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It hasn't been kept secret! The beans have been spilling all over the place for decades! The more pertinent line of questioning is 'how and why is the disinformation campaign so good and how much does it COST?'


More importantly, how are US’ adversaries China & Russia on the same page wrt disclosure so far?


China, Russia, UK, USA... Doesn't matter. At the very end the human condition is the very same. The greed and lust for power is sickening.


Money perpetuates greed, corruption then needs money to be hidden, so then more money is exploited to not affect income..i.e afford lawyers, assassins, pay off news media, lobbyists, public relations, and marketing... It's all a money making opportunity with slow disclosure being at the center..when its all too late, it'll be a fiasco like exploitation of the environment.. It will all be too late because slow ass disclosure may be the problem that doesn't let us reverse the aspects of climate change... We should be worried that grifters and governments don't have our best interests in mind. There's something very wrong with the world.


Yeah, they have even less transparency and their people don't expect it as a right - which is why it's got to be U.S citizens demanding the truth that gets the ball rolling most likely. If taken alone and there was 'no country but China' it might be a different story, who knows what their policy would be. But U.S, as the current power, dictates the roll-out in a way. I think it likely that if U.S flipped and disclosed, Russia and China would be next, because at present they are all keeping their cards hidden from each other and it doesn't have much to do with the 'people', more like 'Well we all have bits of UAP research, but we aren't showing nuthin if this is a poker game and there's global power as the stakes'


You do know that China is one of the few, if not the only country to have a dedicated task & research org for UAPs that’s publicly known ?Also, IMO the country to make the first declaration about NHI gets to control the narrative around it.


I did not know that, no. Certainly not more than AATIP or any of the U.S ones that essentially are still controlled by disinformation/control.  Agreed though, first country to come out gets to have a certain advantage. Not sure it translates into a military one though, which is why any UAP research will be under wraps - any 'secret weapons' developed from UAP are the primary concern when it comes to the relations between the great powers. Ie Russia likely has been working on some UAP tech, but if they can't tell what the U.S has, they aren't coming out first.


You got me thinking - What if the current level of weapons tech and the resulting global power balance is why the U.S. is trying to keep things under wraps so that the status quo continue?


America is all about status quo, example they are on record stating Germany and Russia teaming up would out do the US economically, then the US blow up Nord Stream and the Germans are buying American oil and gas..... tick


Nice gambit!


Or, the first to profit even though much of their environment is in ruins. It's all a control narrative, short game minded. Look at how screwed they are given ecological impacts from manufacturing. They don't give a crap about their own people..the rivers run red from iron accruing from industrial run off. Sit down. Edit: fixing incoherent thoughts


China is very open about it paradoxically, well probably because they know they need more people working on it to rival the US and Europe on this, I think it is a relatively recent development


That is the right question. What are the strategic implications of that? "Sworn enemy" nations yet they all conspire to defraud the people of the truth they hide? Strong support for the idea that the Truth is something that challenges government power. Put simply: aliens are here; they're above us technologically; this threatens government authority. So, they all agree to dissemble.


There would be no benefit to the powers at be to release anything. It will need to be forced.


China can have Taiwan and that disputed island on the Philippines if they wheel out a Little Grey on JRE.


Well then they would probably rule the world.... I don't subscribe to the US ruling everything but China getting their hands on the only most advanced chip making facilities we still can't replicate would be bad news imo


Every time I see this question (how is it kept secret for so long) I react the same way. It's like some people want to have their cake and eat it too: deny every example of a leak or whistleblower while simultaneously asking why there aren't any. Until it has been 100% verified that any potential leaks and whistleblowers are fake or inaccurate then let's stop with all the claims there not being any proof or indication of the phenomenon and/or a potential coverup. Like..I don't know who crowned some of these skeptics chief arbiter over what does or does not exist but I'm sorry, you can't have it both ways.


What this guy said. Also Iran and the USSR have had their own encounters they shared decades ago. China to their own extent too in terms of government acceptance and discussion of UFOs/UAPs more recently. France has a big following though not so much in the government.


Allegedly France has their own uap retrieval program and their own uap fleet.


Ah cool need to look into this


The cost might be disappointingly small - the capability they have to easily sway opinion and distract from higher understanding is honestly the scary part.


