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Mine is my good old much missed Dad. He was about as down to earth as you'd get. Never watched a sci-fi movie in his life (maybe he took me to watch ET) or even read a book. Seriously! Worked a hard job outdoors all his life but one day he was out fishing on a commercial boat in the 1950s all the guys saw something very unusual about a quarter of a mile away (400m approx). It was a glowing green light, quite big and this was in good daylight so would have to be bright. There was no up or down movement, it was moving north and only a metre or two above the sea. It was moving faster than a boat but slower that a prop place like a Cessna 172. It also seemed to be zig-zagging. Green lights were definitely a feature in the 1950s and whenever I asked him, things like ETs coming here or secret aircraft wouldn't even occur to him. He was never a debunker and said 'I just don't know', he simply wasn't interested. He wouldn't even know that there could be a stigma, all that lore was not on his radar. Fishermen are superstitious (at least round my way) and it spooked them out so they winched the nets back and they also feared tangling with a submarine. The Navy has always denied any submarine involvement but there have been a few cases of a boat going down fast as if it had caught a sub. This was in the channel between Northern Ireland and Scotland. They all kept fairly quiet about it, not so much due to stigma but more that its oddness seemed 'bad' to them, like it was a harbinger of bad things.


Sailors have every right to be superstitious. Columbus saw strange lights as well. Wow, thank you for sharing. I love that this was a sighting from the 50s.


What’s interesting about this - why green. So many reports of UFOs and smaller orbs not just manifesting a color but sometimes changing colors. Part of their exhaust? Part caused by ion gas glow with our atmosphere (then there are glowing USOs)? Part communication we don’t understand? We too use color as a primary form of universal human language. Green, yellow, red, white in navigation at every level. Culturally colors are also given spiritual meanings. It would be interesting to find out what is required to generate a free standing green hued ion gas/plasma in our atmosphere.


We've synthesized hundreds of phosphors that glow various colors when exposed to radiant energy. The green glow of radiation we see in sci-fi comes from mixing radium with silver and zinc sulphide, resulting in a radioactive material that would give off a constant green glow. Tritium produces a similar effect more safely. Scientifically speaking, if the radiant energy emitted by the crafts is orders of magnitude greater than what we can make, it could induce phosphorescence in more common materials, like the air itself.


Makes me hope these things aren't crashing too often, doesn't sound too healthy! I suppose I could accept that any visitor's technology has changed in the same way we still have very primitive chemical rockets but they have been refined from the era of the V2 missile to today.  The whole thing seems like a deliberate attempt to confuse us at times. In the 1890s and 1900s we had mystery airships.  Then in the 1930s in Scandinavia, 'ghost rockets'.  Then in the golden era of contactees and early sci-fi, classic 'saucers' and flying wing vehicles.  From the Gulf War onwards the stealth aircraft were revealed, all weird and dark and sinister looking.  But still the visitors had craft which were just streets ahead of our bleeding edge; bigger than the B-2, silent, capable of hovering and capable of rapid acceleration.  I really do not know what to make of it all, it feels to me that someone is playing a prank! 👽


I think we are being visited by at least two different... things, with very different technology. I think the shape shifting, merging and dividing "blobs" of light come from a vastly more powerful, but also more distant form of life that is likely not biological. I think the crafts that appear solid come from a biological form of life that is uhhh... less enlightened, and perhaps even hell bent on stealing powerful technologies from the non-biological life form. Perhaps, that distant, non biological life may predate, and be the origin of, all biological life. Essentially, capital G God. The greys represent something created that has since turned against its creator, and wants desperately to become equal in power to its creator. That's my crackpot theory for the day.


I agree with you. Details to be fixed in the future w more evidence but there are two and they don’t get along and we are a part of their battlefield. And orbs, blobs? Belong to one or both and my guess based on my senses and guts these are remote probes - why? Their owners are at risk so use these proxies.


That observation strongly points towards most UFO's being misidentified conventional objects or figments of the imagination. It would be rather strange that UFO's always embody what is seen as "futuristic" in whatever time period they were seen. We're now seeing a move from the angular black geometric shapes of the 90's and early 2000's towards a minimalist "Apple aesthetic" of smooth reflective or white tic tacs or spheres, which reflects our current pop-culture idea of what the future looks like. I just don't buy the idea that UFO's somehow and for no explicable reason try to appear to us in a form we would understand, when a far simpler explanation is that people are just misidentifying regular objects and projecting their own pop culture ideas of sci-fi onto them.


First, why would aliens utilize Earth as a battlegrounds for their inter-galactic beef? Even if that were the case, why operate in secrecy? They would have the tech to annihilate or enslave us in support their war efforts. Secondly, it’s unlikely that two distinct alien lifeforms, separated by light years of time & distance, would even be able to communicate with one another to bring about said beef. That scenario would be more conceivable if these aliens had a common ancestor and shared language sub-structure. It’s a bit of a leap to suggest we’re witnessing TWO alien species warring with one another when we see no hard, scientific evidence of alien life in the cosmos AT ALL after decades of searching. If they’re here, they’ve likely always been here, at least as long as humans have been utilizing primitive tools & language. If they’ve always been here, remaining hidden has been paramount to their mission. But why would a species seemingly more advanced than we are have any reason to keep us at arms reach? Do they fear us? Or do they fear what may happen if their identity is revealed? Here’s my theory (not mine obviously, but the one that makes most sense to me). They’re human, but a future evolutionary offspring of human. That would explain the need to remain hidden so as not to interfere & break causality (see grandfather paradox). Or maybe these UFO sightings have already broken causality, forcing them to remain here forever in a new trajectory, a new history, with the “door” back “home” permanently closed, lost to the eternal fabric of spacetime. Or maybe interference was the mission all along? To prevent an impending mass extinction event. Whoever is here sacrificed their life to alter our trajectory and save humanity. But exposing their identity would have dire consequences for their predecessors. Their very first appearance on Earth was witnessed by our early ancestors who were then just budding as an intelligent species. Without means of understanding, our ancestors saw their visit as evidence of “God.” Whoever or whatever “they” are, if they’re here, it’s clear they have no desire to harm us. Harming us threatens their very existence.


Thank you for sharing your expertise. This may be an impossible next question and I may be asking it poorly, sorry. Radiant energy” - I take to mean transmission of EM energy of some type? For us to “see it” with just our eyes it needs to be within the “visible (duh?) light spectrum”? So energy we can see is energy that is creating a photonic transmission at wavelengths we can see? If so, What cold/non thermal energy source is there that could do this - and do this such that it creates a self luminous (no obvious external energy source like a transformer) such that it could make a freestanding cobalt blueish glow in our atmosphere at room temperature? Sorry if I suck at how I ask this?


Yeah, it can be just radiation, but in this instance it would almost certainly be electromagnetic radiation. The closest thing we have to this form of "propulsionless propulsion" is something called electrostatic propulsion, which involves exposing engineered materials to static electricity. It is entirely possible we are witnessing a very advanced form of electrostatic propulsion, using the same energy, just orders of magnitude more powerful, and being applied to drastically more advanced engineered materials.


I’ve always wondered if colors could have meanings when a ufo sighting occurs. The white orb I saw up close was stationary for about a minute after watching it fly towards me from far away. It was about 15-20ft directly above me, it was pure white and didn’t look transparent. The size of a softball maybe a bit bigger. It instantly began to spin so fast it created a perfect donut shape while also changing its color to a neon or lime green like color before turning back into the white orb and disappearing in its exact spot. It also got brighter or maybe flashed for a quick second before dissipating.


wow! were you scared at the time? or after? Did it have a 'feel' to it? Like you felt 'in awe', or 'it was reassuring' or anything like that?


I'm from eastern europe. Around 2003 I saw an orb hovering above our neighbourhood. It was there for at least 10 to 20 minutes. I was small. No phones with cameras or drones existed back at the time. The orb stayed in one place but was hovering in an side way 8 shaped pattern. Like the infinity symbol. A decade later I was walking home from my girlfriend in the middle of the night when I saw a light shooting up to the sky from two-three house down from me. At first I thought it was a firework being launched because it was early january and I thought people are shooting leftover fireworks from new years eve. What got my attention is that there were no boom of flash of light. I looked up, I saw an orb still ascending then suddenly it took a 90 degree turn and shoot out to the horizon at incredible speed. I was speechless. A few years later I saw an UFO documentary about orbs and that's when I realized what I have seen in these two occasions. Before the documentary I had no clue what these were.


This is the first time I heard someone mention a UFO moving in an 8-pattern or infinity symbol. That's what I saw. I didn't see it as close as you did. This was back in the mid-90s. It was at a beach in Hawaii, a bit after the sun had gone down. I was looking at the stars as they were beginning to appear. One side of the sky was starting to turn dark blue while the horizon was still pink and orange. I was looking up at the stars above me when it looked like a star had moved. But then it stopped and I thought it was my imagination. I stared at it anyways hoping that it would move. After maybe a minute, my sister and cousin ask what I'm looking at, and I said I thought I saw a star move. They started looking up as well. Maybe 30 seconds later, one of them says they see the star move. I try to find it but I don't see anything moving. I thought they were teasing me or something. Then the other person says they see it move, and a second later, I see it too. Now all three of us are looking at what looks like a star moving in an infinity pattern, then moving to another part of the sky and doing another infinity pattern or a circle. Very smooth movement, and it was maneuverable like a drone. This went on for minutes until we lost sight of it behind some clouds. There was one other witness to this who was unrelated to the three of us (a kid sitting next to us on the beach who was also looking up at the sky). I asked him if he could describe what he was looking at, and what he described was what I was seeing as well. It wasn't a plane or helicopter, not a satellite, not a bird, bug, star, or planet. The closest prosaic explanation I can think of for my sighting was that it was some experimental drone that was being tested in public for some reason. This was back in the mid-90s, so there was probably some experimental drone tech. Whatever it was, it was higher than the clouds, brightly lit, maneuverable enough to start and stop moving suddenly, was going in circles and 8-loops, and as small as a star at night from the perspective of someone on the ground.


I also saw a white orb doing the 8 pattern while playing golf in Santa Clara, CA in the early 90s. After a few minutes it split into 2 orbs doing the same pattern. I saw them for a good 5-10 minutes before it disappeared into the sky.


