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The following submission statement was provided by /u/caffeinedrinker: --- Ross Coulthart reveals the night his skepticism about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) changed completely, and he was convinced to investigate the topic as a journalist. Coulthart gave the keynote speech at a conference by the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), during which he also outlined his early investigations into mysterious phenomena and how those efforts continue today. On "Reality Check," NewsNation contributor Ross Coulthart digs into stories the media is supposedly not meant to tell, taking a fact-based approach to tackle everything from unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) to mysteries often missing from the headlines. Taken from this keynote speech you should all watch and share. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1debrtt/vote_these_pricks_out_and_make_a_change_ross/l8anr5z/


He wants us to vote out people so UFOs can be revealed? We can’t even vote proper people in for schooling, inflation/living standards, health care, and much more. Seriously Ross is trying to survive in this world but doesn’t realize the systems rigged. Literally catastrophic disclosure is the ONLY way unless people are ok with another 50 years passing by until Ai achieved the breakthrough for us. The reason I say Ross is playing the system is because he knows, even with the ufo location he “knows about” he is most likely risking the rest of his career and he will no longer be in this discussion if that happens. But it’s also not gonna happen through congress. Or the White House. We vote for people to vote for us, do you see how fucking rigged that is? It makes no sense. Imagine having to vote for an official who voted for another official who than votes for the official who stands up for you! Ohh but wait that official now has to write a paper up that takes months for what, another group of officials to say yay or nay to? Are you not aware of fucked that is? Catastrophic disclosure is needed but paradoxically the people with the info are afraid of what the catastrophe can be. Like is it invasion? Am I getting sniped out down the street? Is my savings gonna be stolen and my children killed? Seriously people don’t understand that there will be no UFOs until Ai gives us breakthroughs.


I knew from the beginning that nothing was gonna happen with this. Playing the game the government wants you to play to do anything will stone wall you. To hear him say Vote them out shows how much of a disconnect he has. I have said this before, the only way is catastrophic disclosure. It won't be catastrophic for the people but those in power that are likely using reverse engineered technology to stay in power. At this point, it's very frustrating seeing him talk about all this alien stuff, say it exists, but won't disclose it himself. I understand he may be worried about his career and life, but don't go spouting that we need to do X and maybe MAYBE disclosure happens. I don't think the people will ever be informed by the government unless they are forced to tell the people. The only way that happens is if catastrophic disclosure occurs. If not, the government will always jerk us around and stone wall us. Catastrophic disclosure is the only way.


He's not worried about shit, he's just playing a game. He doesn't know anything or have any access to any special knowledge. He's just telling stories and the frustrating thing is the people believing him.


Real journalists know how to reveal important information without compromising their sources. Mr. “Dead man’s switch” here is a grifter through and through. Where is his unedited interview with grusch that he promised “had the best parts in it” and was going to be released soon? Over a year ago…


You're not only wrong but also boring and a cause of boredom (Boswell) Coulthart is making a living as a journalist and there are VERY FEW that can do that. His book is excellent and I trust his judgement. And Elon Musk promised 1m robo-taxis by 2020! Often, things take longer than we think. Quit being obtuse.


No u




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Now you're just making stuff up.


“There are things that David has expanded upon that I’m saving for later. Which are even more mind blowing than we’ve put to air so far. We’re just saving the good bits for last” -Ross Coulthart, Victorian State Library. August 12th, 2023. I was off on the date. Where’s the good bits for last though?


Yeah most likely what will happen is we will have Ai help us achieve certain feats. They probably also want to let it roll out for another 50 years because guess what? A good chunk of the old generation will be dead. And a majority of us will have most likely been desensitized to “radical” technology where the only few who will still be “blown away” will be people born in the 90s or 2000s. Atleast that’s how I see it unfolding. If not that, maybe never? But eventually modern day humanity will be like “how’d we advance in under 150 years from the 1800s to 2000s but than hit a brick wall?!” Eventually something has to be discovered whether intentionally or by accident.


AI may well be useful but it's going to need access to data to make such an inference so if it's not permitted to use DARPA or DoD data sources it will also be speculating.


