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Badly... There are so so many people with the same degree that can't find work.


True econ graduate here


Masters degree in data analytics here. Leaving the country as I couldn't find a job. Please do not come to the UK.


Damn that’s tough


Graduate visas only last 2 or so years. If you will require future sponsorship you will do badly because you'll be competing with UK residents. But it might be possible if it's not permanent. 


Citizens and people with indefinite leave to remain are struggling to find work. Employers don't like hiring people with a hard time limit on their length of employment. I think you'd be very hard-pressed to find a job here.


Not good at all, HR is one of the badly hit areas. If no one is hiring they don't need much HR.


Not great. You’d be competitive with people with significantly more work experience and HR really isn’t a career where employers are going to sponsor visas


There isn't much room here. Stay home instead.


What is your end goal? If stay only for 2 years of Grad Visa, there would be no limit on what kind of job you get, only difficulty is that firms might not like you because your clock is tickling If you want to get the PR down the road, look into if HR field is supported for Skilled worker visa, and if yes who are potential employees? Since everyone in HR field is dime a dozen, chance is slim, and you should aim for another field lick Big 4 accountancy, Banking/ Finance etc


Well, most importantly getting a relevant experience for my career, definitely not planning to stay in the UK for long after getting my degree. Do you think the graduate visa worth to take for my goal?


If that's the case, I think the Grad visa works wonder. The only problem is to convince firms to hire you but only for 2 years, they know that you need to go after 2 years max. This means you need to network more + recruit earlier with a good game plan than other UK nationals to save time and maximise your chance.