part.


I see I have accidentally stumbled upon the tin foil hat convention. I'll see myself out...


and still no proof? wowzers. all these dudes saying the same thing and not a shred of any proof? wild.


And yet, no hard evidence at all


'Non-Human Intelligence Exists, There Is Zero Doubt.' - According to the usual ufo yes-man who have been saying this for YEARS with ZERO evidence or result shown that actually proves that. Again, saying it for YEARS & ZERO evidence provided. So when does Disclosure gonna happen? 'SOON'...but actually never.


There’s plenty of doubt, because there’s no evidence so far. People need to put up or shut up.


Sure there is! NHIs I can think of just off the top of my head include: dolphins, octopi, corvid birds, chimpanzees. NHIs are all around us!


COLONEL KARL E. NELL Aerospace Executive, Senior Military Officer & Corporate Strategist "Non-Human Intelligence exists. Non-Human Intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and it's been ongoing. And there are unelected people in the government that are aware of that. There's zero doubt."


... and you need to just take my word for it because I offer zero proof. Personally I feel we aren't alone in the universe. I have zero doubt. That's me, my opinion. I agree with him. But I can't PROVE it.


My cat is “non-human intelligence”, and I interact with him everyday.


Mine's an orange moggie, so I'm afraid I can't say the same




It's a circular support network. His proof is other nutters saying it? That's not proof or evidence in anyway. That's a self licking ice cream cone. If DG says we have many spaceships then where are they? People have understood space and what a spaceships is since before flight. Sheehan profits, corbell profits, Taylor profits, fugal profits, Elinzando profits, do you see a pattern emerging? 


It’s a decent montage, but one might point out that it would be pretty easy to make a similar video that implies the complete opposite, made up from all these “credible” folk talking nonsense about soul harvesting and psychic mantises. Zero doubt indeed lol




Sounds good. Better yet, Ancient Alien guy could be playing the music himself.


Honestly I'm not even certain human intelligence exists.


I'm watching rednecks protesting about Trumps charges on the news. I'd agree with your theory.


lmao nice buzz word reel you made in divinci resolve and everything but that doesn't make it evidence.


Was waiting for a hard cut to video of my dog, haha


That would have been a way better video, perfect title card for that joke. What's the dumbest thing your dog has done recently?


This video is amazing. We need to get this out there.


Zero doubt? Until irrefutable evidence is presented to the world via something other than an obscure podcast or NEwsNation interview.. there will always be credible doubt about fantastical claims.


HE has zero doubt based on what he knows.


It really says a lot for people to believe there is zero doubt


At least the people you shouldn't take seriously make themselves pretty obvious by statements like "zero doubt".


There is plenty of (justified) criticism of these “credible” peoples’ beliefs within the UFO community. Imagine what the general public will conclude when they find out for instance that Elizondo is an alleged remote viewer… Or the absurdities about galactic federation treaties repeated by Hellyer and Eshed… Or that Nell states the public should look to the likes of Hellyer and Eshed to confirm that there is zero doubt “NHI” are interacting with humanity… Or that Gallaudet believes in mediums communicating with dead people…


> Imagine what the general public will conclude when they find out for instance that Elizondo is an alleged remote viewer… Elizondo had other UFO celebrities come over his house and film UFOs *in his backyard* and then release those videos as evidence. When questioned on this, Elizondo said it must have happened while he went to the bathroom. lmao


And it was such a bad fake it took about an hour for it to be proven it was a plane. Either these guys are so gullible they thought the plane was a UFO or they think YOU are so gullible you will believe it is a UFO. Not sure which is worse.


> Or that Gallaudet believes in mediums communicating with dead people… Or that he’s shilling for a useless UAP studies degree.


People in this sub are wayyyy too quick to gloss over this stuff, in my opinion. If only some of these guys weren't spouting crazy stuff like this. Hard to look credible at all making a fantastic claim when they seem to be full of shit on a bunch of other stuff.


It's real easy to fall into the rabbit hole on this stuff, especially in this sub.


Because once someone is committed to believing things that don't make sense, there's no good way to redraw the line.


Yes, when you get a fuller picture of what these people believe, their credibility takes significant hits.


