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Bob sells them on his website unitednuclear.com


Because t he’s not a grifter and gets nothing from his stories… RIGHT??


His stories that *nEvEr ChAnGe* !!! Typically, the audience *does* hate when you retcon your stories… See J.K. Rowling.


Please explain?


The comments are very funny on here sometimes and this is one of them, sorry 😂👾!  Yeah there's no money in UFOs, everyone knows that 😎 next there will be a 'raid' by the IRS to try and shut him down. Same as the feds (think it was BATFE) raided him to silence him BUT it was because unitnuclear.com was sending hazardous stuff across borders.  Lawyers must love him! 


What does a truthful person look like to you? If Bob was homeless does that increase his credibility in your mind? Because it won’t elevate him whatsoever among the general public. The guy lives in a simple apartment and isn’t extravagant. He isn’t exactly *raking it in*. 150 bucks is super cheap for art. Nobodies sell scribbles for a grand *all the time*. A lot of 🤔 around here!


Simple apartment?? Bob and Joy live on a big ranch in Oregon


Nice try. Bob doesn't live in an apartment. He lives on a 1000+ acre ranch. It's ridiculous what hoops y'all will jump through


I can’t get past Bob’s seeming dishonesty about his education. Claims to have studied at MIT and Caltech. When asked to name a professor he studied under at one of those schools all he could muster was the name of a professor at Pierce, the community college he attended, and one of his high school teachers. Taken together with a track record of ducking getting on stage with other physicists who have expressed an interest, it doesn’t pass the smell test for me.


He also cant share any details about his masters thesis or who any of his advisors were. Something you WOULD remember. So either the govt erased his brain or he's a liar.


People will find any ex use to defend frauds because they want to believe do badly. It really is one of the main reasons the community is not taken seriously


Exactly like trump


But he was at los alamos, would they have let him in there with no education? Also thay seems like a place they wouls hire for reverse engineering, he did meet edward teller there who he claimed tapped him up. I get why you are skeptical though


He was at Los Alamos as a technician. He claimed to be a physicist.


Why would anyone remember their professors name from Pierce! Yikes. Case in point though, I went to Pierce, Mesa, Mira Costa, and CSUSM. I can't recall the name of a single teacher / professor.


I bet those schools have records of your attendance and classmates could confirm it, unlike Mr. Lazar.


True, but in Bob's case, it is feasible that the gov went in and scrubbed them. Not saying I totally believe it, but I still think it's plausible that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii.


I didn't downvote you but that's too far fetched for me. Replacing everyone's yearbooks? Press x to doubt.


That's a good point, however do they have yearbooks in college? Maybe prestigious colleges do. Mine never did.


Yeah, mine neither, we had plenty of people on our lists that never even attended but the university was too lazy to remove them


Nobodies most certainly do not sell scribbles for a grand. That is ask absolute misrepresentation


There’s entire threads that show how full of shit Bob is about almost everything. I get it dude, I want it to be real too. I JUST revisited the Lazar rabbit hole and unfortunately that’s how it is like everyone else. 


How DARE he make money! Every people who makes money have ill intentions!




It's almost like his claims are bullshit 🤔


He also sells uranium ore, mercury metal, & equipment that can analyze these things... Fucking asshole making money off of science. Who does he think he is? In all honestly, you have to dig to find any ufo stuff. His site is primarily focused on science materials.


Except for Mick West! He can have anonymous donors and not be a grifter!


Lue's book is free too, right?


to be fair - he didnt sell stuff like this until his instagram following begged him to. He went decades not making money off the situation.


Oh weird, I thought he said he never made money from his story/experience. I don’t know how I feel about it.


Bro got scammed for a doodle. Great job.


He’s never profited off the topic though. /s


You don’t got that from bob Lazar. You bought that, you paid for it. It’s literally merch. Edit: for 149$


Elon gave me a car!


