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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- Full Paper: ***The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena:*** [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/381405238\_The\_cryptoterrestrial\_hypothesis\_A\_case\_for\_scientific\_openness\_to\_a\_concealed\_earthly\_explanation\_for\_Unidentified\_Anomalous\_Phenomena](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/381405238_The_cryptoterrestrial_hypothesis_A_case_for_scientific_openness_to_a_concealed_earthly_explanation_for_Unidentified_Anomalous_Phenomena) The host is annoying but the guest handled it really well. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dgvsho/dr_michael_p_masters_from_harvard_went_on_fox/l8sp0m1/


his smug ass face bothers me.


Jesse Walters is an ass, Dr Masters put on a master class of how to deal with an ass with a platform.


Those goofy af šŸ‘½ images doesnā€™t help. Ā Fox News is such a waste of time to talk on.Ā 


Jesse Watters is a Cryptoterrestrial Ass! Even laughs like a MIB Alien.


Maybe, but I think ETs are living in our oceans. with more living space than us humans : 71% v 29%. Thus would answer many questions of why we do not see more of them, as they live ā€˜out of sightā€™


right? thats what i was thinking, he thinks its a big joke it seems like.


The only joke I saw was him


He definitely does. This is just how he treats everything. He is the smarmiest of sassy little dickheads


God he really is even his mom called the show to tell him to knock it off once


Yeah, you're right, "technically" (the most excellent kind of correct, lol). But it's good to remember that FOX is "wide America", and if you want to get a niche narrative into the minds of the "masses" from a "mainstream" channel, you have to bring it in on the vehicle/trojan of a familiar narrative/mode. And humour (tho it may appear to mock) always allows the medicine/information to more deeply embed into the brain than other things. So, when you see that seemingly-mocking glint in the anchor's eyes, and it angers you, understandably, I see, the necessary hat-tip to "mainstream sensibilities", the silver tongued serpent words of a pleasant Muzak tune, to carry in the message deep, to ease it down. And I think it's a necessary tax to pay at this point, to get the message more deeply buried out there. What do you think? Could you come around to that idea? At least for a while I think we're gonna need to accept that reality sometimes if we want to push wild, out there ideas on people, we need to lubricate them with stuff that makes it more palatable. At to note, his mockery/humor was restrained enough that you couldn't point it out directly, but it was more his smug aires. I think that's progress :)


Humor may be natural response to things we deeply fear. I understand why I did not believe in the Phenomenon - it was against my materialist world view.


I think there's truth to that. The Commedia Del'Arte in Italy was used satire as a kind of catharthis against totalitarian repressive government. Kind of comedy/tragedy interlinked lol


Slight disagreement on not being able to point out the mockery, but overall solid point. His smug airs carried the entire first half of the segment, but Dr Masters seems to have won him over at the end.


>and if you want to get a niche narrative into the minds of the "masses" from a "mainstream" channel, you have to bring it in on the vehicle/trojan of a familiar narrative/mode. This. Funny speaker or not.... Better than no one speaks about it. Im wondering when it starts in Germany. This would be absolute crazy news in German TV.


Jessie with the smug mug. I think itā€™s his neutral expression anyway


I actually thought he looked like a crypto terrestrial in disguise. Much like the look of the Zuck. Something in the eyes lol. (I say this all in jest and mean no offense btw)


I say this with the most offense: Jesse is one of the biggest tool bags in history


Pretty sure I saw his tongue flick out and he blinked horizontally a couple of times


On some level I agree. I do tend to watch The Five (which he is also on) and on some weird level I do like Jesse Watters. I'd like to believe he's being coy rather than dismissive here. Nonetheless, it took up roughly 4 minutes of Fox airtime, so I think that's a good thing. In my opinion, Gutfeld is much more palatable. His show is funny and he's a lot more grounded in reality than 95% of anyone else on late night. He is the only reason I watch fox.


Iā€™m still shocked fox is covering this


Jesse Watters is a vapid asshole. His default facial expression is smug self satisfaction


Heā€™s one of them


Four years ago I thought UFOs were nothing more than natural phenomena we do not understand. We should not judge people for not having seen the Phenomenon. Anyone who did should have more respect. Without seeing it I would be really interested by the Phenomenon but would there be belief? Doubt it.


He is irredeemably unintelligent.


Host is an ass


His voice has that annoying ass pitch to it.


Also, he isn't from Harvard.


No but his coauthors are and this has already been addressed read below.


