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Honestly my mental health is hanging by a THREAD. Summer ‘22 was the last time I really felt like my batteries charged. If this is the standard of summer we’re going to have to get used to I legitimately might have to leave the country for my own safety.




Yep. I’ve sat at home working with my lumie SAD light all day because I’m drained


Sun’s out in Manchester for an indefinite number of seconds so i’m lying in the grass at the park, having a beer. I hope you get an opportunity for the real deal soon. I do desperately need a SAD lamp though, my ex had one that improved my life in the winters, never thought i’d be buying one for summertime though haha.


Got a Lumie alarm clock/light and I can't believe what a difference it's made to being able to get up at 5:45am each day.


They actually work?


Yep, it helps to give you the energy to put in place good habits to improve your overall mental health. But you need to put in that effort as well, it’s not all the light box


I’ve managed to willpower myself into habits thus far, had a borderline crisis last week and started mantricaly muttering “I can’t fix the weather, but I can fix the house” to myself whilst tidying.


nothing will ever beat summer '22 🥹 going to the pool in the gym just to cool down after work, bbq's on week nights, lounging in the garden: life was worth living 😭


Ah yes, the summer half the planet got burnt to a crisp, where all the grass died off and there were wildfires everywhere you looked. 


Summer 2018 was unbelievable tho..


I am exactly the same


I know right! God I feel fragile


Same here, everything is just grim because of the weather. Even the economy is struggling.


Classic Brit that forgets the high heats we had a month and a half ago.


Haha fair shot but nah, I remember. It’s just not enough, it’s depressing to start to feel better for two weeks and then be thrust back into SAD for who knows how long. Maybe we’ll get 25 degrees in two weeks, maybe it’ll be september, maybe it won’t happen at all this year, I can’t bear it. It’s a dangled carrot that always goes away, right now my forecast tells me it’ll be 22 degrees and cloudy in 10 days, but it’s said that a lot, and we haven’t even seen 18 degrees, let alone a prolonged period of blue skies. I can’t make do with two hours of windy 14 degree sunshine breaking up the rain every few days. I’ll lose my marbles. Give me the opposite and break up the sunshine with two hours of rain and we’ll talk.


Woah damn you really are affected by it! Luckily I am more a miserable weather enjoyer, the cold is what annoys me though. I’ll take torrential rain any day over 5 desk fans and being stuck to my sofa. BUT the cold, ill give that up for sure


In the same boat but both my days off are the only 2 days when there is good weather 


I just want to be able to put laundry outside. Day begins cloudy then rains then sunshine then hales then sunshine followed by torrential rain to sudden gust of wind, clouds again and end of day just before sun goes down it is sunny again, is just so unpredictable.


Mr Blue Sky please tell us why you had to hide away for so long, sooo long


“Climate change” - Mr Blue Sky 🤷‍♂️


I have no dryer anymore and feel this :(


I have no dryer and I must clean.


Ikr? I can't rely on the laundrette in my area as they close super early


Great story




Is that a Harlan Ellison reference, you little genius you?


My washing has been out since yesterday afternoon. This morning after school run I thought great should dry by now, on the way back unforcast rain for 30 minutes soaked the bloody lot


2016-2019 spoiled us 🥲


The air constantly feels damp. The sky is always white


Usually grey here.


Thank god people are noticing. There are several countries modifying the weather, cloud seeding, cloud brightening, stratospheric aerosol injection. I wonder if this has something to do with it?


I’m with you 100% about the weather revoutionarycut5210.. Keep saying things as you see them and don’t let the silly sheep hold you baaaack..!! ✊🏻 Respect the truth ✊🏻


Hold on, your with me? You have just jumped to an absolute and an extreme? I’m simply questioning and discussing the fact in a weather thread? Why are you jumping to heavy conclusions and attacking me based on a very plausible and possible suggestion I made? Do you have any informative input on this subject or are you just a bot?


I’m a real person and I was recommended by Reddit. I think what you’re saying holds truth let’s talk about it more DM me ignore this crazy fuck.


Have you also noticed the godawful taste you get if you go outside. There is this astringent, slightly salty kind of greasy film over everything. I hate it.


I haven’t, what do you think is the cause of that?


No mate, it's just cloudy.


I swear if we get nuked the weather would probably improve. Somewhat.


Fr. Why is it always us? 😭


literally half way through june and everytime i open the weather app, 15 degrees with rain is the highest temperature it goes to, as a summer person im fuming


I’m with you, I essentially live for the few months of summer we get. All throughout the year I yearn for the days where I only need to wear nothing but a t shirt. To be halfway through June and only have had maybe 2 days all year where this was the case, makes me so miserable. At this point I’m not even hoping for the perfect 25+ degree days, I just want a few days above 20 degrees lol


saaame ive heard so many people say "when its winter i want it to be summer again and when its summer i want it to be winter" nah i want it to be warm all year round the rain and coldness of the weather currently makes me so depressed i cant understand why people prefer that over a nice sunny day.