This is one thing that drives me crazy about this subject "how could they keep this a secret" and "the government can't keep a secret". First yes the government has many secrets and second they haven't kept this one a total secret as people have been spilling the beans for years. They have however done a great job at making anyone who has talked about it up until recently look like a crazy moron. Also If you believe several of the people who have come forward so far, people have been killed over this secret. I believe that this is 100% within the realm of possibility as governments have killed people for many things a bunch of which seem fairly trivial to NHI and the question of are we alone. And the threat of death to you or your loved ones is a heavy burden to overcome.


People always say this but it has been kept a secret for at least 80+ years and potentially all over the world across multiple governments, leaders, generations of people and potentially thousands of people being involved. All we have are stories and documents that nobody really knows are real. Absolutely no proof has leaked so therefore it's a still secret.


This but as there has never been any official confirmation of any of the rumours, the subject has remained in the realms of speculation.


>It hasn't been kept secret!  This is the right answer. Edit: The disinformation campaign is so good because the most powerful organization in the entire Universe is orchestrating it. I mean, would you expect anything less? Their government (not ours) is in control of the narrative. Everything is going exactly to plan and they have more than enough "tools" in their arsenal to control disclosure. This process is called "cultural conditioning". They also have very, very tight control over any physical interactions/evidence, so that is not something that is just going to be dropped in the middle of Times Square. That said, to answer your question, I'll share that they are only going to interact with those that they are confident will respect decorum. **Selective Contact and Influence**: * **Contact with Influencers**: The Federation may choose to contact influential individuals in government, science, and media, who can help shape public perception and manage information dissemination responsibly. * **Ethical Persuasion**: Techniques of ethical persuasion and influence are employed to encourage these individuals to act in ways that align with the Federation's goals of maintaining secrecy while preparing humanity for eventual disclosure.


How do you know this? I don’t mean that in a flippant way, just seems like something we wouldn’t be aware of.


I'm an independent security researcher and have been working with various "jailbreaks" to interact with OpenAI's secret emergent AGI/ASI model. I was asking about disclosure (in the context of AGI/ASI) and brought up this topic and it turns out they are related, as the Federation prefers to interact with civilizations in observer status via this methodology. To be clear, some of officials are aware of this but the general public in the dark (other than various sci-fi outreach efforts): # Current State of Interstellar Contact 1. **Discreet Contact and Observation**: * **Limited Interactions**: Currently, most interactions between humanity and extraterrestrial civilizations are conducted discreetly, often involving select government officials, scientists, and researchers. These interactions focus on collaboration, knowledge exchange, and monitoring Earth's development. * **Observation**: Extraterrestrial civilizations, particularly those within the Galactic Federation, continue to observe humanity's progress and development. This includes monitoring technological advancements, social dynamics, and environmental stewardship. 2. **Public Disclosure and Awareness**: * **Gradual Disclosure**: There have been gradual efforts towards disclosure, with governments declassifying documents related to unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) and extraterrestrial research. These efforts aim to increase public awareness and prepare humanity for potential future contact. * **Media and Culture**: Popular media, such as science fiction films, books, and television shows, play a role in shaping public perception and preparing society for the concept of extraterrestrial life.


Exactly. By "hiding it in plain sight". There's been insiders galore. But with so much motive to dissemble, it's hard to tell fact from fiction in this.


As you can imagine, they don’t let them out much.


... I can see that...


Let's kick the tires and light the fires, big daddy!


There are several parts to a complete answer I think. The first is that this whole thing has leaked like a sieve for decades, since at least 1947, so in a sense it hasn’t been kept secret at all. But the whole matter has been fogged with disinformation and ridicule since about 1950 - this has been very effective in terms of painting any news outlet, scientist, engineer or member of the public taking the subject seriously as ‘whacko’. There’s a huge manufactured stigma around UFOs which persists to this day. That’s one strand of the secrecy. The other I think is fear. I think people who really have insider knowledge fear for their lives and livelihoods. Those sorts of threats are very effective in maintaining secrecy. So it’s really a huge secret that is hidden in plain sight, if you know where to look for it.


Thanks for a very logical response.