Microsoft just gave me Windows 11!




microsoft didn't give me it, but let's say i "got my hands" on it anyway :)


Elizondo gave me a book!


China gave us Covid


my cousin gave me herpes


The gift that keeps on giving


Herpes isn’t just for Christmas


George Lucas gave us The Force


Sorry, Lord Vader. Even the force will not cure that.


rockstar gave me GTA6… oh, never mind


You must seek the Sith Lord Valtrex... tell him Tony sent ya, he'll know


Ohhhh... Honey, that's not... like... uh. 😳🍿


My creepy uncle gave me therapy after last year’s Thanksgiving.


I gave in to conspiracy theorists, but now I’m fighting back. The Earth is not flat! I will die on that hill.


A what now


Going down the line reading these has me weak


The Inquisition gave us Galileo




Hahah he gave me 2!!!


but how can that be? bob lazar is extremely reluctant to have anything to do with UAP and has never tried to make a dime off his story. /s


OP is bragging that they got grifted lmao. 


He never made money off the topic though.


149??? for this infantile 1 min scribble? 🤣🤣🤣 no hes not a grifter, hes a hero!


I think you’re mistaken - he’s never gained or profited anything by coming forward with his story. It’s only brought him grief and trouble. /s


He paid $149 for a crappy drawing of something that may or may not exist... Lazar just said "eh, fuck it. Here's a drawing that has no real significance. People will give me money for this."


It’s a print aswell


[I might get one too lol](https://postimg.cc/cry1mPQC)


Lololol. Thank you!!!!!


I got a grill from George Foreman once.


Why does this have 1000 upvotes slow day i guess..


Noobs don’t know you can buy them.


Strange subreddit activity


This is funny, considering Lazar “never wanted fame and never made a dime” from the whole UFO topic. Now he’s out signing autographs


So he made himself a national spectacle, hounded by ufo peeps for decades, so he could cash in huge selling sketches? 🤔


Let’s not forget his debts and  bankruptcies prior to his “revelation.” Contrast that with his subsequent movie deal, home video tapes, and the public appearances he accepted payment for but didn’t show up for. https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-corner/the-lazar-timeline/


oh dang I was going to read this but all of a sudden my head is just aching ya know?


No he also made 2 movies about him, one VHS tape and one movie by Corbell. He also went to dozens of ufo events. He also made couple interviews. And I could go on, but Iam sure Iam wasting my time


Oh dear I'm getting a migraine


bob is a narcissistic sociopath, i have zero doubt


He might be a liar and a grifter, but a narcissistic sociopath? How do you mean? That may be a stretch. Let's just be honest.


i really dont think it is. not a sociopath like a potential axe murderer, more like no fear of getting caught. he can lie at the biggest stage, knowing theres so much evidence against his claims and he simply doesnt care.


In my opinion, a sociopath is characterized by a lack of empathy and a tendency toward manipulative and antisocial behavior. While Lazar's claims are controversial and many see him as a liar or grifter, I think it's important to differentiate between those behaviors and true sociopathy. Honestly, Lazar has also maintained his story for decades despite significant personal cost and ridicule, which doesn't seem to fit the typical profile of someone who manipulates others purely for personal gain without regard for consequences. From my viewpoint, I would aim for a more precise critique and focus on the veracity of his claims rather than resorting to broad psychological labels. Like him or hate him, he's a ufology legend. He still may be liar though LOL!


i agree with your definition. maybe you havent digged deep enough. he displays all of these traits. yes theres ridiculing but also a ton of love. plus he is "someone". dont underestimate this desire. one quick example could be his rocket car. he always portrait himself and let others portrait him as if he invented this car alone. it was a kit car. him ripping of biggelow. lying in public about his MIT degree (again hes on camera, possibly unaware being filmed or how this would resurface online years later, naming his MIT teachers and it turned out those were his highschool ones. i mean, come on, theres zero chance for not even getting one teacher right). him claiming (alongside george knapp) that he was the first ever mentioning element 115. thats not true. he was a recipient of a science magazine, and they ran a cover story about element 115 couple months earlier. on reddit is a massive post containing all these claims and evidence against him linked with tangible evidence (videos, interviews, documents). i try to find it and post it here.


