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The following submission statement was provided by /u/quantumcryogenics: --- New information on this alleged Arctic Circle incident is from a new episode of Reality Check where Ross Coulthart says he has been given this information and Mellon says that a highly credible source has told him the same thing. See the episode here: https://youtu.be/IYShNNH3UTM?feature=shared --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dpd8d6/coulthartmellon_prior_to_the_shootdown_of_the/lag1ea1/


Wasn't there an "incident" number attached to the Canadian memo regarding the incidents last year? It showed that the objects shot down over Alaska, Yukon, etc. were like the 22nd-25th UAP detections for the calendar year of 2023—we were barely into February at that point. All this say, incursions are happening way more often than they're reported to the media or public. Edit: If you watch the Newsnation video, Chris Mellon says an independent source confirmed to him as well that 8-9 objects were encountered at the beginning of February 23'.


Correct, it was identified as UAP #23. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/read-secret-memo-for-trudeau-on-unidentified-object-shot-down-over-yukon-1.6548510


Still pretty unbelievable that this is overlooked—thank you for the link, I'm surprised I remembered the numbering somewhat correctly.


There was a post about this, and a person posting within the thread (subsequently deleted the posts) - but i would have bet my last $50 the poster was in fact Grusch. At any rate this poster did suggest to FOIA “the fuck” out of all of these individual numbered detections as an idea / rabbit hole to travel into.


I honestly hate how Alaska and Lake Huron and co went down. Did the press pool just gave up inquiring about some insane comments about having shot down stuff, identified *still* as UAP, in US airspace, during peacetime? Yeah that just happens too much to fucking ask about.


Both that and the Langley incursions in December 23 are truly boggling to me. Like, how can you call yourself a journalist if you're not interested in the first ever shootdowns over US territory or an unknown invasion fleet that forced an entire fighter wing to abandon the military base right next to your nation's capital? How on Earth can you possibly not investigate and report on that stuff? You think I want to hear another story about Taylor Swift or TikTok? At least try to pretend that you're doing your job. Good lord, journalists.


Most journalists that work for specific publications are instructed to not ask about specific incidents. As much as people are sold "freedom of press" in reality pentagon/CIA have influence to steer away press from covering this. Journalists that dont fall in line get fired. Independent journalists get silenced or siloed. The press is free only "up to a point" there are 100% things that press cannot cover freely


The spokespeople literally blew the questions off. When you know you’re going to get that for an answer it’s probably not worth it to waste your one question on something you aren’t going to have answered.


It’s literally their fucking job to ask questions and to continue asking questions and putting pressure on the powerful. They’re the ppl who are suppose to hold our representatives accountable. If you don’t want to do that, you’re not a fucking journalist, you’re a propagandist.


Lake Huron seems like a balloon based on the cockpit recordings from the pilots [https://www.tmz.com/watch/2023-02-15-021523-lake-huron-1566416-617/](https://www.tmz.com/watch/2023-02-15-021523-lake-huron-1566416-617/) One thing that's interesting is they DID release the cockpit audio from Lake Huron, and DIDNT release the cockpit recording from Alaska. The Alaska one is the one that Mellon/etc. say is anomalous.


Officer barbrady vibes for sure, “NOTHING TO SEE HERE. MOVE ALONG!”


A good journalist would've contacted all commercial vessels in the area on Lake Huron


Yeah well we have Coulthart


The interesting bit is Mellon saying that anyone leaking videos likely won't be prosecuted because the government can't prove a risk to national security.


This is exactly correct, to prosecute means an admission of something.


If it was indeed “critical to national security” there won’t be a prosecution. Just an execution


Didn’t someone post a video from a cell phone taken in Alaska showing fighter jets flying overhead? I thought I remember seeing that here Edit: around the timeframe of the shoot downs


During the time at which the government claimed the weather made recovery of the object impossible. It was a clear day and Blackhawk helicopters and fighter jets can be seen flying overhead.