Bro I was just thinking the same thing, thank you!! Itā€™s like heā€™s viewing it as a joke. Dudes seems like a prick for sure. Wanna smack that smug look right off his goofy ass face šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€


I legitimately canā€™t get my bearings on whether this issue is transcending political boundaries, or being mired by them.


It's in some weird superposition of both.


Given the topic I would expect nothing less


Yup. The easy reasonable way can go fuck itself.


This shit is gonna get political real quick if the aliens or the alien tech offered some kind of economically significant opportunity. Imagine if big corpos got wind of the alien tech being able to produce limitless clean energy or something like that.






Yes but have you considered the money?


*ourselves* ftfy


This is already our baseline lol what a sad state


I feel like this is a huge part of this whole ordeal.


Pretty sure major corps have had info and various physical tech to study that includes the massive amounts of power UAPs create and use, for a long time. As in aerospace corps (MIC) and nasa probably. But can they actually replicate it at all? And how much so? When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. I don't see the US Gov looking to tank the petro dollar anytime soon, personally. Being the basis of ours and the world economy, it makes sense they're all playing the same game of protection. Limitless clean energy literally means the death of the entire global economy. A massive paradigm shift of all humanity thats based off jobs to pay for energy and things made with energy. And most of that being from petroleum energy forms.


Boeing is trying to figure out how they can replicate it with paper mache.


Good one šŸ˜‚


Fighting climate change has already doomed fossil fuels and the way of the petrodollar. Ā Perhaps that is why biden is imposing massive tariffs on solar panels from china.


I don't think humanity could replicate those capabilities with our current understanding of physics and material science


I think we could if they were allowed to be studied openly, and different groups were able to collaborate on the work. The nature of the compartmentalization and the secrecy means that any breakthroughs are going to happen at a much slower rate or even be impossible.


Exactly! This is what does need to change. But I do still feel slowly and carefully, not as slow as the current situation.. Humanity always takes "new' in a. bad direction. We could end up annihilating the entire planet quicker than nuclear would.


Yes I agree that is likely. It is scary. But I think itā€™s inevitable this tech will exist sooner or later, and I think the people that are least deserving of this tech, are the only people who currently have it. Iā€™m sure they are already trying to strap a nuke to a UAP. If the military industrial complex is gunna posses world changing tech, at the very least they canā€™t be the only ones with access to it.


Imagine? Did you miss the hearings? Some big tech corps supposedly works with this since decades though being hidden SAP subcontractors.


I would hope that the nhi themselves would finally be like, "OK. They know. As a whole, they know. Let's bring them into the fold"


They did. They hate it.


Even if warp fields can be established without having to generate power, the means used to do that absolutely can be used to generate electricity. There's no possible scenario of aliens visiting Earth that doesn't completely overturn costs of energy.


I know it most likely involves a potential way of energy production. the if in the equasion is whether we can actually make use of it.


Bro if news dropped that we had aliens visiting us no one would give a shit about the economy. Church would be lit on Sunday though šŸ˜‚


Of course they would.


Why are you talking like it's not already the case?


The comments on every Fox News report on aliens are frequently characterized by political bias. Even individuals with a genuine interest in the subject matter struggle to maintain objectivity and refrain from making personal attacks on the hosts' physical appearance. This behavior detracts from the potential for meaningful discussion and analysis of the content presented in the reports.


>The comments on every Fox News report on aliens are frequently characterized by political bias. Every. Time. Not to mention it's against the rules of this subreddit to make low effort comments about someone's appearance or people's politics that have nothing to do with ufos or aliens, but those end up being the highest upvoted comments on this subreddit when it comes to any "conservative", whether they're a politician or not. I mean - the top comment here is about the host having a "smug ass face" and ***that's it***\*.\* It's so, so incredibly frustrating. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I don't care who is talking about it. Or what platform it's on. As long as it's getting views and new people get to hear about this stuff more often, I'm fine with anything. It always goes one way too. For every 100 comments I see complaining about or making fun of some Conservative/Republican person there's maybe 1 complaining about Liberal/Democrat people, and that 1 comment always gets either downvoted into absolute oblivion or their comment gets removed. Not to mention just how many times I see here people saying that they wish conservatives/republicans didn't talk about it or weren't interested AT ALL because it somehow "makes the topic look bad" or (and I'm being serious) "I don't want to be interested in or like the same things as Republicans". I mean, what the hell. How in gods name are we ever going to accomplish anything when we can't unite on this one topic? There are plenty of Republican voters on this subreddit who are capable of it and don't constantly bring up how much they hate Democrats every single time there's a post about someone that's not a conservative.. I really, really don't understand how there's STILL a large group of folks here who can't do the same when the person interviewing someone or talking about ufos at all is a Republican or conservative. I genuinely hope it's just like that because it's reddit and 90% of this website feel the need to talk about hating Republicans in tons of subs that have nothing to do with politics. I've literally seen it in the cat/animals subreddits. I've been here for a very long time now, including being apart of this sub and it wasn't always like this. I keep hoping it can go back to being that way but I'm probably being incredibly naive. šŸ˜ž


