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Yes! When I interviewed (Fall 2019), the questions were suuuuper basic. Stuff like “Name a time you overcame a challenge.” and “What advice would you give to a student enrolling in the course you are working?” Obviously my interview wasn’t recent and the question styles may have changed, but at least be prepared for those kinds of questions!


Awesome, thanks!!!


I interviewed just last semester and the questions i remember were also pretty basic—just stuff like “what do you think you could bring to the role that is unique?” “what traits do you think are most useful in a PLA?” and they definitely still ask that question about a challenge you overcame and how you overcame it. they also asked me some odd questions about if i’d been in a class with PLAs before and what that experience was like. kind of threw me off a little bit, but i think they also use the interviews as a reflection type of thing


Thank u so much!!!!