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[Here's the megathread we had on it](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/bBviraG6H1) fyi


No idea, but I find that footage and other examples of the jellyfish genuinely unsettling. I was thinking of it this week again myself, and how it's some of the most "alien" imagery we've seen so far.


I felt the same way. When it first came out, I remember feeling like this is something unnatural that we arent supposed to see.


I dreamt of one that was a jelly fish cloud. A storm-like dark cloudy creature that had tentacles hanging down, lit up. I rarely feel such existential deep ontological shock - let alone in a "dream". But I sure did feel overpowered and overwhelmed. Sure it was a "dream" but it carried the idea that these things are far more conscious than us and simply being near them will affect our minds. Eg; similar to listening to the radio with interference nearby except consciousness itself.


Lovecraftian as fuck


I was watching the UAPGerb video on the metapod sightings the other day and had an interesting thought… what if the jellyfish was a creature inside one of those metapods? Maybe the thermal camera couldn’t see the metapod itself due to no heat signature or cloaking, but could see the creature piloting it through the transparent windshield. Not sure this makes any sense but I had fun thinking about it. I even overlaid the jellyfish onto a still from the metapod video and it matched up very well in terms of shape. This is reaching I know but doesn’t hurt to speculate and have fun thought experimenta


Scottish A70 incident, one of the men talks of seeing jellyfish like creatures floating


Interesting theory! I saw my first UFO ever only a few months ago, but it bore an exact resemblance to the metapod. I couldn't discern a “window” on it like in the photos, but it was too far away and visible for too short an amount of time. It was spooky though.


Metapod? Any links?


Search “metapod Uapgerb”


I still think about it from time to time. But recently the video sparked my imagination again when I was listening to a video on UFOs and saw an artist’s depiction of it and was like “hmm, I wonder what’s the deal with that thing now” To me it’s just crazy that there’s this clear unidentified thing that is probably the most unusual ufo ever seen and there are three camps to it: 1. The people who are sure it’s alien. 2. The people who can’t define it. And 3. The people who laugh it off as balloons. And because there are some people that are like “It’S cLeArLy A sMuDgE” the topic is just dropped. Like that kinda irks me lol


I mean it's behaviour and flight pattern are pretty much the same we se in a bunched up ballons. There's not inmense speeds or fast turns, just floating in the wind. So honestly, occam's razor. I've never understand the need to push the most obvious and resonable answer and fixate in some otherwordly suppositions. Like the junp from ballons to a hyperdimensional aliens who travelled at ftl speed to just cruise at wind speeds while being recorded by some humans is just wishful thinking


It looked organic. Nothing at all like usual descriptions of craft. Very weird and cool that we got to see it


>organic How? Besides gliding in the air, it didn't seem to be moving.


Not so much in its movement but organic in form. Meaning that it evokes the aesthetics of natural entities rather than the artificial, angular nature of typical man-made vehicles. It didn't look like an aerodynamic shape, it looked like it had tentacles, with a scaly carapace, and irregular/asymmetrical lines


Makes me queasy too. It always makes me think of that super-intelligent cephalopod guy that posted here a while back.








Icky Space Object?


Swamp gas floating along....




Incoming 85 percent balloon and swamp gas jokes and only 5 serious ones. Honestly no one knows yet. I’m still waiting for vid of it apparently going in water and going straight up into sky


[this book, "operation Trojan horse" about UFO's was published in 1970 and talks about a "translucent flying jellyfish"](https://imgur.com/a/4BhJdlM)


Hmm pretty interesting. Thousands of documented types including metal insects. Crazy to think about what’s out of our perception or senses. Thanks for this


It just appeared to drift off into the distance and did not shoot down into the lake and then shoot off. This is according to a Marine who was stationed on the base and has seen the whole video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0V9mhk9Hm0&t=77s <- The NewsNation interview with the Marine


The shooting straight into the sky from underwater part would definitely silence all these bird shit/balloon jokes in these replies


As a member of team bird shit, I agree. But that's not what's in the video released, so I'm still waiting for the jellyfish to do something that bird shit can't do.