I don't disagree with you about everything he's claimed to have done. But calling him a sociopath? Come on now. One could call him at pathological liar maybe but not a sociopath.


I see that you have literally no idea how making money works…? At $149/ea, these sketches are BIG money makers. That’s a very expensive online merch product lmao. Your average online merch is like $25-35 for a T-shirt.




Love it or hate it, it's kinda neat imo.




Well shit. I thought it was a real sketch but I then remembered he did sketches like this in the beginning and questioned why his drawing skills have not improved if he had been.


david fravor "i dont want to be in the spotlight but had a top gun tv show, appeared on the biggest podcasts on earth, on 60 minutes and alien conventions" lou elizondo "i do this for everyone, its not about money. im a hero. i only appear on so many tv shows to raise awareness. i cant show you the evidence because of my nda, sorry BUT heres my new book with SHOCKING revelations, order it now!" ross coulthart "another of my anonymous sources showed me where the aliens and ufos the size of football fields are burried. yeah i cant give you the evidence because i have to protect my sources. dont ask me why they would approach a ufo journalist and share this evidence with him if he cant share it, thats the wrong focus. please invite me to the next newsnation special so i can stay relevant and earn some money after i was fired from my old job for spreading fake news" bob is in good company though


I think you laid out a series of factual statements using these people's own words and chaffed some butts in here.


Dude’s gotta pay the rent.


Haha yeh I assume that was why he was running the brothel


I figured it was for the perks.




I mean if you hustle a little why not? Maybe I'm underestimating the ufo crowd but i can't imagine he's making money hand over fist from selling some doodles.


He does have a Netflix documentary, and has been on Joe rogan. I don’t think many people would have a problem with him making money off it, but it does give cause to the argument that he had motivation to make up such an impressive story. Plus, why say you didn’t make any money when you’re clearly making money. It takes away credibility


Haven't seen such a brazen astroturfed ad post in this sub in a while. Go figure it's a Bobby Laser one.


Bobby Laser?! 🥇comment


Man's gotta eat!


Is that you Smokey?


funny isn't it


A girl named Bobbie Lazar gave me crabs in 1978.


You mean you bought this from him, don’t make it sound like he gave it to you as a personal gift


One of the many reasons this whole thing is bullshit. Anyone with any technical background at all would go to great lengths to record very small details. However his drawing is like a child's, as is his lame scif-fi description.


Also physicists tend to talk with equations. Nowhere have I seen Lazar write out a mathematical description of anything related to what he supposedly worked on. The guy is a fraud and a charlatan. That's why he ran from Stanton Friedman. That's why he didn't do that interview in Japan (despite being paid for it), etc.


This is just a sketch he drew for Jeremy Corbell. He also sells a schematic of the craft with more detail. Although I feel like I’m talking to an answering machine here with no one on the other end.


Isn’t that the sketch he did for Jeremey Corbell at his kitchen table?


I checked his website and these cost $149 It’s also not a sketch its just printed then signed. The word “grift” comes to mind


This post is an ad.


NeVeR MaDe a PeNnY!!


Tbh Jesus Christ could come down and land in a flying saucer and 90 percent of you on this sub would call him a grifter


Jesus wouldn’t constantly lie like Bob Lazar has


The same Jesus that multiplied the fishes and the loaves? The one that overturned the money tables outside the temple?……..yeah there’d be questions and concerns if he started selling prints of himself walking on water for $150 each.


Unless it vindicates Lazars specific story, yes I still would call him a grifter


It never ceases to amaze me how people react towards Bob in comparison to other whistleblowers. The way they behave, you'd think he had personally deceived each one of them - as if he had an affair with their wives or something. I always found his story to be insanely entertaining though, whether it's fact or fiction.


