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Remember to think hard about if you need to have a rice cake as well or not


And some fish.


And a rice cake


Then some fish


And a rice cake


Followed by some fish


And fish and a rice cake


And then some fish


And a rice cake.


And some fish.


And then some fish. No wait, a rice cake..,,


Then some fish..


Was looking for this one


Absolute classic. I always ask my mates if they've been on the fish and rice cakes when they add some muscle. We joke, but the dudes jacked now and always gets rinsed for that show lol


You’re telling me an egg fried that rice?


Eh, I’ve been called worse.


Aegon Targaryen the Fifth of His Name?


You need to add broccoli to complete the holy trinity.


Also steroids


Yeah don’t forget the tren test and anavar :)


C’mon that’s a cutting prep he’s on clen…


You forgot the /s..you about to get fucked up!


This is a UK sub, I have faith.. also not really sarcasm


Okay, well TIL. Fair enough.


Next time you watch an interview with a Hollywood actor and they say their diet was just lots of chicken, broccoli and rice to get into shape for x role.. you’ll know what the secret ingredient is


Oh, absolutely. But I was not advocating it... but whatever floats your boat, I guess.. haha.


> /s We don’t do that here. This is a local sub for local people. OP just needs to eat clen and tren hard and they’ll see gains in no time.


Edamame beans are also good if you're going Asian fried rice style


While better, that also makes it smell funky when you reheat it


Yes it has to be bland and you must tell everyone how bland it is.


Haha I will remember this for next time!


I meal prepped once when I started taking the gym seriously. Then I realised I didn’t want to eat 7 day old food after eating it 6 days in a row


Yeah sod that. Meal prep is making too much Bolognaise and freezing a portion or two for another time.


Exactly. People acting like they don't have the spare 20 minutes it takes to whip this up are deluded. Fresh > having 20 minutes extra swiping short videos or gaming lol. There's a window of like 90 minutes after workouts to refuel efficiently. Meal prep is redundant.


You can easily have different meals a day by being smart about it. Cook two protein sources (longest prep so do this on the weekend), and cook your carbs and veg everyday.


You’ve used to many seasonings and not included broccoli so you will not receive any gains


Well at least I have an excuse now for the minimal gains!


This is the way. Journey of a thousand miles and all that.


Lovely , what’s for day 2


Haha honestly, having it right there is so tempting that this may end up being the case!


Meal prepping is something that I really need to get involved with, not because I wanna get shredded or because I’m desperate to be healthy but because I’m balancing on a knife’s edge and need to save as much money as I can otherwise I’m not gonna be able to cover the bills.


Batch cooking + Lidl is the combo you’re after. I’ll make 6-8 meals for around £15-20


What kind of things are you batch cooking? Looking for inspiration!


Bolognese, Thai green curry, chorizo in tomato sauce, butter chicken, Japanese curry are some easy go-tos for my household. Basically things where you cook the carbs separately on the day.


Surprisingly nice things for the price. My favourite at the moment is a Gnocchi bake. Fry some bacon lardons in garlic till crispy, add tomato puree, then a couple of tins of chopped tomatoes. Add some herbs, simmer. Chuck in a pack of Gnocchi and 2-4 shredded chicken breasts at the end. Transfer to an oven dish. Add breadcrumbs and cheese on top. Voila. Bake in the oven till brown on top and the sauce is bubbling through. Some greens on the side. Other staples for batch cooking are Mac and Cheese (also cooked with chicken), spag Bol, chilli con carne etc


Have a look on some of the subs on here, they are great for inspiration r/mealprepsunday Some good options would be: Curries, Pasta dishes (bolognese, pesto, etc.) Roasted chicken with sweet potatoes and veg. Stir frys (I like to make a homemade satay sauce) Fajita filling and with wraps Also anything that can be made ahead and frozen, like breakfast burritos


Here's a sneak peek of /r/mealprep using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mealprep/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Meal prep with a cheat day prepped too 👍🏽😋](https://i.redd.it/klh122sz9blc1.jpeg) | [51 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mealprep/comments/1b23th4/meal_prep_with_a_cheat_day_prepped_too/) \#2: [Some meals I’ve prepped recently](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b1mp4p) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mealprep/comments/1b1mp4p/some_meals_ive_prepped_recently/) \#3: [Meal Prep for Lean Cutting](https://i.redd.it/rpzgpqf70zpc1.jpeg) | [296 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mealprep/comments/1bldkwg/meal_prep_for_lean_cutting/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Preaching to the choir, buddy. The discount aisle is my best friend. Not exactly ideal if youre planning out meals days in advance though