I’ve got no second hand proof but one of my first and only experiences was driving down grand river ave in Michigan, I was in the back seat. We were on the way to see a movie and I saw I shit you not, a red light orb, it darted under the moon, held still for about 3 seconds and then top off into the sky. I’ve been convinced ever since that day that either I’m insane or there are aliens out there.


Yo, my friend and I saw something so similar to this along with about a dozen other people. We were on a lookout watching a meteor shower, when all the sudden I spot what I thought was a shooting star. Then it slowed down, curved, and started doing serpentine patterns. It moved to another part of the sky and did more of those figure 8s. Finally, it shot off much faster in the opposite direction. The only thing we can guess is that it might have been some kind of extremely high altitude drone or something. It was orange though.


Nice. I wish I saw it shoot off or something. How fast did it shoot off?


Wow. Thank you for sharing. You and others also commented this 8 loop movement and I also never heard anybody else mention this before. Glad I commented. Little more details for the first: It was afternoon, around 3 pm probably and the sky was cloudy probably it rained before already. Went to the kitchen and I just looked out the window and there it was doing these 8 loops. I was a kiddo, I had no clue what it is and I just accepted it and made myself a sandwich. When the sandwich was done look out the window again, it was still there doing loops. Then I went into the living room, ate the sandwich, came back, it was still there doing loops. Went back into the room, came back much later, it was gone. If I try to remember it more I have this eerie feeling.


Amazing -- thank you for sharing these.


Any past paranormal experiences?


Why do you ask? Asking because I love hearing about this stuff.


Related to this none.


The UFO I saw back in 2020 also hovered above the town I lived next to in an infinity symbol, ive also heard of military people say they've seen this maneuver before too! I'm tripping out over this haha


Which country are you from?


My great aunt who lives around Pascagoula told me when she was around 7 or 8 (mid 1950s), her and a group of friends were playing in the field and they saw a metallic disk fly by. She said it was kind of tilted at a 45° angle, belly forward, and sounded like a low mechanical or electrical hum. She's the most normal person anyone has ever met so it kind of made me raise an eyebrow to the UFO topic.


Wow, great story. Are you familiar with the Pascagoula abduction incident? One of the more frightening cases because of the audio recording. Thank you for sharing


Yeah that's why I mentioned the area! Didn't know there was audio or anything so I'll have to look that up, thanks


Yeah, police left them in a room together with a recording device. They expected to learn it was a hoax by leaving the room. Instead, they heard two dudes totally freaked out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktfELvyDY2o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktfELvyDY2o)


What a phenomenal YouTube channel, thank you for sharing


The police chief activated a covert recorder in the room where the two men were held. They talked among themselves not knowing this.


The crazy thing to consider reading your aunt's sighting and a bunch of others reported here, is that most people who have a sighting never tell more than one or two people about it if anyone at all. Richard Dolan asks crowds at a conventions he attends how many people have seen something anomalous, raise your hands. And then he asks how many reported it or told someone. He says 90% of the hands drop with the second question. Dolan uses that as well as the number of sightings reported to UFO organizations like MUFON each year, as well as data from the three official military investigations, to conservatively estimate that the number of genuinely anomalous sightings happening each year around the planet probably numbers around 10,000. And again he's talking about sightings that can't be explained prosaically. Considering that this has been going on for decades, there are likely hundreds of thousands of witnesses alive today. And we all very likely know some of them. In my experience, if you start asking friends and family if they've ever seen a UFO, you get very surprising results. They don't typically volunteer this information but if you ask...


This is really interesting because of the Pascagoula case. I absolutely believe your great aunt.


I became interested in the phenomenon after the NYT article, and then Grusch. It’s been a borderline obsession since him. I had one person in my orbit I thought I could reach out to - a longtime commercial pilot who usually flew small engine planes or private jets, based around the Michigan / Midwest. He’s now in his 70s. I called him up to see if he had any stories, and sure enough he had one he couldn’t forget. About 30 years ago he was flying in pre-dawn light around Alpena, MI when he saw huge flashing bright red, almost pinkish lights in the sky about a mile or so away in the sky. He said they were not aircraft red, but very bright — too bright for commercial craft. And blinking rapidly in unison, very close together. He reasoned they were all attached to one object but he couldn’t make out any details. They were flashing rapidly in unison, when they stopped — and suddenly were on top of him in a blink. The lights were now so close he could see what he felt was like a figment from a light bulb, but he couldn’t outline a specific craft. It was blinding. And just like that they bolted away and disappeared into the horizon. No sound, no boom. Just gone.


I can't even imagine how terrifying that would have been. Thank you for sharing.


I’ve never seen anything in spite of looking for decades, but my friends straight edge mom who is a retired nurse says she saw a giant black triangle floating over a neighborhood at five in the morning on her way to work a few years ago. Its way out of character for his mom to come out and tell him that. Another friend said he and his whole family witnessed a long cylinderal craft passing over mountains in upstate New York 40 years ago during a family reunion. No one talked about it for decades, but he reconfirmed every detail with his cousin in the last few years. He seems super credible.


Thank you for sharing. I'm struck by how many historical accounts or police reports go out of their way to point out that "this is a serious individual not prone to flights of fancy" or "reporting officers on the scene believe the witness". Sometimes I think we need to get past the "it's impossible, therefore it didn't happen" attitude. Personally, I tend believe credible witnesses.


FYI, there was a *massive* UFO flap in upstate New York in the mid to late '80s. They were appearing so regularly that people would say, "let's watch the UFOs tonight," and then go park their cars in rural spots, knowing they would probably show up. I know two people who lived in upstate New York during that time and they both described a virtually identical sighting. They were both living at a commune, although two completely separate organizations (and these two friends didn't know each other.) They we're both sitting outside the main building of their commune at night time when they glanced up and saw a large spacecraft with many colored lights hovering silently over the main building, slowly moving from one end of the building to the other. It was really strange that they both said that at some point the ship stopped moving and that's when they intuitively felt that the occupants had become aware that they were watching. A few seconds later the ships shot straight up into the sky and straight into space without making a sound, moving as fast and silently as a shooting star. There were so many little details that were identical between their two stories that it really grabbed my attention. I heard the first one in the late '80s, just a year after it happened come and then I heard the second one several years later in the mid-90s in a completely different part of the country where I had moved to. I was thinking at the time, if they're making this up, how could they have both made up the exact same story that happened in the exact same general area at the same general time? It's only years later that I learned that there was a huge wave of sightings in that area at that time. However my second friend added one more tale and that one kind of spoiled the plot for me. He said that a week or two after that initial sighting he was riding in a car with his mom and became aware that the same ship was following their car in broad daylight. Following your car? Huh?? Both of these friends were speaking to me about this in a completely sincere way and were even kind of hush hush about it, but when the second friend told me the UFO was following his car, that just didn't make any sense to me and I didn't fully believe him. To be frank, it made me think he was a little bit nuts. A little "special." A few years later I read the book Communion by Whitley Streiber, where he describes his own encounters in the late '80s in the Catskill mountains and that got me to reconsider whether my second friend was telling the truth or not. Well, that's when I became totally obsessed with the subject and I cleared out every credible looking book on UFOs at two different public libraries. It was somewhere after the first dozen or two books that the reality of this phenomenon finally landed on me. It took all of that before I finally let myself believe *with certainty* that there is a genuine phenomenon happening here that has nothing to do with hubcaps being thrown in the air, drones, swamp gas or whatever else people think up to dismiss it. After learning a lot more about the subject, I now believe the second friend as well. If I had known more at the time I would have asked him about missing time. Poor guy.


Wow -- thank you for sharing. These are great accounts. I wasn't familiar with how common they were in NY in the 80s. Speaking of NY, I always loved John Lennon's account. People discount him for drug use, but I consider him to be a credible witness. He's a truth-teller. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm1xhgB1-9E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm1xhgB1-9E) I definitely went through my own period of library research as a kid. Looking back on it now, I have no clue how the hell I was looking up microfilm newspaper articles of sightings at the library. But somehow I did.


My mom saw the same black triangular craft. It hovered above a road and turned off the street lights around her and made a loud buzzing noise. She was also straight edge. The level of technical superiority that these crafts (and potentially creatures) have is amazing


Superiority does not sound right. Advancement. In space there is neither "over" nor "under".


Start smoking at night - seems to be a prerequisite


I’ve seen the same UFO four times since living in this area and three of the sightings have been while having a cigar, including this past Friday. The fourth time I was out with my brother who was having a cigarette. I think you’re on to something.


Sooo, college roommate was in high school in the 80’s in Huntington(sp) PA, watching tv, sudden urge like a zombie got up walked out his parents front door as an impossibly large black triangle UFO slowly passed right over his house blocking out the sky - during the day. It left. He turned around and went back to the tv. As he was telling me this it was kinda like he was in a trance remembering. I asked what his parents thought? He looked at me and said “I’d forgotten all about it until you asked me right now”. This guy was studying to be a geologist. The only thing he ever fantasized or speculated about were rocks and women.


I’ve shared mine before, but I’ll share it again. My uncle used to work inside the Fort Knox Gold Depository back in the 60’s. He claims that while joking around with another guy about what kind of things they might be hiding inside the vaults (arc of the covenant, holy grail etc) their superior officer said and I’m paraphrasing, “ya’ll want to see some shit? I’ll show you some shit.” He then took them to a vault door that had a gap beneath it, he told them to get down and look under the door. What he saw inside was a wrecked saucer shaped vehicle. He described it as glowing and pearlescent in its coloring. He said it had strange markings etched in to it, but he’d never seen anything like it ever again. He says that after getting back up his superior officer laughed because they were both white as sheets and the superior officer confirmed it was in fact “what they thought it was” he went on to tell them they could tell whoever they wanted about it, because nobody would believe them and if they did it didn’t matter because nobody was getting inside Fort Knox to see it. He told me the story back in the 90s. He doesn’t talk about it. He only told me because we were watching an alien related program and I was making jokes about aliens not being real. My grandmother was there when he told me, he still lived at home when he saw the craft and when he came home that day she says he wasn’t himself and he did tell her then what he saw and she believed him. I also believe him, though I don’t expect anyone else to believe him. I asked him about it after Grusch testified, he’s in his late 70s now, he didn’t change his story, he didn’t say oh I was just messing with you. He just told me the same story again just as he had all those years ago. He could have said oh man I was kidding, he didn’t and he’s not a prankster so I never thought he was joking. I’ve believed in something else since the 90s and I would love for someone to actually tell us what the hell he saw before he dies, but I’m not holding my breath that he or even I will ever know.


