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Props. Use it as a jump pad. Alumni speaking. University is a means to show you can get through it and survive IMO.


This was my exact scenario. First semester, I had a .7. Now I’ve had multiple 4.0 semesters, including this one. Congrats! It’s a great feeling


I’m graduating this semester. Now I only have many years of med school to look forward to...


Good luck my friend


I’m not at UGA yet but I got accepted here for grad school to work with a great advisor. I’m very excited to move to Athens this fall


Athens is a dope place for grad school. Get stoked


It really does seem like a nice place. I'm a bit sad to leave my undergrad city but I can see myself learning to love Athens. Can't wait to start


My advice would be to just take them for totally different experiences. I did my undergrad in Auburn, my masters in Minneapolis, and and now my PhD in Athens. Auburn to Minneapolis was an insane experience lol. Both in terms of school and obviously moving from rural bama to a major city. Coming to Athens was a like a dream, bc it basically combined everything I loved ab auburn (in the south, more community centered, more rural - but not so small) with everything I loved ab Minneapolis (great art, great music, plenty of establishments, super local in terms of businesses). Sry if that was unwarranted, but I just love talking up my experience bc yeah grad school can suck sometimes but I’ve absolutely loved both grad school and the places I’ve gotten to live during it.


I've lived in Ohio for almost all of my life so moving to Georiga is going to be quite a change for me. I've experienced both rural areas and big cities though so I think Athens will be a nice in-between. From what I hear I think I'll end up really enjoying Athens once I get settled in. Thanks for sharing


I made friends!! Also made it through Chem 1211 ~~now my willpower is gone~~


I also took chem 1211 this semester! not as bad as i was expecting really, but im so glad to be done with it. also, congrats on making friends :)


Yay, thanks! For me it was pretty hard but I'm happy I got through it :D


Somehow got an A in Ochem 1, so there's that.


Teach me your ways!! I’ll be in it next semester.


I don't think I would have been able to do it if the last 2 tests hadn't been open note.


I got an A- in ochem 1 last fall. Use ScienceGuyz. They’re incredibly helpful and will make the class feel so much easier. Also do all the practice problems you can because those help a lot too


I was thinking about using them. Might be the best option at this point.


Master's in Social Work. 1st one in my family to get a Masters.


Finished my first semester here, can't wait for more!!


performed on stage survived computer architecture class got accepted into a double dawgs pathway seeing results from lifting tho i'm still a beginner


Congrats! Could you let me know about the Double Dawgs pathway application?


a few months ago i just signed up [here](http://doubledawgs.uga.edu/ProgramList) (click on one of them -> click on apply to pathway) as well as in athena for both the CS and AI pathways! after that it's just waiting, really. i got denied from the AI pathway cuz my grades probably weren't great compared to others applying for it. and apparently it's pretty competitive to get into so i was kinda expecting it tbh


How did you get the news you got in-email?




Thank you!


Committed to uga! Also finally got my eagle scout.


Congrats from a fellow Eagle Scout at UGA!


Thank you!


Got accepted into the CS/AI Doubledawgs path. Successfully moved my 1-year-old up to Athens to live with me, and it'll be the first time I make dean's list in my three years here!


Nothing crazy but passed ACCT2101 with a B-. After bombing Exam 1 I was looking to see if a D was acceptable for my major lol. Now I face the notorious Farmer over the summer...


I’ve heard her online class isn’t as bad as in person. Be sure to do all of the extra credit and homework, because that’s what carries your grade.


Got an A in ochem 2


Been working hard all semester (the last year really) and I'm about to submit my first first author paper for publication!