Balloon was the "best guess" of terrestrial objects but IIRC there were plenty of things indicating it wasn't. One of them was the fact that wind was blowing in the opposite direction of it's movement based on flags that could be seen in the video. Lots of people really pushed the "smudge" theory until it was proven the thing rotates. I'd say there's a small chance it was a balloon of some kind and the anomalies can somehow be explained but I dunno man, I'm not sure if I believe myself.


Regarding the flags' direction in comparison to the object's direction, how can that be determined? Wasn't the jellyfish filmed from an airborne platform? If so, it's impossible to know the jellyfish's movements (such as speed, elevation, direction, etc) without knowing all the flight characteristics of the aircraft that was filming it. I hope that data is available, so that qualified persons could graph exactly how the jellyfish was moving.


I'm going by memory again, but I think it was filmed from a tethered balloon platform. And yes, those are complications, but I think the flags were pointing in almost the opposite direction of movement.


>One of them was the fact that wind was blowing in the opposite direction of it's movement based on flags that could be seen in the video. Can you point me to where the video shows flags blowing in the opposite direction of the object's motion?


I'm not going to go through all that again, sorry.


Okay well if you actually look at the video, like at timestamp 1:12-1:16 in the video Corbell posted, you can see a flag on a flagpole at the top of the frame blowing in the same direction that the object is moving. Suggesting that it is simply drifting in the wind. https://youtu.be/7bns_WhNAQM?t=72


How does [this ](https://www.metabunk.org/attachments/jellyfish-balloon-boomerang-gif.65181/)seem like the wind is blowing in the opposite direction? The flag is near the top blowing to the left, same direction as the jellyfish.


When I said someone say smudge on the lens, I couldn’t unsee it. I understand the camera rotated, but still looks like 🦜 💩 to me. If it isn’t, I was entertaining the idea of a 4th dimensional objects shadow, although I had a very limited understanding/grasp of that concept. Someone once said if we were to look at a 4dimesnional pencil, is 3 dimensional beings would only see the tip of it.


There was a really good animation made, that demonstrated how it rotates three dimensionally revealing more detail from the backside. I can't really square that with being a smudge.


Thanks, I’ll check that out.


Probably [this](https://x.com/Cortex_Zero/status/1745279856777076808) and [here's ](https://www.metabunk.org/threads/jellyfish-ufo-from-tmzs-ufo-revolution.13304/page-18#post-309848)a similar rotation on a bundle of balloons.


Oh yea I did see that. I’m not sure that changes my mind. Thanks so much for posting that too!


We’d see the cross-section of the 4D object as it intersected our 3D spacetime. A pencil intersecting a flat plane (2D) could appear as a tiny point (pencil point), a circle (pencil intersecting plane at right angle), an oval (pencil tilted) or pencil shaped (right down the middle). A complex 4D object intersecting our universe could change size and shape, split into multiple objects or vanish.


Not balloon or swamp gas; just plain old-fashioned birdshit.


Even Mick West agreed it wasn't anything on or near the lens.


I think the infrared doesn't do it any justice. I have seen several older videos afterwards. They all seem to change shape. But, also they reflect the natural environment behind them. Kind of like a chameleon. Or, an octopus.


Alternatively, it is also possible and likely the FLIR automatically adjusting to the background temperature behind it therefore adjusting the color gradient of the object(s).


It would be very helpful if somekne who has used the equipment could comment on whether they have automatic gain control and whether the visualization is normalized or absolute. I'd imagine both modes are supported, but may have different characteristics which users would recognize.


the boys over at metabunk was pretty exhaustive in analyzing this thing. Like they did a bunch of OSINT and did the math on alot of it. But the aerostat was likely using a L3 MX-20 system. For a 20 inch diameter surveillance camera it would be dumb not to have AGC.


