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A lot of companies had really bad years last years and really tightened their belts. There's a lot of redudancies, hiring freezes, places going under etc. etc.


Damn my company grew revenue by 42% last year. Makes it more impressive I suppose.


Only impressive if they didnt pocket all the money and raise price + cut wage as well.


I'm the CTO we gave our staff a 9% increase, hired a new developer and I took a 4% increase so my team could get more and made no profit as every % goes into growth. So no they didn't. I know I know this goes against the herp derp companies bad narrative so prevalent on here so I'll probably get DV to hell. We're a small company and do care about our staff.


Are you hiring I'm really good at everything


Sure ..Here's the interview Q: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


All the wood cos hes a really hard worker then he'd smash some avocados for you too


*frantically searches for Monkey Island 2 disks


Now THAT is impressive and YES you guys are awesome! YOU are awesome!


Avocado game is obviously a growth sector


Finance has seen the opposite effect, I will say it again, banks will destroy us all.


Because the bubble has burst and the market is probably over-saturated with tech applicants driving salaries down. Many more people moved to tech the last 10-15 years because of the lucrative career prospects, i think its only sustainable if the industry keeps booming but news articles are often mentioning tech company layoffs. It probably will get worse but will eventually stabilise and rebound long term as applicants retrain in other fields, less influx from school leavers and the industry generally recovers. Could be totally wrong but that would be my assumption.


Supply and demand, tale as old as time.


People who worked for tech companies but weren't directly involved in the tech, like devs. Yes. But devs with experience still are sought after.


One of my best mates is a dev. He’s very loyal to his employer (having left once before, then returned to retrain as a dev). He’s very modestly bemused by the number of roles cropping up in his inbox.


Same for my son. He could leave his job today and double his salary tomorrow. Loves the variety of what he does though and still gets very decent pay rises.


Agree. Experienced devs are still in demand. Harder for new grads and people seeking tech apprenticeships though. Having tech skills used to be a golden ticket even without experience.


I’ve seen a fair few but not as many as a couple of years ago. More importantly, the amount of times being cold called and messaged on LinkedIn has dropped a lot, and I don’t get replies from any of my job applications.


What do you think it was going to happen after all these IT guys bragging about WFH 100k a year online lol. Now the market is full of junior IT kids willing to accept 50k. I hope you all enjoyed the bragging and stuff.


The same people who complained about getting too many messages from recruiters


I don’t disagree regarding bragging, but at the end of the day, it’s not a big secret. We talk about “tech” like we’re all doing the same stuff, it’s simply not true. You could be a python dev, .net, c#, something AI, or it could be enterprise software, like SAP or Oracle. You could be a junior, tester, product manager, project manager, senior, architect or exec. All of these people would say “I work in tech”. I earn considerably more than the 100k you quoted, and 80% WFH. Making 100k WFH in “tech” is easy, the problem half of these people have is that they either don’t have the skills or experience that are useful. They’ve been so busy chasing everything, that they’ve not become an expert in anything. Breath is important for context, depth is important for experience.




Yeah that's what they're saying... 100k in tech as a whole is relatively easy. 100k as a dev, which is the now oversaturated part of tech, isn't. I'm near 100k. Kubernetes consultant. 100% remote East Mids. Mate of mine, 75% remote West Mids, .net/C# dev is on around 50k.


The irony being I'm a senior .NET developer being paid a developer salary, but also manage most of our k8s infra and have become the in-house expert.


Time for the ol' sideways shuffle if you don't mind it. I've a degree in C++ software engineering, literally never used it.


Without sounding like an asshole, can you explain to me why developers get paid so much? Say in comparison to someone who is probably paid similarly in a very specialised, life/death role like a surgeon, or an anaesthetist? Not trying to provoke, I've just always been in awe at a £100k plus salary for those kinds of roles, and wondered how that salary is justified.


It’s more about scale than anything. If you think of a plumber, their salary is determined by how many jobs they can do in a day, and how much each job is worth (set by the market). So there’s a practical ceiling to their earning potential. In software, there is near unlimited scale - a team of just a few devs could build and maintain an application that is consumed by millions of users, with the company turning over millions or hundreds of millions of pounds per year. The ‘pie’ can be extremely large in tech because you’re not limited by physical constraints, and so your slice as a developer or engineer can be pretty large.