Well said. I completely agree. I remember a time when debates and disagreements focused on challenging ideas rather than appearances. As someone who isn't American, I don't have strong feelings about the political sides on Reddit, but it's clear that calling people names isn't helping anyone's cause. Imagine visiting this subreddit and seeing the top comment about someone's 'smug face.' It's disappointing, to say the least These pointless insults that essentially amount to childish "he's a poopy pants" should be removed. I'd be ashamed to allow that as the top comment. The subject matter should unite people, not divide


Yeah I was gonna ask what's with the push these last couple of years by the Right to embrace the whole subject. I ask this because it's been my experience, as a UFO/UAP/alien enthusiast, raised by a UFO/UAP/alien enthusiast, that it's been the folks on the Right who have been the most vocal about not even humoring the idea, infantilizling discussions about the subject, and mocking those of us who want to believe (oh the irony) and do research on the subject. To be fair, the vast majority of people do all of that basically as a default setting, but the conservative side of things go the extra mile. They are much more vocal and animated about it. I'm glad that in my lifetime I've seen the subject embraced by a wider audience, being raised from the state of pure farcical nonsense to being openly discussed. But I do wonder *why* that is. The shift in perception on the subject is certainly curious.


FFS Fox. Do SOME goddamn research. Page 1 - Immediately following the title; ā€œNOTE: This paper is a speculative thought piece that reflects the authorsā€™ own interests and ideas, and is not associated with the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard. We would also like to emphasize that we believe this hypothesis to be in all likelihood false, but nevertheless believe it still merits scientific investigation.ā€


>FFS Fox. Do SOME goddamn research. If they did that they'd have to scrap 90% of their programming.




Why does Watters have to be such a smug ass and treat this story like it's beneath him? He's a total asshole here.


Watters is a smug ass, in general.


Dude is insufferable.


Itā€™s what heā€™s paid to do. Ā 


Most people donā€™t believe this shit and take it as a joke. Heā€™s just pandering to his audienceā€™s perspective.


I get that the exposure is a good thing but I just hate when itā€™s Fox News talking about it.


thats an agenda dude


You can easily see them with the correct sunglasses.


I'm give you a choice. Put these on or start eating that trashcan.


It's a batshit insane theory with zero evidence to back it up. But entertaining it for a second, in the least scientific way possible... Over the years in my career in the software industry, I occasionally come across people's Linkedin profiles that just seem - off. They usually have this insanely rapid ascension to C-suite level roles, and other roles like Advisor, Investor, whatever, without any prior experience. Often they run or are part of some startup or large corp that does -something - but if you try and make sense of the marketing jargon on their pages, it could be fucking anything. Yet somehow, they're making money. Usually this ascention to upper career levels happens when they're young, too. Of course, it's likely just people with well connected parents, wealthy parents, or just sheer luck. Or, you know - they're aliens in disguise, pulling the strings of our society. We'll never know. /end of batshit insane theory.


I'm here to fear monger in service of my right wing overlords and chew bubble gum, and i'm all outta bubblegum. -jesse waters


This interview has major "Don't Look Up" vibes.


That's because the interviewer doesn't know the interviewee is actually a UAP superstar himself, having been featured in UFO Magazine volume 13, nr. 3. LOL


I watched this live & hated how Waters tried to make it seem ridiculous. Nonetheless, I'm glad someone posted it. This feels like a slow drip disclosure


Honestly this to me seems more of disinformation campaign to ridicule the subject even more tho. I don't understand why Masters though going to an interview at fox news with Watters was a good idea. Fox news the "news" org that had to pay courts for lying and spreading misinformation.


