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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Platform_specialist7: --- Thrift store find My wife purchased this for me at a local thrift store for a few bucks. Solar UFO made in Italy. I’m guessing mid 60s-70s. Pretty sick. Not sure if I should open it and try it out or leave it. I do know that if I try it out I’d need a bigger spool of string. Either way very cool find --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ds90tm/thrift_store_find/lb0u1ht/


Thrift store find My wife purchased this for me at a local thrift store for a few bucks. Solar UFO made in Italy. I’m guessing mid 60s-70s. Pretty sick. Not sure if I should open it and try it out or leave it. I do know that if I try it out I’d need a bigger spool of string. Either way very cool find




Yps- Mit Gimmick!


that packaging is awesome.


You're gonna need a bigger boat!


Can buy them on Amazon [solar balloon](https://a.co/d/00Ucr2LO)


Put yourself inside and fly away!!! Free ride to space


I can't imagine how many guys back in the days were fooled by such toys.


Back in the day? 🤣


It's definitely still happening


I had this exact same ballon about 15 years ago. We filled it up and flew it around a park in downtown Baltimore. The wind picked up and the string broke, the balloon went flying through downtown. We chased it around town for half and hour before finally getting grounded. Hilarious.


That’s cool! Enjoy flying that bad boy!


If you try it out, we want some photos/videos! Cool stuff!


You've got it all wrong. You're supposed to blow it up, send it off and have other /UFOs members photograph it and then claim it's definitive evidence of ET visitors.


Looks like Starro wants your face


Happy cake day!


Had one as a kid in the 80s. Basically just a big black trash bag. Worked pretty well though!


I had totally forgotten that when I was a kid we would fill up a wonder bread bag with air and fly it around.


These work. They still sell them. My dad made one out of black plastic when I was a kid. When it heated up in the sun, it floated up and away.


I have a memory of my dad making one and when I asked my mum about it years ago she was like "wtf are you talking about" and I always wondered if I imagined it. Now I feel validated.


Don't know why, but this produced a very vivid, and also very humorous, sequence in my mind lol


Well, I asked my dad if he remembers and he said he didn't remember that but he remembered making a giant sail to propel a skateboard. 🤷‍♀️


Your Dad sounds like an absolute trip, mine just taught me how to fish and yelled at me like a normal dad.


Balloon boy shiz


One peice Cutty Flam vibes


I remember seeing ads for these in Boy's Life.


I have one of those! It's just a big, long plastic bag that you fill with air and attach a string to and then let heat up in the sun so it rises, right? I think mine is a different brand, though.


*Vigorous noises* Kirkfaptrick is going to love this post.


Burn it. this is the kind shit that spawns hundreds posts on here


Definitely planted by the US government to spread the belief that ufo sightings are balloons. Most uaps I see are silver, shaped like stars,hearts or orbs, sometimes they shapeshift into letters. They look NOTHING like this so they are obviously not balloons.


Depends entirely on the origins of UAP - mimickery is extremely common in nature... Sorry, this needed more clarity - it is extremely common in nature for creatures or plants to mimic one another. Why on earth would you think UAPs wouldn't exhibit this exact behaviour? They clearly aren't after a press conference on the white house lawn. If it's tricky to go completely invisible then you employ some camouflage, right? Let's look like those super popular balloons, or one of those cloud things, or at night, let's try to mimick those flashing lights they put on these aircraft of theirs...perfect way to hide in plain sight - and short sighted debunkers jumping all over it. It doesn't even require intelligence - butterflies evolved big scary owl eyes on their wings, stick insects didn't have a big conversation to decide their camouflage...it's a normal part of nature. Now take a second look at that aeroplane, are you sure?




It's true, like it or not, in nature - even just on earth - many creatures camouflage or mimick - happens all the time. Why wouldn't extra terrestrial entities naturally mimick aircraft, in fact, it would be silly not to...


Not sure why I am being downvoted - butterflies pretend to be owls, stick insects pretend to be sticks, the octopus can pretend to be anything it wants. Why wouldn't UAPs have a go at looking like common things in the sky - maybe not aircraft as they need an id and a squark, flight plan etc. but big black or silver tubes making no noise? Easy...one tic tac coming up.