Wow, thank you for sharing this


This post made awhile back by someone who's had access to secret compartmentalized info gives a very detailed account. Very interesting if true. https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/4tmp7ZpQ72


Holy fuck, that is a fascinating read. Probably one of the most fascinating things I've ever read on the subject. I still have no idea if it's true or not but having studied this general phenomena for 30 years, a lot lines up.


Yeah, I kept thinking "yup. yup. yeah. yeah, that tracks"


Wow -- a fascinating read. I wonder if the lattice found in the creatures has any relation to the lattice found (apparently) in implants. Or in crystal structures found in the pineal gland.


Could possibly be. It sounds like the creatures and craft are created at the same time and are "quantum entangled" since the craft are reported to not have any visible controls inside and are apparently controlled via thought or telepathy. Also Im curious if whatever is making these things exist in a different "dimension" or if they are physical things in our reality using a cloaking mechanism. Whatever the case, that post was a WILD read.


….what if the lattice is a control mechanism? The beings expire if separated from the “craft”. ….why does this sound like a plot line from Phillip K. Dick and Blade Runner. A way to control artificial beings from running amok? A control device. Maybe these beings and the craft are bonded, like a unit. Could the craft be the actual intelligence then and the bipedal beings worker bees?


I've spoken to two people who were first hand sources. Both were former military, one during WWII and the other during the early and mid 2000's. My wife's grandfather was a radar operator on the US mainland in the north Atlantic during the war. He claims they regularly saw unexplainable objects on their radar and at times could visually confirm lights in the sky from their outpost. This guy didn't believe gay people existed and he had two gay sons. But he was 100% certain UFO's existed. The other is a woman I still work with, she's a retired naval aviator that crewed C130's. She was all over the globe but spent a significant amount of time aboard C130's rigged for observation that operated out of San Diego. Her story is that after the Nimitz incident (she called it "fighters chasing a UFO) the Air Force and Navy went on a full court press over the Pacific off the California coast. Every day for months they would go out and run search patterns while running dozens of overlapping radar sweeps. She claims to have seen a tic tac in person more than once during this period. Describing it as a white cylinder the size of a VW bus that could just blink out of existence instantly. The kicker to all of this is she doesn't keep up with the news at all, she didn't know who David Fravor was when I brought him up. She just got tipsy at a conference one time and coughed up her experiences out of nowhere. I was pretty much the only one not ripping on her for making shit up. When I guessed the year and general location of where this happened based on her story people kinda chilled out. When someone's personal experience all of the sudden lines up with a complete stranger's account it's kinda hard to argue it's pure bullshit. Everything I said came straight from the 60 minutes interviews so this group of professionals couldn't pick it apart as unsubstantiated. In my mind her story is as good a primary source account as possible. She can verify the time and location with evidence due to her military career and where she was stationed. She showed us pictures of the base and her flight crew at other occasions before this. Her story aligns exactly with other reports. And most of all she didn't really mean to tell any of us, in fact she was completely embarrassed about it the next day. Most people just brushed it off or didn't remember so it's never been brought up again. But for anybody paying attention it was like a puzzle piece fitting on the first try.


Wow — thank you — these are great accounts


My grandfather fell asleep on the porch of his family's very rural farmhouse and was suddenly woken up to the sight of a rounded saucer shaped object with a series of multi colored lights on the edges. The craft hovered over a field of tabbaco (or some other crop I can't remember) very low to the ground, then moved over a small ditch stream for a few seconds. After that, the craft shot off into the sky and disappeared. This was around the mid 1960's in rural Kentucky. Another one was my grandmother's mom and sister saw a large white ovaloid object land near their house. They only saw it for a short time because they ran off scared. This was also in the 1960s.


Thank you for sharing. I don't believe farmers tend to just make up wild stories like that.


Ok, I'll add a personal account of an event that I don't quite know how to categorize: When I was a kid, my sister and I were OBSESSED with ufos. Once while on a family trip to North Dakota, I was determined to somehow take a photo of one -- that was my goal of this trip. They live near a dam and power station that also was known for sightings, so I thought maybe there was a chance. While out walking around, we spotted a strange solo cloud in an otherwise empty sky. My grandma used to say that ufos could disguise themselves as clouds, so we centered our attention on it and hoped or prayed (for lack of a better word) for a sign that this was a ufo. After that, the cloud began to change form, like a tendril of smoke/cloud slowly extending from it. I went to take a picture of it, but my camera didn't work for some reason. It was missing the battery! When I got back to the car, I started looking for the battery...then found that it was now in the camera. I completely forgot about the battery incident until my mom reminded me recently. I remember being very weirded out, but kinda blocked it from my memory.


I’m his sister! I remember this and think about it often!


Oh hi!


"I'm your sister... I'm your sister" -Joe Dirt's Sister Sorry. Your comment reminded me of that quote from the movie.


Lol that's hilariously awesome


Do you remember the white rabbit?


This is the kind of thing that happens to contactees that have blockages. What in the world has Granny experienced to point out mimicry knowledge? That was until recently uncommonly known. IMO UFOs are not necessarily always craft, some seem to punch through to our reality and consciousness and shit gets weird real fast- like our worlds rules get suspended. NHI: he’s gonna try and record us? Drain the…no make the battery vanish….then put it back after we are done. NHI2: LMFAO - YES! DO THAT! But just make him think his camera is not working and that battery is gone. NHI1: just wait until he figures out it’s all a simulation and he doesn’t really exist


Oh, and Grandma's knowledge of the subject just came from living in North Dakota. Just stories passed around by people around the power station, the nuke fields, etc. She was also convinced Carl Sagan was an alien 🤣 She was out there for SURE


You know Bigelow should have passed on Skinwalker ranch and started buying nuclear power plants it seems. I’m really not sure about Sagan…he reminds me of a celestial Mr. Rogers.


There was also a strange moment when a white rabbit appeared, so we all looked at the rabbit. I can't remember if when we looked back up the cloud was gone or if the cloud had dissipated, but somehow it all felt like a single "event". After we saw the rabbit, we returned to the car.


I saw this same exact thing. A dark dumbbell shaped cloud that was too polished and perfect to be a cloud and dark grey (other clouds were white this day). The cloud dissipated into tendrils and rose up higher until it slowly vanished. This was a few months ago near Orlando FL.


yeah, this cloud was also dark. i don't remember the exact shape, though. i think it was less the shape that was odd, and more that it was just a lone small dark cloud hanging out. thank you for sharing!


In about 2009 I saw an unusual object in the sky with two of my friends. This in itself is a major story in my timeline, but you asked for second hand, so I wanted to share my most compelling one with you. Some time after my anomalous sighting, I was chatting with my mother’s good friend. He initially joined the Marines out of school, and spent some time stationed on an aircraft carrier near Korea during the Vietnam war. Later in life he joined the Air National Guard and worked as a flight mechanic. He retired sometime around 20-5 as a 911 dispatcher. I knew him my entire life up till the time I had this conversation with him, so I’d say he had a good 30 year track record as a serious individual. He definitely had a good sense of humor, but he would never make up a bullshit story for no reason. I state all of this to add some credence to what he told me. When I told him about what I saw, I expected him to rationalize it or tell me I was a fool or, even better yet, in a perfect scenario, he might share some insider info with me. I did not expect him to react the way he did. He listened to me and paused for a minute, with an actual distant look in his eyes. He then told me that when he and his shipmates were on duty one night, they saw a giant glowing, spinning disc pass along side their ship. He said it looked like a Ferris wheel on its side but with lights around the outside only. (as a point of interest, he referenced a specific Ferris wheel on the boardwalk amusement park that I was familiar with so when he used that scale, I knew it was really rather large. He said that no one had any idea what it was but one of them had seen it before and they never spoke about it to their higher-ups (or anyone else.) He said something to the effect that there are way more things in this world than we know about and that the people who do know definitely aren’t talking about it. I really wish that he was alive to see everything that is happening in the disclosure sphere today, but sadly, he passed away a few years ago, much too soon. But I will never forget that story, based on the setting and who it came from and how it was delivered. To see someone I regarded as very serious and respectful considering things that are so otherworldly was quite moving and meant a lot to me. Thanks for starting this thread. Edit: Grammar


Wow, thank you so much for sharing. I've heard/read more than one account of massive ferris wheel structures. That's amazing.


Like I said, thanks for the thought exercise. As researchers and enthusiasts, we often throw out second-hand stories as less-than-worthwhile; but to the people who hear them, they do indeed mean something. Taken in the proper context, all these stories add up the the giant body of work we have to reference. This is almost as important as a study of folklore as it is one of the biggest questions in mankind's history.


https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/GqZiz3Kunp I remember seeing this post about Ferris wheel type objects in the water


My father told me the story of a relative of his who lives in Chillán, a city in the south of Chile 🇨🇱, the story is that that relative was walking home late at night, He was coming from a party or something like that, on his way home he was passing by a basketball court and that's where he saw a light in the sky that illuminated him, at that moment he was abducted. Since it was at night around 2-3 AM, the guy was alone and probably no one else witnessed the incident. He never told details of what happened to him when he was abducted but evidently when he remembers it he becomes very nervous and terrified. What makes this story more true is that he returned home with a long beard, when everyone in his house knew that he was shaved so it doesn't make sense that he came back with a long beard, He was traumatized and never spoke about that story again, but everyone in my family knows it and we believe him.


Wow, thank you for sharing. I know I've read similar accounts, with hair growth.


So was he time regressed??


Buddy in the AF is a reaper drone operator in the Middle East and said they used to see orbs on the drone cameras and now have procedures for reporting UAPs. Also talked to guys in the navy in the South China Sea that have seen triangles. Very open secret in the AF at least I am of the strong opinion that the black triangles mentioned are ours


What makes you think the black triangles are ours? Just curious.