Supply and demand. In some other countries the money will probably be the same for the roles you mentioned.


I think you're trying to equate social good to pay. This isn't how it works. A nurse can be being life/death for somebody, but will earn less than somebody who calculates odds for a gambling company. The determinants are: how many people can do the job (now, not eventually), how many jobs are available. As a side note, we actively suppress pay for medical staff in the UK to make medical care affordable. You can look across at the US for how much medical staff could get if they were permitted a free market. But, as a society, we insist that medical staff in the UK "take one for the team" so low earners can still get medical care.


Surgeons in the UK, especially specialists will be making £100k+ what are you talking about ? More likely that you will earn that kinda money as a surgeon than a developer


Junior IT kids are all going to be competing with each other for entry level roles. Anyone with the right skills and experience can easily be knocking on 6 figures.


I don’t think things will pick up. Just like brexit, once you’re screwed you’re screwed, no coming back from it. If Brexit didn’t happen, we could explore opportunities in Europe, but nope, can’t be having jobs and financial stability, upsets the gods in government. Your best bet is to leave the UK if you can, Canada, Australia and the US have so much better options with double pay. Even Asian countries with lesser pay have a better standard of living. Start exploring work visas abroad.


US recruiting and job market isn’t any better. Just go see their sub.


Do you have the sub name?


I don't know of any specific US recruiting sub but if you go over to r/recruitinghell you can see plenty of Americans drowning in pain




Canada's fucked too but the average salary is higher. The cost of living is also much higher, however the quality of life isn't.


Have you been to Canada? Have you seen the average house size in canada? Now compare that with average houses and shoe box rooms in the uk. And let’s forget Canada - US, Australia, Singapore, we have the LOWEST standard of living. You can’t conclude to be better just because another country is perhaps worse.


Isn't Canada famously having a terrible housing crisis? They seem pretty sure it's worse than the other Anglo countries


It is, by a number of metrics. Vancouver and Toronto rank in the top 10 most expensive housing markets on the planet (numbers 3 and 10, respectively). No UK city ranks in the top 10. Canada also has a higher cost per square foot of housing than nearly every other country in the world (including the UK). Canada has the 5th highest house price to income ratio in the world (138%) after Luxembourg, Portugal, The Netherlands, and Austria. The UK, comparatively, has the 14th highest (still high at 119.9%). I've lived in major cities in British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta, in every kind of property you can think of over the last decade. Prices are out of control in Canada compared to when I first arrived 10 years ago - and not only in housing. There are also fewer protections for tenants in many provinces. It's definitely worse there than the UK.


And the UK doesn’t have a housing crisis? Have you been living under a rock? Whether it be out-of-reach house prices (houses which are three times smaller than Canadian houses btw), soaring mortgage interest rates or year-long waiting lists for social housing, this country is in no position to call out Canada or any other country about housing.


No, I've been living in both Canada and the UK (working as a real estate analyst). The UK is dealing with a housing crisis. What we're talking about here is whether or not the UK is faring better than Canada when it comes to housing. If you read my other reply you'll see that it is.


'Call out' is a weird phrase to use? It's not a competition, but you asserted Canada is a better option than the UK based on housing. Going by what I've read in the media and on social media (there's a whole subreddit for it) the consensus seems to be that the Canadian situation is particularly bad (maybe Ireland up there?). I wondered if there was a reason you had a different take. E.g. you've mentioned house size twice, but city apartments there seem pretty small, and that doesn't seem like a key stat anyway if stock is low overall https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-we-do-not-fully-appreciate-the-consequences-of-canadas-housing-problem/


I think they skipped over the part where I said 'Canada has a higher cost per square foot of housing than...the UK.' Or the bit where I said 'Canada has the 5th highest house price to income ratio in the world (138%)...The UK, comparatively, has the 14th highest.'  What this means is that housing takes up a greater portion of your income in Canada than in the UK, and you also have to pay more for the same amount of space. So the 'small houses' argument doesn't really hold water.


Meh, I’ve worked in and lived in a few countries over a 12 year period and the U.K. really isn’t that bad.


Lol.. exactly this.. I was horrified seeing what i call a closet anywhere in the US called a bedroom here.. and fucking three to four bedrooms have one bathroom.. wait till the wife and husband want to use the toilet at the same time and the kid is on the can..


