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Based on what you wrote, it absolutely is NOT an employee's market. Recruiters asking you if your company needs any programmers is a bad sign as it means they don't have / can't find enough clients on their own. Their clients are Employers to be clear. From my own experiences in the past year, there are absolutely fewer job openings than before, at least in my field, and competition is much higher.




Completely agree, I am a recruiter in the tech space. Having over 600 people apply to a single job means we don’t have to head hunt, it’s the easiest market for us as we are able to cherry pick. Saying that unfortunately we notice around 70 percent even higher do not have the experience required for the position. My contract ends here in a month and I am having the same issues with the job hunt, it’s affecting us all, particularly the tech market. I advise to just keep applying and tailor your cv to the job where possible in an honest fashion. If possible that 6 month savings contingency should be top priority to save for, if fortunate enough. My thoughts are we also have elections in August and hopefully afterwards the market may improve? Would be great to grab thoughts on this… Happy job hunting


Hope so for everyone. July elections BTW.


>My thoughts are we also have elections in August and hopefully afterwards the market may improve? Would be great to grab thoughts on this… We can only hope. I'm not sure how much worse the country could get tbh, short of outright fascism.


My partner is currently hiring one designer... In a day he got 150 applications. If that doesn't go to show how much of an employer's market tech is rn, idk what does. It no longer suffices to be average. You have to stand out. There's a reason I keep telling him I'm not gonna apply for anything in tech till my degree is done *and* I've finished more projects. That and I don't really want to be doing it for a job - it's fun... Stress isn't fun. But for the right price 🤷‍♂️ (which I'll only get offered if I'm actually better than everyone else who's applying)


Was obviously a typo. They meant employers from context.


Shh, this is Reddit. No time for rational, balanced thinking.


Not necessarily. I've come across a surprising number of people who don't really understand which way round it goes.


Was just hoping the hope came forward a bit, not a criticism.


It's very much an employee's market in my field. It's just over saturated in the tech market, which is what alot of reddit users work in.


It's definitely an employer market. They have a lot more choice about who they hire. The benefit is to the employer, not the employee.


Yeah turns out when everyones been saying how shit it is, they weren't actually lying.


I was wondering this week, and came across your post so maybe you can tell me how you feel. It feels to me that there are plenty of jobs out there, it's just the amount of people applying is crazy. It's so competitive than it was a few years ago. What do you think?


Plenty of the same job, usually expired, on lots of different job sites. Suits the government department of misinformation though as with so many fictional jobs and phishing adverts out there, our economy is perpetually turning a corner out of recession.


Yeah, or plenty of jobs that are low skilled, high turnover. Typical.


"98% of people were in work!" Yes for a week before they quit cus they're doing a job a robot should be doing... But why build a robot when there's a sea of unemployed people who you can churn through faster than Sunak pisses off voters 🤷‍♂️


Not for my role. I keep a database of all my job searches, so I know it’s not just my perception this time around, there are just much fewer jobs.


Yeah, sometimes we can get the wrong perception and recording data like that helps. Might have to try that one


Definitely fewer jobs, those fewer jobs are republished through APIs to more sites and posted more frequently to inboxes and other automations and most sites do not do this very well so adverts develop a half life that continues them and loses important fields like the fact that it is no longer an active job. Some very good sites and professional enterprises and niche agencies out there but most of it is nonsense. This method can also work for the really high turnover jobs that have to continually recruit.


> [The ONS said the number of job vacancies had continued to fall, with the number of unfilled posts dropping by 12,000 to 904,000 in the three months to May.](https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/jun/11/uk-unemployment-rises-labour-market-jobless-general-election) Nope. It’s both


This is interesting, thank you!


You are right it is a weird market now and I am starting to see recruitment consultants looking for work. Not good.


They are really struggling at the moment which, unfortunately, means they have time to convince people that jobs exist and then try to put candidates forward to find that the company is self hiring or not willing to work with a random agency. Meanwhile they are applying for new sales and HR jobs themselves.


We desperately need developers, testers etc but despite having a record year we're not advertising or replacing staff who have left until we see how the economy does and what labour introduces, good or bad.


Many companies the same.


It is an employers market, not an employees market. Employers have the advantage, they have a huge surplus of labour to cycle through. All the leverage is with employers. Employees are in competition for roles, which means low wages. If it was an employees market, employers would be in competition for workers by increasing wages.


Think we are all in consensus on that.


It will pick up after the GE and interest rate drops. Everyone's holding on to their money tight atm


They are. Companies that are doing well seem to have paid raises to existing staff but freezing recruitment until they know what is happening. They don't want to risk losing people but not risking expansion then further market downturn that impacts them.


I also had about a year ago a recruiter complain to me about companies being too selective and not working with anyone.


Yes managing their own hiring, licence to pay to link but for their own hiring without agency fees.


It's a dogshit market in my experiences. Luckily I'm ok to stick where I'm at right now.


With the GE looming things are going to get worse for job seekers. Employers are having a field day, offering lowest possible but still get loads of applicants.


Please don't say that, like pandoras box, we still have hope.


I’m still getting about one reach out a week from tech recruiters looking for candidates. Not as much as before perhaps, but still seems to be there.


The thing is companies are interviewing a lot and being very picky. I interviewed for a few jobs a couple of months ago and I can see that they are still looking for people for that position. I never went forward the first stage with the hiring manager which was just talking about experience and some of them asked a very few technical questions which I answered. With all these lay offs around everyone is looking for a job and they know it plus there are the elections so nobody knows if labour will make things for companies be the same, better or worst. They are fishing right now, before the desire to learn was a good thing if you were a good dev, now they want somebody that already knows very well how to do that specific project


There's a tech shift to cheaper staff in other countries.