Well they have most likely already got some form of advanced Ai hidden in some military bunker. I remember seeing Vr headsets were already a theory back in the 50s. There’s no telling what kind of tech they have hidden. Plus if I recall the military created tor, or the dark web. There’s no telling what kind of “internet” they use. I mean a computer system is cables connecting each other. But what do I know?


Yes, totally true, the Navy I think developed Tor and I'd be very surprised if the NSA or military didn't have advanced AI. It must be essential if they're analysing mountains of data like Snowden revealed with ECHELON.


Yeah, I feel the same. I was very lukewarm when this seeming UFO 'perestroika' or 'glasnost' was announced after the Navy videos were publicised. I couldn't believe that there was suddenly a new approach to a subject that had always been downplayed by the Government. Especially when this type of technology looks like it would be very useful as a weapon. It's akin to the Government suddenly telling the world where each of their nuclear subs are on a map of the world. Because I couldn't answer 'why? why now?' I felt it was simply a way to continue confusing the situation. I think because technology has proliferated so that there are simply far more photo and movie devices than there ever was in the 'real photo' days, there's a need to control info in case of a mass sighting event like Phoenix. Cynically, I think it's simply that they can appear like they're taking it seriously and investigating but they can punt any questions far into the future. They will just say they agree, it's anomalous but they're still investigating it and when they have a conclusion, they'll share it. How can anyone complain if you just simply don't have enough info?


It's getting to the point that catastrophic disclosure is the only option.


One point you make is VASTLY underrated. I don’t care about Grusch, Lue, Ross, Greer, Knapp, whomever. Thanks for what you did—sincerely and genuinely. None of the so called “celebrities” will be overly relevant sixty seconds post-Disclosure. They will appear on TV, do some press, then… that’s it. If Biden and heads of state come out and “aliens” openly visit and operate it will be 24x7 CNN et al. BBC. All media worldwide. Anyone who says otherwise is unhinged. No one is waiting on “ufo Twitter” or a podcast then.


Turkeys don't vote for Thanksgiving eh?


People like Lue and Grusch, who have firsthand, government relevance, will probably be in great demand post-disclosure. They're exactly the type of people the media will be going to for background and commentary. But Greer? LMAO Nobody is going to call him. Disclosure will completely deplete his cache and relevance. And that's a good thing. Greer is an organizer who's focused on self-enrichment. He doesn't have the sort of first-person knowledge or experience that will be in demand following disclosure.


He would be the most famous person in the world if he gave up real evidence. Instead we get little nibbles here and there to keep us talking but never walking.


It's called engagement, and it keeps his views up


Yep, and that's why I avoid Ross. I just simply save videos of any worthwhile videos posted here. Up to 300 atm, but most of them are inconclusive


Which to me seems like he’s more worried at the truth of the claim and it’s effect on his career. I always wondered if the place isn’t a hospital, why can’t we evacuate it? Unless it’s a military base? Or some big ass famous church like the Vatican? Either way it really does feel like grifting or he’s using the ufo topic to keep some relevancy to his name. Media adaptation,


They keep saying the truth is truly sobering yet they seem just fine with their lives knowing this info. I don't know how they sleep at night knowing factual evidence of non-human intelligence and remain sane in the rat race. They told Tucker Carlson for God's sake.


Exactly. "It's the end of the world as you know it! Imma have 5 kids and live in a trailer."


[The Game Was Rigged From the Start](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-game-was-rigged-from-the-start)


> We can’t even vote proper people in for schooling, inflation/living standards, health care, and much more. Look at who wants to actually address the UAP issue and who wants to tackle those issues in meaningful ways. It’s the same picture. This house hasn’t passed any meaningful legislation and purposefully block helpful legislation to prevent “wins” for the president. > Seriously Ross is trying to survive in this world but doesn’t realize the systems rigged It only feels that way because most people don’t participate in the electoral system > We vote for people to vote for us, do you see how fucking rigged that is? It makes no sense. Citizens can be involved in the process now, direct democracy wouldn’t be any better and would be overwhelming the vast majority of the time. Virtually all democracies are democratic republics with elected officials doing the voting. Legislation that makes people no longer fear the threats from those covering up UAPs using SAP secrecy that they abuse is basically the only real chance we have for meaningful disclosure that isn’t catastrophic.