I am a dual citizen of both Canada and the UK and have lived, studied, and worked in both. As for your other point, that's literally what better means.


I would disagree, Tech sector in the UK is the third largest in the world, behind America and china. we also benefit from being a very dense country so you have alot more job opportunities within your local area. I calculated it all when i considered leaving the uk to go back to brazil or to go to another country like Canada etc. Best two places are the Cascadia-Seattle bay area and the Benelux-Rhineland region of Europe. Everywhere else your just better off moving to a different part of the UK. i could explain more in detail. [UK tech sector retains #1 spot in Europe and #3 in world as sector resilience brings continued growth - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-tech-sector-retains-1-spot-in-europe-and-3-in-world-as-sector-resilience-brings-continued-growth) when your older though and have more experience and need to buy a house, moving to canada-australia is a fair idea for the lower housing prices.


Moving to Australia for lower house prices than the UK?


Canada is in a housing crisis themselves... Grass is not greener


only in certain parts of canada (the cities) , if you pull up a map of canada you might notice outside of the cities ,housing prices tend to drop dramatically. such a thing doesnt really exist in Britain outside of the highlands.


Agree. I left the UK (London) for the US, doubled my pay and live close enough to work to walk to the office.


How did you get to the US?


I'm going with plane or boat.


Getting weekly messages about job opportunities for mechanical roles in the south east. Depends what you mean by tech I guess


Most people went with tech/software qualifications in the last 15 years so leaving a shortage of supply in mechanical, civil, structural roles which companies are struggling to fill as the skill set just isn’t there.


I work for an enterprise company in Manchester and they’re recruiting all their tech people from India now to save money


Oof, just because it’s cheaper doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. I guess quality isn’t a worry. 😂


just because it is expensive doesnt mean its good either ! ;)


The company I work for isn't tech but is actively cutting costs so that the pockets of their shareholders are filled. It's only greed not letting anyone live as they wish. They have a lot of money and can pay the amount easily but won't do so if they can find a cheaper alternative


I know that job market is sh..t right now, but searching on indeed for 'devops' in Greater Manchester returns 32 positions when setting salary at '£65k+'...


It used to be hundreds. How many of those were posted in the last 2 weeks as well. I’m on a good wage. I have no plans to leave. But consider that this is all of Manchester. This is nothing compared to what the market was offering a year ago


He just disproved your statement even if there were hundreds previously


No, he didn’t. That’s a specific area of tech and he didn’t specify how recent those posts were


I mean he absolutely did disprove what you said but ok.


I mean he absolutely didn’t, but ok


> I've not seen adverts in Manchester for awhile above £65k in tech > Responder mentions loads of jobs posted above £65k in tech. I even looked. There's loads. OP is chatting shit.




'but searching on indeed...' so what job platform you think?


well, it was indeed obvious?


Oh, you meant Indeed.


No, I meant https://uk.indeed.com ;)


companies dont hire via linkedin adverts anymore... usually those who are skilled enough to fit the job decription dont fill out the adverts cus they are usually contacted by head-hunters as soon as they switch there profile to "looking for work". those that do fill out the adverts usually aren't remotely qualified. instead they hire recruiting agencies that combe through LinkedIn accounts to find good fits. if you want to get jobs easily, make sure your linkedin gets regular views, and make sure recruiting companies have your CV and Contact details on file.


I start a new job soon and I applied through linked in. Copped myself a nice bump too.


Honestly no, I think its getting slightly better actually. Even in tech theres seems to be a slight upturn over the past couple months.


I keep seeing this and it’s worrying.I currently have 10 years experience in testing. Am a senior test engineer at a large bank perm staff doing automation and manual. The bank isn’t taking on anymore tech people unless they are 100% required. Am currently on 60k work from home last 4 years good holidays and pension 35 hours a week. I could not go back to 40k…. At 60k I only started feeling like I have good disposable income to have a life. I live in Newcastle so 60k goes far when avg salary here is like 26k. What is the reason for less jobs and less salary being offered? Has everyone been telling there kids to go into IT? Instead of other roles and just more competitive? Does anyone know the average salary in London for 10 years exp in testing? I was hoping to work up to 80k reading these posts seems like that be a pipe dream now. Maybe after election and rates come down things will pick up? Also people saying 100k is easy I don’t that’s true for perm staff? Only people I knew on that was people who where experts and contracting.