NHI is basically the WORST kept secret in the world right now. It's just the majority of people don't want to know much less entertain the idea.


I wouldn't say a majority of the people. Since 2021 and the ODNI report stating UAP/UFOs were real it's actually the opposite according to polling: [https://news.gallup.com/poll/350096/americans-believe-ufos.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/350096/americans-believe-ufos.aspx) And now 2/3rds of Americans post UAP hearings: [https://thehill.com/homenews/space/4131768-the-truth-is-out-there-more-americans-believe-in-ufos/](https://thehill.com/homenews/space/4131768-the-truth-is-out-there-more-americans-believe-in-ufos/)


This is just more proof we are all living in the Matrix


Yet there’s not one clear video of them in a world where everyone carries around a 4K camera at all times


Because it’s difficult to take clear picture of something too far on the sky. At least my Samsung couldn’t.


*That we know of*, i guarantee the government has clear footage apart from the craft themselves


Your phone camera is fantastic at capturing faces and landscapes. It isn't designed to capture UAP.


What about the ones described as being at treetop level? To me the most interesting UAP aren't some far off lights or dots, they are the ones that people claim to see up close. So there is a valid point that we don't have good pictures or videos in this era of such objects recorded on people's phones.


So there's about 5000 reported ufo sightings a year give or take, most are probably dots in the sky but let's say 1 in every 10 UAP sightings are at low altitude, and 50/50 chance the witness has their phone on them. That means we've got about 250 opportunities a year for people to take a photo of a low altitude craft right? Now probably a 50/50 chance the witness is shocked enough to not go for their camera, now we're down to 125 possible picture opportunities. This is all rough speculation, but it's more than likely that we just don't get a lot of opportunities to take a picture of a low altitude clear UFO, and when people do attempt to snap a picture, they aren't guaranteed to be successful. I myself witnessed an orange orb just above treetop level, but by the time I realized it wasn't a plane it had already zig zagged and shot off at incredible speed. This was back in like 2010 or so, I had a razor flip done in my pocket which if I had thought to take out my phone to photo the orb, it would have taken an absolute useless picture.


Woah I just witnessed two orange orbs a few weeks ago at treetop level. The sun had almost finished setting when they zipped by. Definitely not far away and definitely not normal speeds or flight patterns. They or 'it" wasn't flying in a jagged way but more like rounded zig-zags if that makes any sense.The two orbs shot away after like 2-3 seconds. A phone camera wouldn't have picked it up even if I was recording. I live next to a bunch of corn fields so idk what to think of them.


Yeah I'm talking more about the large slow objects people report like low flying black triangles, or chevrons.


Well, there are videos and pictures out there of those too, people always call them fakes though.


I expect something that advanced and that big would put out some kind of electromagnetic pulse or some other type of full spectrum jamming system that would possibly render cell phones in-operable. Possibly being able to point and shoot said system. I would expect if our GOV had had a craft and re-engineered it to our primitive standards they would have such equipment also. I imagine stand there long enough you will become sterile too. This is just an opinion, I could be wrong.


50/50 chance? Most people have their phones with them 24/7. We have good video of other sudden shocking things like terrorist attacks, bolide meteors, mass shootings and airplane crashes. These are a good selection of things which are relatively rare, sudden and in some cases, where the witness themselves is in danger. The argument that people are too shocked/scared doesn't hold up because it has to happen in EVERY case. That's hard to believe.


There *are* videos and pictures out there, there's even one captured way back in the day on a flip phone, the problem is anything that looks *too* good gets called a fake.


Exactly this. There is tons of evidence. People are just unwilling to accept it because it doesn't fit what they are indoctrinated to believe.


In my case my sighting was a minute and recording didn’t cross my mind. And I was a ufo nut. After about 10-15 seconds I did however have the thought I needed to get my binoculars. I was more interested in getting a good look and identifying than I was taking a video. I was not expecting nor ready to take a video of a ufo.


Thank you for your story. However the point is still valid we have good close up video of other unexpected, sudden things like plane crashes, bolide meteors, etc.