Yup I’m one of those people too. Just give me 23-27 degrees every day and I’ll be happy. I always say I’d rather be too hot than too cold, cause whilst being too hot can get a little uncomfortable, being too cold is actually painful. I’d rather sweat a bit in a t-shirt than be heavily layered up still have my fingers go numb and my ears hurt. I’m quite a skinny guy and I enjoy being outside all the time, so when it’s winter and I’m outside for even a short while in the cold it’s such an unpleasant experience. I despise shivering and losing the feeling in my hands then waiting 30 mins minimum just to warm up properly once inside. I just wish I could enjoy my damn summer and for it warm tf up.


I’m not so bothered about the cold but I despise the low light levels and constant dampness in winter. I need to emigrate.


yess and the people who say "but you can always put on more layers, you cant take more layers off" just do not get it, i am there in winter wearing about 5 jumpers struggling to breathe and yeah great my chest is now an okay temperature but my entire face and hands are still freezing, you cant put multiple layers over your entire body like im always freezing in the winter whereas in the summer you can walk in the shade or be inside with the fan on and windows open and not be absolutely boiling Plus the fact winter in the uk lasts so damn long compared to our summer, its so unfair, its not as if we get random weeks of heat in winter like we do with the weeks of rain and cold in the summer


You’re spot on, that’s exactly how I feel whenever someone says that. I don’t WANT to be wearing layers, even if it did magically solve the cold hands and face problem. I hate the feeling of being layered up under coats and jumpers, just let me chill in my t-shirt


LITERALLY multiple layers is the most uncomfortable thing ever you cant move its so constricting and then when one of the layers rises up underneath and gets stuck it makes me want to die


I was working outside today and it was so bitterly cold that my hands went numb.


Same here. I literally hibernate over the winter, am constantly ill, raynuards syndrome is at its worst where I can't use my hands because I'm so cold, electric bill is sky high. Why on earth would anyone want that. Summer is the best and when the sun shines and it's warm I feel like nothing can bring me down and I don't have a care in the world. I am so depressed when it's dark and bleak out.


Dude you should still wear pants and trousers even if it is warm


Highs of only 14 degrees tomorrow, and yep, raining all day. This sucks.


It’s genuinely upsetting our summer is hardly even going to be 2 months long, and then back to cold autumn already! Makes buying summer clothes feel pointless.


yeah it's truly depressing


It’s actually really getting me down this year


If you want some real rage-bait, check out the insufferable people who are saying how relieved they are that it’s cool and rainy - how they hate the heat and suffer so much when it gets to 22c. Like, bro, you get literally 10 months of the year where it’s cool and shite, can you not just shut the fuck up and let us enjoy some warm sunshine like real human beings?


Still walking to work in my big coat and hoodie and I’m sick to bloody death of it!


No one talks about the sun blocking weather modification.


https://preview.redd.it/ptdisw9ic56d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ae62cc94b091b5eb31937c424c69cb64dbb6ff0 I know what you mean


Don't get your hopes up, it was a clerical error.


It’s freezing for June funny how nobody is reporting such cold unseasonal weather. Be a different matter if it was 25 then you would have the red death maps out! Heat heat panic 😱


Literally there have been multiple articles about it from LBC,bbc, explaining why the weather is bad. They even popped up as breaking news


What was their explanation ?


Jet stream from the arctic for the most part causing cooler weather


The main thing I have noticed is a HUGE increase in cloud cover


And the stop oil protests blocking roads


You can't have any sun until you finish your grey young man!


Why is this so fucking accurate 😭😭


its june and i have the heating on 😭


I'm so fucking pissed how shit this years weather has been


This year and last year. It’s honestly not even funny anymore like it’s genuinely fucking depressing at this point If I see one more ‘hottest month on record’ report I’m gonna lose my mind


Winter was too warm and now summer is too cold, fed up


I struggle to get through Autumn and Winter, bur i adapt. As i look forward to spring and summer, sunny days/ heat, happiness/ etc. it helps my mood, energy and motivation. But sadly zip, still stuck in this grey horrid weather. Its so depressing.


Well this summer is a write off. Feels like a scam. You wait 9 months of the year and you get this crap.


Say hello to global raining everyone


I went for a walk today and I thought to myself, this feels like a typical November day.


