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It’s going to crowd your dorm unless you can sneak the one that comes with the dorm out, store it somewhere safe like your parents house, and then move it back in when you move out.


just a heads up on this, I did this freshman year (snuck them out via the move in bins with an extra blanket on top), but your RA or whoever checks your room during breaks (i believe most of the dorms get checked during thanksgiving, winter break, and spring break ?) might do a furniture check and tell you to bring them back. I had a very awkward conversation with my RA freshman year about where exactly our desk chairs were lmao, so just be aware


You can as it will be more comfortable than the dorm chairs. if you need space you could loft your bed up and just use the chair as your step stool.


Yeah! You can bring it, but keep in mind your dorm will come with a desk and rocking chair hybrid thing that you will be responsible for if you decide to move it somewhere else


if ur in one kf the freshman highrises it will be tough bc moving it out of the way will be a problem with such little room, but if you can sneak it out you’ll be fine