I figure it must support every scaling and normalization option you might want, mostly interest in whether someone who uses then has commented on what mode it appears to be in. Haven't watched it in a long time but will with this in mind, should be obvious if it's automated


One person who used this equipment did describe the possibility of it adjusting while on a podcast but I can’t remember the show or episode so yeah I did hear this as an expert possibility, but I just won’t be able to find the link atm without tons of searching.


IIRC this was proven not to be happening but I'm not trawling through days of posts just to re-prove it.


To me it looked like a little grey in a jet pack


Corbell said the jellyfish uaps are the most common uaps seen by military. It’s already been confirmed by the government that the footage was classified and should not have been released. We also heard from a soldier who was there when the uap was filmed so in my opinion it’s very real and likely a unmanned surveillance drone used by the NHI


>Corbell said the jellyfish uaps are the most common uaps seen by military. I thought orbs were the most common


[this book, "operation Trojan horse" about UFO's was published in 1970 and talks about an "transparent flying jellyfish"](https://imgur.com/a/4BhJdlM)


When did the govt acknowledge the footage? I missed that. Got a link?




'No comment'is what the pentagon said. That is not confirming it was leaked footage, like at all. Bummer I was stoked.


That’s literally the only confirmation you will get from the DOD man, they don’t want us to know about these things


Wouldn't it make more sense for it to be an unmanned drones from China or Russia than NHI?


That would be a much bigger problem than NHI if China or Russia had technology like that.


Yea it would. We wouldn’t be certain it was nefarious if it was nhi. In fact, considering there has been little to no certain hostility from them, it’s possible they are monitoring for their own concerns our possibly even ours. If we agree in this hypothetical that they are absolutely real nhi craft of some sort… them being seen in droves at the fukishima disaster right when radiation dropped inexplicably… it’s safe to at least consider they are to some degree possibly helpful. If it was an adversary, it would be damn near certain they were nefarious. That being said, if it were adversary tech… the level of technology they achieved would be outrageous and one would be wise to not throw out they may have gotten the tech from NHI anyway. I personally cannot fathom that so many people over the years would have come forward like they did if it wasn’t something beyond known human capability. It’s not just been grusch and fravor and graves etc. There’s been a litany. I particularly don’t intend to forget the woman who came forward a while back about working with nasa and being privy to the fact they apparently airbrush out ufo related things from photos. Also gary mckinnon (sp?) … there’s too much over the years pointing towards something beyond us. Technology way way too advanced for the forties through the nineties especially. Phoenix lights… if we had the tech to build that craft in 97… i would be absolutely terrified of ourselves. I’d absolutely rather it be NHI


What's the tech?


Jellyfish tech duh


Ah yes the birdshit sixth observable


Questions like this are so asinine.


Just like the OP's. U is for unidentified, people.


Care to elborate?


Sure. This technology, as far as anybody here goes, is unidentified by definition. How on Earth do you reasonably expect anyone to answer this question? To be frank, anybody who does answer is speaking from their ass.


That's not the point though. I responded to someone saying it's worse if it was the Chinese based on the tech. I was wondering what in the blob video leads him/her to that conclusion.


>That would be a much bigger problem than NHI if China or Russia had technology like that. Like what? The jellyfish UFO video didn't show anything crazy with respect to tech. It was just gliding in the air.


not at all considering this was filmed in an US military base in Afghanistan


Corbell says a lot of things.


his opinion matters more than his skeptics. He knows more than they do and has a lot more credibility than they do. it’s a tough pill i know


The amount of people going on about how it can't be X because it goes into the water despite the video of it going into this water never being released is wild. For my money, I was in the bird poop camp. The tangle of Eid balloons is also compelling, though, with some good evidence to support it over the poop or, indeed, it being an alien.


A Marine who was stationed at the base and claims to have seen the entire video says it looked like it just drifted off until it was out of sight and didn't shoot down into the lake and then zoom off, but everyone still just repeats Corbell's version of the story. Interview is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0V9mhk9Hm0&t=77s


Wasn’t everyone convinced it was bird poop on the the protective lens?