There are a lot of spooks in here so can’t get really into it but if you look at some of reports done by people like Robert Powell, you’ll note that out of 300 credible sightings, the black triangles start showing up in the 70s and don’t have EMF interference like most of the other craft shapes observed.


Interesting. The first time I ever saw a UFO was in Chicago 1977. Six triangles in a triangle formation. I was 10 years old and with my two friends Mark and Sterling.


We have black triangles the size of a football field? I guess that would explain why they are never seen in the daytime, but there's more than one type. There are the boomerang shaped , and there's triangles. I think some of the reports of the boomerang shaped ones have accelerated much faster than known aircraft, though. In Houston near NASA ( very close to where I used to live) , there was a sighting of a small black triangle following a creek. I always wondered if that was a small scale demo. There's all kinds of aerospace company offices in that area within biking distance. Space X even had an office there, but I don't think it was ever opened. I never saw people going in or out, but it had a sign up.


A good buddy of mine saw a UFO in the 1980's after he had gotten out of the Marines. It was in the middle of a clear, hot, sunny Texas afternoon when he *(and several other people who also noticed it)* saw a self-illuminated saucer-shaped object in the sky, just lingering in place a couple of miles away. He said that it was hovering at about 10,000 feet, and it seemed to be standing still which indicated that it was staying over one spot and not changing its distance to himself and the other onlookers. He watched it for the entire twenty minutes that it was there. Then, the craft listed downward for a moment and took off at a thirty (or so) degree angle. He said that he could see the momentary beginning of the craft's acceleration, and then it was completely gone.


Amazing -- thank you for sharing


In the early 90's my neighbor, brother, and I were getting on the bus at like 6:30-6:45 in the am. While waiting at the bus stop by our mailbox we looked to our left where the bus would be coming from and above our neighbors house about 150 maybe 200 yards max away from us we see a huge translucent diamond (octahedron) floating above their house completely silent. Didn't have wings, didn't have smoke billowing put of it from some type of propulsion point just a freakin huge diamond floating in the sky. This is why no matter how many people say this is fake or its our technology I don't give them a second thought, because I with 2 other witnesses saw a diamond (a shape I feel doesn't even register in the thought process when thinking of creating anything capable of flight) floating less than 30 feet above our next door neighbors house. The cool thing about it was is we got to stare at this object for more the normal glimpse most might get. I don't remember exactly how long I kept my eyes trained on it but weirdly enough it was so long I almost got bored watching it. I'm confident we got to spend at the very least 5 minutes possibly more just watching it and then I remember hearing the bus, you could always hear it before it made it way around a sharp turn on the road. I took my eyes off it for maybe 2 seconds to see the bus coming around the huge turn and instantly looked back and it was gone. I assumed it shot straight up in the air because the 2 endpoints were pointing up and down and tjat just seemed logical to me that the more aerodynamic point of the craft would be forward, but I found out years later when I finally talked to my brother about it, it shot horizontally parallel to the ground out past a farm and into a heavily wooded area faster than a bullet as he put it. I've seen some orbs, a super strange orange reddish orb that I couldn't say for sure what it was, but other than the floating freaking doublestack pyramid I was watching the perseid meteor shower just 2 years ago. About an hour into it I see a meteor burned bright blue then died out about an inch of blue from my viewing point and then it burned out and you could see just like a regular meteor. Well not even 2 seconds later the meteor unburned out and turned blue again and shot directly backwards, like did a 180, and shot off in the opposite direction. I've heard they can bounce off the atmosphere but I've never heard of a meteor ricocheting directly back the exact same way it entered the atmosphere. So that was cool too and I'm not saying it was a ufo but it was totally a ufo.


Wow, these are incredible sightings -- thank you for sharing.


It was, and thanks for giving me a spot to share what I saw!


The diamond, was it black by any chance?  You're not the only report of a diamond ufo only reason I'm asking the color. Never seen one.  There's a video that makes the ufo rounds that was never really confirmed/denied of this guy in the jungle who records one.  It's more niche but popular amongst the ufo forums. 


It was literally see through...the only way I could piece together what I was seeing was because it was a dewy morning and the sun was coming out. If it had been another 100 yards away I might not have even known it was there. The only ufo video I've seen that even resembles what we saw that day is a video made by A.I. I think it has Trump or Biden in it and it's poorly ad libbed and its about aliens visiting our planet and we start a nuclear war, fhey scold us and lesve for another 1000 years. But I spend a lot of time trying to find videos that might have something similar to what I saw but so far I haven't seen any. The calvine ufo that everyone says is a rock in water reminds me of it except the color and how its floating on its side.I'd love to see it again, it made me realize nothing in this world is what it appears and if an 65 foot clear diamond is floating in the air it also made me realize anything is possible.


I believe the Calvine photo. The "rowboat" "reflection" isn't symmetrical. It looks like a jet. The location has been found and there isn't water there. Another one of those "it's impossible, so it didn't happen" things.


Where did you see reports on other people seeing a diamond? Cause I've seen black pyramid ufo on videos. The ufo we saw isn't even on the ufo shape chart. I mean there is one that kinda resembles it but not really.if you can remember who saw one I'd love ask them about it.


Other than Calvine photo, I think of the one photo of the Battle of Los Angeles featuring a diamond structure -- but it's hard to know what to make of those old photos and reprints.


I saw a shapeshifting UAP in 2015 flying through north Raleigh. It started off as an amorphous blob, but took the shape of a helicopter while I was watching it. I could have thrown a rock and hit the object, yet it was dead silent. Despite taking on the form of a helicopter, it didn't generate any spinning rotors or blades, and stayed dead silent as it flew straight into a storm cloud, accelerating as it went away from me. I didn't believe in super strange UAP in our skies until I saw that one, because it was cycling through shapes and colors, and appeared to react to my reactions, only when I made a face like it was starting to look normal, did it stop at any particular shape or color. It wasn't like it was reading my mind, it was like it was reading my face, near instantly though. If an artificial intelligence were controlling a blob of nanomachines acting as a single craft, and was actively scanning the area as it flew through, this behavior is like exactly what I would expect, it was a very strange feeling, as anytime my face moved as a reaction to the way this thing looked, it would lock in or change, based on the way I reacted to it, instantly, as it was flying by, so cool to be honest, but frightening if it's not human technology.


Imagine stealth technology that could shift based on the reaction of the observers who notice it. <- This is exactly what that thing behaved like. It didn't stop until it became a familiar shape to me.


That's amazing. I wonder what it would have appeared as to multiple observers.


Be careful those aliens watched the many extinction events on Earth and are now watching humans struggling and suffering. However they seem now will change, and when that happens it will be too late because for every neutral alien there will be many hostile ones, good luck telling them apart, one interaction attracts the rest, and your life always turns negative the more interactions you have.


Maybe your brain has the same frame rate as a camera? /s https://www.reddit.com/r/Helicopters/s/cdjk0ydc8k


Holy cow...that's incredible. Thank you for sharing.


Book: Sleights of Mind


Craziest thing I saw was about 30 years ago. I was about 10 years old when me and my dad left from my grandma's house. It was probably about 12am and in the sky it looked like there was 5 moons. All the same size and a very bright yellowish orange. It freaked my dad out and he was like we need to go now. After making it home I went back out to look 30 minutes after and it was gone.


Holy cow. What state were you in? Do you get the sense that one of these moons actually \*was\* the moon? Or were there 5 lights that were so bright and large that they could be mistaken for the moon? Thank you for sharing


This was in South Georgia. It was bright lights the same size as the moon. Thing is the moon wasn't in the same direction as the bright lights they were just similar in size.


My grandfather was a Lieutenant Colonel in the navy. Great, great guy to friends, family, and strangers alike. Always treated people with a smile and respect. Was an open book about his many years in the navy. Understood and accepted the changes in various modern culture ideas and lauded human rights movements looong after his prime. Could count on him to lend an ear and give sage advice on any topic, no matter how hard it was to discuss. Never shied from *any* topic. A few months before he went into hospice, sound of mind, I thought to ask him if he knew anything about the phenomena. He looked me in the eyes and said “Dockle, I’m sorry but I won’t be answering your question. And I ask that you don’t talk to [grandma] about it either.” He nodded and we changed the topic.


Colleague of mine who was a UDT diver for the Navy said, “there are things in the ocean that we have no business being around.” He then said he’ll never put on scuba and enter the water again.


Not saying we aren't sitting duck's on land cause apparently they can shut humans down with so much as a look, but I'd be beyond terrified if I saw something on a deep dive in the ocean. Can't see 5 feet in front of ya just the anticipation alone of knowing something else is down there with ya would be more than enough stress for me, plus you damn sure aren't escaping quickly if something does surprise ya.


Black Hawk's flying over my house daily, sometimes 3 times a day. About a year or so later I noticed pulsating orbs behind my home, a good distance maybe 5-10 miles away in the sky but fairly low to the ground... I'd say like no more than a few thousand feet in the air at the most. I'd usually catch them between dusk and dawn, but one time I caught them out in broad daylight, maybe evening time and still light out. They mostly just pulsated for some reason and lit up the sky, then would dim down and sort of just hover around before flying off... one time it started blinking back and forth from point to point, I've seen a few videos of this but they are hard to find. To me, it looked like it was teleporting. With the military so heavily involved (at least I believe they were related due to the amount of times they would fly over my house in a non-militarized zone towards the lights), I can't sit here and be like ALIENS! It seems like our government 100% knows what these are and they are either keeping it a total secret, or it is literally us doing some kind of operation that fools the American public into believing they are witnessing aliens... What Greer is saying about them using UAP's to do their own top secret missions within the US so no one knows who is REALLY doing it might very well be true sadly... there's just no excuse for our military to fly back and forth EVERY DAY MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY, and not be directly linked to these lights but that is just my opinion. I have told others about it and they felt like they Black Hawks were just keep tabs... but to me, multiple times a day is a SHITLOAD of money wasted for what? To do what? Just stare at them while we fly around them in circles? Anyways, after close 8 or so years the Black Hawk's just stopped and guess what.... so did the pulsating orbs. It's been over for almost 2-3 years now. And the crazy part about it all, I was following this guy @ orionifo on Youtube and he was faking some of his videos and posting others with pulsaint orbs that seem to change from orb to "airplane cloak" is the best way to describe it... I used to think everything he posted was fake... well, these orbs I saw did the same thing. They'd break their pulsation and turn on FAA regulated lights to appear as an airplane.... needless to say, I apolgized to him after giving him a hard time as he was 100% seeing real orbs. But I still told him I did not appreciate the made up stories of "alien contact" he had as they were mostly bullshit, or he was presenting them in a way that was bullshit... but the fake "alien noises" and "space ship" noise videos lasting 10 seconds were complete BS and I did not apololgize for giving him a hard time about that. edit; since this post has garnered some attention at all, here is footage of the orbs our military liked to fly towards for years. If you are reading this, I stopped caring whether you guys (intelligence or whoever) know I'm telling people about this. I don't think you really care any more either because whatever it is, is apparently over and not in operation any longer. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/H\_oCCdOVnXM?feature=share](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/H_oCCdOVnXM?feature=share) and orionifo channel (ignore the faked bullshit but check out as many orb/"plane" videos as you can, they are real).he was around orange county New York or something. [https://www.youtube.com/@orionifo](https://www.youtube.com/@orionifo)


