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Call childcare services. They make a lot of mistakes and are really incompetent, but if you call up you can get most things sorted. You'll find the number on gov.uk.


I second calling. Seems every quarter they decline my reconfirmation first instance then maybe 2nd or 3rd time applying they accept despite nothing ever changing on the application. It seems like they flip a coin or ask a magic 8 ball. I managed to get through on the phone once and the person was actually useful.


If you get really stuck with the above speak to your MP. That's what they get paid for, to help their constituents. Usually a last resort but worth considering if needed.


>That's what they get paid for, to help their constituents. I wish people would stop saying this, it's not true. They're paid to represent the interests of your constituency in parliament, they're not paid or supposed to act as a customer service agent for every government service. Parliament =/= CAB


The Parliamentary Ombudsmen is in effect the escalation route for issues with government departments, and so in effect, this is part of the work or parliament and therefore absolutely in scope for raising with your MP.


1 day unpaid leave shouldn't affect it but sometimes (more often than not) their computer makes mistakes and no one looks it. As other have said call them, email them go on the universal credit portal (if you have one) and make a fuss about it. Be careful though if you get universal credits its apparently changing on Monday that you're required to do 18 hours at minimum wage or find another job/ better paid job which is also changing the requirements for free childcare


You might find /r/DWPhelp or /r/BenefitsAdviceUK better for this question.


Speak to your MPs office as they have a dedicated contact person in HMRC who deals with enquiries from them. Explore other avenues also but this could prove fruitful.