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For awhile now I've stopped thinking about grusch and similiar future events.  I still think about the phenomenon pretty much daily and check out the subreddit once a day. Takes about 20 seconds to skim the front page for anything new or exciting. Most days it's not, just repeats of reports and claims I've seen many times before but could be new to others.  I've been reading this subreddit daily for 7 years now so I've heard about most commonly talked about events.  At this point, because I do believe certain parts of the government/military are actively hiding important information about UAPs and NHI from the public, I'm mostly just waiting for that to change.  In my opinion disclosure will only occur when enough whistleblowers come forward, ideally with some physical evidence. Or when enough changes by the government force the confidential programs to be made transparent. Lastly, if NHI/UAPs decide to come have a chat with us en masse.  Those are the only 3 I'm thinking about so I don't stress about it much. Theres nothing really we can do that isn't already being done. Apply pressure on your politicians to push for disclosure, that's about it. Otherwise we just have to wait.  I think the 4th option 😆 that I don't really mention but I like to daydream about. If I was super wealthy, I would buy a research ship. It would go around the globe under the guise of tracking ocean currents/wild life etc. but the main purpose would be to just constantly monitor the skies and oceans, 24/7 with all possible commercially available sensors.  If I did that for 20 years I would hope to capture something special. And also be in a position to share it with all of you....not get cockblocked by some bad operators.  Whoa I just went out a rant my bad. 


And you get to cruise around the world in your own ship! If I win the lottery I might do the same


>Those are the only 3 I'm thinking about so I don't stress about it much. Theres nothing really we can do that isn't already being done. Apply pressure on your politicians to push for disclosure, that's about it. Otherwise we just have to wait.  Those are some good options. Option 3 may seem to be the coolest. But I'm ok with option 1 or 2 though. It doesn't matter to me. Just as long as I get more proof and confirmation about life existing on other planets.


The last update was that it has cleared DOPSR, and it's Grusch himself holding it up, because he wants it to be published in a big paper like NYT or WAPO and not a small outlet like The Debrief. Not a mystery why NYT and WAPO refuse to do so. NYT especially got too close to the fire with Kean's articles and the defense intelligence community warned them about being burned. As much as I respect The Debrief, I don't think this is a bad decision. Yeah I wanna read it but I also want it blasted to as huge a reach as possible on day 1.


WaPo is struggling with a new editor and publisher that apparently the entire staff wants fired. Who knows, maybe if things shake up there they could change direction but I wouldn't bet on it.


For the unaware, read up and Google Washington Post publisher investigation. It’s a wild fiasco. Don’t put Murdoch or Fox people in charge of a proper business is the moral of the story.


> For the unaware, read up and Google Washington Post publisher investigation. It’s a wild fiasco. Thankfully, looks like Winnett has backed out after the bad press. Still doesn't fix the CEO issue with Will Lewis. But it's a start.


As if the WaPo hadn't been a wild fiasco since 2016...


When did Grusch say that? I thought it was still DOPSR was holding it up.


Is there a report about this claim about large papers not wanting to publish??


A fair amount. The DOPSR process baffles me. Oh sure the government is going to review and approve your publication disclosing that you were a first hand witness to NHI watching them materialize into our plane of existence on radar??? I don't really get it. I understand part of Grusch's project is to stay within bounds so the death of whistleblowers have protection....just hard for me to see how the government about which he is trying to reveal secrets is going to allow him to write an opinion article describing the secrets...


All DOPSR does is make sure what you write about isn’t classified. It doesn’t care at all what you write about or say beyond the fact it’s classified. If I were to write a book about my experiences in the DOD I would need to submit it to DOPSR to make sure I don’t accidentally really reveal anything that’s classified. Some people based on their position in government have to submit *everything* they publish to DOPSR just because the value of what they were read in on is so high it can’t be risked. I know a guy that writes kids books and he needs to get those cleared by DOPSR. So if Grusch gets his OP-ED through DOPSR it either means there’s nothing classified in it, or they returned it to him and allowed him to make edits to remove the classified info.


The way it was explained to me at one point would be that writing about, say, alien bodies is just fine and dandy. They don't care whether it's true or false, they're not in the business of vetting what you say. The only thing they care about is that you don't reveal *details* that are classified - facilities those bodies are in, people that work there, specific technology/resources surrounding that information, etc.


Yes and the trick is, if they say Grusch talking about alien bodies is classified it is a tacit admissal. It puts them in a bit of a bind, his claims are so specific


I think about it a lot almost everyday to be honest. I really want to know how he's able to track UFOs in our atmosphere


Is it still at DOPSR or has it been canned? It's all gone eerily quiet.


I wonder if there’s a government agency who could block the legal release of it long enough to reduce his credibility and play off the internet's impatience


I don't think it will be anything truly extraordinary, honestly. Especially if it's true that he's shopping around to get published by a big name, they won't be looking for him to get much more out there than he's already been during the NN interview and congressional hearing. And I don't think it's even possible to elaborate further within the bounds of what he's able to share. I'll read it when (if) it drops and we'll have to see


I don’t think it would be anything groundbreaking or cause a splash. Especially for people outside of the UFO community. I’d love to read it either way. Here is to hoping it releases at some point


It would definitely be more ground breaking than James Fox doc. I know that for a fact. Even though that's a low bar to compare to. But at least DG Op-Ed would probably be more exciting than that doc that is connected to a sus whistleblower.


I forgot anyone ever mentioned his op ed at this point


I do not think about it at all because I am not owed anything. It is clear he was stopped in some way. When he delivers at least I will either be surprised or pleasantly surprised.


Honestly every week! I’m waiting!!