I mean on this subject there isnā€™t really disinformation or misinformation because there is no public information. None of us have any clue whatā€™s really happening and thereā€™s a good chance the government doesnā€™t either. If weā€™re being visited by aliens who have conquered space travel, or beings from another dimension, none of us are smart enough to have a chance of interacting with them. They would be leagues above us and to think we could have a grasp on who they are and what they want would be insanely egotistical.


I would argue that the 'Las Vegas backyard Alien' sighting was disinformation. It happened around the same time as the David Grusch public hearing and was picked up by all the major US news networks (for some reason). Then we had the 'Florida Miami Mall' incident which also conveniently happened around the time of the UAP Schumer Amendment Bill. Very very good timing there as well and oh look!! All the major US news networks picked it up too!! There is most certainly disinformation happening around us. As much as I want to believe there was an actual Varginha-esque alien sighting in the US, I can't bring myself to fully believe in it. Plus the meteor was definitely a meteor and not some alien spaceship crashing.


Me too.


>AMONG US goddamnit


lmao I was fucking waiting for this moment when news people regularly have to utter this phrase because the theory that some aliens live here already gains traction That moment when the aliens are sus




**CORRECTION: Michael P. Masters is from Montana Tech not Harvard, his 2 other co-authors are from Harvard.** Full Paper: [***The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.***](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/381405238_The_cryptoterrestrial_hypothesis_A_case_for_scientific_openness_to_a_concealed_earthly_explanation_for_Unidentified_Anomalous_Phenomena) The host is annoying but the guest handled it really well.


Mistakes happen. Keep up the great work, glad we have you.


As an academician, Masters must have lots of experience dealing with dismissal, derision, and ridicule; often from folks much more intelligent than this interviewer. Here's a recent, more respectful Masters interview: https://www.youtube.com/live/5Irh1gr4Sts


Damn, you should see Sedge's interrogation skills, it seems he hasn't aged one bit since his exploits with TRW and WPAFB šŸ˜®


Had to work with that one! :) Here ya go... SedgeMaster (SedgeMasters/MichaelMasters/control theory/removing the unwanted): https://www.controlsolutionsinc.com/quali-pro/lawncare/herbicide/sedgemaster https://richarddolanmembers.com/articles/rdm/ Did you mix the metaphor, was Jacques playing this, just more Jinn fun, or all and more? :) Cheers!


LOL, I actually didn't know about the other SedgeMaster. I didn't want to make it too obvious, was just curious to see if someone would pick it up. We do know that both Masters theorized that some NHI may in fact be "extratempestrial" or metahumans from a future and possibly alternative timeline/Universe, which would be an incredible coincidence given that this theory is a highly obscure and unpopular one.


>an incredible coincidence given that this theory is a highly obscure and unpopular one. Wondering if that's where the *other* (SedgeMaster) comes in... transforming the blockage/competition to allow law-n-care to grow. Coincidence and all... :)


hallmarks of education and practical intelligence to thwart bashers


He sure practiced his own derision in his casual dismissal of actual cryptoterrestrial evidence from Peru.


What was his comment about the Peru creatures? Thought he was noncommital a few months ago.


lol man how many times will they use the gimbal vid when they announce their ā€œnewsā€


Isnā€™t Michael Masters at Montana State, not Harvard?


Montana Tech


His co-authors are from Harvard


Should fix the title then.


Shit you're right but I can't change the title. His 2 other co-authors are from Harvard. I added the correction to my comment/submission statement.


Yeah. To be frank this paper is just three guys with zero hard science background throwing ideas on the wall. Nothing ground breaking, except the media coverage because "Harvard" (we'll take it though)


Masters is an anthropologist. He does have a hard science background. He's talked quite a few times about how he's been interested in this stuff since he was a kid, but couldn't focus on it in academia until he had gotten tenure and now here we are.


The beginning of the paper reads ā€œWe would also like to emphasize that we believe this hypothesis to be in all likelihood false, but nevertheless believe it still merits scientific investigation.ā€


University of Montana - Montana Tech


One person who graduated from Harvard making claims IS NOT the same as a "Harvard study". It's just an individual person who graduated from Harvard. That's like saying there's a new McDonald's burger when it was just a McDonald's cleaner making one of their own for dinner, at their own house. There's no affiliation.


Ridiculous. They need to be covering what's happening in proposed legislation, SCIF meetings with the ICIG, David Grusch, Congressional oversight committee etc. etc. etc. This is a sorry ass excuse for coverage of what is going on right now.