It wouldn't be a UAP/UFO if it was known.


The rotation and flir line up with what would be seen if they were balloons


Is there anybody serious in this thread? So much bad faith. I think u gotta start a new sub.


Visit the aliens sub, you will rage I promise


This one is marginally worse imo. Both are terrible


well whats diffrent from any other place, we have our disinformation and pentagon has theirs but sorting thru everything is harder for us i guess since they are in here also, on the other hand we have less information hence they COLLECT EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE according to snowdens papers :)


We don't know. It is why we label it as a UAP, aka UFO


I'm not sure but I've seen several like it dating back years. So the idea that there's a balloon hoax going on with that same style happening on different continents seems unlikely. I know the simplest answer is the best but I'm starting to rethink that. In a universe filled of unknowns it's likely its something we don't understand.




As an obviously intelligent person, I would like to hear your completely rational explanation for what that object was, that rules out it's not possibly balloons?


You won't get a rational explanation but I can offer you a poorly written comment accusing you of being a bot from Eglin if you're interested?


I'll take it, it will probably be the best offer I get.


Personally I think it looks like something stuck to the protective glass that the camera is moving in. I'm talking about the one over the military station in Iraq now. The camera follows it for so long and seems to be a circular movement yet the angle on the thing doesn't change. It just doesn't look like something that is actually moving through the environment, even if it was very stiff and stable.


I believe this footage disproves the theory that it's something on the lens or protective glass of the camera: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1931gfx/stabilizedboomerang\_edit\_of\_2018\_jellyfish\_video/?share\_id=5K-SaZRQLPH9wSUlnGReS&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1931gfx/stabilizedboomerang_edit_of_2018_jellyfish_video/?share_id=5K-SaZRQLPH9wSUlnGReS&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) You can clearly see the object rotates as it passes by.


I was in the bird shit camp until I saw this. Now idk what to think.




Balloons don't go under water without somebody pushing them under. Whoah, physics!


Show me the object going underwater.


You can still have birthday parties in the middle of a warzone! lol


The “idiots” are still undefeated in terms of being closer to the truth.


Ah yes, it couldn't possibly be balloons. The most reasonable explanation. Therefore everyone are idiots except the people who think its exotic "craft" With a little grey piloting it. Do I get to call everyone who thinks its a "real" craft gullible suckers too? Lets follow rule 1 man. No need to speak like that. Everyone wants to know the truth regardless of what it might be.


Well the problem is that some (the majority) of people here DON'T want the truth, they only want the truth if it points to aliens. If you point out anything else you are: A - An idiot B - Working for the CIA C - Paid by the USG to debunk aliens


Magical balloons that aren’t visible to the people they fly by?


Oh i know. I tend to spot balloons at altitude at night all the time.


It came from the direction of a highly populated area where birthday parties/weddings/celebrations occur, looked like a bundle of helium balloons, flew like a bundle of helium balloons.  So the most likely explanation isn't balloons?


Unless they are magical invisible balloons, no


Just from speculating, and I know this opinion will get shit on, so I preface this by saying I genuinely don’t know. But to ME it looked like a smudge mixed with camera tricks, specifically bc the way that camera works. It’s a camera inside of a case, the camera inside tracks and follows objects, the case it is in is stationary, I’d say the smudge is on the outside, and the camera moving gives us these properties we all saw, when it changes spectrum viewing it just turns black to white, I’d imagine bird poop looks different under infrared and night vision as well. Again I don’t know, but I think a messed up camera and dirty case is more likely than extraterrestrial


It looked like bird shit on the camera casing to me from the very first time I saw the video and no matter how hard I try I can't see anything else.