We got good photo and video of ufo’s but it’s never going to be enough to move the topic. It’s either too blurry, too clear, or an obvious fake. No photo or video will ever be good enough and I don’t blame I guess. I’ve seen photos and video that I believe are legit.


To me it's not the quality of the video itself but the provenance of it. There is a reason the US Navy videos are important. We know how they were recorded, we know the objects were detected across a number of sensors at various wavelengths and we know the credibility of those involved. We don't get that from random people with phones no matter how close range of a video they would take. That said, with things like Sora and Runway 3 we are going to be inundated with fake UFO videos which may be very high quality and without provenance other than some random LARPer posted it to UFO reddit or UFO twitter. In terms of photos or video the only thing which will really move the needle will be if a series of calibrated cameras and other instruments independently detect and image the object. This is where things like the Galileo Project and MADAR Project come in. We need data from multiple sensor types. That's what will be useful scientifically and that is what will move the needle in terms of image data.


It would really depend on the light levels and how good the photographer is. The cameras also use special software to correct images. We had a tornado moving through and the sky was green, I went to take a picture of it with my Pixel and it auto corrected the sky to be blue. So things can appear different than they really are.


Pro-tip. Use your phones "Slow Motion" video recording option. It records at extremely high frame rates. If you can attach UV and IR pass filters, that helps too.


Tactical interference.


On every person in the world’s devices? Honestly that’s more impressive than a real ufo


Sorry - huh? In the vincinity of an encounter. I'm sorry if I misunderstand your comment.




There were also C-130 transports flying in on the same day.


Yeah I remember some guy who lived/worked there was trying to give daily updates, have video of the jets flying and stuff


I remember this being posted on reddit. Then some vids got taken down and the guy said people came to his home and told him to delete them.


I thought he took them down because he was taking the videos when he was supposed to be working and didn't want to get in trouble with his employer.


This is correct- He worked for an oil/ gas company and took the videos down because the company didn't want proprietary technology/ procedures exposed. Also, he did say that he did not want to seem like he was not working. I did also hear the reddit rumor that someone came to his house, but I don't know if that was true.


Publicly, he claimed he that no one told him to take them down. He just did so because he was technically violating company policy and he didn't want to be fired after they went viral. Now whether or not that was just him covering is another matter.


I don’t remember this part. Link please


It was on a deleted thread. I'm sorry, I have no other proof of my memory than a retelling. I just remember how odd it was


The link is definitely still out there. I caught it again just a few weeks ago, but don’t have it stored myself




So you just made this up or what?




Yes, I remember this as well. An oil rig worker or st


Fighter jets, ac-130’s all kinda of aircraft coming and going, yup. They don’t find nothin tho. Shucks.


New information on this alleged Arctic Circle incident is from a new episode of Reality Check where Ross Coulthart says he has been given this information and Mellon says that a highly credible source has told him the same thing. See the episode here: https://youtu.be/IYShNNH3UTM?feature=shared


Didn’t Grusch say that he saw the video of the encounter and that it could be released to the public?




Dud he say anything else about it? What the footage showed or when it might release?


He didn’t describe the incident in terms of what was seen .. just said that he didn’t think it needed to be kept classified or something. As regards its release, the only thing said in recent months by the DoD spokesperson was that the incident was still in the declassification process and there was no timeline for its release if at all. And there is ends.


This is great to know, but we have a situation where we know something was shot down, that it was recovered and being analyzed by the FBI and no reporter has pressed for details on that.


And this is after the USG said they'd provide continued updates—zilch, nada.


It's so frustrating because this isn't even the secret stuff. It's information provided on CNN by the gov itself and then everyone just lost interest.


There was a shit ton of reporting, then, suddenly, after Valentines day... nothing. Not a single follow up or mention of the "baloons" ever again by the entire press. Someone issued a memo saying "shut up" I suspect.