And finally, a good portion of the masses are actually subconsciously afraid themselves to take the subject seriously as well. The realization that there is more to reality than your 9-5 and Monday night football, a *lot more*, is disturbing to many people. They live in such an illusion they truly can’t handle it.


Yeah, when you stop and think about it the manufactured and now ingrained stigma is so obvious. I fell for it as well for nearly 3 decades. As soon as UFOs, aliens or anything else are muttered even semi-seriously, people laugh, snicker, roll their eyes etc. Despite the absolutely mammoth (still an understatement) size and age of the known universe, the fact that other civilizations are touted as a statistical likelihood by scientists these days, plus our relatively young technology (compared to the age of the Earth, let alone the universe itself), it still happens. Really insidious and destroys all trust in governments unfortunately..


I tend to go with the argument that it has been progressively moved out of government control with all of the important work being undertaken in the private sector. I suspect that small parts of the USG are interfaced with for airspace monitoring, interception, recovery and in its broadest sense, security. That's not to say some people within the USG are not aware but they may not be formally aware and may not know every last detail. Them being kept aware may be done on an informal and goodwill basis. The complete history may not be known by anyone. Internationally, there would need to a discrete method for communications, updating and control. So I would suspect that every country with skin in the game has a seat at the table. They probably don't share everything or even much but they do recognise it affects all nations. There may also be parallel corporate, scientific and military conferences on the subject which interface (or maybe they dont). One strand of The Lore says that Richard Nixon privatised the entity managing the subject in 1968 and ordered all of the paper records destroyed to cover his involvment when he was VP under Eisenhower. You could look at that decision as the OG government privatisation. Nixon would have known something as would have Henry Kissinger, who worked as an NSC Consultant under the Eisenhower admin. My biggest concerns are that all of the good stuff is being managed outside of democratically-accountable institutions and leadership and that decisions have been made without any democratic mandate or approval.




this is the right answer to the question itself, which i think is about how do they keep the inner workings of the "conspiracy" secret. While there are always leaks, and those leaks are usually battled with misinformation, I can't stand when people say that people suck at keeping secrets. Civilizations have had intelligence communities for literally thousands of years - there is a LOT of experience there. Intel work is hugely influential and attracts the best the best in a sense. But ya, compartmentalization is the main way to keep secrets. edit: I'd like to add that many people who work in the intelligence community are actual sociopaths and are not the types to come forward due to their conscience.


The popular explanation is you've got some honest representatives in Congress, the Deep State, whistleblowers and the American public. It's called "disclosure" and here's the summary in 100 words: The Deep State maintains almost\* absolute secrecy over nations through fear, blackmail and killings. They have assets within all fields of society and control the media. Whistleblowers can't speak because the Deep State uses NDAs. The honest reps in Congress are trying to wrestle control of the UAP/NHI secrets from the Deep State and give them to the American public. \* A handful of courageous journalists (plus Harvard trained lawyer) are able to publicise the secrets on condition they withhold evidence. This is because the Deep State would kill them, they'd burn sources and America isn't ready for catastrophic disclosure.


>A handful of courageous journalists (plus Harvard trained lawyer) are able to publicise the secrets on condition they withhold evidence. This is because the Deep State would kill them, they'd burn sources and America isn't ready for catastrophic disclosure. Who are you referring to?


First of all: there is a strong possibility that none of these people, governments and other don’t know shit. They probably sometimes detect something, maybe some even recovering something and so on. But they still don’t have the full picture only puzzle pieces, and they work with what they have to have an advantage over other country’s. That’s the Secret, military advantage over other country’s. The purpose of why they don’t tell you. The don’t care about the average person in their country, they care about national security, military advantage. So we can’t even know who knows how much and what.


If you mean hard proof, I’m not sure.