I make a steak and onion pie on sunday for around £8-10 that does my lunches for the week. Keeps better than most prep meals and can do dinner when reheated. I used the recipe below but I use bovril, stout and plum butter for the gravy. Just bovril otherwise though. Pork pie is literally just pork mince in pastry as well (plus gelatin if you like the jelly). Add sage, rosemary, allspice etc. to taste. I keep some mince in the freezer and use it with any leftover dough from the main pie. https://youtu.be/y6VTp4IDN2c?si=hRsCMpIMuOpTr8tP


Recipe info in one of the other comments here: https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/s/MOod8niyLd


You have to steam it all and make sure there’s no flavour. Also keep a baked potato in your pocket at all times so you have a convenient snack.


That food will not be edible after day 3.


Mentioned it in some other comments, courtesy of GF and family popping over to take a pot or two it rarely makes it past two days, never three.


This Redditor has never heard of a freezer


many redditors haven't heard of **Bacillus cereus**


I’m so wary of meal prepping rice like this because of that. If anyone else is the same as me then I make my chicken as normal and just buy bags of the microwave rice instead. Aldi’s basic whole grain one is about 30p so not too expensive.


I read that as 'ice fried regg' and now I think I need to go back to school 💀


They'll shout at you for not just having boiled chicken and plain boiled rice


Yummm 😭😍 do you think instead of rice in the fridge overnight, a few hours would be okay?


Yeah, there’s a good few recipes out there and they all call for varying amounts of time. The key thing is the rice has to be chilled within the hour of cooking to prevent the possibility of food poisoning. I usually leave mine covered overnight but if I only have a few hours then probably go uncovered to speed up the process a bit - shouldn’t be long enough for any weird fridge-flavours to seep in. Good luck!


Thank you! :)


No probs, it’s mostly based off of the recipe from Ziangs YouTube channel, if you’re going to give it a go have a look, they have a few variations as well. https://youtu.be/QWzTmqxJZW0?si=qX28Qv0Wxn7q4tJ1


Just subscribed, yay!! Fried rice tonight… chow mein on the horizon 😂😍


Curious.. do you have to freeze any of them for later in the week? Or all good in the fridge for 7 days?


I think rice lasts three days


I’ll only have a few days of it. Some will disappear mysteriously from the fridge (gf to blame) and drop a couple off for family.


Prep prep prep


your so creative


Looking good




thats a lot of rice.. and not much chicken that I can see.


Looks good. Next time try adding in some shredded seaweed laver!


Thought this was weed


Prepped for 7 days arent you afraid irs going to taste awful on 5th, 6th, 7th day ?


Nah, the 7 days was an exaggeration to be fair. Between my gf, me and family popping in to grab a box or two they never last more than a couple of days. Will be four boxes down my lunchtime today already.


The human body can digest approx 25-30 of protein at a time I think for optimal gainzzzzz . Irrespective of body mass whcih is why bulkers eat about 10 meals a day at 2h intervals . I read this 20 years ago tho so take it with a pinch of creatine. Any undigested protein is excreted either thru the digestive system or if that is overloaded with it thru sweat which makes ur sweat smell like cat piss as it is broken down into ammonia which comes out in sweat


That's gonna smell funky af is you.open that in an enclosed public area. Eat that outside brotha 🤙


Been meal prepping myself for years now. I have a banging Indonesian style fried rice recipe that's been tuned to perfection (in my eyes at least) that is 600kcal and 55g of protein. Feel free to drop me a DM and I'll send it to you 👌🏼


Or just post it here 😀


Would you send it to me please mate


Could you send it to me please mate, would appreciate it


And me please 🙏


1 more for the recipe please 😄


Would also love this


Me please mate


sounds great, yes please! 🙏


Be careful my friend, rice tends to get only a few days of being good with refrigeration once cooked. NHS recommends a day and that used to be the rule of thumb when I worked in kitchens. Rice is considered a high risk food. Looks amazing however!


Yeah, this only ever lasts a couple of days. Mentioned it in another comment but courtesy of the girlfriend, a couple disappear and family always pop over and get a box or two as well.


Lunches sorted for the week?