The "Galactic Federation" is one of the most believable aspects of the NHI narrative in my opinion. It's infeasible to think that there wouldn't be ***some*** sort of political structure amongst different species of aliens. That's literally about the first thing that would need to be done, after introductions and whatnot.


Always dramatic montage with a bunch of words from "credentialed" deep state randos. Wake me up when the credentials are "is an actual alien".


If you have to say "zero doubt" that means there is lots of doubt.


It means you can't prove it. You don't say zero doubt if you have evidence. You say, "Here take a look at this, there's hard proof, That's how I know."


Also zero doubt is not the same as “I know for certain”


after the senate hearing it is kind of starting to get boring. everybody has some info or secret witnesses, bla bla bla but there is none real evidence. just pure speculation and saying something vague, "oh i know it all but i if i show you just a photo i'll be assasinated"


Now all we need is proof!


zero doubt and zero evidence


Well.. then release it all


There is 10000000% doubt


Lovely video of people saying words. OK, now on to the presenting the evidence section. Wait, no evidence presentation….? Aw, OK. 😢


It’s certainly interesting a bunch of high-ranking officials have made these comments but, as always, I await for triangulated and verifiable data points.


So where are the god damn evidences ? Still doubting here.


Where is the 100% proof then?


There is zero doubt we'll say whatever you want to hear as long as engagement goes up.




When he said - "there is no doubt", he was talking about the band No Doubt


non-human intelligence of course exists. We are surrounded by smart animals and even intelligent insects abound… But there is ZERO evidence of extra-planetary intelligence Are your stick-man drawings the evidence that you speak of? There is zilch…


No doubt eh? Cool. Show me your concrete proof then.


Non human life, yes somewhere for sure. Non human intelligence, no way to know. Or even if there is, doubt well meet, if we look at size of universe. But hey, there is 0 doubt so stop doubting our conspiracy theorys and blurry videos please!


# #thereszerodoubt Let it begin. 


Reposting one of my comments directly to you OP > Personally I think they need to lose Hellyer. Especially as an opener or closer. > Hellyer starts looking real funky once you look into him. He says he learned none of this alleged stuff from his time in govt, but from "internet research". That immediately sets off alarm bells from someone like me who is in *zero doubt* about the reality of at least the "paranormal" (generally referred to as ghosts/poltergeists) as I've experienced it. That leads me to a very open place about UFOs, and even has me wondering if they're related. > If it has me running then those much less forgiving & more skeptical will tear this apart. Just my two cents rub it together maybe it will set a spark?


This is not zero doubt. All of the quotes leave significant room for wiggle. Take Lue’s words as an example, something like “it’s my personal belief that there is compelling evidence that NHI exist…”. That is entirely different than saying “the preponderance of evidence shows” or “there is very compelling evidence about NHI but the evidence in the other direction outweighs it 99% of the time except for….”. Take the OJ murder trial as a real example. There was, in the personal opinion of the jurists, compelling evidence that OJ was innocent. No one thinks that he is. However, everyone would agree that it is compelling evidence that the gloves didn’t fit. Only once you learn about the steps taken to ensure the gloves wouldn’t fit (including OJ not taking his medication on the day of trial), does it seem obvious that the “compelling evidence” is outweighed by the totality of the facts. Same ambiguity applies to all others quoted. Additionally, and as equally important, the soundbites all appear to be answers to questions, which are edited out, and also edited into incomplete answers. The lack of full context limits the impact you seem to be striving for.


Pls give proof I want to see proof why can’t you gove proof bro


This was a great video, well done.


You have posted this as if it is fact, it's an unsupported opinion, he is providing nothing to back up the statement.


Wait til you hear about dolphins


Personal belief, we may not, whatever that means. You guys fuckin serious? The fermi paradox has yet to be disproved. These people are absolute clowns with no proof


Finally this sub is healing, comments like these are being upvoted


If by "healing" you mean so completely embittered by the lack of an immediate, unquestionably proven answer to the great question of life in the universe that they no longer even want to confront this mystery until such proof is provided to them, then yes, we are healing.


ETA: you all apparently don't understand how our galaxy and solar system move through time and space. It's impossible to travel faster than light and that's been proven over and over with each new breakthrough in science


Wow humans in high power positions are saying things? They haven't been known to lie at all. This must be 100% true then. Shut off your brains and just accept the truth.