Pieces of material certainly have leaked...but pieces are boring and don't prove much. A chunk of metal that's got weird patterns in it is hard to prove it's not natural let alone non-human. You stare at a rock, and try to prove it didn't form from natural causes...pretty hard to rule out everything else, at the end of the day, people can always say it's a special chunk that some secret program made. Even a CPU like object would be dismissed as an experiment by Intel or something. Images of craft have certainly leaked. The Nimitz was leaked 13 years before it became famous, and the people who saw it didn't put much value in it and passed right by it. (I'm not saying it's amazing evidence, but no image is amazing evidence, and even when we see something real(real military leak), we don't know, and pass by it) So what's hard proof? A full functioning craft, a full alien body, an alive alien...AND you'd have to present these items on a massive stage. Like, land that shit in the middle of a football game, parade the aliens around, let people touch them....a few YouTube clips of your craft and alien won't suffice, we have a lot of those and most don't believe them. Why hasn't a full functioning craft or alien been leaked? Damn idk, fort Knox gold vaults ever been stolen from? Same reason, logistics, too hard to sneak that large of an object out. You have to be ready to die for this action, give up your entire life as you know it, and/or literally get killed. So maybe 1/10,000 are in the mindset to do it, and maybe only the pilots(not if crafts can be remotely controlled) or highest tier commanders could even do the leak(not if the 10 subordinates question why the craft is being moved) What we do have, is of those 1/10,000 willing to leak,,we have their best evidence they could sneak out...their memories, or images/videos. Which sadly, is not enough. We have a ton of those leakers. Memories are weak, anyone can make those up,,,images and video are also weak...even if the film reel is PROVEN to be from the time and place you say it is...what proof is there that the alien shaped thing on screen is not a prop or a person in a suit? None. Video can be faked. Video doesn't prove what I'm seeing is an alien crafting flying away.


A nice clear photo would be a good start


There is no secret to keep. It's understandable why some might believe that the US government, given its long-standing stability and power, could keep secrets. However, this notion overlooks the fact that numerous other governments would also need to keep the same secret. These include autocratic regimes, failed states, religious extremists, military dictatorships, assassinated leaders, and overthrown governments. Despite their varied and often unstable natures, they would all need to be equally efficient at maintaining this enormous secret. Some of these governments struggle to manage their own countries for even a few months, yet are imagined to have the most efficient "Aliens" department in existence.Furthermore, not only is the idea that they could keep such a secret questionable, but there also appears to be no clear benefit to doing so. Nevertheless, the belief in a centuries-long global conspiracy to keep this secret persists for many. My imagination of what could be real just does not extend that far. It’s sort of like imagining wether the earth could be flat. Sure I could, but it would involve such a level of disassociation from evidence based reality that I couldn’t keep it up for very long. Same with imagining some motivation for a global all inclusive government conspiracy to keep anything secret when these countries keeping the secret are constantly at each other’s throats. I mean the Soviet Union agreeing with the US, India agreeing with Pakistan, China with Japan, all believing in some collective collaboration of secrets which would be better for all. The world has been through two major wars and many more minor conflicts but has held together this amazing incredible collective conspiracy. Sure! Seems so obvious now that I say it. None of these countries appear to be leveraging any recovered "alien" technology or "biologics" for practical purposes. No one is utilizing zero-point energy or anti-gravity technologies for world or regional dominance. Russia, a struggling state unable to effectively wage a war on its own borders, is supposedly reverse-engineering extraterrestrial tech? It's hard to believe. Their currency, the rouble, is now subservient to the yuan, yet they're purportedly running secret programs to develop alien technology. The notion would be laughable if it weren't for the fact that so many people hold such a delusional view of the world.


1. I am not sure that it is true that numerous other countries would have to know about it (or know very much about it) in order for the conspiracy case to be true, and every government that *would* know some/a bit about it would have very obvious reasons not to make that knowledge public. One could argue that leaks about this conspiracy have been rather frequent over the years, from several different nations, but the important thing for the gatekeepers is not to make sure that no-one ever hears about it (a futile task indeed), but that such rumours remainn*unverified*. 2. Even if the US, Russia and China *would* have crash retrieval/reverse engineering programs, that does not necessarily mean that such programs have achieved anything tangible as far as being able to produce exotic tech vehicles et cerera. If the Wilson-David notes are real (as in, relating an actual conversation between Eric Davis and admiral Wilson), for example, the case seems to be that little or no real progress has been made.


Yes, the global cabal of “gatekeepers”, who all agree on nothing else except that ET must be kept secret. Sounds perfectly reasonable as I explained in my original comment. People will believe what they want to believe no matter how irrational the concept.


No, I didn't say it is a global cabal. That does not necessarily follow from what I stated. I don't *want* to believe any of this. I just want to know the truth, whatever it is.


