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Been there and got the T-shirt. Leaving was the best thing I ever did


Do your hours and that's it. Insist on overtime pay or you aren't doing it.


As others have said, as the TOIL is shown to be a con you should only work your hours and hold that boundary. If there is a capacity problem that is for the management to resolve, not for you to ruin your life and mental health over. As long as you can back up your productivity within the hours we you've worked there is no more to be done.


That's the problem, he already allowed them to abuse him with the fake TOIL so it he sticks to his regular hours, productivity will decay and they will throw it at his face. I know unfortunately very well this scam as it's quite typical in hospitality.


Leave without a job to go to if you have to. Line up another job asap and then quit is the sensible option.


Bruh I left a job after years of hard work because the people in that industry were so horrible I'm now starting a new career. Life's short for bull crap and crappy people


Good luck in your new career! Everyone deserves to be happy at work.


Can I ask which industry you have left? thanks


Leave. Never work with clowns.


Sorry to hear this man. The world is ran by narcissistic arseholes. You’re probably much more important to the company than you realise just start taking the piss, concentrate on things outside of work and just do the bare minimum. I know it doesn’t solve the problem but finding a better work life balance may help you cope better with it.


Thanks bud x


The favourite part of any job I've had is leaving.


I honestly cannot wait to hand in my notice. It's a short notice period and I have ALL my holidays. Not taken a single day this financial year. They will have literally a few days to arrange a replacement, they will need to go to an external agency again.


Ouch... No advice #1: Reflect on why this may have happened and why you couldn't spot this before joining the company. This is \*\*important\*\* for your next job search. No advice #2: Check upfront for cultural and workplace alignment with your future company's target list. No solicitation of services allowed, so no link provided for no advice #2 :)


Look up founders syndrome… and make certain your exit interview is done by someone on your board of trustees. Good luck… I think most of us in the charitable sector has faced this at one point ❤️


I'd never heard of that before, thanks for the knowledge. Sounds pretty spot on for what OP has described.


Been there. Although I have never walked out on a job without another one lined up. However, during the crash which started in 2008, I was made redundant three times in five years, which taught me that it is not so scary. And nothing focuses the mind on getting another job like being out of work. Plus, it is almost a full time job applying for a new one. Don't forget to review the employer on Glassdoor. And check the reviews on your new employer before accepting an offer. Good luck.


Make sure you record everything factually, dates, times, what was done, what was said, and go seek advice from citizens advice etc, I think if you play the right game you will be able to bring a case of constructive dismissal and get a nice compo.


Every charity unfortunately has this issue, whether it's area managers, CEOs, assistant managers etc, it attracts inexperience like flies to shit, there are some good ones out there but the culture does need to change.


Definitely agree! Those in the "trenches" work hard whilst though in the higher positions use it to fuel their ego. Honestly, all CEOs I have worked with love nothing more that having their face on everything. No one wants to see the suited and booked with their Rolex and Mercedes. You want to see the volunteers who give their time to the cause, the community groups who do a sponsored knit-a-thon and the call centre staff who support you from home in their pyjamas.


Curious as to what their rating is on glassdoor? I checked out reviews for places I worked for before applying, as I didn’t want to get stuck in a place with bad culture.


It is a new government funded charity so unfortunately there are no reviews. They had been operating for only a few months when I joined. It seemed to be the perfect opportunity, being involved with the beginnings of something big. Yet the ego of a single person has spoiled it, sadly not just for me.


Charities ey, I know a very good sector specific recruiter (note: not me) DM me and I will share the details I do feel for you and indeed anyone when any workplace is like this. Treating people like shit does not equal productivity or any shred of respect through power.


I am in your same boat and you can't imagine the frustration level 😤


Honestly, I'd never wish this feeling on anyone...except the CEO!


Oh share your view. To be honest it is a mystery how these kinds of guys are able to reach the 'top' and make other people lives impossible. Unless to say they are selfish of the top category with some abusive trait too.


During a university module on behaviours I learned that 12% of CEOs have the traits of a psychopath - the highest of any career, whilst around 5% are sociopaths. It honestly doesn't surprise me.


Oh multiply that by 3, at least!


I'm always wary when I interview people who say that my industry is their dream job because I know it's utter shite and I'll only be able to pay them minimum wage for maximum stress. I only stay in my job because I have been there so long my wages are quite good (20+ years) And it's easy work because I've been doing it so long. But for inexperienced people coming into the industry I feel massively sorry for them because I know my company website sells them a dream that's complete bs! Our turnover of staff is very high. EDIT.... Btw please leave this job, sounds dreadful!


We have a few new starts joining soon. It's going to be difficult to tell them they will enjoy it there. Saying that, they are all ex colleagues of the CEO....