I knew someone who worked a temp job at the oil fields above the arctic circle. They would drive out past the lights and see UFOs zig-zagging and chasing each other almost every night.


they never got video???


They were the kind of person who just viewed it as entertaining rather than important. 


Cause it never happened. Dude was seeing UFO's every night. Yet there isn't one UFO video on this sub that's even substantial


Who are you to make that determination? Do you know this guy's friend? Do you know what he deems important? No ...you don't.


Can you link the best video that is mostly likely NHI?




> Wild profile my g. Got any other hobbies ? What? Noticed you said something like > Wow that guy's profile is insane imagine hating UFOs so much all you do is post on the UFO subreddit **Legirimately your whole profile is just r/UFOs and ancillary subs**




Weird insult to give someone when that's your whole profile? What's up with that? Especially since they were saying maybe it really was a UFO.




Here's what they said > Who are you to make that determination? Do you know this guy's friend? Do you know what he deems important? No ...you don't. Here's what you said to them > Wild profile my g. Do you have any other hobbies? Sounds like an insult. Either way whatever else you like is most likely on reddit somewhere, obviously you wouldn't go to subs you don't care for the topic. My boy just don't insult people about something you do its a word for it called "hypocritical'.


He makes a good point though. All this noise about UFOs and UAPs and not a single video substantial enough to prove that it’s a real phenomenon. I do personally think there’s something strange going on but it’s wild that even today, with all these smartphones, we can’t get a good look at any of them.




Seen every video in that sub in the past, absolutely ZERO are significant in anyway, shape or form. This is the proof? Haha


I’m not here to make people “believe” the govt came out and said uap are real, multiple people corroborated, the pictures and videos are just icing on the cake so to speak . If you never trust anything what do you believe in ? The documentation , data , historical accounts, govt sources etc all say the same stuff and if there’s smoke there’s definitely a fire. We are at this point just trying to find how big a fire and what caused it to go up in the first place. I am going to assume you are either uninformed or belligerently in denial. Either way I implore you to do real research on your own. Your theory is based on the premise that what ufo aren’t real? Uap aren’t real? Aliens are not piloting uap ? The govt is lying to everyone about what uap actually are? I’m curious to know and I guarantee if you start with the theory that uap aren’t real and you try to prove it you’ll come to the same conclusion as everyone else. Just get a mechanical zoom infrared camera and go outside in a secluded area and watch the skies, guarantee in about a week you’ll see something you yourself can’t explain.


Them shooting down the UAP, strikes me as odd. Because the US, Russia, and China don't attack each other (that we know of) for fear of M.A.D. In which case, why do they not fear attacking the objects that fit the characteristics of the objects that supposedly disabled/enabled air gapped, analog, nuclear ICBM silos? Seems to me that the UFOs don't pose a M.A.D. level threat, that or we're seeing desperation.


Don't assume each craft represents the same "civilization". There could be some we shoot down and some are "friendly". No evidence of that but those possibilities would explain it, especially if the friendlies have our back.


If there is one type of NHI there could be any number in the infinite universe.


Oh I definitely believe there is. But without evidence I won't make that claim affirmatively, though I think the Nazca mummies will bear this out.


The universe is finite


There are vast differences.


Good point. That’s what we have proxy wars, so that they don’t ever fire directly on each other. Seems provocative, but could also be an accepted standard practice - ie spy tech being taken down.


I think the safe assumption is that UAP's/NHI's aren't a unified political bloc that our nation is concerned with. It could just be a predatory measure of "you're in the wrong neighborhood" and the USA wanting to nab anything in the sky for their advantage. I'll bet that the military already rationalized that if a species with the capabilities of NHI hadn't retaliated with overwhelming force against us so far, then the ships would be fair game for capture. Or, if you want a more tin-foil explanation: the USA knows which kinds of ships need to be shot down, or ship that are fair game due to undisclosed NHI communications.


Reminder that the official story is a lie, they absolutely searched for debris and found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/IsBWT9RF4b


Yes, though none of this has been even remotely referenced in any official report. I guess that is to be expected


Why the F are we people trying to shoot down these things? For technology obviously.... But damn stop doing this? Why provoke?!