My grandfather worked at the Foreign Technology Division at Wright-Patt and afterwards at Battelle. He never told me directly but the way he talked about certain things made me suspicious. We had a discussion about disclosure when I was ~12. I had asked him something like “Well if they are real and visiting . Why would the government cover it up?”. He proceeded to explain it to me in a way that sounded like this was something he had talked about a lot before but also in a way like I was a kid who just asked “why can’t I eat candy for every meal?” He was so against “disclosure” that there had to be stuff he knew. The one line I do remember best was “there are 6 billion people in the world. What would happen if 5 billion of those people had their beliefs shattered?”


Another thing that other people probably will not understand but I think I should bring up. Humor is a big part of my Grandfather's personality. He is always making corny or bad jokes to friends, family and strangers. About anything and everything except aliens or ufos. No jokes about "knowing where those little green men are stored" or knowing anything about secret technology. Something I'm sure he would joke about unless he actually knew some stuff. Purely anecdotal I know.


"Snippy" the horse belonged to my Gramma's best friend. I lean towards the psy-ops theory on animal dissections, but I know nothing. And saw....something. Same area.


Wow -- thank you for sharing. It's another situation where "because it's impossible, it didn't happen", even though there's never an explanation that fits animal mutilation. It's very difficult to drain a large animal of all its blood in the middle of a field while leaving no trace. Not to mention the precision of the incisions, and sometimes volumetric nature of the cuts (like a 3D cut was made). I suspect that the "others" somehow rely on the microbiome of cattle in some way. But yeah, who the hell knows. I believe you saw...something.


I really hope it's one of our ner-do-wells considering some of the wacky details of the story...I don't put anything past us for extravagant operations. But agreed; hard to pull off. I have no insider knowledge about that situation, besides that it did happen, and it absolutely changed that family's life irrevocably. We have a lot of lights doing things in the sky in that valley. It's so common-place we have our own Alien Watchtower tourist-trap complete with a happy green guy. The woman who runs it is both joking and deadly serious. Which is a decent position to take.


What "something" did you see? psyop activity?


I know one of the police officers who "chased" the triangle ufo during the belgium ufo wave. Very serious, no-nonsense guy. That in combination with all the evidence since 2017 made me 100% sure it's real.


My mother and my maternal grandparents all experienced UFOs, orbs, and dreams with premonitions. I experience them too. My mother and I can each other's thoughts sometimes. Like, I can hear my mother's internal monologue at times.


I believe you. Thank you for sharing.


Could mods get this topic pinned?


I know a couple who, along with other observers, saw a black triangle from less than 50 feet away. Scared the shit out of all of them.


Yeah, I'll bet. Do you recall how they said the event ended? Thank you for sharing!


The triangle slowly moved away through the forest but not before the husband saw a helmet wearing being through a window. I trust these people, I believe they saw what they said they saw. And btw, you're welcome!


My god -- that's incredible. I don't think I can remember an account of people seeing beings on a black triangle.


First I recall reading someone seeing brings in a black triangle


I knew a little old lady in Hobbs, NM (not far from Roswell) whose father was the town doctor in Roswell. The night of the crash, her father had a dead alien at his office. I don't remember if she said they tried to save it or were just holding the body. She was a little girl at the time but she saw the alien body clearly on the operating table.The men in black quickly came to pick it up. This sweet old lady was sincere and had no reason to lie to me.


Amazing! That's incredible that you were able to hear that story from her.


I and my brother saw a sort of chrome lozenge-shaped object dart out of cloud cover, flit around for about 10-20 seconds, then shoot off over the horizon at physics-defying speed in the early-summer of, I think, 1990. We were in Blaenporth, Wales, at the time. There was, and I assume still is, an MOD testing range at Aberporth, not that far away.


My great grandmother said she saw a UFO hovering over a bayou in Louisiana where she lived. She was a level-headed Baptist lady. Don’t think she’d make that up. Sister in law’s mother said she was repeatedly abducted in her life. She as a serious woman, Catholic, not someone to invent things. Very interesting. Edit: very nice question, OP!! Great stories here!


I have a story for you! (Not my story.) [https://www.bayoubrief.com/2019/04/30/true-thomas-jefferson-once-reported-claims-of-a-ufo-sighting-in-baton-rouge/](https://www.bayoubrief.com/2019/04/30/true-thomas-jefferson-once-reported-claims-of-a-ufo-sighting-in-baton-rouge/)


Wow interesting! Thanks!


Oh! I have another one! Third hand. I studied Buddhism at an Ivy League graduate school. My professor of Tibetan Buddhism was world-renowned in her field. One day she mentioned while in Tibet some high lamas she worked with told her about a UFO that landed years ago and took blood samples from people. They were serious guys. The idea of other planets and life is not out there for Buddhists. Always struck me as an interesting story!


My second hand proof is these communities. There is some observable phenomena happening to Humans and they have been trying to document it in all sorts of ways for as long as we have been documenting. I don’t know about “aliens” in their Hollywood form, but I absolutely believe some form of consciousness is being intercepted during these encounters. If a cloud can coalesce, surely it is also concentrating some amount of conciseness while it exists as an observable cloud. Once it dissipates that consciousness eases back into the background noise of energy waves.


I have an uncle that worked at Wright Patterson AFB reverse engineering Soviet tech in the 70s and 80s. He actually took over the office used for Project Blue Book when it was shut down in 69’. He said they didn’t leave anything behind. Here are some interesting things he has said to me. - “I’ve been places that don’t exist with people too afraid to talk to each other”. - “there are very real things out there that you couldn’t even imagine, things that would blow your mind”. - “I’m glad it wasnt me” (his response to David Grusch’s allegations) - “I wrote reports. Most of the time nothing came of them. One time, I wrote a report that must have gotten pretty darn close to the truth because the next day two men in black suits came in and tore up my office looking for something. They searched under everything but the secretaries pencil”. He says everything he worked on was made by humans but that he has an open mind. He used to joke that Area 51 was a red herring and that all the real interesting stuff is in Dayton.


This probably is not much and I hesitated on sharing but my dad told me a story that happened to him and his friend (who happened to be retired from the military). They were leaving a bar in the early morning hours in the summer (this is in upstate NY). Very quiet rural town, with a lot of farms. As they stepped out from the front door into the parking lot this craft zipped right over their head flying pretty low and just cleared over the hill across the street. They both looked at each other like “did you see that?”. My dad said it made no sound at all and had a bunch of different colored lights on it. His vet friend said he had no idea what the hell that was! It happened in the 1980s and my dad still remembers it this day. He said it lasted like a second or two it was so quick he couldn’t make out any other details. He is not one to buy into this type of stuff and is an overly skeptical person, but it stumped him and his friend.


1. Ex-wife met a professor in college who said he was selected to organize a lot of secret UFO files (I think it might have been some stray Blue Book files they squirreled away and didn't release in the report), and the guy told her that "It's all true. All the flying saucer stuff." Of course, as a third-hand source there was no way to clarify that or get more information. 2. Uncle who was a Forest Ranger said that once in the mid-60s he and a group of workers marking trees high on a steep mountain in Montana looked down into a small meadow below them on a plateau and saw an actual flying saucer landed there. Not tremendously big, silver, basic saucer. After watching it for a short time, it floated up and flew off at crazy speed. No way to verify any of it. 3. Friend of mine said when she was little she was riding in a car with her mother and grandmother in middle Northern Michigan and her grandmother was looking off into a field and said, "Oh, look there's a flying saucer," which was apparently landed out in a field a ways from the road. By the time my friend tried to see it they had already driven past. She said her grandmother was not the fanciful type.


My aunt, one of the most no-nonsense people I've ever known, saw a triangle-shaped craft hovering over her house in northwest New Mexico, probably 30 years ago. She said it stayed there so long that she got tired of looking at it and went in the house. It made no noise. She just assumed it was some of secret military aircraft.


I just did actually laugh out loud that she got tired of looking at it.


I have no proof, but I've been involved in 1 group sighting in the early 2000s and a recent personal close encounter with a ufo/uap. I don't count the hundreds of star-looking things that shoot and zip around in the sky, as they are numerous. I couldn't tell you how far the subject of the early 2000s group encounter was from us. It could have been 500 feet or a quarter mile, maybe more. It was the size of an american penny with an outstretched arm. It was the color(s) of red hot fire, and it had "sparks" coming off of it. It disappeared and reappeared in different locations in the sky around us, and then shot straight up and disappeared. The recent event occurred by myself and has been challenging to process and hold onto. I've been trying to experiment with the consciousness aspect of the phenomenon and ended up getting a I tried communicating and welcoming one if the "star-looking" zig-zagging things that was in the sky overhead. A few seconds after doing this, a basketball-sized ball of light appeared at the edge of my backyard (100 feet away). It was silent and gently bobbing 4-5 feet from the ground above some tall grass. After a few moments of whitenessing it, i became scared and ran back inside. The "ball" really did look like a ball because the light didn't illuminate any of the weeds or ground around it. The light, if it was light, was self-contained, somehow. The most frustrating thing is that I had my phone and it was charged. For some reason or another, I couldn't bring myself to pull it out and record. I just had to get away from the impossible thing in front of me. It was primal feeling. Friends and family are easy to tell due to past group experience. However, this experience feels embarrassing for some reason. I feel shame for not recording evidence, but I couldn't do it for some reason. All I could feel was terror. Since it happened, I've been trying to facilitate another encounter without luck. Maybe someday I'll have another opportunity. Stay curious, and if nothing else, keep watching the skies. Eventually, you're bound to see something strange and exciting. Thanks for your time Spam


Wow -- the way you describe the way the light was contained is so common. Yeah, I understand why reaching for camera wouldn't be possible when encountering something wholly "other". Thank you for sharing. Spam, I guess?