There are too many humans comfortable with, profiting from, and used to the status quo for anything other than open action by Them to upset the apple cart. That’s why when mankind learns we are not alone, it’s going to be a once and for all kind of thing. Corrupt humans doing anything they can to blunt that revelation can’t be stopped by other smaller humans banding together in a system that is already rigged in favor of the corrupt. Even the richest and most entrenched humans have no meaningful power over Them, and so the only way to undo the corrupt will be the open actions of said Them. Nice sentiment though on Ross’s behalf.


This whole UFO thing is just theater now. It’s part of the internet industrial complex. Who knows what’s really going on. But I’m over it. Just live your lives, do your best to be happy, and minimize screen time.


Honestly, bro. This is solid advice. And I’ve come to the same conclusion while refreshing my Reddit and checking this sub. I don’t think it’s healthy at all. I’m a believer but at my core I’m naturally skeptical of big claims.


Yeah, I’m the same as you. I want to believe. Shit, I do believe…in something, I guess. I just don’t know what, and I suppose that’s enough now. I’m just burnt out.


You know what? That’s the absolute best life advice right now. Everyone (myself included) thinks they are gonna find the answers to life on Reddit lol 😂 The answers are out there, not in here. The more technology we have the further we get from reality.


Yeah, man. My screen time is way down. For a while I thought I’d just become jaded. But it’s more than that. It all just seems like a waste of time, and a lot of the time it would just make me annoyed. The cynicism, the trolling, the bots, the rage, it’s hard to know what’s sincere and what isn’t. It feels like many of us are.


One day it will just be the bots in here talking to themselves




Was literally just having this thought before clicking my way here. I'm down with that, going to stop thinking about this for a while and enrich my soul for the inevitable soul harvest.


I don't know man I'm more tuned in than ever.


Release the info you have and make a change


Forgive my ignorance, but what actual info has this guy ever even came out with? That’s verifiable at all?


Absolutely nothing me. Just a bunch of stuff people told him that he won't tell us or can't verify.


Instead, Ross would rather peddle the story that "trump" will be our savior and release all! Coulthart is beginning to do more damage to this subject than progress. YOU WANT DISCLOSURE, MR. ROSS, THEN BE THE FIRST PERSON IS HISTORY TO DISCLOSE THE KNOWN LOCATION OF A PHYSICAL UFO ON EARTH????


He won't, because then his meal ticket dries up. The grift keeps paying while the mystery abounds.


ross coulthart the same guy who’d rather maintain a relationship with his “sources” than be the guy to break the biggest story in human history


Did he say vote trump? My interpretation was that he was suggesting we get rid of the petty childish house republican legislators that abuse their power to block everything simply to prevent a democrat administration from getting anything done, including this UAP business. If Trump were going to disclose anything he would have done it years ago when he could have done so. Frankly I think it's possible that temp employees like fickle elected officials don't rank high enough to really have access to all of this reality bending information anyway.


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Ghandi


Or Ross can spill the beans, along with other whistleblowers, and give us catastrophic disclosure.


But he can’t! Because of reasons!!!!


The vote making any difference whatsoever is an even bigger lie than what AARO puts out.


Ross reveals his knowledge of UAP. Difficulty: impossible.


Vote who out?


Mike Turner, Mike Rogers & Co. It's a re-election year.


What we need are lifetime term limits for congresspeople. 2-4 terms and you're out. No installing yourself in congress for decades while nobody runs against you because it's pointless to run against an incumbent when your party is already in charge. Telling the constituents of the dude who's been in term for the last decade to "vote him out" is pointless because he has no competition from his own party and the average voter is not going to suddenly change parties over UFOs.