Human. Rock throwers.


Orrrrrrrrr maybe some pose a threat.


yeah...even with the OK Corral mess, the players knew each other before they shot the place up There has to be an object/craft recognition data set that triggers contingencies.


I like your analogy.


Indeed! People are so quick to say that we shoot for no reason implying that we’re Neanderthals compared to them. There is a possibility that they may not be here to save the people of earth from ourselves to ensure we flourish for a lot longer and sit around with us doing the hippy thing. Hell, if you believe in abductions and cattle mutilations and all that jazz, I’d say that’s not very friendly. At the very least it shows they have a complete disregard for us. At the most it means they’re hostile.


It’s the US. It’s what we do. (Unfortunately)


Yeah it's a shame really... Not sure how far my government is into this (Dutch) But won't be as large as the US


I chocked up the aggressive shoot down response to the high tensions over the Chinese balloon, with MTG screaming in Congress about Biden not taking action to prevent spying (I think he was concerned about flaming debris raining down over populated areas).     If people weren’t already scanning the skies for more spy balloons I doubt the airforce would have taken any action at all.     Each report of another UAP just fed into the hysteria about mystery objects doing.. mysterious things?  Werent one of the uaps determined to be a pico balloon that a group of students released for a meteorological project? It was too small to pose a navigation hazard so they weren’t required to notify aviation authorities about its estimated flight path if I’m not mistaken 


they knew where that balloon was from takeoff...don't buy the Chinese balloon hype...it was used as a distraction


We still don't know what was shot down in Alaska. 😉


So why did Mellon flip sides between 2016 and 2022? He could have done a lot more while he was still inside with all his prior clearances.


This isn't exactly a new story though, is it - I remember this being posted back in early November last year - Coulthart was flogging the same story then concerning the previous UAP incident over the Arctic Circle [February 1st](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/uap-arctic-circle-chinese-balloon/amp/)


I don't remember that, but Mellon confirming is interesting enough for me to post.


Spot on. This (the 1 Feb incident) was posted last year and never went anywhere


Coulthart: >Incident that I've heard of... Is there any supporting evidence for this, or is it just assumed that he's telling the truth/relaying accurate information?


He’s heard a lot of people.


Do we know when that AARO report volume 2 coming out? I know people here think it's all BS but it is intended to cover modern sightings, and could/should involve events like this. Personally I thought volume 1 was quite concise and contained a ton of useful information. On the actual topic... do we know what Coulthart's source is?


That report contained sources from fiction. It was a total hackjob. 


That is a terrible picture of Ross! Looks like he’s having stroke 


Is it me, or does it feel like the UFO topic is gaining traction again. A few months ago, it felt very quiet, and I suspect many started to feel a bit disillusioned. But it's starting to feel like things are picking up again. I suspect something revelatory is around the corner.


I will be surprised if anything significant happens this year. Unless something slips through in the National Archives records


I know everything is supposed to be surrendered to the archives by October 20 I think it is, but doesn’t it feel like these federal agencies will wiggle out of it somehow? Either turning over just a few innocuous things & being like that’s all we got OR filing some sort of petition or something delaying it for as long as they can? I just have no faith that, without oversight, they will turn over anything meaningful.


Likely it will be mostly just a dump of random uninteresting stuff. But who knows, maybe a scattered term or a name here and there that connect up to something of note


Breadcrumbs still lead somewhere.


Probably worth feeding the entire set to an AI analyzer


Anything can happen in an election year.


What a frame of Ross to use for this LOL


How many more times is Coulthart going to talk without showing us the evidence he has? He's becoming Tim Burchett


Most everyone with any serious interest in this subject understands that the U.S. admitting the existence of extraterrestrial UAPs would cause an uncontrollable global panic.  The safety of its citizens should be it's primary responsibility. It isn't, but in this case, it amounts to the same thing.