At least the sun doesn’t set till 10. That’s my favourite part about summer.


honestly I find this *worse*, it's just grey and shit from 4 till 10 at least in winter, you get to walk in the dark more which is actually kinda soothing to me


I guess it’s different for everyone but it being dark most of the day depresses me, at least if it stays light till 10, there’s more chance for the sun to come out. I much prefer summer.


Buys brand new motorbike Weather: continous rain


“YOU SURE ARE ITS GOING TO BE NOTHING BUT SUN” -the app before it rains for the entire week


It's been raining since last year.😡🤬


It’s too cold for June. Let’s hibernate for a month ☺️


Apparently it’s average. In all senses of the word 


Really my ex girlfriend told me it was way bigger than average how disappointing 😭


I've been getting sunburnt going out to the shops in Cornwall, it's been sunny here for a couple weeks now.


Keep rubbing it under our noses. 😠




It was 6 degrees 2 nights ago


Duno what Cardiff you’re living in, it’s been sunny at times but still cold for June


I had the vauge urge to downvote your comment just out of sheer spite/jealousy.


And I had to choose this weekend to go to Cornwall, am fuming.


Got sunburnt in my allotment in Newcastle 2 weeks ago. Each day has been pretty variable with both sun and rain, cloudy and clear skies intermittently.


Here in Ayrshire the cloud cover is 100% but it's quite thin. This is a win.


Just as much a spectacle than the northern lights these days


I have my electric heated throw on me :( my fingers feel icy


Pov: you live in the uk


It seems to start raining a few minutes before my lunch break every day without fail. I just want to stretch my legs and eat my sandwich without getting hypothermia.


Yes every day last week it rained directly at lunch time, I was so frustrated!


Me checking the forecast for download


Same here


Hoping Thursday isn't as rainy as they're saying it is, Foo Fighters concert is gonna be miserable otherwise.


I heard what I can only assume was a very early soundcheck from my bedroom window yesterday!




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Fuck sunlight, I wish it would rain more like it used to years ago


Found the Scotsman.


As a Canadian living in London with a sadistic love affair with cold weather, I gotta say…screw this. At least in the cold lands of the Rocky Mountains it’s still sunny all the time (~333 days of sunshine/year) and you can go do things.


You a rabbit?


Let’s all move abroad


I'm in the Midlands and it's proper up and down, although I'm hoping it's getting it all out of its system now so come July it's nice ready for the airshow where I will be camping for a week 😂


Booked time off work for the end of June expecting the weather to be scorching by then, it’s not looking good..


It's sunny in bristol, what park of UK you in? Our Antarctica territory?


Im in the south east (Hertfordshire) and its been constant rain and grey skies here :( we had a few really nice days a couple weeks ago but that’s it!


That's weird and sad :(


I would like some sun but I am loving the temperature I don't want to be sweating all day


I had one of those but sadly it's lifespan diminished eventually,still got the cage,the wheel and the hamster ball😁


"cool, tomorrow's forecast is dry, warm and sunny, time to go on a day long bike ride in shortsleeves" It was NOT dry, warm or sunny


Nah, that's me looking up the word spectical in the dictionary. :P


Where I am, it's cloudy but no rain and has been for many days now. The ground is getting dry and cracked, plants are crisping up. But it's overcast. It confuses me.




https://preview.redd.it/7w092r6z656d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e93ebce868d3b845e37d51613d4554ccea8eec Me when the sun


Is it just me? All I can see is a rabbit! 😵


They keep telling us this is the era of global BOILING! Lol when does that start I wonder?! We are back in dressing gowns and slippers in the evening! Autumn weather is back before we had spring or summer!!!


They keep telling us this is the era of global BOILING! Lol when does that start I wonder?! We are back in dressing gowns and slippers in the evening! Autumn weather is back before we had spring or summer!!!


Happy Groundhog Day!! Awesome gif!




I like this. If it where to stay between 5-15 degrees forever I would be very happy. Maybe I should somewhere cooler when I'm older aha.


Or if I’m going to see if rain controls the sky


Been sunny in the south 👌


We're getting 5 mins of sunshine at the moment and it's blinding.... Upping my vit d intake here...


It’s sunny on the Isle of Wight


This time last year it was around 30-odd degrees, which was like Hell for me - I’m made up with this weather!


I answered the door to the ASDA delivery man yesterday and he said to me, "I see you're dressed for the summer!" I was wearing my oodie and fluffy socks with my good up 😭 I don't like being hot but this is insanity.


Pedro pedro pedro Pedro pe


Wow, the one time I can remember where the weather has been better in Wales, west coast here and we've had mostly sunny days (occasional shower) for the last week.


What is sunlight?


Does anyone know if it will actually get sunny/hot at any point this year? Or do we just not know?