Your recent encounter sounds freaking terrifying...thanks again


My pleasure! Thanks for being receptive ryannelsn! It was terrifying. It felt scarier than it should have been, though. Maybe I hadn't prepared myself for something like that enough. I'm not sure. The group encounter took place when I was young, and that one gave me a panic attack. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised. If it happens again, I'll try my darndest to record it. I usually feel that I'm open to the idea of direct contact, hypothetically. It sure is different in practice, though. I think exposure therapy would help, lol. (I feel like a loon looking at what I typed. It's true, though.) I'm Spam 👍


Oh wow -- I hadn't considered that was your name (cool name). Yeah...the act of inviting them...I don't feel totally comfortable with direct contact. You're braver than I.


Thank you, I'm probably more reckless than I am brave. Lol I'm just curious about what the heck these things are, and I haven't made much of any progress. They sure as heck are real, though.


In the words of General Twining: "the phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious".


I have seen them probably 50 times or more


my friend saw a very distant saucer or oval in broad day light, demonstrating the classic ping-ponging movements, with super high velocity and instantaneous acceleration. I saw something I remember as super weird when I was a kid. But it was such a long time ago that I don't really trust my memory of it any more. It's really my buddy's story, plus a few classic cases (sadly with no solid proof) that are compelling enough to keep me thinking there might be something to it.


Thank you for sharing. Yeah, I know what you mean about not knowing what to make of the memory of a strange incident in childhood.


My grandfather was a radar operator in the USAF in the 1950s and used to tell me stories about seeing radar targets doing things like accelerating to thousands of miles per hour, then stopping and making right-angle turns.


i had two observations in same place, broad daylight, not far from city center. approx a year apart, when second time happened i didn't immediately realize what im looking at. both times didn't have my phone with me. 1. i went for a smoke at the back of my house when i caught something black in the sky. it got my attention because i had a feeling something is not right, it looked like its struggling to stay flying, my feeling was either something is not working properly or whatever is in control, is not in full control. no sound (if there was one i didn't hear it), no visible engine, no propulsion trail, no ailerons no windows nothing just vanta black 3-5 meters in radius circle wobbling erratically in one axis while maintaining altitude and flight direction. just flew away looking like its gonna crash any sec. can provide specific time and location, cannot provide any explanation neither anyone i spoke to. 2. about a year after 1, same place but front of the house, looking at intersection. busy place, lots of traffic, im very surprised nobody else noticed 4 amber/gold metallic looking pancakes flying in formation just above intersection. again no sound, no propulsion, no ailerons, but this time it didn't look like there is any trouble. just flew away in formation. no specific date, location as 1. while looking at i was thinking escaped "party" balloons, it only clicked few months after, balloons cannot fly like that, maybe one if wind is right, but not 4 at once. i am aware of paper from 2007 about propulsion that could behave like this. problem is it requires A LOT of electricity. according to my knowledge we are not able to generate it in that space. nuclear power plant sure, in cubic meter absolutely not.


When I was 18-19 in 94-95 my mother had a house on a dead end street that was in a heavily forested area and rural. I was asleep in my old room when a loud whirring sound woke me up. I got up on my elbow in bed and stared at the window. I froze. The sound got louder and came closer, I would guess 50 feet or so away. I did not see any light or anything at all but the whirring sound was not a normal middle of the forest on a dead end road at night that seems to be flying past the house at very low altitude. Then I found out my father had ALS like Hawking and died from it, and oh shit, I do too! Well, then I knew why some whirring shit came by.


OK, I'm probably late to the party here, but I want to share. I have (3) different experiences. I have always wondered if we were abducted or not. They don't have any recollection of lost time, etc.   The first is a family story, one of which I was too young for. My dad is passed away, but he was a very grounded individual ( U.P. farmer, truck driver ) catholic raised. If any of that even matters. Well, on one trip home from visiting family in the U.P., we were on Southbound I-75 late at night. As the story goes, a super bright light shined down on the car and followed us. My dad pulled over and got out to check it out. He always had balls of steel. He just said it was a super bright white light hovering above them, with no sound. At first he thought it was a helicopter, until he got out of the car. I was only 3-4 years old, so I have no recollection. After a minute or so, he said it flew off instantaneously. Both of my 2 older brothers and my Mom all saw it as well. My first older brother still recalls seeing it fly off incredibly fast. This was almost 50 years ago, and my Mom and both brothers all still tell the same story. I've asked them all individually at different times. They're convinced it was a UFO.   I have one that i witnessed late last year in FL. I posted it here and you can find it in my profile, if you wish. It was VERY strange. https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18l9qhj/i_saw_something_strange_in_florida/   My strangest occurence was not a sighting, it was a sound. Living is SE Michigan, in the summer, this was probably 20 years ago. I lived close to the airport and Sunday's were usually the busiest day for air traffic. It was a Sunday night, and my wife and kids were in bed. I decided to go out front and smoke a cigar. I noticed that the air traffic was low for a Sunday. Somewhat odd, but whatever. The weather was great. Low 80's, no wind, and it was approaching dark. Out of nowhere, I hear something buzz past me incredibly fast and it seemed to be like just above the trees. I never saw it, but I heard it. I can't even describe the noise. It's a noise unlike anything I've ever heard, and I was convinced that it was something that I'd never hear again. And, it was something I hoped i'd never hear again. I'm getting chills just typing this. The noise.... I used to describe it as a quiet mechanical reverberation, for lack of a better description. It was not loud. 70dB range as a guess. Later, i've heard that if you can manipulate spacetime, it makes a vibration sound. I don't know if that is true or not. But, that is what it sounded like... like the air was vibrating. What followed is what really makes my story stick with me. I was outside, smoking a cigar, loving life. As soon as this object, or whatever it was passed over me. I got instantly terrified. I don't know why. I'm a guy that walks out into the U.P. woods at 5:30AM in the dark with no flashlight to go hunting. I'm not easily scared. I was terrified. I instantly closed the garage, locked every door and window. I was expecting to have an alien invasion any second after that. It was so damn odd, and terrifying.


I took my kids for a scenic flight in a single prop plane in Bar Harbor, Maine. I asked the pilots if they’ve ever seen a UFO the pilot got nervous but the copilot who is an older guy in his excitedly told me yes he had seen a UFO in the 60s. he said there was a lot of UFO activity in Maine in the 60s. in his case they were driving along the highway and a disk shaped UFO quickly came from behind them and hovered over the car for about 15 seconds. He said the surface of the UFO looked very shiny like the sun reflecting off chrome on a bright summer day. he said it hovered there for a few seconds and then zipped off to the horizon very quickly. I have another one. when my mom was in college, she spent the night at a friends house and was sleeping in a room in the basement that had no windows. she said a small blue orb slowly came down the hallway emitting a blue light reflecting off the walls. The orb came into her room and stopped. She was alarmed and got up in bed to look at it. She said it seemed to “notice” her and quickly zipped out of the room and back down the hallway. The incident freaked her the fuck out. To this day she doesn’t know what it was and avoids telling people about it because they will assume she is crazy or was on drugs or whatever.


Little blue orb zeta reticuli just wanted to sniff some cheeto dust after a wild night out tagging some fields with crop circles and your mom scared the bajeezus outa him!


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


Older female member of my family said a large triangle UFO flew over her in the 90s at her house. She said it really scares her. She's not the type of person that would lie about this, she never believed in UFOs before this happened.


A friend I used to skate with had a dad that was a retired mechanical engineer who worked at Groom Lake (Area 51). This was in the late 90s and I think all of us teenagers were interested in UFO culture. Anyways a few different times I asked him about UFOs and aliens, if they exist or if the technology is real. Every time the conversation came up my friend's dad wasn't afraid to confirm that yes, they are real. This part of the memory is fuzzy but I believe he even saw the technology with his own eyes. He was a really cool guy. Old hippie vibes with a long beard. He would smoke weed with us in his backyard and talk about engineering stuff.


My dad and uncle saw two silver discs rotating in a perfect mechanical manner above a parking lot quite close. Here's my dad's account that was originally an email to a ufologist that we know: I've been meaning to send this to you for years! better late than never. This is my brother's email for 2001 about a sighting we had in 1983 ( i was 15 yr. he was 20). We were in south London Ontario, exact date unsure. Summer likely. it was during an announced meteor shower night. We often would go out for such things. We saw 2 softly glowing white discs enter atmosphere straight up above- our eyes were conveniently already ready and adapted to viewing stars and meteor showers...literally must have come down from high altitude not unlike the meteorites. they hovered around airplane height, like a small passenger plane size too? ​25-50 ft wide discs?... they had no blinking lights at all, just self-illumined. Maneuvered around- see [Uncle]'s account, he covered it well...my personal impression was like they were one-man discs for whatever that's worth....then then took off together East i believe...very quickly. The movement was clearly intelligently executed and they were 'together' as a pair, sort of flew around a bit as if deciding where to go and then zoom- left at amazing rate. it kind of reminded me of a pair of x-wings Star Wars style in one sense, paired up almost playfully. They flew like they were round- i.e. they went any direction at will, no sense that gravity or g-force limiting them. I have looked on YouTube and can tell so many are fake or not really like the ones we saw. Often in Youtube sigtings videos they are very slow and consistent, even. What we saw was crafts that varied speed almost like darting swimmers in a pool: here /there, fast slow, hesitate/speed up... They flew with authority, substance or 'weightiness', just so powerful. No sound. No exhaust trail. Seemed to be around normal airplane type height, they'd be kind of big, but even bigger if they were higher. Hard to say for certain. I didn't write anything down at the time, but wrote a song about it...that's how i committed it more firmly to memory. I was only 15 so oh well... My brother went so far as to call the airport- which we visited often for airshows and browsing around...kudos to him for a researcher's mentality....They reported nothing flying in the area at the time. Not sure why he didn't write that down. My feelings during the experience were:....what the? speechless....those are ufos! what are they doing? wow, are they ever fast, nimble, (total dominion or freedom from gravity, powerful)...get camera? don't want to miss this...they might be gone fast...yup... gone...wow...darn, can't see them anymore, they are gone...i saw my first ufos! Wow. Truly hoping you are well, thanks for your years of service to this cause, wish you were my uncle! [Dad's name]