I don't find it particularly funny when narcissists lure impressionable people out of their money by lying.


I don’t have strong feelings about Bob exactly and I’ll agree that his story is entertaining. What I have stronger feelings about is the people who very confidently tell me that I’m a disinfo agent or a shill for not believing him, but when they explain why they think his story is true its clear that they haven’t actually looked into his claims in a substantial way


And yet clearly you are the one emotionally invested?


damn i hope you didnt pay more than 10 bucks for it edit: you paid 149 bucks!? wtf! dude has to laugh is ass off. this "art" could have been done by my 8 year old in 2 minutes. not a grifter, hes a hero! a real national HERO! damn you guys are getting milked by these guys...


I'm half tempted to grift these guys myself, I'm beyond feeling sorry for them.


honestly, it would be really fucking easy just make up a story, someone of them will back you up because it makes them look more legit and then you can exchange followers and make bank its a really profitable industry where you can gain traction super fast just look how many youtubers started out doing something else, barely getting views and as soon they started covering pro ufo their subscribers skyrocketed its really crazy how fast these channels develop compared to other topics


Don't forget that whenever anyone calls you out on your bullshit you respond with "it's all love <3" and be super positive and everyone else will back you up automatically. 




I got mine first run when it was $35 and he wrote my name (to: from:) on it and everything


Yeah same lol. I remember thinking it was cheap enough that I’m not worried about throwing away the money and was willing to gamble it on the .00000000000001 % he was telling the truth lol.


I think he’s telling the truth and I’ve been a fan before it was viral years ago 🤣 considering it says “to (Youfoundm0lly) best wishes! -Bob Lazar I don’t know I’d be successful in selling. It’s hanging in my office at work lol and is a great talking point


I got an Area S4 reverse engineering shirt and a poster with that drawing. It's crazy how so few know the reference.


That's pretty cool. I know a lot of folks on here will list all the things about him that are questionable. However, the more time goes on, the more truth keeps coming out. I hope some day he is vindicated.


what are these 'more truths'?


Not sure what he’s talking about, but a friend of my step mother told me Bob’s got an Arizona can for a pecker.


This is the best intel on this thread people!


he disclosed this years ago and the skeptics loudly "debunked" it right away, but now that it's been independently confirmed they are strangely silent


Well I did the guided meditation through Steven Greer's app and Bob Lazar's Arizona can-sized schlong appeared before me. I know what I saw!!!


lmao, legit a guy below was saying anyone who doesn't believe is stupid and a sheep


Ayyyyy, look at the tic-tac on this guy!


Sigh I should leave my job and start a grifting business Mark Twain got it right It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled


you make up the story and I'll get my kids to draw the UFOs? 50/50 split? there is actually a really good video on YouTube where a guy pretends to be one of these grifters and exposes how easy it us. https://youtu.be/EYvnKc908Fw?si=02vdRxqVb2UcsylH It's both hilarious and sad to how easy people fall and vehemently defend him edit: added link


Got a link to that documentary? 


added it above mate, it's a really good watch. I believe he is the same guy who validated Alex jones gay frogs claims, so it's not even like he's a debunker, just a legitimate documentary maker.


I've actually scrolled passed this before, and seen at least one of their other videos.  There's definitely at least some of these loons active in the sub. 🤣


yeh, most of them never get past that 'everyone who disagrees is an idiot' stage sadly






Lucky b*stard!!!!! ME WANT TOO!!! 😭😭😭😭😭


Bob has started selling lots of Lazar-merchandise lately. Totally opposite of what he stood for in the documentary. Thats a red flag for credibility imo.


Who is voting up this nonsense? Why do the mods allow it? It reminds me of the time on here when someone posted their kids drawing of an aeroplane that was shite, but vaguely resembled.......something random. Random drawings have no place here. FFS mods.


Engineers tend to take drafting classes as part of their education. I have a hard time believing an engineer drew that.