SCOTUS sez term limits are unconstitutional. And since we can't get rid of the money because SCOTUS also sez corporation are people and dollar bills are speech, we can only do one thing: Cast a vote. On the dimly bright side, if more people *did* cast votes in their self interests instead of idiotically voting on the buzzword issues special interests spend billions winding people up over, all that money would be diluted. We do outnumber Lockheed's senior management, after all.




Yet oddly we've had two actual disclosure bills (!!!) openly blocked by the GOP. The only party who have voted against disclosure, twice. I never even thought we'd see a disclosure bill let alone two but we did and they shut them both down. We could have had disclosure last year with Schumer's bill. Hell yes I'll vote for the pro-disclosure folks.


Yes sir, also RFK Jr is also for Disclosure, he’s the only candidate that has made a video about UAP transparency.


The fact the info can be voted on and isn’t viewed as a positive benefit to change humanity feels like the whole thing is a test to see how docile the people are of our government. I mean you’d think hiding alien tech and info being voted out would start riots but as I said in my other comment, we can’t even fix our own system through voting much less agree with each-other.


I didn't know that to be a fact but it absolutely fits with what I've long suspected about him and other high-profile figures on this topic; I think you're* being played like salmon by the Right. *(meaning 'people/voters in the US')




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wouldn't be surprised, but got any sources for that?


Last podcast he was on he talked about it


Please give some proof. I simply cannot believe this without proof.


Last podcast he was on


Link? I'm going to lose all respect for the man if it's true.


It was the one w/ Bryce a week or two ago


Thanks for the info. I listened to basically the whole thing...didn't hear anything pro-Trump.


You are absolutely right! Been waiting to see people catching on...bravo to you.


Gross if true. No idea why any of those guys think Trump would care or do anything related to the topic.


Coulthart has stated he thinks Trump would be better for disclosure


I don’t think he’s necessarily wrong, but I don’t think that that is because Trump has a burning passion, I think it’s because Trump can’t keep his fucking mouth shut if it might benefit him in some way. Trump may also be somewhat useful to Their plans as it were, but it’s highly unlikely that that includes some heroic or savior role in any fashion.


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>Vote who out? The house majority Republican legislators who block everything.


Sorry to tell you Ross Coulthart actually thinks Biden and the Democrats are the issue, according to other users.


Do "other users" have any idea what they're talking about? And if you're right Ross has lost his damn mind because that's literally insane. I'll reserve judgement until I see him actually say something so stupid, for now I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume internet trolls are spinning his words.


It’s just been word of mouth on a number of occasions recently, I would hope it’s not true but wouldn’t surprise me. Just the way the world is going, crazier by the day.


So you're just spreading baseless rumors?


If we want to watch this while 1hr40min vid we can verify but I don’t have time today so maybe this weekend. I’m not spreading anything, just repeating what I’ve heard from various sources.


HE IS GATEKEEPING INFORMATION hahah this fucking guy is the worst


Why dont you get some evidence rather than teasing people with clues to make money bro


Or why won't he just tell us where the giant UFO is? That'll provide a lot of motivation


He'd burn his sources. It's okay when he withholds information when it's in his best interest.


Do it anonymously. Multiple people claim to know where this giant ufo is so an anonymous leak couldn’t be traced to one person.


You'll never get details out of these guys - it's how the grift works.


You're too rational.


His entire argument for not disclosing the location is horseshit. To protect his sources? Bro, you’ve already revealed that there is a giant buried UFO outside the US and gave some very specific details. Your sources are already burned. If you RAN that facility and were read in, with the information Ross has revealed you would already know that your operation is compromised and that somebody talked. Him naming the location would change WHAT exactly? Him naming the location would hurt his sources HOW?


It wouldn't. There's no realistic way it would "burn his sources".


Don't worry the "dEaD mAn SwItCh" is coming soon.


In order to vote anyone out of office, there has to be a reliable, trustworthy candidate to replace them. Does this even exist in US politics these days? Especially in Ohio - if Mike turner gets voted out, you better believe the next man up will pull the same shit.


Mike Turners challenger is Amy Cox she only had a couple hundred on instagram but still.


