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Grady major here. Get a MacBook Pro, it’s the computer recommended by Grady, and for journalism and media it’s industry standard. You could make it by with a PC, but some of the software may not be compatible and you may find yourself having to do a lot more on your own since classes teach based on Mac standards. It’s not the worst thing it the world, but it’s definitely an unnecessary pain in the ass.


Hi! Do you know how much RAM and GB I should get for my macbook?


Journalism major here—Grady will tell you to get the Macbook Pro. Most journalism majors I know have one. Tbh though I /personally think/ you would probably be okay without one, but I also am not that far into the program. Hopefully some other journalism or Grady majors will chime in.


thank you 🙏


Macbook Pro. Sounds like you're going to need the adobe editing suite. It runs best on Mac.


If you've got plenty of money. If your tight on funds, a windows computer will be fine.


Not sure about your major but I'm in CS and they do a good job of providing different instructions for different computers. Most people have macs or something running windows


Maybe go to Athena and look up a syllabus for the most video-heavy class and see what it recommends. My Mac needed more ram or something to run the Adobe CS (Photoshop mainly).