Yeah same here, I said this a while ago and everyone said “but it changes colors and goes invisible!” The bird poop is white and could look translucent under a certain spectrum, then it turns black when the spectrum is changed I’ve used infrared cameras to hunt before and anything can change colors like that and look weird


If you watch the video sped up you can see it rotate back and forth, completely impossible it's something stationary on the lense. You can see like 45 degrees of rotation


A bug splatter on the lens


After someone said it was bird crap on glass, that was all I could see.


Yup I'm on team bird shit


We need a better name.


Honestly, it was pushed so hard in media and Corbell/Knapp that I view it more skeptically because of that. As for the video itself, I have no clue. But I don't see any purpose for a craft to have that shape.


Wouldn't any "new" groundbreaking UFO video bring that much push though?


I believe in a wide gamut of alien and ufo stuff, some real woo woo shit too, but I think the jellyfish video was a hardware error with the sensor ball. I worked with RPAs in the military (not as an engineer), but my gut tells me this was the case.


Would they not have tried to rule this out as a first point of call? Unless they are complete idiots?


So this video was never supposed to see the light of day. What likely happened is that the pilots wrote an after action incident report about hardware issues on the sensor ball to the GA guys so they could diagnose the issue and have it fixed for the next flight. This is a day to day event much like commercial airlines where the pilot writes issues he percieves with the airplane to the engineers for them to look into. On the military side these reports are classified if they are about the sensitive equipment onboard, so its usually addressed, fixed, and then you never hear about what the issue was. The reason the footage was leaked is that the Intel soldiers or airmen watching the footage saved the clip on their computer when the mission was being flown just to show new people to the squadron some perceived ufo for fun and then one finally leaked it to a journalist. Intel guys don't usually have a rapport with the GA guys that identify the issues with the sensor balls to figure out what the official issue was, so the lack in communication let's people come up with wild theories. If you're asking why this story has gone quiet it's likely because generals were asked about this footage and pulled the chain to get the after action report and cause of issue for the RPA that flight and then forwarded it to the respective agencies and politicians to address their concerns, the cause likely being some banal reason. This verification again is classified, which is why the story seems to be dropped. We can FOIA this but will likely have to wait 50 years for the classification to drop. Believe me or not, it's just how I perceive this incident and what my gut intuition tells me.


I don't understand how a random reddit guy says it's not X because he's familiar with the equipment. Wouldn't the pilots, or the drone operators or any of the numerous first hand experts who look at the video be able to determine if it was a simple issue or error like that?


Maybe they did, but some people still leaked the video without any analysis because they're grifters or attention seekers or stupid or whatever.


I think it's something sharing our planet but mostly outside of our sensory ability to perceive it. Could just be naturally occurring fauna. People like to jump to extradimensional explanations. It's easier for me to imagine something in our three dimensions but outside of our ability to perceive -- like we don't have the sensory range or even the right perceptive organs.


I'm in the bird poop camp for this one.


To me, it looked like dried bird shit on the rotating camera cover. But I realize that has been deemed not to be the case.


There was compelling evidence on both sides. I’m still unsure about the “Jellyfish” UAP. …And I’m a believer of the phenomenon.


Nick Pope's take [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MltYE53a\_Po](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MltYE53a_Po)


I’ve always thought it was a bird shit mark on the glass. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rTMO94lbs0s


I still stand by the bird shit possibility.


Thing that changed my mind is that the object definitely rotates to some degree throughout the whole video. Some people did a sped up version where you can see the different angles


It's definitely bird shit. I want to believe but this one is bird poop.


Watch it again. But tell yourself for the sake of experiment that the camera is behind glass with a bird poop splatter on it. Tell me at what point the poop splatter conjecture is insufficient. [Corridor Crew](https://youtu.be/hRFSXWDmBYM?si=RiWaC2MmARCMv1PR) doesn’t detect CGI and added that it is drifting slowly while being shot by a surveillance balloon. So picture a dome housing over a camera. Bird poop (or other splatter) on the side of the housing. We are watching from a surveillance balloon drifting through the base.


Please tell me how it descends in the water and changes temperature. It isn’t bird shit.