Says the dude who claims to know where the largest UFO 🛸 that ever crashed is located but conveniently “can’t tell us”. Whatever, I’m so over this guy.


See you in the next thread.


The MIC are the same group funding the takeover of the civilian government. How do you keep your secret. It doesn’t matter if there are NHI or not. The secret is the money and power, and how to keep it. Black budget SAP money and possibly reverse engineered tech patent money is incomprehensible and yet not enough to keep the cat in the bag. I’m sure MJ12 couldn’t imagine that some Mexican mother in México City watching the skies and videoing on cellphone UAPs while her and neighborhood kids played and commented. Or Londoners and New Yorkers on the street corner would stop, wip out their phones and video the same thing in broad daylight. Or that some junior members of Congress would eventually wonder why the DOD can’t pass an audit and press for hearings that would be broadcast on those same phones. Either way the gatekeepers are going to be identified so even though they bought one of the 2 parties and contributed to the other you can’t keep a secret more than 80 years. It’s impossible. The greatest psyop in history is over. I believe that the MIC are power hungry white nationalist fascist oligarchs who want a puppet dictatorship to facilitate their agenda. They have the DOD and the intel community but must have the civilian government. One party is playing ball the other won’t so they have to take it by : Deregulation,Court Packing,unlimited campaign contributions (Citizens United), Gerrymandering and so on. Yet that’s not enough, so they have their party change state laws to challenge elections,suppress voting by purging voter rolls(Georgia)close polls and make people drive over an hour to vote (Texas) etc. and all the other dirty tricks that red states are playing.There’s only one party trying to destroy democracy. REPUBLICANS


Might be time for people to realize there's nothing to disclose and you're being taken for a ride.


But that's obviously not the case.


You know, It has dawned on me that Coulthart reminds me of Steven Greer, when in the 90s and 2000s he was the man out front of the UFO mystery exposing whistleblowers. Like Greer, he’s bugging the government to expose this secret. Like Greer, he is always saying it’s the US government who is hiding these secrets. Interesting


Then Ross Coulthart will start selling CE5 classes


That's right, if they want to continue hiding things like this from the American people ( and the world, ) they need to go; regardless of their age, party, or their wealthy donors they receive money from....


What makes anyone think it'll change with new puppets in Congress? The entire premise of the USG checks and balances is a farce. We're owned by the MIC and IC.


Even if he gets voted out, his committee spot isn't going to go to a Jr representative who was newly elected. It will go to some other senior rep.


Voting certain people into office won’t do squat to push disclosure forward… what does is witnesses talking to their representatives or leaking info/evidence directly. Until evidence is out there we can’t have conversations about it, it’s all speculative


Why not tell us the location of a giant buried ufo and show these pricks who's boss? Is it because...could it be...there is no such thing? Somebody latched onto the idea of using ufos as a smokescreen for experimental aircraft and it simply got way, way out of hand. Decades later we've got colossal ufos that can't be seen and secret alien bodies in morgues under mountains. I haven't commented in a while but I've always been watching these subs (less and less and less lately) but every once in a while I feel the need to drag out the account to chastise Ross Coulhart and over his bs. Mofo claims he knows the location of a giant, buried ufo but won't tell us cause reasons. Well screw you too, Coulhart. Nice of you to not end this mystery right now, and who knows, maybe become a famous journalist who broke the biggest story in history? Biggest nothingburger, more like.


Who says the word nothingburger actually?


"Who says the word blah blah actually" is dated slang in and of itself. Evidently I'm not hip to the latest jive. About that buried ufo so big it's just...so big you can't even...it's rather ingenious...they go in there but you gotta go in dressed as janitors and then the mop closet just swoosh you're on an elevator right down in it. Statue of Liberty


You only see one type of user saying that word. That's all I'm saying. Not sure what you're on about with the rest of that comment.


Poking fun of Ross's offhand remarks about the buried ufo, at least the first half. I can only guess the ufo workers have to sneak in. Or maybe not, maybe it's another one of these ufos that they just couldn't figure out so they let it collect dust for decades and try again when Cobra Command or whoever has better technology, that's another common trope.