That GIF was playing on my second screen in my peripheral vision while "I Just Don’t Know What to Do With Myself" by Dusty Springfield was playing and I thought it was some weird meme where the video and music were together. Admittedly I'm high.


All the people here complaining about the weather when the met office has just told us we've had the warmest May on record. No pleasing some people.


Its been cracking the flags in the nw the past few days currently not a cloud in sight where I am 🤣


I miss the sun so much


A 'what' of sunshine?


It was glorious in macclesfield at least for about 2 hrs. Out in the garden planting acers with a gin and tonic in hand.


I've gone far too far through the comments to find anyone picking you up on "spectical" to no avail


Honestly this weather is bipolar


I bet we will still have a hosepipe ban


Definitely helped me make up mind whether to join partner in Cyprus or not


Spec isn’t short for spectacle


Ohhhh you cracked the code


It’s dog shit.


Sunlight is overrated


Me looking in the dictionary for the word "spectical".


it's the month of janune. there is sun, just somewhere else.


I think this will be the year summer forgot


that was last year too. It rained the whole of July and August


We’ve been baling haylage on the farm I work at today, absolutely ruined our plans, we’ve managed to get it all in but it had to be returned after it got rained on and then was rained on again after it was baked before it could be wrapped, thankfully it seems to be okay.


Going to get a what?




It lies though, today it told me 16 degrees and cloudy with chances of rain and I went on a walk at about 5-sunny, estimated by me between 20 and 23 degrees




Are we sure it’s June? I personally think my phone calendar is gaslighting me at this point


Need to get the washing out


I *love* UK weather. Currently been in Austria, Albania, and Romania. Temperatures of 30+ C. And blarring sun with no shade and no drizzle. Even when it’s 20 C overcast in UK, it feels too hot. I love these countries very much but please give me some British weather. I have been continually checking weather apps since I got here every couple hours to see when / if it will get cooler. Romania is very interesting, went to mountain region to try escape some of the heat of Albania and southern Romania, it does at least drop a bit of temperature at night, but wasn’t expecting after a 30 C day, a massive lightning storm while camping in a tarp only and no mat at night. The lightning was expected (thunderstorms are constant), but the massive hailstones were not! Never seen any as big in UK, let alone in summer! At least twice the size as I’ve ever seen, maybe three times as big. Please, give me the nice 15 C constant drizzle of a Welsh summer.


Hello there My name's Harry the hamster. I'm about 8 centimetres tall, a little bit chubby and a little bit hairy and I'm looking for a female...


I'm a winter person and love the cold. Keep that warm weather away as much as possible please lol


Sometimes I forget it’s June already and we’re supposed to have summer


You ain't getting shit.


This was my first post ever, and I have gotten 5000 upvotes I'm proud and suprised




Why is everybody so obsessed with hot sunny weather!? The UK isnt build for hot weather. Its sooooo nice not sweating to death during the day and when trying to sleep! No wildfires, dead grass, or draughts either. Mega win!


I love the rain so this is putting me in a great mood lmao. I’m a vampire who despises the fucking sun so each time I go into the app and see rain I do a victory dance


i <3 it i fucking HATE summer so this is *great* for me!


Ah you think rain is your ally? You merely adopted the rain. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the Sun until I had inherited a vitamin D deficiency, by then it was nothing to me but a one-time occurance.


me when humour post


Basically feels like it's been pissing it down from start of the year to the end of April, few half decent days in may and June has been just too cold for my liking. I'm huffing lethal doses of copium and hoping we're getting all the bad weather out of the way before I have my yearly holiday in August but I won't hold my breath


it is june and im wearing a puffer coat


https://preview.redd.it/ap2ri9w2ka6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d45c3c78be66fb2b7477fcc473d8ecac533d7d4 Real UK Weather


Just look out the window, the met office can't predict a piss up at a brewery.


I keep getting surprised by how light it is late in the evening. Subconsciously I keep thinking it's April/October because of the weather, then I see some light in the sky after 10pm and realise it's June and almost the longest day of the year. Soon the downhill to winter will technically start before we've even experienced any summer at all. Truly awful stuff.


I just moved to the UK a couple of months ago and the weather here is terrible. I never knew it could rain for 1 minute 😂


literally me 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Sorry guys, I jinxed the weather by getting a convertible car


Honestly it’s crazy that it’s cold and we’re in June. Got my summer clothes out a month ago snd bought some new ones…..not been able to wear them yet, still in hoodies and trousers 😩




To much trouble to keep your mouth shut




Damn guess I lost well gg bro


https://preview.redd.it/3uxylj2j7f6d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ca852edace1d72103c5c7736a950257f88eaad6 Is it too early to put the Christmas lights on? I mean it’s still winter… isn’t it?


