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My grades stayed the same really. My motivation to do work was at an all time low


I feel that 100% lol I felt like my main job was to submit stuff by 11:59 PM


Stayed about the same for the most part, although I had double the amount of assignments I had before we went online. I also found it hard to communicate with my professors and find out what assignments were due on each day.


Either stayed the same or improved. However, they only improved bc my professors were super understanding and made things substantially easier by giving more resources and making deadlines more flexible. Had they not done that things definitely would have been a lot harder


Mine have mostly been the same. Most of my professors are understanding. One of my professors hasn’t put in grades since remote learning so that’s stressful cause half of my grades aren’t put in.


Personally, they stayed about the same, but I think that is partially due to my professors relaxing some of the class requirements transitioning to online. As I was taking English-major courses, it largely boiled down to just reading consistently and participating in online discussions during the week. Only trouble I had was with my Spanish course a first, but the workload was lessened after a couple weeks.


I'm a ta. The professor didn't really make the lab easier, and I didn't really need to change anything. I'm already flexible with due dates. What I did notice was that students asked for help more often and were more communicative. I didn't offer anything that I don't normally offer, but students were more willing to ask for help. I saw grades in my lab rise substantially compared to other semesters. The class average was over 75% and the lowest grade was above 70%. Normally, the class average is around 70% and we get one or two people with low 60% grades. I think the lesson is, ask your teachers for help when you need it.


my grades definitely went up bc everything became open notes whether or not my teachers wanted that but i also didn’t really learn anything


Literally all of my grades went up


Grades stayed where they were though i feel like i procrastinate much harder now that i can't just sit in the MLC and make myself accountable


Uh, I think it could've gone better. My grades dropped but not by a ton since it was so late in the semester. I gotta say, it's really hard to keep track of assignments when professors like having their own websites, their own communication resources, hate slack, love slack, etc... WAY TOO MANY WEBSITES!!! I've never gotten this many 0s in the gradebook.


mine definitely improved. tests replaced with homework grades, everything open notes, minimal work load. my professors were very kind to me


3 out of my 4 classes cut out a lot of the graded material after we went online, so in those classes my grades remained constant. The other class that only cut the material that was interrupted by the two week shutdown was a different story. I ended up with a downward knock (typically average an X- or an X, ended up with a Y+) mainly due to anxiety killing my motivation. I'm fortunate enough to not be impacted by a lack of resources or a different home time zone, so I by no means feel bad for myself. I'll also add that for that class, it is only ever offered in person and is not meant for the online format (much more math heavy). My teacher did a really good job to help out as much as he could, but the class simply isn't made for an online structure. I think this 'forced experiment' of online-only education shows that not everything taught in a college format is feasibly to be transitioned online imo. I really do feel bad for those that were impacted gradewise by things out of their control, such as a lack of home internet, family responsibilities like caring for younger siblings and other family members, international students that either have nowhere of their own to stay or went home but had zoom classes that occurred in the middle of the night, or students from the west coast that were having tests/classes very early in the morning their time. I'm very disappointed in USG and don't believe the board members should have the ability to be reappointed when their seat is up for appointment. Their disregard of Georgia students is truly remarkable and they should be disappointed in how they've handled the situation.


they’ve been around the same, but for whatever reason, i can’t focus on tests when they’re on a computer at the same capacity as i can when they’re on paper and im in a classroom, so i’ve been routinely pressed for time during my online exams when i otherwise wouldn’t be, which majorly sucks, and it reflects in my test grades. i’ve been able to save it so far with my other courses giving 3 hours for significantly shorter finals than normal, but my chemistry final is 50 questions in 80 minutes. its ACS, but i still think thats pushing it. i’m hoping to just drastically overprepare and have some stroke of luck with my attention span lol.


My grades have fallen a great deal but I was never good with deadlines so it was really just more dropboxes and less obvious in class assignments.


Mostly the same, except for one class where the professor (who was already a total cock) gave us even more work than we already had. Required strict attendance to his zoom lectures, even locking the meeting if you weren’t in on time. We had a 10 page group research paper due, which now is even more inconvenient, that he didn’t make any compromises to help anybody out. Absolute dickhead.


Oof. Srry about that. Which class was that?


KINS3420 with Thomas Baker. Easily, the most egocentric and generally rude professor I’ve had at UGA. He is terrible.


Classes were a lot easier but my motivation dropped a lot, so it actually balanced each other out, so net 0 change.


I had one class in particular that basically went from being a constant PiTA to one of my favorites. Went from a B to an A- pretty quickly.