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Oh my lar! What is that?


Balloon. That “aura” is a software artifact from your camera.


How is this not a balloon?


It’s definitely a balloon


It really is somewhat remarkable how often balloons end up as “sightings.” And I’m not a debunker by any means.


This is obviously a balloon, you can even see the string


If this was travelling down the runway no planes would be landing or taking off


The second and third photos look a lot like a Mylar balloon. Yeah, probably not a good idea to let go of your “Congrats 2024 Graduate!” balloon right next to the airport


Yeah I don't like the idea of balloons being around aircraft either.


The Mylarians strike again!


Looks like a balloon in every picture


Yep, 100% mylar balloon. Possibly star shaped but the lower portion may not be as inflated anymore after dodging airplanes for a while.


Large mylar balloons arent a thing for like decades. All rubber type material. Any mylar you see today is party size which is small. Too small to not recognize


100% disagree. Look up “foil” balloons. There’s a perfect star shaped balloon that’s 40 inches in size for $8 right here: https://www.badassballoonco.com/collections/mylar-balloons/products/giant-hot-pink-star-shape-balloons


Slightly larger yeah. But not enough to mistaken for anything. All these "Foil / mylar" balloons would have to be the old timey shit from the 50's 60's. Something 40 inches isn't going to be visible from far away and if it WAS, it'd be pretty evident that's a small balloon caught in the wind. It's a catch-all category that really doesn't add up. Here's the flow-chart. Is it nighttime? It's starlink. Here let me ask you your coordinates.. OOPS GOTCHA! See right here on the map. There was a starlink visible from your location. Is it daytime? It's a mylar balloon. Case closed! GOTCHA! Every single post no matter what it is.


Unless you can do the measurements and the math to prove the size of it, it’s just a big, commercially available, floaty star balloon. Not a flying saucer. I’m sure a video of it would have shown typical movement of a balloon in the wind. Case closed.


At the end of the day it is useless. Thats what the "Sentient" program is for. Size, vector, altitude data on literally everything in our atmosphere.


Yeah and at that distance (beyond the hotel maybe), it has to be pretty big i would think


https://www.badassballoonco.com/collections/mylar-balloons/products/giant-hot-pink-star-shape-balloons It’s a 40 inch balloon, that’s pretty freakin’ big. Not a UFO.


Great pics. Another unusual design. There are some strange ones I’ve seen. One on YT that looked like a rotating space age phone booth with a seat inside but no occupant. Strange aura/envelope around the one you photographed. Appears to be morphing shapes.


I second the , “Great Photos”, comment. These are some nice, fairly high quality photos that I thought might have been a balloon but on closer inspection, they definitely look like pictures of a legitimate UFO. Thanks so much!!


Thanks for the comment, i tried my best, got lucky for a moment in time :)


I noticed that aura too, thought the same thing, although it could just be some zooming artifact, maybe.


What’s interesting is that last pic reminds me of the ‘rotating pod’ video that’s out there. It was a strange craft I’ll try to find the video.


Possibly but it seems common in other similar pics and I think there is speculation it’s some sort of envelope.


Rotating pod https://youtu.be/_KoVICnyrT4?si=L-WLQv7bJ11DRHPr


Thats a wild video and if real a pretty good catch on camera (if real)


It’s very strange. Definitely seems other worldly because why would you ‘fake’ something that bears no resemblance to anything in this physical realm.


It does look like the "metapod" but makes me suspect the metapod is a mylar balloon too.


Honestly looks like a balloon or kite.


How can anyone determine this is a balloon? It could literally be anything seeing as the picture isn't clear enough to make a confident ID either way. It just as easily could be a ufo/uap. They tend to be spotted near airports, planes, helicopters, military installations all the time & I think it resembles the rotating pod uap from that popular video circulating around.


It may be a balloon but I don’t see any string. Can you even see a string from that distance? It seems large enough to have been picked up on radar. There must be some kind of report.


Did it make any erratic movements, impossible, accelerations, or change in directions? Or did it simply hover or float in One Direction, with the wind?


From my limited view time, i didnt see anything erratic, but then again, i had maybe 50 seconds before it vanished out of view from where i was inside. It was moving horizontally right to left and i think that matches the easterly wind reported at that time. It didnt seem to be rising though. (if you've seen the jellyfish ufo video it kinda reminded me of that smooth straight motion)


Yes, I’ve seen the jellyfish video. Thanks for responding!


That's a mylar balloon




It could be them. Ain’t shit we can do about it. Nobody gives a damn


Why did you take pictures instead of a video?


It’s a dreidel UFO from planet Mazel Tov.


These are fantastic pictures, thanks for posting!


Looks like the Aguadilla UFO with that aura and the antigravity propulsion system.


I imagine alien AI can fool us to believe anything and can also pose as a baloon with all their shape shifting tech that looks like magic to us. I mean me acting like and alien and touring a secluded planet like Earth in my lvl 9000 ship in a turistic way may mean I will likely hide my presence, and shapeshifting in a baloon from amazon will be the best disquise ever in heavy populated areas.


great photos. you have good eyes to catch that. i think it's probably one of those shiny birthday balloons tho from the looks of it. but if i use my power and zoom into that scene it's more boxy and solid than a balloon, it seems electric, shocks to touch, and has a high frequency about it. the surface appears about 3/4 inch thick, made of 'slabs' of shimmery space time (don't know how to describe it? if you could cut slabs of 'frozen' reality/spacetime and they're like translucent but rough cuts like aged cheddar, but constantly vibrating it would be like that.) the surface has color patterns and reflections oscillating over it like one of those (sorta like BZ/BR reactions but more electronic, like a screensaver on a HDTV). also if i go inside it's like a big empty space, a spacetime bubble bigger on the inside. and seems to be an ET controlling it from a distance. big eyes, unshielded, like a wingnut shaped head. based on that data and interpretation this could be a legit UAP. if i try to discern purpose it seems to be reflecting/aware of all the people in the vicinity. like it's tracking, skip tracing someone, looking for them. i could be reading the data wrong, or analytic overlays, but that's what i get. it would be embarrassing for me if it turns out to be a legit balloon lol (shiny metallic balloon, dark inside, hot on outside due to solar radiation, reflecting environment due to mirror finish, rough cut translucent slab surface could just be effect of thick UV-blocking glass of airport terminal, as i get that around every feature in the photo, etc), but i'm okay with that. i'm not always reading the data correctly, have vulnerability to biases and definitely could be applying analytic overlay - especially based on the context of this sub lol. for tasks like this, one thing that could be explored to achieve less bias in psychic remote viewing is posters create a random six digit number referring to their photos. and post the number first to solicit readings in the CRV (coordinate remote viewing) protocol, and later post the photos.


**mimetic polyalloy**


>UFO-object you can just say UFO. "object" is implied


Are there any UFO subs I can join where pictures of balloons don't get met with discussion like, "advanced nhi could definitely take the shape of a balloon in order to blend in"?