In June of 2021, I saw something that transformed me from a skeptic into a full-blown beliver in UFOs. It was about 4 in the afternoon. I was playing basketball at a local court when a peculiar object in the sky caught my eye. What caught my eye was how the object was flying low and extremely slow, making no sound. It looked like no object I've ever seen. There was no visible means of propulsion. No wings, no rotors, no exhaust, no engine. There was also a strange glow around the object. The object vanished suddenly and without a trace after being momentarily obscured by a tree. Around 10 PM, a year or two ago, I was outside my apartment when I saw a low altitude orb. It was glowing orange, flying at about ten feet from the ground, and completely silent. I took a video of the object until it flew out of sight. I went inside and showed my mother and replayed it for myself a couple of times. The next day, I found that the video had vanished from the gallery. I checked the trash and couldn't find the video even though the trash hadn't been emptied in a while. I never had any problems with the camera on that phone before making a technological malfunction unlikely.


Thank you for sharing -- wow. I know I've heard someone describe video mysteriously disappearing like that before. I can't remember where, though. Here's my account of something unexplainable happening with my camera (this was in the 90s): [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dnwr4a/comment/la5sbyq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dnwr4a/comment/la5sbyq/) I've also experienced seeing a distant object I couldn't identify that instantly disappears the moment i look away, or pass by a tree on 3 occasions. Each time I've told myself that it was an airplane so far in the distance that I couldn't see its wings, and that it turned in such a way that the shiny side is no longer facing the sun (or something). But it's how IMMEDIATELY the object disappear when you look away that just feels like...something. Like when a cat is play-hunting you, and they only move when you look away.


My friend's dad was naval intelligence in Australia in the 70s. When he was a kid he said he was travelling with his dad. I think he said he was in New York at the time. Anyway, his dad and a few US intelligence officers were hanging out discussing all manor or crazy stuff. My friend vividly remembers these US officers asking his dad if were ok to discuss these things with him around. His dad said it was fine and he was just a kid. Basically from what he remembers, most of the stuff out there is true in some way or another, other races working with world governments, moon bases, Mars travel already done.The thing he mostly remembers is them saying all this technology is Eons ahead of us, tens of thousands of not millions of years more advanced. We got more chance watching ants comprehending and reverse engineering nuclear power. We're screwed. If he were actually into the subject I might think he's fantasising but he hates talking about it


Wow, I love this one. Thank you!


It’s okay that people will think I’m nuts for saying this, but you can cultivate the ability to have contact experiences with them in meditation, more specifically Astral projection. Psychedelics also seem to randomly tap into this ability of ours. I’ve had three experiences, one on mushrooms, two sober in deep states of meditation. I shared them on my profile if people are interested. You have to be really careful though doing this shit, like you have to set an intention to seek out helpful ones, there are some of them that do not like being stumbled upon for sure.


My teacher in seventh grade told us a story about a cryptid she encountered in the swamps. Her description matched up with the New Guinea Iguanadon cryptid that allegedly required men armed with automatic machine guns to take down. (She doesn't know about that, I figured that out later on my own. Her sighting happened years before the New Guinea sighting, and near the south east US though.)


Wow -- thank you for sharing. I hadn't heard of the New Guinea Iguanadon before.


When I was a kid, I think I was visited. Kept it to myself for a long time - To this day I don’t fully know if what I experienced was sleep paralysis or a genuine visitation, all I know was that I felt fully awake and conscious. That, and my grandfather was a pretty high up intelligence officer throughout the 60s and 70s - as an alien obsessed kid I would always press him for the details but he just smiled and said “it’s classified” He found it less cute as I got older. I also heard that from family later on in life that whatever he experienced while serving (I’m starting to think it was related to drug testing or something like MK Ultra) led him to severe mental breakdown.


Wow, thank you for sharing, and I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. Him shutting down conversation on the topic sounds really common for family of military/intelligence people. I also had an experience when I was kid, but for now I classify it as a dream -- but I don't remember any other dreams where I have memory of the physicality of my body the way I did in this one. Usually physics feels all slippery and dreamlike. I've also yet to share it.


Ten years ago, I saw a metallic orb flying over the Thames River while on a rooftop building in London. I saw it approaching from a distance and thought it was a drone. However, as it got closer to my level, I realized it was perfectly spherical and not a drone. It continued to fly over the Thames. I was so absorbed in my observation that getting my phone out took me a while. I tried to take a picture, it was already too far away to be visible in the picture.


5 eyes , it’s above my profession but there’s def something there. Sort of like if there’s a place in the world with more secrecy and security then my job (arguably the single best nn weapon we have) then how do these weapons and topics get even more. Even more protection than nukes , honestly. Guy in boot camp (crypto linguistics?) spoke on leaked nsa files(we were in boot camp so neither of us had access to electronics but it was fun to talk about) Navy submariner (em comms big boat ) spoke on uso encounters Retired Msgt. B-1/b-2(development /r&d) and foreign material exploitation technician - there’s things more classified than he has access too I may know some of these things, as much as anyone else there’s things we don’t understand, lights in the sky etc your have so many military whistleblowers telling you guys what’s going on and they don’t believe them …


Two of the most serious adults I know have seen UFOs with their own eyes. Once in the Mountains in Nevada(metal ball with a bumpy, raised circle around its middle) and once just south of Jacksonville(red orb being chased by two jets).


I have family in Patagonia. Most stories consist of them and their friends have all seen stuff come out of this lake. Craziest story was from my grandfather. He was building a road way into Patagonia. He said a sort of disc like metallic object, that sort of shifted from a coppery to silver color, flew into the valley he was in working on a new road in. First time any human had been in the area. According to him it was dead silent and massive, about the size of the nearby mountain. It moved slowly and blotted out the sun, and slowly drifted out towards the ocean. I use to not believe, but after talking to him and enough people down there, it becomes hard not to believe.


My 90 year old grandmother retells the story of being on our family farm in ME. She was visiting her sister's family with my grandfather and my father and his brothers. The house was full, and she was inside and started to hear the kids screaming and a lot of noise. When she went to go see what was going on, she noticed the craft outside the house. My grandfather, her sister, and her husband stepped outside to watch it from the back porch. Kids were inside upset. My grandmother recalls stepping outside and watching it move in a zipping motion across the farm fields and was about 100 feet from the ground. Describes a disk standard silver disk shape that seemed to move so quickly that you didn't really see it move, just zip and reappear, like it was showing off in front of them. Then, it slowly drifted off past the farm and into the tree line and disappeared into the distance. This was in the mid-60s. My father corroborated the story, but her word is the one that matters to me. The funny thing to me is that it does not surprise her or was life changing. I didn't hear the story until my 30s. She just told me nonchalantly one day. My family has a habit of just coming up with weird information about our family history all the time. This was one of those times.


I sell cars, an old man comes in to get his oil changed every now and then and we chat, he was looking for a new car one day so I show him a few, we don’t really explain the cars we just get to know the customer, if they like it they buy it, I asked him about his life and he served in the navy for 30 years, I asked about UFOs, he told me “look at your phone, that’s alien technology” I kinda understood, I think he meant components and minerals, but I pushed further and he opened up, I asked if he ever saw anything, he had a story nothing spectacular but a story none the less, he was an engineer ( I don’t know which kind ) but apparently he worked on satellite systems, he was in California on a mountain once working on a site I think some type of satellite relay tower is how it sounded, him and 10 other guys, they started seeing white balls of light floating around the mountain, and moving towards the communication tower, they were freaked out obviously and called command to tell them, after they called and reported it the lights SHOT UP, at a crazy speed and never came back. He told me 2 years later he got a call from his CO and was asked if he wanted to work on a site and if he could be there in 2 weeks, the guy had just started his family and said his wife didn’t want to move again for the military, but he was curious and asked about the site and the CO said it’s in Nevada they called it Area 51, they said it was an air force base at the time, the old man said he thought about it and decided he would, they put him in a call list and sent him a pamphlet with WEIRD questions about his religious beliefs and other strange questions and after a few weeks the CO called back saying they decided to go with someone else, the old man said whatever bc he had no clue it was something “out of this world” he would have worked on. Idk lol just a story some guy told me so it could be bs but I’m interested in this topic so I naturally saw the connections. He said he 100% believes something is out there controlling those lights and other phenomena


My buddy is an active F35 fighter pilot and sees UAPs every week. He says that the majority of them are foreign intelligence collecting data but some are not. He is regularly briefed on this


My stepdad was a Navy Seal and so was his dad. They were out with some friends coming back from hunting so it was dark and he said they all saw these 3 orange (I think that was the color) dots slowly move and then darted off at speed so fast it may as well have disappeared. I believe this account very much because my stepdad and his dad had decades of combined experience in the worst war zones as one of the most elite classes of the military ranks. This account was 30 years ago or more but it still stands out to my stepdad and he believes it was a UFO. His dad thought the same, as well as their friends who were all blown away. EDIT: I should add my stepdad doesn't gaf about UFOs and that's the only time my interest in them will prompt him to tell his story. I doubt his dad was a UFO believer either so that's what makes it even more odd to me what he saw. That's my only second-hand proof. I have other family/friends who have seen odd stuff but there's not much to go off of. Of course, none of them ever think even to try to record it.




Well, my mom's family is from North Dakota. Not a TON of industry up there, so manning the nukes isn't crazy rare. I do consider myself lucky to have met my friend, though. He came to the states during the revolution as a refugee (as a baby). When I found out who his dad was, it was like meeting a celebrity -- I was already familiar with the 1976 incident. His dad was on Sightings late in the 90s. To be clear, I never met his dad personally. I only asked my friend what his dad knew.