It's so hard to find a good job these days. I'd take less money for less stress, I am always looking.


I'm in a similar situation right now. Sorry you're having to deal with this bullshit. Working somewhere that makes you feel this way is the worst. I feel stuck right now as I have no savings to move to another location with my other half (they also have stuff to pay off before we consider moving in together ). Trying to stick it out but crying in work multiple times a week is not the situation anyone should be in! Hope you find something soon and get something way better that you deserve :)


Been there...CEO will quit


I hope so, I'll hopefully be gone anyway. It is doomed to fail with or without them. Too many egos wanting to be the centre of attention.


I worked for a company like that for 22 years. The first 5 were great, and then the ethos changed, the management changed, and everything went to hell. The thing is, they would undermine you to the point would think you couldn't go anywhere else. I had 2 breakdowns there. Thankfully, I got to the point where I could leave, and it there was a weight taken off my shoulders. Hang in there! Something will come along


I'm sorry you went through that. It's amazing ti see just how quickly things burn with poor management. I hope you are enjoying life now!


I work part-time now, due to being ancient. The team I work with and for are superb. They couldn't be more different to the bullies I used to work for, where nothing I did was good enough. Any illness was treated like the end of the world. My mother and my partner's mother died within a very short time of each other. My partner was given support by her company. I was given a warning for taking time off. It went on and on like that. I got out, I won So can you! Honestly, keep looking. The good fit is out there.


You know you can legally deny doing more hours than your contract. And they can't have a problem for it. If they fire you because of that, we'll you get some fat cash if you take them to court over it


Don’t forget mate, this is just a stepping stone to eventually be in a much better place where you feel comfortable and with a culture which actually values people. Early on though, these jobs do come around but make sure you don’t hang around as time passes by fast. Don’t stay longer than you need to and remember, the experience you’ve taken is something no one can take away from you.


A large proportion of CEO's are like this. It's a race to the top, often won by those willing to sacrifice their children, morals, soul, and tread on anyone and everyone around them. The nice ones are a rare breed. I would imagine it varies by sector, but the characteristics required to get to the very top are quite often those things that aren't particularly pleasant.


Are you writing about me? 😂 I feel like I am one foot out by choice but before that, I have requested a meeting with HR to steer up the shit even more🤭


been there, done that. Exit stage left; It’s not worth it. What you learn after a while is no job is ever worth garbage treatment.


Line a new job up ASAP and leave ASAP. In my nearly 4 decades of life I have learnt that NO JOB is worth your mental health. Unless it's your own business, you are just a number I'm afraid and some cunts out there will abuse their workforce.


I did two jobs like this back to back, 3 years of my life. Ruined my mental health. The 2nd place I left without a job lined up and 2 weeks later got another job, which after 7 months is the best place and team ive ever worked with. The relief of not having a disgusting toxic work environment is incredible. Mirroring other advice, if you are in a position to leave without anything else lined up, do it. Best decision I ever made. If not, only work your contracted hours, no TOIL tasks or hoop jumping. Issue with Narcissist bosses is nothing will ever be enough, and no amount of reflection or thinking of strategies will ever give you the upper hand. You can only leave.


Ooh, charities. They can be a delight to work for, but can attract inexperienced management and royally fuck up the experience for other staff. I have known one place blow through three members of staff for a role in a year because of bad management and a lack of support. You may consider [whistleblowing ](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/report-serious-wrongdoing-at-a-charity-as-a-worker-or-volunteer#:~:text=from%20Citizens%20Advice.-,Report%20your%20concern%20to%20the%20Charity%20Commission,registration%20number%20if%20it's%20registered.) if the CEO is that bad. Edit: sorry, I'm giving advice where none is needed!


Don't be sorry, I appreciate it! Charities can be terrible! I've been working with them for a decade in various roles, there's a reason why most of us are job hoppers and it comes down to the working environment every time. The irony is the CEO was the whistleblower for the previous CEO! They wear it like a badge of honor.


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TOIL is the biggest scam if it’s regular, sometimes I work a Saturday and end up with a weekday off in return


What kind of job is it?


A shite one! I'm part of a charity that supports other charities with fundraising, governance, volunteer recruitment and retention, marketing...the whole shebang really.


Oof nightmare fuel are you in the UK? Stick it out for 2 years and u have some rights . Maybe record some inappropriate behaviour and make a claim for emotional distress or go to the papers if it’s Charity


If I could stick it out I would but I'll be lucky to last 2 weeks. I have interviews scheduled so hopefully I'll be gone soon! Fortunately I am "a desirable worker" so should find something soon!


