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If you frequent this subreddit, then look for jobs in fields that are not mentioned here at all. People who are doing OK in terms of career aren't going to be posting here. Examples are trade jobs (electricians, plumbing, vehicle techs), engineering based roles, offshore, renewables just to name some off the top of my head.


Supply Chain/Logistics - your degree isn’t useless it will open doors if angled correctly.


Recent masters in supply chain logi; industry is extremely underpaid and wants people with experience. Seen several supply chain logi positions starting as low as 22-24-26 thousand per year wanting 2+ years experience. As of current I’ve returned to class 2 driving because it pays more than 50% more.


Interesting - what location are you roughly based?


West Midlands.


Project Management. You get PMs working in an incredibly wide variety of sectors, and would definitely be jobs going where your history degree is relevant. Just an example I found in about 30 seconds of googling; https://careers.nationaltrust.org.uk/OA_HTML/a/?_ga=2.156425529.363159759.1625047604-1639500493.1625047604#/vacancy-detail/151930


Have you thought about TEFL? Don't run yourself down: history is a valuable attribute in life.


I wouldn't recommend TEFL unless OP wants to live overseas. I did it and it was amazing whilst overseas, because it gave me a way to live in some cool places and earn a decent-enough salary for the countries I lived in. However, the TEFL industry in the UK is dying. Expect to be put on a zero hours contract for not much more than minimum wage and to not be paid for your lesson planning time.


Energy is the future. Even a humble electrician will do a decent salary and can do side work and make good living.


Is your history degree at least a 2:1? 


yh it is


In your mid 20s your likely still eligible for a lot of grad/apprenticeship schemes then - your subject is often less of a barrier than you think (source, I was a finance grad with a 2:1 in history)  If you can afford to take a bit of a hit on salary this is likely to be the best route to retraining.


Plumber. Safe career going forwards that AI can't do, and Robots would struggle at. Also Bots are electronic...water and electronics is a bad mix. So if you want a career you can do until retire, can do anywhere in the country... Plumber.