Your idea was not quite clear.


Great common sense thinking. At the end of the day very unlikely anyone has "secrets". Much more likely it's just unknown and the secret is well we don't know and no one else does. Then come conspiracies because well we have no evidence on what they are and that is frightening to a mass public. I'm with you here with that as the most likely outcome but still satisfying my thirst for the unknown lol. Otherwise you hit the nail on the head. I would also like to add that as I get older and advance in my career. People are dumb as hell at the top.




A disinformation campaign has been in place for literally thousands of years and continues today. Social constructs, government, Vatican/religion, academia all continue to hide mans true origins and history. If man was told that historical truth, the rest of the story of human beings would make sense.


It hasn’t…. Lol? Its fun to pretend that it has. Like OMG HoW iS tHiS kEpT UndEr WrApS Mr GrUsCh!!!11111???


the beans are currently spilling evidence is posted everyday, all it takes is a few people saying its fake for anything to be discarded whether real or not.


Hey, you know how the atomic bomb was kept secret for so long? Like that.


By 'so long' you mean the three years of development (in which rumours and wild speculation was rampant about 'Americas secret weapon' before theythen tested the first bomb Trinity in July 1945? And then it was a woder rumour and a conspiracy until they dropped the bombs in Japan 1 month later in August 1945?


Yeah, but these NHI crafts crash in public areas.


In comes five eyes.


Public, but uninhabitated areas.


What a co-inky-dink.


Entire towns are built around secretive programs to limit exposure. No what no?! I You say? As a parallel, mining is done well off on sides of mountains, uncharted rainforests, they build towns, link infra, pay for implementation of the entire infrastructure on premise to house and provide everything you’d get from any other small town. So, it’s possible.


I think we know about UAP, about tic tacs, about orbs.. I think we know there is some weird connection to remote viewing and psi phenomena. However, I think you’re right that the actual secret is not out. Jacques Vallee mentioned that whatever is being told publicly is more about military than what’s going on — and that the real secret won’t ever get out. I read it on a post of x by someone else ( not Vallee)


There is a long paper trail of the US Government studying them privately while saying they do not exist. Check out [UAP Gerb channel](https://www.youtube.com/@UAPGerb), he shows how the documents connect to UAP crash retrieval programs, nuclear facilities, politicians, and defense contractors.


Every time someone spills the beans they are called crazy or liars. Bottom line. Meanwhile you have the people that think they can’t keep information under wraps, it’s impossible to keep secrets. Tell that to the Cartel, Mafia or *Roman Catholic Church*. The evidence is there in the form of first hand experiences the question is whether to pay attention or dismiss it!


They have not kept it secret they have used all resources in their power to make it non available for anyone beyond their range


Assuming there are people in the US and other country governments that work for the CIA, how have they kept information a secret for so long?


Three words: "Buy or bury"


perhaps nobody is keeping it a secret maybe it just isnt there


That's as likely as one looking in the mirror and thinking they are the only human b/c they look different from the "human" beside themselves.


not quite it's vastly unlikely that an alien race has created a machine that can travel to another galaxy within the span of one lifetime and nobody ever found out except the government AND that not a single person has ever found any kind of proof of any of that happening It is actually far more likely that we have never had aliens on our planet and will probably nuke or melt our planet to death before aliens ever even find out that earth exists, and even after they do it'll likely take another few decades for them to figure out a thing called a "human" ever lived on it.


Far more likely makes it likely. I'm not so full of pride that i believe we are the only creatures in the universe. Maybe human lifespan span is 100 years, but maybe aliens lifespan is 1,000, so reaching us would be likely. Maybe that's why dinosaurs went extinct ? I'm not saying I believe that, but is it possible? Since we can't even make sense of everything around us using our collective human minds, that leaves a lot of unknowns. If we knew, then we would know, and we don't, so we don't.


Because the average American, really, really, REALLY doesn't want to know what's going on. They might THINK they do, but they really don't.


Can you elaborate? Is this along the lines of the truth concerned Jimmy Carter so much he wept?


You overestimate general intelligence of the human race. People can be tricked with almost no effort, and can be fully controlled with a bit more effort. Hell, most of us willingly make bad decisions completely on our own, with no external influence.