It doesn’t change temperature. The camera is reacting to the background and the splotch is just contrasted to that. Until I see footage of it doing anything at all besides looking like a splotch, I’m 100% satisfied with my explanation.


Where is that video of it going in the water? I’ve been looking for it. Can someone send the link?


Bundle of balloons floating in the wind. Reflecting heat off the Mylar. Nothing anomalous in any of the video


I thought it was bird poo stuck to the lense housing


Idk about a bird but definitely some kind of poo


Well we know aliens live by a different law of possible than us, we know that they're pretty is far being what is pitiful humans can comprehend. We know they can bend spacetime. I for one think it was an alien craft/drone. It's appearance looked odd to our human eyes and video cameras. Our brains can comprehend what that was because it's foreign to our species


I'm not a cynic or perpetual debunker. A skeptic, for sure. And a believer. My gut says this one is a balloon.


As I recall, the most likely explanation was that it was a group of Eid balloons that had come loose. I questioned that because of some things I saw on the video, but I had my questions answered after learning more about the camera system that took the video.


Balloon with tinsel or other (clear?) material overlay used to test ground observers - would they notice a drone etc. in combat situations?




Hi, No_Air1780. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dslzyu/-/lb7wxne/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Some guy debunked it on here as a shiny Mylar unicorn balloon. I’ll try to find it and share it. The image by itself tripped me out until I reframed it in the light of a kids shiny balloon toy. Good luck.


Jeremy corball:we have a full footage of jellyfish ufo!!!! Amazing footage!!!! It will change the future!!!! Lololololololol


Have you seen arrival…. ET is looking real. Just saying


Nobody knows simple answer


Aaro claimed it was balloons although, again balloons flap in the goddamn wind when they are deflated to make a weird shape like that..... but hey its just balloons and swamp gas nothing to see.... Like I am a skeptic myself but at least come up with a genuine believable mundane explanation not some crap I can debunk in 2 seconds


It was a squashed bug or bird shit.


If you zoom in you can see an alien on top sitting, like its riding and controlling what's underneath.


I thought someone proved it to be some helium balloons from some party? Some kid celebrating his 4th bday or something.


I think it's a bird shit splatter or bug splatter on the outside plastic housing dome of the camera. And I know UFOS are real.


Everyone saying bird shit you have to ignore. Clearly NPCs who can’t compute anything outside of their programming


If a reasonable amount of time passes with no more information forthcoming, and no one being able to offer a better explanation for it than a balloon, then it's a balloon until proven otherwise.


Like everything else that appears to be a UAP, the government(AARO) ignores it. The powers behind and working with military and space manufacturers want and need to keep this out of the public’s minds.


Balloon theory was debunked- the balloon in question was not in production, when I first see the video i thought almost like a single occupant jetpack/craft type thing?? Then there was the picture someone cleaned up showing a grey pilot ! I still think this


Could you provide a link to the pic please?






The jellyfish/jetpack sighting from 2018 in Iraq and 2024 in Atlanta both have similar [prongs](https://imgur.com/a/jZbG7p2) attached to their appendages. Edit: adding link to [Atlanta sighting.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rusted_satellite/s/lR4UyfnMRy)


How anyone cannot see bird shit on a camera housing is beyond me. Unless there are videos I have not seen, it's quite clear that a protective plane in front of a camera is dirtied. I can't be the only one who thinks that looks like bird shit.


The fact that all the people like to scream WHERE ARE THE 5 OBSERVABLES but sooooo many people accept this as evidence is MIND BOGGLING. Literally no movement. If it were to be shown going in and out of water and all that jazz like was "reported" then I'd be on board, because I believe in things, and I have seen things. But this is just birdshit, boys.


It's infuriating


Fwiw I saw a post a few months back that showed what appeared to be an old cave painting of what we are calling the jellyfish ufo. The way they matched up made me think it could easily been a fake. Conversely if authentic then we’ve (earth dwellers) seen them before.


Bird shit on the camera.