I bought one very early on, he personalized it, and only charged for the shipping, a whopping $20.


Well go to a doctor then.


Isn’t this the sketch he made in the movie


My wife got laid by the mail man


I am that mail man and can confirm


George Knapp really knew what he was doing when he decided to come up with this Bob Lazar con. Perfect timing too especially when rumors about Area 51 were spread around. Bob is a huckster and full of shit, but Knapp seems to have gained fame for this. Just my opinion.


He could literally draw that in 10-15 minutes. That's a really easy $149.00. Why diss him for trying to pay his bills? If he has told the truth as a whistleblower he likely has suffered extensively in the process.


Lol. We call our laser plumb bob, "Bob Lazar." The other trades think we're weird.


Is he still selling them? Man I want one too.


If this is correct, then you can technically bring down a craft if you fire at its disk apex. As that has the least distance between its own gravitational boundary and earths


I wouldnt care if he "cashed in" on his fame, but I do care that he constantly tells people he's not making money off his story when he clearly is. It's one of those cool stories I wish was true but the guy is so obviously full of shit. The migraine cover so he can buy time to think of his next lie is my favorite part.


Seems like something my kid will hand me 🤣


Obligatory repost from Reddit by jackfrost https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/oyxuok/bob_lazars_story_is_it_believable_here_is_some_of/?rdt=49596


Bob contributes to the “entertainment of life”. Part curious, part hopeful towards a tomorrow full of AMAZING!


I believe bob Lazar, but if he became a low life hustler and changed his name to Bobby Lazer. That would be awesome. Your drunk uncle talking how him and Bobby lazer would pull hoe’s from the strip club.


I have one, too! So so cool!


Sorry everyone is shitting on your post. I think it’s cool regardless if you got it from him for free or paid for it. I randomly met Bob outside UFO Fest when it was all finished and he was a nice guy. I don’t care if he’s telling the truth or not. He told a great story. Who cares how much he made off of it?


That's awesome! I'd rock that picture on my wall. Though, maybe a different picture frame, lol.


That’s merch and your hard earned money just went to support a group grifter.


I like these posters and have considered getting one as a gift for a fellow UFO addict. Believe Lazar or not but he is a big part of UFO folklore/culture so either way a cool piece of the story!


Lazar has been completely debunked. He never even finished at a community college - Pierce College in Los Angeles. He never went to Cal Tech and speaking as a physicist, he is obviously not a physicist. He doesn't understand basic physics.


I see he's seen Lost in Space.


Lots of artists sell prints, some for a lot more than this. This is super cool.




I have no problem with this dude making cheddar here and there for all his troubles


Element 115 couldn't be harnessed. But I'll support a guy the government wants gone. I've got one of these myself. Still a cool bit of merchandise


>But I'll support a guy the government wants gone. They've had 30 years to make him "gone". I'd say they don't really care about Bob. It's not like he's exposing genuine conspiracy secrets.




The heart shape is the enemy field around the craft.






I was expecting a canker sore.


Is it asymmetrical by design, or is that just the drawing?


If he's giving stuff away, ask him for some element 115. Trade him a copy of "UFOs The Truth You'll Wish You Didn't Know". It calls him a fraud.


OP got scammed by a scammer. OP failed in 4k


Are there really people who pay money for something like this? Actually, he would be stupid not to offer it. Wow.


Is anyone else just so sick and tired of hearing these guys talk. They all claim to know more than they’re allowed to say so everyone just continues to listen, hoping for answers, as they get paid to say the same damn thing over and over. Someone should just take one for the team and provide some evidence or drop some actionable info so we can move this along.


[I might get one too lol](https://postimg.cc/cry1mPQC)


Is this the sport model?


Didn’t Rogan say B Lazar has made ZERO $ from telling his story? #erm


Look at the heart I think he likes likes u ❤️




Did you go to school with him?


And people think he never tried to profit from his bullshit.


Is it an espresso machine?


I have a bridge schematic to sell you..