I don’t want to see grainy faked footage, I don’t want heresy from people, I want peer reviewed scientifically backed data about these crafts. I want to believe but I need proof


Is there a YouTube link to this? So I can share it with more people.


I don't mean to sound snarky, I'm genuinely curious, but doesn't non human intelligence mean any animal too? Like beavers have non human intelligence because they build dams.


They coined the term to continue to be legally safe in their statements. And believers in evidence from the claims run around with this term in shaking hands and prove that they meant aliens.


paul hellyer basically came to his belief through the same resources i have access to long after his time in politics. i watched a big ass video of him talking and some of it was good, the rest was him leaping to conclusions after reading someones book, but making it seem like he had the inside scoop when he was defense minister. he did start talking about plane chemtrails at one point, which is when i kinda mentally switch off. if people want this to be taken seriously, they need to leave him out imo.




And yet here we are, no great panic, i still have to goto work and pay my bills…


Zero doubt, also zero evidence. A very scientific observation...


Over the decades there has been a ton of video, photographic and instrumentation evidence. When Navy ships and multiple aircraft capture and record UAP data from various instruments it is considered evidence.


Have you seen at least one fully disclosed case with published radar or other technical data from the military where superhuman capabilities would be visible? They can say anything, but without this data, it's not evidence.


The alien just got 34 counts!


I don't doubt it exists, I only doubt they've been to earth.


If you were given evidence would you believe it?


I laughed at the "whatever that means" fading slowly


most animals are NHI


This is slick as fuck. I’ve been perfect little cut to share with people not following the topic.


Great fucking edit. Thank you so much !!


Aren’t dogs/canines non human?


Who made this so i can share & cred on my tok?


body language experts...what do you think?


Lol sounds like any other mind except human. For example, the mind of a shepherd dog or a mosquito. They don't stop laughing at the community and trolling the public with such statements.


I'm afraid that I'm very doubtful. But I've read that elephants, dolphins, apes, and octopuses are fairly smart.


Spirit connection


Colonel Karl Nell is probably the funniest coincidence fo this whole disclosure push


Where can this documentary be seen in its entirety?


Take a screenshot and try a reverse image search, though honestly, i’m not banking on any of this being legitimate. Mostly because, well, i’m human, i’ll be damned if I believe anything to with my kind was influenced by a force that isn’t ourselves or nature. Well, that, and the whole premise is just for us to believe whatever the older men with grey hair say, and I say fuck that. Pictures and B-roll’s of old mosaics and art don’t prove a thing. (Sorry, that was more of a rant than helpful.)


Is this on YouTube, Instagram, tiktok? Screw it, let’s do disclosure ourselves and share this everywhere. 


trust me guys the last 4726246873491025638025189 times were all flukes, this time it's aliens for real


When I hear the term Non-Human Intelligence, I always think of apes, crows and dolphins... Yeah! they exist!


Apart from the billions of people that have seen no proof, but hey all we need is a few guys agreeing with our bias and it's 100% confirmed....


source : Trust all the bros in this video!


“There’s zero doubt” he says. Well, I have doubt until I see proof


But still zero credible evidence, let alone proof.


Still have not heard a convincing reason why they would want or need to be on earth anyway.


Hmmm, it’s worrying that it’s just people talking and not a showcase OF the nhi craft that’s been collected and all that. So I imagine that this is a free event and that no money is changing hands because it’s life changing info about another intelligent species…. no need for human money when there’s alien tech being shown and talked about….. right???


I have zero doubt from three experiences but Karl had an opportunity here when asked if he had PERSONALLY seen anything that convinced him to support that zero doubt with at least a yes.


So this is the latest thing in UFOs? People in the army or government saying they exist? Not that I miss the old days where the trend was alien abduction and an anal probe.




now all we have to do is discover human intelligence, and we set.


Videos like this make me believe it’s actually just advanced US military tech. I’m so done with the zero evidence bs.


I am absolutely loving OPs user pic, looks just like Danny!


Yet they only communicate with those people perfectly capable of keeping a secret. Gotcha!


Great clip! Not the real topic here but I'm still wondering how it could come these UAPs can crash...