Ok, this is probably a very stupid question, and if so, please explain to me 'cause i dont get it: why does the op-ed mater? He's already destified under oath and aparently theres very serious investigations underway... and he's already shown us that he is serious about doing this legally so he cant say anything amazing more then he already did publicly anyways. Seems to be that this battle is happening behind the scenes.... and sure id love to know wtf is going on but i dont think it maters much if we get this specific bit?


>Ross saying “soon” a couple months back. So probably some time never.


Ross in 2023 June interview. "We will get disclosure between 6 and 12 months".


So I have heard from a very important high ranking official that it will be coming very soon. And this guy has no reason to lie because he is so high ranking. So just keep waiting because it is so very soon! I personally also got to read it before anyone else and I gotta tell you it has some amazing things in it that completely blew me away. I would LOVE to tell you about it but obviously I can't because of security reasons. See? I can do it too.


Mate, you forgot to give us a link to your book or podcast 😉


It's out there! You just need to know where to look! Do your own research... you will find what you are looking for. I can't go giving everyone links to my podcast every time they ask for it. (This is the cliche reply whenever you ask for proof or a link here too)


>It's out there! You just need to know where to look! Do your own research... you will find what you are looking for. I can't go giving everyone links to my podcast every time they ask for it. Who needs disclosure or proof of NHI. When you can just look up and see the skies.


The skies aren't real bro. I wish I could tell you but there is a high ranking podcast that told me behind closed doors. The podcast was one of the podcasts working with other podcasts at area 51. The podcasts are all going to come forward to congress. But they need time. Just wait. I promise it's coming! Trust me! They just need a little time to release their books and milk the frenzy for cash for a little bit. After that I promise I will have more answers for you in the form of more promises of answers while the podcasts release more books! The grift is out there! You just need to know where to look!


Ok you have to be Ross or Nolan. What are you doing here? And don't tell me you can't tell me why because of your sources.


Okay I WANT to tell you... but now just isn't the right time. For obvious reasons. You need to trust me though. The answers you want are coming soon. I promise. I DO hint at what I am doing here in my book which you can find on amazon (They tried to take it down because I was outing some real truth bombs) but it is there because I have connections with some high people. Literally... they smoke DMT all day and talk to the aliens and that is how I get some of the info for my podcast which you can listen to on spotify. My sources are so high ranking that they literally have 100% 5 stars on Google reviews. So you can trust them. They have no reason to lie. None.. never. In fact they have never lied in their lives and they are military so you can trust them. Because as we all know the military has no track record of any kind of stress, ptsd or mental illness that might cause them to lie... at all... trust me.


You may be a real person, but these are the kinds of comments that make me think Bot.


Bruh I just parroted the kinds of things all the UFO podcasters and shills selling their UFO books and etc say that people worship around here. Corbell, Coulthart... take your pic. You don't find the fact that I said the cliche shit they say and you made a comment like that kind of telling about the people in question who say it while trying to sell a podcast to you?


Kind of ironic calling him a bot.




Cute bot programmed to call others bot was offended that someone pointed out the ease of which Coulthart and crew are worshipped for nothing substantial. Classic.  Grusch has either been humbled with the truth or his first hand "witnesses" got spooked as things were getting a little too real for them. 


It's very clear, nothing on disclosure (including op-ed) until after the election. Focus your grift elsewhere for a few months.


You missed the sarcasm didn’t you


He is currently in graduate school for his Masters in Public Administration. Considering the other degrees he has this is quite telling, very revealing. To answer the original question: I think about it at least 30-60 seconds a day it's become somewhat of a bad habit.


I wonder if Congress is preparing to put Grusch in charge of AARO?


Maybe it’ll happen when Lue’s book drops? He said in an interview on TOE that when his book drops it will be right when something else big happens and we will all know exactly why it did. Who knows though, just a thought haha.


If you get to a point where you’re waiting for anything specific in this field, I think you’re only setting yourself up for disappointment. I believe Grusch, (or at least I don’t think he’s a grifter) but there’s so much red tape to go through to release any of this stuff that, again, waiting for it and anticipating it is a losing game. I think one of the reasons Grusch’s revelation were so impactful was because it seemingly came out of nowhere, at least to all us. In reality it took a long time for him to get to a place, legally speaking, where he could talk.


Just to think it’s supposed to detail some of his first hand experiences…


i thought he never had first had experiences but talked to people that did.


It is being held until after the election.


Only when people here complain about it. He's a smart dude, I'm sure he's just waiting for a good time to release it.


When one of these folks actually release something that can be confirmed publicly and is not just another kicking the can down the road until agency x or congress take action, then I’ll start paying attention again. Since the initial videos from 2017 it’s either classified or congress has to take action first. We just got lucky that those videos were never classified, and although they weren’t approved for release- someone leaked them.


It seems so many amazing things have happened this last 12 months with pretty high up dudes saying yeah it's here and sol foundation and all that stuff but nobody will be happy until something huge happens and they can say I told you so to all their friends, none of this stuff is "exciting" but that's just because it hasn't been sensationalized yet to sell ads with it, doesn't mean leaps haven't been made. Just my opinion.


NGL, I check Reddit every morning when I wake up to see if it has been published anywhere.


Honestly I keep on forgetting that the Op-Ed exists. It slips my mind because A) it's been quite a long time from when David brought the OP-Ed up. And B) Grusch doesn't constantly give updates about it, which is fine because that could possibly end up being your typical UFO grifting buy my book type of hype. And


Never. When I read it, I'll revise that.


Never because it isn’t coming out


By the way, if you think there is nothing to look up to you haven't been paying attention.  Off the tip of my dick, Lue's book in August, congressional stuff and... Okay. I don't remember more. Btw. UFO stuff is not in vacuum. Watch the world.


Unlikely this year unless something else forces it