Ross still has this very rose colored view of how American politics work.


yeah he decided to go full ufo when he realized theres money to make after getting fired from his previous job for making things up as facts and was getting called out this guy is still getting support besides making big claims all the time but "cant share the evidence because he has to protect his sources", thats the easiest cop out ever and yall are eating his wolves tickets right up hold ross accountable first, after he delivered, we can hold those accountable that hes suggesting


What are you even talking about?


Said this before and I was downvoted, but it fucking INSANE to see people saying you should vote for ideological candidates. And for a "journalist" to be saying is incredibly suspicious.


Honestly, we need more younger people to run for office. I very much liked the response I got from my rep. It's not just voting that's going to solve this issue. We need more people around Max Frost's or AOC's age group and less near to Joe Lieberman or Nancy Pelosi.


None of these guys are willing to be the catalyst. They are gatekeepers themselves. Sorry Ross




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As a citizen, one still ought to vote, no matter if you believe the system is rigged, and counter the counter-programming that everything is rigged. The ocean is still composed of multitudes of drops, gathered together. For the drops to count as a tidal wave…they have to work together, in concert. One drop does nothing by itself as clearly pointed out. Edited to add: still in favor of catastrophic disclosure to push the powers that be, and other civic minded revolts along with voting…civic duty.


I’m doing my part o7!


The problem is he believes in the whole "liberty and freedom" nonsense of the constitution. Many Americans know it's all a sham and the government finds ways to go around or outright ignore said document. The ones truly moving the strings are not elected officials. To bust this open we need solid proof of said secret government/organization.


How would that happen? Even if it’s true the bloke who revealed it would be deemed crazy and put in a mental institution




It’s a nice thought but the system as is is set up to prevent meaningful change of the kind that voting would affect. Disclosure isn’t coming from humans that get into the government, at this point it’s only going to come from Them.


americans don't give a fuck about ufos or uaps most think it's a punchline. they've been brainwashed for a century. We will have to find truth within.


Ross Coulthart reveals the night his skepticism about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) changed completely, and he was convinced to investigate the topic as a journalist. Coulthart gave the keynote speech at a conference by the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), during which he also outlined his early investigations into mysterious phenomena and how those efforts continue today. On "Reality Check," NewsNation contributor Ross Coulthart digs into stories the media is supposedly not meant to tell, taking a fact-based approach to tackle everything from unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) to mysteries often missing from the headlines. Taken from this keynote speech you should all watch and share.


say frankly one more time mfer


The gatekeepers aren’t elected officials. Ross should’ve known this by now.


When we still have closed minded people making the calls we aren't going to get anywhere anytime soon, still trying to shove circles into square problems with only human knowledge on things that are obviously not human known.


What are the chances the US government reveals anything at all, if Russia and China don't do the same?


Local voters cannot vote out wacky school board members, what do you think the chances are of voting out 100 year old senators who were there since the 1950's (LOL)


Nancy Mace won her primary yesterday, so that's a good thing. 👍


We need an ad campaign. Let’s use AI to create some ads and run them in the anti-UAP representative’s districts.


Yeah! That will look sane and mentally well!


You sound worried.


Well, kind of. I wouldn’t want the disclosure movement ruined by unhinged ai ads targeted at normies.


Are you sure that's it?




Whatever you think about Ross, he is persistent. You have to give him his props. Maybe we need him but the space is so riddled with nefarious things we just don't know.


Yeah, he persistently makes huge claims & never backs them up.


Didn't Grusch do the same thing? It's all claims---he can't reveal his sources...he's a reporter, and no one would ever talk to him again.


This is the goal of the Disclosure party 


As if our vote matters 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hilarious given the Reddit masses pet party of choice is already in power. But but but Biden signed off on the Schumer ammendment Ross! You Aussie Trumper Truther!!! Lol


Remind me who blocked the UAPDA?


That would be a series of 'Mike's' IIRC.


The same group that [blocks](https://www.padems.org/house-bills-senate-graveyard/) literally anything good for the common person?