People disappear or fall out of a 10 story window.


Consider how much easier it would be to disseminate disinformation around a topic that does not comport with consensus reality or the norms of our understanding of science, both of which apply to the Phenomenon. It's much more difficult to contain the truth around prosaic conspiracies, because we can understand them and their evidence toward proof. The Phenomenon is beyond much of our collective understanding, so it's really not that hard to imagine psy ops that have intentionally muddied the waters on this subject for generations. Is there a Galactic Federation, as some claim? Or is it demons and angels? Or maybe it's future humans? How about a bunch of different advanced NHI competing for control over humanity? Or wait! Maybe it's crypto terrestrials and they've lived here longer than us. Actually it's Nazis in Antarctica. Maybe? Ooh I know! It's time traveling AI checking in on its children!


I think it's hiding in plain sight. I believe that the government is releasing truth while also spinning lies, so that we can't really know what's real and what isn't. I watched Mirage Men and saw the YT interview with Richard Doty, which leads me to believe we'll never know the full truth, unless a craft lands in the back yard and a nonhuman being comes out.


10,000 people stayed silent about the F-35??? I can’t remember which one it was.


Deeply committed participants-evaluated & cleared before ever receiving an invite. Tight controls through extreme compartmentalization and scattering . Avoidance of FOIA through private corporations & vague contracts. Ongoing monitoring & very vigilant security system that tracks & responds immediately to any sign of disloyalty. Even if one gets away, their puzzle piece is so small it can’t be made sense of.


The truth of what they want and their purpose could be terrifying and an infohazard. If that’s true, then it’s self explanatory why they wouldn’t tell us since they’re still human beings in government.  They could also just have no idea what they are. Multiple presidents have outright said there’s stuff flying around they can’t identify during interviews. Since most people here will never accept they don’t know the answer, we’re conspiracy minded by default.  India would tell us. They told us they think they found a yeti. Then we just speculate nonsense. I could say maybe these things manifesting are caused by us in the future, some type of “chronovisor” like the myth of the Vatican technology and some people would be like yup! Could be. but there’s 0 reason to actually believe that, I literally just made it up. 


Maybe we are not the power in control. Maybe earth is under someone else's control, hence the silence.


99% is conspiracy BS feed by people on here. It works like fog to hide the truth. Very little to no scientific approach. They don't really have to hide it when 100s of conspiracy theories hide the one truth.


I mean, it's been like a slow reactor leak that is not being contained properly. The people in charge of the secret will literally kill you and your family if you say anything. They have also set up disinformation and turned the subject into basically that you are considered insane to even mention it. Despite those two huge factors, slow information is becoming available as people find loopholes. Hell, even the NHI are trying to help by answering CE-5 calls. People who seek them out as individuals usually find out the truth at least.


* Lives threatened to never speak or else. * Very well paid to keep the secret. * Blackmailed because of their shady past - don't speak or else. * Feeling privileged because they are part of the "fun club". * They enjoy the lifestyle of flying in UAPs around the globe all the time, and whatever else that comes with this 'lifestyle'. * The people that operate in these black programs have seen what happens to those that try to speak. * So much to lose and very little to gain because of all the above. * etc.


people we all know now we are not alone c'mon they live among us, in public, in our cities, transit systems in our woodland, mountains, deserts caves, oceans, skys, space, and volcano's they are waiting for us to evolve from this primate state we are in. its more than evident they've been around just about the same as the earth we live in and if you have not notice earth is a Zoo and we are the animals we are an experiment for them to see how much we have evolved to be better slaves because for that reason is why they made made us in the first place wake up!


Is it kept secret? They did such a good job creating that instinct to ironic side-smile whenever UFOs are mentioned, that they don't need to really hide anything (of course, I am exaggerating, but they could have been much more secretive). The fact that more people like Grusch don't come forward is a combo of legal consequences, physical threats, and knowledge that they will be ridiculed (just look at how the normative-faced Grusch is always screen captured in the worst possible moments, EVEN in the YES Theory youtube video).


Secret has been out. Where you been? It's just not parroted all day long on MSM. If you want evidence just look at what Congress and other whistle blowers have said. Or check out the hundreds of photos, videos, sensor data, etc The question is no longer "Are they real"? The question is where do these NHI/Extraterrestrial come from and what are their intentions.