Via Kevin Day: Native American stories of underground dwellers are rich and varied, reflecting a deep connection with nature, spiritual beliefs, and the mysteries of the Earth. These stories often feature beings or societies living beneath the surface of the Earth, each with their own unique characteristics and cultural significance. Hereā€™s a detailed exploration of some of these fascinating narratives: ### **Common Themes in Underground Dweller Stories** 1. **Sacred and Mythical Worlds**: - **Spiritual Significance**: Many Native American tribes regard the Earth as a living entity, with layers that include not just the physical world but also spiritual realms. The underworld is often seen as a sacred place where spiritual beings or ancestors reside. - **Origins and Creation**: Stories of underground dwellers are frequently tied to creation myths, where life on the surface emerges from a subterranean realm. 2. **Connection with Nature**: - **Earth's Mysteries**: These stories often reflect a profound reverence for the Earth and its hidden mysteries. The underworld is seen as a place of great power and knowledge. - **Guardians and Protectors**: Underground dwellers are sometimes depicted as guardians of natural resources or custodians of the landā€™s secrets. 3. **Cultural and Moral Lessons**: - **Lessons in Humility**: Interactions with underground beings often teach lessons about humility, respect for nature, and the importance of living in harmony with the environment. - **Warnings and Cautionary Tales**: Some stories serve as warnings against greed, disrespect, or curiosity that leads one to venture into forbidden realms. ### **Examples of Native American Stories of Underground Dwellers** 1. **The Hopi and the Ant People**: - **The Ant People**: In Hopi mythology, the Ant People (Anu Sinom) are a benevolent underground race that helped the Hopi during times of great cataclysms. According to legend, they provided shelter and sustenance to the Hopi during the destruction of the previous worlds (cycles of existence). - **Role as Protectors**: The Ant People are considered guardians and helpers, living in complex underground systems and emerging to assist the Hopi in times of need. 2. **The Zuni and the Kachinas**: - **Kachina Spirits**: The Zuni people believe in Kachinas, which are spirit beings that live in an underground world called the ā€œFourth World.ā€ These beings play a central role in Zuni cosmology, helping guide and protect the people. - **Cultural Importance**: Kachina dolls and ceremonies are integral to Zuni cultural practices, symbolizing the connection between the surface world and the sacred realms below. 3. **The Mandan and the Subterranean Realm**: - **The Mandan Myth**: According to the Mandan tribe, their ancestors emerged from a subterranean world located along the Missouri River. The underground realm was a place of abundance and peace before the ancestors emerged to the surface world. - **Emergence Myth**: This story emphasizes themes of transformation and renewal, portraying the Earth as a nurturing, life-giving force. 4. **The Cherokee and the NƻƱnĆ«'hĆÆ**: - **NƻƱnĆ«'hĆÆ (Spirit People)**: The Cherokee tell of the NƻƱnĆ«'hĆÆ, a race of supernatural beings who live in underground towns. These beings are said to be friendly and helpful, often coming to the aid of humans. - **Invisibility and Mystery**: The NƻƱnĆ«'hĆÆ are described as having the ability to become invisible and are often associated with sacred mountains and caves, adding an element of mystery and respect for hidden realms. 5. **The Apache and the Mountain Spirits**: - **Mountain Spirits**: The Apache believe in benevolent mountain spirits called ā€œGaanā€ or ā€œMountain Dancersā€ who reside in underground sanctuaries within sacred mountains. These spirits are invoked in healing and protective ceremonies. - **Cultural Rituals**: The Gaan play a crucial role in Apache spiritual life, symbolizing the link between the Earthā€™s interior and the surface world. 6. **The Iroquois and the Sky Woman**: - **Sky Womanā€™s Descent**: The Iroquois creation myth includes the story of Sky Woman, who fell from the sky and landed on a giant turtleā€™s back. She later dug into the Earth to create the first lands, with some versions suggesting an emergence from an underworld. - **Dual Worlds**: The story reflects a duality between the sky and the underground, highlighting the interconnectedness of different realms. ### **Cultural Significance and Interpretations** 1. **Symbolic Meanings**: - **Cycle of Life**: Many of these stories symbolize the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, with the underworld representing a place of origins or transformation. - **Spiritual Connection**: The underground dwellers often represent a deeper spiritual connection to the Earth, emphasizing themes of fertility, wisdom, and hidden knowledge. 2. **Moral and Ethical Lessons**: - **Respect for the Earth**: These narratives teach the importance of respecting the natural world and understanding that there is more to existence than what is visible on the surface. - **Community Values**: Stories of underground dwellers often highlight the values of community, cooperation, and respect for the environment. 3. **Impact on Cultural Practices**: - **Rituals and Ceremonies**: Many tribes have rituals and ceremonies that honor these underground beings, reflecting their significance in cultural identity and spirituality. - **Storytelling Traditions**: The oral traditions of these stories play a crucial role in passing down cultural values and knowledge across generations. ### **Conclusion** Native American stories of underground dwellers are rich with symbolism and cultural meaning, reflecting a profound connection to the Earth and its mysteries. These narratives offer insights into the beliefs and values of various tribes, portraying the underworld as a place of sacredness, power, and hidden wisdom. Through these stories, the importance of living in harmony with nature and respecting the unseen aspects of the world around us is conveyed, providing timeless lessons that continue to resonate today .