We’ve just taken on two new devs and we had hundreds of applicants, many of which were excellent. Previously we’ve struggled to find any excellent candidates and settled for less. It’s probably a reflection of the highly competitive market at the moment. There’s so much effort going into AI at the moment to automate everything mundane that most companies are going to reduce demand and limit it to truly outstanding candidates only - this is a trend that’s going to continue I fear.


Tech salaries in the UK were so detached from other UK salaries, my industry CAPS at 60k. With 20+ years experience a masters, extreme ambition and luck. Now the supply of people with tech backgrounds has matched demand, they're beginning to deflate.


UK tech salaries were not that high on average Idk what you are talking about This is just the typical American influenced view…. The average senior 10+ years experience in a UK city will earn less than a junior fresh out of college USA developer based in a city


They're high when compared to other UK salaries in other industries for the same experience and education. Yes everything pays much higher in the US. The comparison is to other UK salaries.


This just isn’t true… Accounting / Finance / Law / Medicine typically pay more or about the same to grads Engineering degrees on average are paid about the same The discrepancies are literally maybe £500 a year across websites


Finance sure. Medicine. 35k after a 7 year degree? For a more stressful life and death job? >Engineering degrees on average are paid about the same They absolutely are not. I did an adjacent undergrad (chem eng). Almost no course friends I'm in contact with are on 45 plus. Tech bros are so deluded in their bubble and I'm so glad it has finally popped.


I'm all in favour of junior doctors getting a raise, but £35k is year 1 pay, rapidly rising to £50k basic. You're technically correct, but I don't think you paint a fair picture.


The other guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s using anecdotes to back his points and can’t read properly. My point was that a doctor from 7 years starting their degree is almost guaranteed to be earning more than the average software engineer after 7 years from starting their degree. And yes I agree doctors deserve more.


The anecdote being a doctors payslip which matches up entirely with your NHS link tech bro.


Yeah 1 payslip doesn’t represent the whole market now does it ??? I literally gave you the NHS brackets and you are unable to interpret them correctly based on YOE and standard medical degree length…. You’ve got everything wrong so far stop trying it is just embarrassing now


32900. Read your own link tekky


Medicine is a 5 year degree and after 2 years experience (passing your foundation) you are guaranteed to be earning at least £42k-£62k By 25-27 a junior doctor who passed their foundation is almost guaranteed to be earning more than the average developer with 2-4 years experience


>Medicine is a 5 year degree and after 2 years you are guaranteed to be earning £42k-£62k I have a sibling who's a doctor. No. Techbros are literally 0 IQ.


You clearly are less intelligent than you think. 5 year medical degree: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/2025/medicine/mb-chb-medicine/ Salaries for junior doctors: https://www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/explore-roles/doctors/pay-doctors You clearly don’t know what you are talking about mr genius


I can see my family members payslips. Your link literally says from 32900. That's what they get.


Are you dumb seriously ? I don’t think you read what I said properly Read the specialist training salary you get after 2 years experience


As you are someone in chemistry I would’ve assumed you are smarter to know that using your anecdotal experience as a basis of a fact means fuck all…. Clearly you are wrong… anecdotes are useless when comparing a strong data set. You don’t know anything about the tech market so why are you being so stubborn and acting like you know everything Average developer will be on £32k-£36k after 3-5 years studying (depending if in Scotland or did a masters or not) and + 1/2 years experience The difference you mention is much smaller then you understand Which is why the tech market is oversaturated because everyone thinks it’s paid incredibly like you do when it ain’t really that different here.


Roles aren't always advertised via the mainstream. A 65k job advert online will attract thousands of applicants. 99% of them no good. Plus you tech guys are 10 a penny now. There's nothing you lot know that I couldn't google the answer to or find in minutes online.


Lol. Good luck finding the cause of the bug in this existing 1m lines of code. Or optimising DB performance for a specific query etc. Or just figuring out best approach to designing a new feature for speed and convenience. Google it my arse


What jobs in tech specifically? Hardware Sales is not the same as Software Marketing and is not the same as devops. "Tech" is too broad.