Tell them, in writing, that you will be refusing to do more than your contracted hours until a working TOIL scheme is implemented. Detail the additional time you have given them and the TOIL that has been rejected. Check the law https://factorialhr.co.uk/blog/time-in-lieu-explained/ Approach the problem professionally and give them no room to back out


Never work with charities. They're all the same it seems


If they have a good manager they are amazing. I 've worked for local, national and international charities. I love the work but if the wrong person is in power it goes to shit. One of the charities I worked with previously, replaced their management team with sales managers who knew nothing about volunteering, fundraising or the not-for-profit sector in general. The impact reports were replaced with number driven targets, the people needing support lost their identity and became a number stuck on a waiting list. Many died before they got the help they needed - didn't matter as long as it increased the numbers. It was quantity over quality. The managers who were replaced are doing great things now with other charities, I love seeing them thrive whilst the other only has their name holding them afloat.


That's unfortunately what can happen when the big boss wants to run the charity as a business and not focus on the real reasons they're there for


You do overtime without being paid? You are both at fault on that one.


It's for the love of charity, not the job. Knowing there is a deadline for a funding application due with little notice or the local refugee support is forced to close. If it was purely for the organisation there would be no chance of staying over hours but when it's someone who can't help themselves you feel obliged.


You don't sound bothered but your opening paragraph made you sound a bit bothered though. If you want to do volunteer work why not do it through a volunteering role at a charity? It's a job, and you are there to work and get paid for it. Its not your issue if they haven't budgeted enough hours in


It is a difficult situation. I am bothered about the extra hours but my conscience gets the better of me. I don't want to see people at risk due to a safeguarding issue that needs immediate attention or someone unable to access the foodbank because it's policy isn't uo to date. The CEO knows this and takes full advantage which is a dick move.


That sounds like a whistle blowing situation.


It's with the board, however if it is discredited then it will go further.


Why did I just get a push notification for someone who doesn't have any friends and needs a void to feel validated?


The fun part is you chose not only to read it but to comment. Who really needs to feel validated here?


Lol your mom validated my balls bro, I'm just trying to figure out this bullshit.


Like, just leave 🤷. Start looking for another job and leave. There are so many of these posts written on forums, and I can never get my head around them. It's a f***ing job man. It's literally not life or death. Go to work, look for another place to work, hand ones notice in while giving the middle finger on your way out. Growth without action isn't growth. it's stagnation. You've outgrown this workplace, it's smothering you, you want more, to be taken seriously without the propagation of petulant children. Your boss is an A hole and will run the company to the ground. Jump ship. Best piece of advice to add: Don't internalise your frustrations. No one's gonna give a flying F when you leave. They'll forget you in 4 months' time, replaced by another tool. Be comfortable in that. Silent wins are the best type of wins.


Sometimes it is life or death - well, life or lose your home, ability to feed your children and pay bills. If it was that simple people would be leaving left right and centre. There is a high rate of suicide in certain careers, if only they just left huh?


Sometimes, people don't really read the replies properly, instantly get their back up, and then post a passive reply that screams entitlement 😅. What I actually said was that you should stop worrying about things you can't change, rather than allowing your toxic workplace to potentially harm your mental health. My advice, coming from someone in his 30s with three children and a wife, with over 17 years of work experience, and having encountered this issue numerous times both as an employee and a supervisor, is to look for better employment while still employed. As to directly avoid the issue of not feeding children and paying bills. Your suicide argument makes no sense either. Yes, there are a disproportionate amount of suicides in "specific professions," which I have copied below. "Results: A total of 1,943 suicide deaths were recorded. Age-adjusted suicide rates per 100,000 were highest in the furniture, lumber, and wood industry group (29.3), the fabricated metal industry (26.3), and mining (25.8). Demographic-adjusted rates were higher among men than women in most industries." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38193926/#:~:text=Results%3A%20A%20total%20of%201%2C943,than%20women%20in%20most%20industries Also, we should take into account the police and medical fields as they also have disproportionate suicide rates. So yes, it is that simple. Believing that there is no way out certainly contributes to a person's belief of feeling trapped in a specific workplace, though this doesn't seem like OPs case. Me on the other hand, I have no qualifications and have worked tirelessly for a gov Corp up a promotional rung for the last 10 years, I personally can't just leave given I might need some qualifications to back up my experience. During my 10 years, I have encountered similar issues, which I have rectified with a bit of determination, given that the pay is mostly what I focus on, to feed my kids. But if I really needed to leave, I would do some part-time qualifications, work on my resume, and start applying for similar roles or transferable ones at the least, while being STILL EMPLOYED.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38193926/#:~:text=Results%3A%20A%20total%20of%201%2C943,than%20women%20in%20most%20industries. This is also good for UK statistics. Mainly males, working in trades. With women working in healthcare. Corporate managers and CEOs are 70% lower.