It's interesting to see the drip drip making it to mainstream media


Good thing they took up half the screen with a looping cartoon of cartoonish aliens


Watters is such a fuckin toolbag. My elderly grandmother has stayed in my spare bedroom the last few years and she watches fox every single night, and I just cannot stand this smug douche.


Iā€™m a believer, but, if itā€™s on Fox News it just lost some credibility.


Fox News is garbage.


I came here tonight looking for a post like this one. I rarely watch Fox news, and I'm unfamiliar with the "personalities." Right from the gate, the way this guy Watters addressed this guest as "Professor" made me cringe. But the way the guest handled it with such graceful aplomb left me in admiration for the people that are genuinely trying to get the subject away from the realm of sarcasm and ridicule. As someone who has seen a "flying saucer," I don't really worry about all the stigma, I'd just like a few answers.


This dude is smug like this constantly. Itā€™s annoying but itā€™s his basic state of being.


Watters Clown Show


I think they have been here at least 75,000 years, that's the estimated age of the "Dragon" myth (Edit) the "Dragon" being the [cycle of formations](https://imgur.com/a/Sa92scD) they go through as they go across the sky, alternating from a snakelike formation to a big pair of wings (See the Lubbock Lights)


I love how nonchalant Masters is about the existence of NHI. "Well all of these UAP have to be coming from somewhere". Perhaps that's the future of this topic if the next Schumer bill doesn't pass. The government has officially acknowledged the existence of UAP many times over but not the cause. Eventually it will become obvious to more and more people that if it ain't us, and ain't the Russians/Chinese, there is only one other explanation regardless of how crazy it sounds. Over time, if the obvious conclusion is reached by enough people, perhaps disclosure won't be as much of a shock


Anyone get a 'Don't Look Up' vibe from this interview, can't believe how on point that movie was when I see shit like this


What a disingenuous prick the anchor guy is.


All I learned from this is that I still hate Fox News so much.


Fuck Fox news, i ain't giving these assholes one click.


I hate Fox News and all their dumb ass smirking hosts.


Such a punch able face.


The fact that our society canā€™t even take a topic such as this one seriously and have an actual discussion on it without implying itā€™s bs is such a joke. Really does make you wonder what else the majority of our society blindly believes that is completely false. The inability to be open minded and curious about the universe will always be the most baffling shit to me.


Itā€™s all BS conditioning we have inherited from past generations imo, children arenā€™t born this way, ā€œsocietyā€ indoctrinates them this way.


Every June this been getting out of hand


Sentient fungus


The difference in intelligence between the two is noticeable


Iā€™m liking this. Itā€™s leaning into the tangible aspects of the phenomenon. Bodies, craft, crash sites, underwater and underground bases these are my kind of aliens. I hope they are from outer space though. Dinosaur-oids are cool, hybrids are cool! Future humans suck!


This guy from Fox News sucks. I can't watch it


the presenter laugh all the time following his agenda.. stigma, ridicule and so on


Disclosure goes backwards again. Can't have msm coverage without extended goofy alien cgi. Especially as he starts talking, just to remind you that haha silly, what a butt, poop, aliens, haha funny!


This dude talking I'm not listening


*The Cryptoterrestrials: a meditation on indigenous humanoids and the aliens among us* by Mac Tonnies is excellent and worth checking out if you want to read something on the topic besides all the pop sci fi space brother junk. Ivan T Sanderson's *Invisible Residents: a disquisition on certain matters maritime and the possibility of intelligent life under the waters of this earth* is very good too.