Can’t see but please say that isn’t brown rice. Stay away from that. Big reason why countries who have it as a staple don’t eat it. More harm than good, just the west so stupid to buy what they don’t want


I always went for pasta over rice, I don’t think there’s too much difference though TBF.


Careful if you plan to microwave that. Reheated rice and chicken is recipe for disaster.


Rice has a bad reputation for reheating but it’s perfectly fine to reheat (once) as long as it’s cooled down and fridged within an hour of cooking and then isn’t kept too long.


I agree with this, but if your food prepping for 5 days, you need to make sure your storing this properly otherwise it could make you quite sick.


Yeah, thankfully due to family always popping over and taking one or two (and a couple more that go ‘missing’ courtesy of the gf) they normally last two or three days at most.


Why? I reheat a similar meal for lunch most days. It's not rice you've left on your floor after a boozing session. Just heat to above 75 and you're good to gom


Yeah, I've been having similar for the last 5 months while dieting and no issues yet. As long as it's quickly frozen and reheated until screaming hot it'll be right. OP- you can quickly get bored of something like this- hot sauce, and sesame seeds sprinkled over it for some texture, can help to keep it enjoyable


Noted, have been adding Siracha to the tuna/cucumber/red onion mix, might have to add it here too…


If you're properly frying the fried rice some sesame oil brings a lot of flavour to the table too


The bacteria which grows in rice and chicken is it not removed significantly when it is reheated. It is one of the worst foods to reheat together.


Here’s an article about it: Can reheated cooked rice cause food poisoning? Yes, is the straight answer – though it’s not usually poor reheating skills that are to blame, but bad storage practices. As food scientist extraordinaire Harold McGee notes in his epic tome On Food & Cooking, “Raw rice almost always carries dormant spores of the bacterium Bacillus cereus, which produces powerful gastrointestinal toxins.” These, in turn, can cause unpleasantness, though thankfully only a relatively mild dose compared with other forms of food poisoning.


Dunno why you’re being downvoted


Because the problem is not really in microwaving rice but in storing it safely for eating later. And the chicken part is straight up false.


Because it’s a UK food subreddit and we are notoriously bad at food hygiene. I mean if I was to ask the question who washes their rice before cooking it? I bet half this subreddit would be like ‘WTF, washing rice, what?’


Washing rice is really a culinary thing. For food hygiene it's completely optional, at least in parts of the world like the UK where mass market rice has been industrially cleaned and sealed. I'm washing free starch off my rice, not dirt.


Are we? What countries are good at food hygiene?




Link the recipe? Looks great! Surely got to chuck some hot spice or chilli sauce in that.


Here you go! https://www.reddit.com/r/MealPrepSunday/s/MOod8niyLd


Thank you!


Cooled and reheated rice can make you ill. It contains Bacillus cereus, which isn't killed by heat. It can cause sickness and diarrhoea


Did the research, as long as the rice is cooled quickly (within the hour) of cooking, reheated to piping hot and not kept more than a couple of days then all is good.


That's okay them, was just letting you know in case you hadn't prepped it right


Appreciate you looking out for me (and my toilet roll supply). Been making this quite a while now in various forms and I know Rice has a bit of a reputation so always cautious to follow the book on it.


I hope you have a big appetite, cooked rice can go off after around 24hrs, the mould can really F your health up.


Yeah, mentioned it in other comments. All prepared to the FSA and NHS guidelines for preparing, cooking and storing rice. Between my gf, me and family popping over to grab one, these never last more than a day or two at most.


Only if you’re a pansy


Old rice is not good for you. Buy if you want to lose weight then go for it.


As long as it’s prepared properly then it’s absolutely fine for a couple of days. Key things recommended by Food Standards Agency and NHS are: - chill within the hour of cooking (I chill almost immediately) - when reheating, full power and make sure it’s heated well throughout and piping hot - don’t keep more than a couple of days after making (between me, my GF and family popping by to pick one up, these never last more than a couple of days




So because… when I’m just cooking for me (and trying to get into better shape) I make a healthy special fried rice like a takeaway… I must be boring in an entirely different and unrelated scenario? Don’t know what you’re trying to get out of this but I can pretty safely say I’m more fun than a person making judgements about random strangers online and trying to bring them down based off a single post they made about some food…


Carnivore diet imho definitely works and well covered on You Tube.No sweets or booze plus at least 3.5 litres of water every day.