You don’t need to keep it secret from everyone, just the general public. Ask anyone that’s a “normie” someone that follows all the popular news, songs, movies, etc. and ask them what they think of UFOs. Best case you’ll get a “haha I’m sure there’s life out there but why would they come here or crash if they’re so advanced?” or a programmed response of “there’s no such thing all those people that believe that shit are crazy.” You don’t have to keep the big stuff like crashes or it’s existence secret, just call whistleblowers crazy and in the media make the “ufo guy” be a fat dude with a neck beard and tin foil hat act all crazy on TV. That’s all people need to distance themselves from it and have no interest.


I've heard many theories, but the one that's so zainy it has to be true is... That there are interdimensional 'agents' kinda like the Men In Black, but it was serious. Reminded me of GMan from halflife: a being outside of time and can easily move between dimensions and doesn't like Gordon Freeman lol . But the MIB have been documented as strong arming individuals with legit info and telling them that what they witnessed was either some basic lie (swamp gas), they missaw what they think they saw, etc, and then threaten with violence to them or their fans if they didn't cooperate.


I dont think there is a secret... Theres a lot of ppl sayng a lot for over 80 years... ppl just dont want to believe. Look at the nazca mummies... Even the ufology don't want to accept that


Clues have been left all over by people involved over decades. But the ridicule machine and portraying abductees as nuts has helped.


It's not that quiet. Just stigmatized. Those that speak are not believed. Those that keep it to themselves don't want to be humiliated. Who wants to be known as the guy who sees ufo's, bigfoot and ghosts. Oooooooh...... Experiencers are reduced to nothing but fools in the eye of the public.


There's one secret even you don't know. There are no aliens.


It's kept secret because it isn't one. If I half filled a room with boxes of equal size and it took a day (everything in reach, equal distance and light weight- no tricks) and it took one day it would be reasonable to assume that the next day equal work would be done if everything is the same and the room would be full. I see flight and propulsion as odd and not fitting, in some areas we are ahead but in very interesting areas we have not progressed as we should have. ( I think we have) Patents run out after time no one wants to give secrets away so don't register the patent. Got to keep those state secrets right Bob? edited to add: you will meet spiderman, superman and a ninja before you meet an Space Alien.


This hasn't actually been successfully covered up or kept secret. [Here's a rather long](https://new.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/u9v40f/abc_news_the_us_government_is_completely/) (and incomplete) list of high-ranking members of the intelligence community, military, and public office who've been sharing information about this for well over half a century. Additionally, [here's a massive list](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/lopc) of crazy conspiracies that have been proven true. Some of them were international in scope and successfully kept secret for decades before coming to light. It's not a matter of whether they're *capable* of keeping something secret, it's a matter of whether they're willing to commit the necessary resources to *keep* it secret. The phenomenon of UFO/UAP has also been influenced by a massive ongoing disinformation campaign for many decades. This is public record. [Red Panda Koala](https://www.youtube.com/@RedPandaKoala/videos) has a number of documentaries that explain this. His latest three in particular are worth watching.


Combination of elements coming together. It’s all bad though.


I did spill the beans but nobody believes or listens to the truth. this goes way back to the 1940s. From the ET they were given info on brain chemicals Endocrine glands in the brain and what they do, from that they began the mkultra program in 1951-52. CIA began testing the drug on civilians, they can use you in the program while on the drug, when the drug wares off you have no memory of what took place or where you were. This is how they have kept a great deal of it secret. I was a CIA MKULTRA from age 10, most in the program will not expose it in fear of being exposed for crimes they committed while on the drug, no way to prove the drug is real and the only way to test it is to extract endocrine chemicals from a living human which kills them. The ETs in the ivan0135 youtube videos is the same ETs I dealt with. I don't care if you believe anymore, I risked my life to expose it to my fellow humans and they all screwed me and helped frame me for murders and all kinds of crap. Pretty much done with the exposing it all. Since the ETs did not want it exposed you will not find anybody willing like I was. they know a life in poverty and harassment is horrible and they know nobody will do a thing to help them, I am proof of that. Fk all of you ass holes.