Three stories, both second hand. I worked with a former Vietnam era B-52 pilot in the 80’s. This man was rock solid, not given to flights of fancy. We were on a break and the subject of ufos came up. I said I was skeptical leaning towards disbelief. He told me, in his experience knowing fellow military pilots as well as commercial pilots, that these things are real, pilots see them and talk about it to each other but they go unreported because of valid fears of professional repercussions. He was dead serious, and advised me to keep an open mind which I have ever since. The second was a college mate who was an amateur astronomer and caught on telescope three objects circling the moon before disappearing. The third was a friend in Redding, California who, along with a lot of other people, witnessed a huge triangular shaped object gliding silently above them in the early 80’s. Freaked him out.


Earlier this year I was hospitalized out of my city for a surgery. My mom would travel from our hometown up to the city where I was recovering in. The day before my surgery she tells me that on her way up driving in a woodland area in the evening she saw a giant triangular craft hovering high up above the road. She said it was silent and didn't move at all. She said she felt extremely scared and then the craft slowly turned off all of the street lights around her one by one and made a loud buzzing noise. She sped away and was super shocked when she told me later that night. I believe her because she didn't believe in ufos before.


A close relative of mine who I would trust with my life had an encounter in the 70’s with a bright glowing orb that followed her for about a half hour as she drove home one night along the shoreline. She said it would zip back and forth from in front of her to behind her, but overall just keep pace with her. She said it was only about 200 feet from her overhead the entire time. Then finally it zoomed off out over the ocean in an instant and disappeared.


My mom and grandma both saw a flying saucer hovering over their house in the middle of the night. They woke up to the dog barking and saw lights shining into the house. They went outside and saw a giant saucer flying over and it covered the entire cul-de-sac. I talked to them both about it separately and they both gave exactly the same details and were both extremely scared of the concept of aliens or UFOs their whole lives. They said it was giant and completely silent and still, it had strange markings all over it and had lights all around the perimeter and on the bottom. After a few minutes it shot off in an instant and disappeared without a sound.


When I was a kid, my family and I woke up several nights to lights shining in all the windows, they came from ABOVE the house. I often wonder who else saw it because we lived in a populated neighborhood at the end of a cul-de-sac as well and it happened on several occasions. I'm much older now and have contacted a couple of people from our neighborhood, but they remember nothing of the sort happening.


My brother's neighbor (Central Coast, CA), a career engineer and highly logical/pragmatic type, was visiting the Mojave Desert a some years ago and saw a silver bullet shaped object hovering in the sky before zipping away and vanishing over the horizon in a fraction of a second. Understanding the speed and physics involved for any object to move like that, as well as having witnessed it with his own eyes, he claims completely changed his entire view of life and the universe and is currently writing a book about it.


My sister-in-law works for an Asian airline as a flight attendant. At dinner sent me a picture from the cockpit where the pilot is showing his iPhone screen with a photo of bright lights/orbs that he had photographed above them off the coast of Japan. She told me it is routine that they see bright lights in the sky above airliners moving in patterns that don't make sense for regular air traffic. It goes unreported, unspoken about. Passengers don't know, flight and cabin crew keep it to themselves. The photo itself is interesting if unremarkable, but the fact that she was so relaxed about it and talked about how it happens all the time was interesting.


Had a friend who served at RAF Leuchars in Scotland. He was in the signals division and he was clear that objects way beyond what was possible then (and now) was being tracked on radar. They simply logged and rarely scrambled.


My aunts boyfriend who is about 70, a few years ago told me he was driving through arizona/new Mexico type area in the middle of the night with his buddy traveling across the country. Says he saw the legendary Walmart sized mothership type craft, maybe even bigger. Isn't really into this stuff, probably wouldn't have heard about this type of lore through research like many of us have. 


My first-hand accounts all fall in the realm of psychic/clairvoyance/what have you, so that I was eventually forced to abandon the secular materialist worldview. Toss in a dash of helpful guiding spirit. I have a good secondhand account about the Bermuda Triangle, from a friend of mine who has zero interest in this stuff: When he was in the Navy and his ship was sailing through the Bermuda Triangle, his ship was being shook up like it was in the middle of a bad storm. But the weather outside was calm and clear. On "The Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch," there was an episode when they were flying the helicopter and it was being badly buffeted like it was in the middle of a storm, but the weather outside was calm and clear. Reminded me of my Navy friend's Bermuda Triangle story.


Thank you for bringing up this! I have heard a lot of interesting stories I am unable to confirm anomalous, but some of them come from people whom I trust. 1) One morning my mother saw from the window a giant thing sprinkling with all lights and which disappeared suddenly. 2) My uncle and my aunt have told me their personal sightings (my aunt saw a UFO, my uncle told me he had seen, with a friend of his, a structure materializing into a field where they used to play: it was a bit like a tunnel), but above all they have told me some interesting stories which, unfortunately, since I am unable to personally verify even by interviewing the testimonies, count as third-hand stories. As for these third-hand stories, they involve an abduction scenario which happened in my country (South Italy) and military intervention to silence the witnessee. My aunt, whom she's been told the story by the witnessee, has herself witnessed a UFO in the same area. The other story, which has been told to my uncle, was about one witnessee seeing a disk-shaped UFO approaching his room from the window and getting nearer until it nearly crashed into the house before disappearing all of a sudden. What's the weirdest detail is that AT THE SAME TIME the witnessee's brother, from the other room, woke up screaming as he, as explained to me, had dreamt a UFO entering the house.


I was in the usaf back in 1976-1980 stationed in bitburg, germany... we were under terrorist threat quite a bit & received daily security briefings... so 1 day I think in 1978 we got a down channel security message saying a ufo was seen at bentwaters afb in england... we all agreed that we wished we had some of whatever they had been smoking & laughed it off... & after I rotated back to the states I met a friend that had been stationed at bentwaters during the incident... According to him in the middle of the night a ufo was seen hovering at the end of the runway for 10 minutes or so... It was reported by the aircraft control tower & security was dispatched to check it out... the security personnel were a ssgt & an a1c... keep in mind vtol aircraft in england weren't an uncommon sight everyone in europe at an afb was familiar with that plane... they both saw it & 1 other person went out to see it up close & that person was the flight line officer of the day which on that day was a full bird colonel... i wish i remembered more of what he told me about but it was long ago... down channel messages to us were from united states air force command europe... its like getting a message from the pentagon


Friend training with us Special Forces elated some content I don't care to repeat. Parents In cyber security had some interesting comments over time.  Multiple friends stationed In Afghanistan an various spaces In The middle east commented on what they see when looking up in night vision.  Personal observations from past employers an experiences- Family in early us rocketry space- In addition to many past conversations held with users which were known to hold high clearance levels.  I live between JBLM / Mcchord AFB, Bangor Navy installation, an Boeing. An have various friends in both the military, or friends that work in the Seattle Tech Space's offices- The common conversations up here are much more detailed imho then the average US citizen dives into, as a whole. An our bars often are filled with highly capable world experienced operators.  Everything from Tech to Law Enforcement. Gov an state, civic amongst various tiers of service men- Im technically surprised there isn't more CID / military police at the local bars telling the new enlistees to stfu. Cause I don't even repeat the shit I've heard an come to expect as having been accurate information all along-


Not first hand but I looked up all the historic records in the KGB book. Not one has been explained. Went and researched more about missing boats and planes and it turns out there are a ton with no explanation, even some down right bizarre. Someone trying to find a sunken boat visiting something like 11 shipwrecks and still can’t find the missing ship. Or all the military flights that have gone missing including ones with nuclear weapons. Or an old article saying the titanic was sunk by aliens. Some obscure theory that it was hit with precise laser cuts after it hit the ice. And that multiple other ships sank and records were lost that can’t explain how they sank either. https://ia803204.us.archive.org/2/items/alien_race_book-ARB/alien_race_book-ARB.pdf


It's been a while since I've looked at that PDF -- thanks for reminding me of it.


The father of a friend of mine saw a typical flying saucer going out of a lake in Brazil in the 90's. In a small city near Fortaleza. His father hasn't talked about it with anyone but his family.


Its the proof you, me and almost everybody else have.


Around 1998 my mother, sister and my sister's friend were driving to drop the friend off a few miles away. When they got to the house to drop off the friend she screamed while looking up and they all saw a craft described as a dark gray oblong shape hovering silently above the treetops of the car, so only about 60-70 above the car. When they told me about it I asked if there were any logos or markings on the ship but they said it was one solid color and wasn't moving at all. Later on in life we would retell that story to people that grew up in the same area and we found out they weren't the only ones to see it that day. It was a sunny summer day and other locals saw the same object hovering a few feet above the water tower. I was pretty pissed I didn't get to see it myself.


My dad was in the army in the 70s. He never talked about it much, but he did tell me and my mom about the time in basic training they were doing an early morning training and a huge ship with lights on it came and hovered over his unit about 50 feet above for several minutes and then took off at incredible speed. His entire unit was told to never talk about it. My dad was a notorious joker, but I never saw him as serious as when he told me about it.


Two women in my hometown related stories. A mother was reading a bedtime story to her son when a 2 feet diameter red orb floated up to the window and then zoomed off. The other woman was watching Escambia Bay when she saw a craft shoot up out of the water and away into the air.


my grandma and uncle saw a lit up craft in the woods and it slowly rose above the trees, hovered towards them across an open field and then shot straight up and vanished. i told my uncle it was probably a helicopter with those big search lights they have and he said boy I sure hope it wasn't because i shot at it 20 times.


My dad was stationed in the pacific during the Vietnam era. He had witnessed multiple incidents, including objects entering the ocean, similar to what Fravor had described. He developed a lifelong interest in the subject and passed it on to myself. Unfortunately, he didn’t make to 2017 to read The NY Times article.


my 3rd great granduncle assassinated Leon Trotsky


When I was a kid, I saw a disc take off from a forest treeline and dart diagonally up. I was old enough to remember it vividly including all the minor details. It was in the distance, def wasn’t a helicopter or airplane, I knew what those were. I also knew what a flying saucer was and that was def it. No sound, just raised right up above the treeline and boom moved diagonally out of sight in a matter of seconds