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I'm a senior and I finally got a spot near Driftmier after 4 semesters of trying. It is really hard to get a spot even if it says undergraduates prioritized. Welcome to the nightmare of UGA parking services. Good luck dude.


my roommate last year (we were first years) didn’t get her spot until the 2nd round. check the waitlist and see where they are on it, call parking services if there seems to be an issue with their placement.


Both years I’ve signed up for parking spaces I’ve always gotten my first or second choice... that’s really odd! I guess I signed up the second the email came out about registering... it might be due to signing up for parking later than a decent chunk of people did? Hold out, though! I’m sure there will be a few students who forget to accept the parking lot they’re given or students who unenroll ☺️best wishes for getting a spot!




Parking is based off a priority and lottery system so it doesn’t matter about when you sign up if you’re on the same priority level for the lot


Get parking spots is all about luck and you’re not guaranteed to get a spot