It’s my favorite video to show skeptical family or friends, no one can explain it, and you only get intrigue, no ridicule. Might be the most compelling, best resolution video we have. I love the jelly.


Most likely bird poop.


A bunch of partially deflated party balloons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUtIKM0ckOc


'Eid' spelt in English. In Iraq. Sure.


Eid (عيد) in Arabic means "festival" or "celebration." In the Islamic context: Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. Eid al-Adha commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah. Not everyone speaks English friend.


I think Mick West said it was a bumblebee wearing a sombrero or something outlandish. We will likely never know for sure. It was pretty weird, for a certainty.


Balloons most likely. There wasn’t anything special about it. The only reason it got any attention was because it was recorded by a military night vision camera. They never seem to record anything recognizable in the day.


It was filmed by infrared camera. It was not visible to the human eye.


It’s a smudge/burn on the inside mirror of the FLIR camera.


I used to see this all the time when working on the B-52. We replaced FLIR sensors because of this exact issue.


It was a couple greys flying a craft with 3 seemingly lifeless bodies being carried underneath dangling. I believe it was seen over a war zone which is interesting because I’ve heard some abductees recall being taken underground and seeing a sort of line of our history with actual real bodies from different wars and time periods. Not saying that’s why they are being carried away just interesting.


an imperial probe droid.


>So what’s everyone’s take on it? Does it remain a ufo? What is the most likely explanation to it? The video was interesting enough to garner attention, although not so much to spill the beans. In my opinion, the footage was released so *we can get used to the idea*. Imagine how many crazy videos are out there taken by the military, they release this stuff so it doesn't come out as a shock later in the future.


I made a post a while back on here. I genuinely believe it's supernatural and could be the "nommo" that the doggon tribe spoke about. "Primordial ancestral spirits" that come from the water. Some of their head dresses they wear look like that jellyfish. Including little antenna on top and the dangling appendages. W/e it is, creepy af.


The moment you realized it looked like bird poop, it was hard to unsee.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/ySSdnKoZLm Watch again.


Yeah, imagine the image being projected on a wall that had a smudge on it. That's what it looks like. It looks like the footage was taken from within a glass dome and on top of the dome there's a smudge that is layered on the image. [reference](https://c02.purpledshub.com/uploads/sites/62/2022/10/Why-is-bird-poo-white-a3ab798.jpg?w=1029&webp=1)


If it was in the one spot, the camera wouldn't need to keep moving to keep it in the frame. If it was in the one spot, it would be in the middle of the frame all the time. If it was bird poop, [it wouldn't so obviously pivot on its access and swivel around.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNRwmRchikw)


Exactly this ^^^


How do you explain the movement of the smudge?


Haters going to downvote, but you are correct.


I'm still 100% on board with the fact that there was some sort of being inside of that thing. You could kind of tell it first and I didn't even have the orientation of the face in the head correct until somebody pointed out that there was some kind of headdressing around the third eye area. That's when I actually made out the actual shape and orientation of what appears to be a being with arms messing with some sort of control panel. The tentacle like things could just be attachments to the craft itself or maybe some sort of biological part of The Craft or the alien maybe who knows. Sure looks kind of humanoid though like it's cut arms in the head. Would be kind of weird if it had tentacles going off the sides.


A tangle of Mylar balloons.


Future "drone", came from an underwater base, was out there looking for something. Probably some OOPArt or collecting samples.


Unknown. Never clearly debunked as something mundane afaik. Sure didn’t look like balloons to me. Had a changing heat signature on infrared. Hardly an aerodynamic shape, right? Looked like a bubbly mass of tentacles or some such. Could just have been an illusion but I recall there was a view of it that almost looked like you could see a little gray alien head with eyes inside it. Very strange. Did it not disappear by descending into the sea at the end? Am I remembering that right?


No, you are not remembering right.


It's long been speculated that they're complex AI driven "samplers" which are responsible for the majority of cattle mutilations in the American West.