Letā€™s not forget that Fox News themselves said they were an entertainment channel and not a news channel-based on how they supported bill oreilly or the Hannity chin fuck faces


As a general rule, literally nothing on Fox News should be believed.


There is a way to discuss this topic with those who are not educated on the evidence and true stories that are out there. Fox News hyperpartisan shows are not ā€œthe wayā€.


Michael Masters is from Montana Tech, not Harvard but he was involved in the Harvard study


Its like this guy just watched signs for the first time.


What a smug, shit interview that was.


Is it just me, or does Jesse Watters look like heā€™s chuckling because heā€™s an actual Cryptoterrestial, and no one knows it?! He even does that fake ā€œyou have no ideaā€ laugh that you see in the movies!


Jesse waters is a joke. Ugh canā€™t watch his show.


The 4/26 episode of the ufo rabbit hole podcast had a pretty interesting talk from Masters. Would recommend giving it a listen.


Anything not to show the CONVICT 's latest crazy rant.


God Jesse Walters needs to get his ass kicked. Also since when Faux News believes in the alien phenomena? Oh sorry newsmax is doing it. So ratings even if they donā€™t believe in it.


God I hate fox and their cavalier attitudes.


Jesse Waters sucks SO MUCH.


Michael Masters is a professor at Montana Tech, not Harvard.


I'm so tired by the simplistic political comments each and every time a non-Democrat American says something about UAPs. Politically, UAPs transcend petty politics both in their seriousness and practically speaking: This has been going on for decades across politics parties across the world. I mean go ahead and hate Jesse Waters, whatever. But I'm much more interested in sticking to the topic of this subreddit, remember what it's called? r/UFOs. Also, the entire reason I'm here is that I believe in a data-driven, rational approach to this issue and am increasingly coming to believe there has to be a form of non-human intelligence here. I don't give a.s. who agrees with me, St Theresa, or Hitler, doesn't matter. The important thing is the message, not the messenger. As far as they're living among us, I don't know. However, the world increasingly seems to be going insane and nuclear war seems a very real risk. IT's scary. But if it's actually true that non-humans are earthlings living here, then they will stop the nuclear war. That's where I"m at now, deus ex machine.


Donā€™t get upset over it. Intelligence agencies have admitted they spend millions deploying online armies to concoct a narrative and bots. Reddit spends everyday trying to frame it as good/bad instead of conservative/liberal. Itā€™s an entire campaign meant to persuade impressionable people who canā€™t decipher the difference that all that conservative are bad, and liberals/democrats/WEF/Elites/Hollywood are correct on every issue and any dissent will not be tolerated. Go talk to people in real life and youā€™ll realize Reddit is an echo chamber that doesnā€™t represent reality and they hate when you point this out. This all directly relates to the UFO issue because they use the same exact techniques to discredit, debunk, slander, etc. anybody trying to push towards real accurate information or disclosure.


That's true, good reality check.


Foxā€™s own legal defense is they are entertainment and only idiots believe anything they say.


Jesse is a huge douche and Murdoch is bad too, but in fairness, that is an industry standard defense against litigation that pretty much all talking heads and networks use.


Here in victoria Australia when it came to the covid vaccine they started off saying it would never be compulsory. Over a 6 month period they made it compulsory first for people working in the medical field in any capacity, then people who worked with the "vulnerable", then emergency services workers, then government employees. Then finally it was announced in order to work any job you would have to get it. The slow acclimatisation to the idea of employment being linked to vaccination status through the media was interesting to observe in the sense as to how the media is used as a tool to mould public perception and opinion. With very little direct force the government, through the media, was able to get the population to accept something that the government had said 6 months prior was not the case. If you've been looking beyond the surface of UAP you know there's something there. The vas majority of people have been subject to a decades long campaign of denial and obfuscation on the subject. The fact that it's been talked about by "experts " in the mainstream media not in an exclusively ridiculing or debunking way is telling that there is a directive coming from somewhere in the Web of power to shift the general consensus and belief of the population to the acceptance of NHI as a fact of our reality.


This isn't an antivax conspiracy sub.


What's the conspiracy I'm putting forward?


That there was some kind of planned agenda to gradually convince people they needed to take the vaccine. The Pandemic was chaotic, some countries just handled it better than others but most of them failed in some way. There was no conspiracy to mould people's perception.


Jesse Watters always tries to use light humor in all his sections. It's not that he's dismissively mocking it. People should be surprised this is on Fox News.


Fox news is notoriously anti-intellectaul and by that I mean they clown on high education as being "woke" or "eggheads" or "nerds" etc... Fox has always been anti-Harvard so this is clearly just a transparent attempt to discredit Harvard and intellectualism in general. Obviously Dr. Masters understood this and went on anyways as a calculated risk in order to promote awareness for the topic as well as himself as an author which is all perfectly fine. But for sure this was just another attempt by Fox to discredit things.


Who watches Jesse Waters and expects any shred of truth?


Fox going in on this and using their least reliable agitators ( Luna, Gaetz, etc.) worries me. I hope they're not realizing that UAP/UFO community ā‰  the larger looney conspiracy theory community they've relied on for political power. More realistically, though, they're touching on UAP info and the legitimate cover ups and to draw folks in and get them hooked on the rage/power political brainwashing the network (and neoconservative machine) relies on to avoid tackling real issues. This has bad faith written all over it and I hope we're too smart to let the push for disclosure/accountability become a partisan issue and bastardized.


Conservative boomers need it delivered in this way I guess


lmao, has to be all wrapped up in a digestible somewhat-mocking way for them to even listen for a few minutes.


Hi, Suspicious_Direction. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dgvsho/-/l8szq09/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 14: Top-level, off-topic, political comments may be removed at moderator discretion. There are political aspects which are relevant to ufology, but we aim to keep the subreddit free of partisan politics and debate. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.




Hi, Gold-Web-2928. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dgvsho/-/l8t30us/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. ā€œToxicā€ is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Dude wow. Getting clowned on and thinking it's genuine.


He wasnā€™t so bad when we were wearing COVID masks




Hi, Tutkanator. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dgvsho/-/l8tx220/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 14: Top-level, off-topic, political comments may be removed at moderator discretion. There are political aspects which are relevant to ufology, but we aim to keep the subreddit free of partisan politics and debate. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


I hate the way the interviewer is mocking the guest. It makes it barely watchable and is so cringe!


Who hired this Fox News guy?


They called: demons !


I love Michael Masters but he isnā€™t from Harvard, and this reporter sucks.


100% someone in the fox studio got the okay to run this story as an attempted smear


I'm not saying that I don't believe in extraterrestrial Dear, but if they are here on earth, would it make a lot more sense to everybody if they would show themselves?


Please tell me someone is not trying to take credit for Mac Tonnies hypothesis.


Then I saw ā€œa new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away


Discount David Schwimmer


Oi, Michael masters isnā€™t at Harvard. Heā€™s at Montana State


Unfortunately, Putting UFOs on Fox is how you put the toothpaste back in the tube. It politicizes the issue, which is going to make it super toxic. Moreover, cnn and others that run opposite content will lean hard into the ridicule angle.


Hats off to Dr. Masters and his team for being bold and whose mind set are outside of the mainstream science box. Jesse is funny, not Comedy Store funny, but clown funny and he will admit to it. A half competent host would listen rather than obsess about "aliens," and spaceships.


Heā€™s definitely an alien like forsureeee šŸ˜‚


Fuck this guy


I'm fine with them visiting, but can they leave their shit coins on their own planet? It's getting ridiculous.


Where is the footage starting at 2:55 going until 2:33 from?


What a smug POS. (THE HOST)


Based Harvard, always having a professor or two who likes his UFOs. :)


The idea of aliens living among us is very old, at this point. If you think that alien abduction is occurring, you essentially strong reason to believe this idea is true. Much of the lore from researchers like John Mack, Karla Turner, and especially David M. Jacobs out-an-out states this is the case.Ā  But is there proof? No. But that's the thing. There would be little, if any, proof. The ETs/hybrids have telepathic control over humans, and they will use that cover their tracks. It would take an oversight on their part. Perhaps it exists, but with all of the mind control, who can even say what the oversight would look like? And if we did find it and use it to expose them, what's to stop the aliens from using their powers to cover their tracks on a larger scale? If alien abduction is real and hybrids live among us, we may well have seen proof that it's real countless times by now, and we may have seen the proof removed from our minds, notes, and computer servers countless times by now as well.


A very punchable face


New arm of the Woke Movement


This reminds me when Fox aired the story of the gray alien carcass found in Siberia. "Look somewhere else people, Its not an Alien, it's a Chicken!" [https://youtu.be/dvC7Bxz1vVM?si=vJbCmtoFHIX\_9yE0](https://youtu.be/dvC7Bxz1vVM?si=vJbCmtoFHIX_9yE0)