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Unfucking the Supreme Court is top priority, literally nothing else matters, and it won't be done if Republicans hold the presidency. No hyperbole, there may not be a peaceful next time, vote accordingly.


SCOTUS and the Electoral College both are the biggest threats to democracy. Both need to go or be amended. No one should be appointed for life to any position in our government. What's the purpose of voting if the Electoral College nullifies it?


The Electoral College is bullshit. Every Americans vote should count. It shouldn’t matter where they live. It’s asinine to me that a couple states can decide who the President is. Hey everybody the citizens of Detroit decides for all of us!


Why it's a lie that we elect our president.


The Electoral College elects the president. Hillary won the popular vote but Trump became president because he had the Electoral votes. It's why he tried to send phony electors to Washington.


You should look up thirty-thousand.org. If we repealed the Reapportionment Act of 1929 and then doubled the number of House Reps it would fix most of the current issues with the Electoral College.


Technically, the house (and number of electoral votes) should have expanded as our population has expanded. Now, on average (it varies by state), we have one representative for every 800,000 people. Less representation per capita than most of our first world peers.


I mean all votes count. It’s just some count more than others. Literally an animal farm


The premise of the electoral college has validity given that it puts some weighted balance in representation against high population and low population regions. There's a reason why low population regions have always skewed right (even before the fuckery we have today) because of the interests of rural regions not being accounted for by urban politics. Why make federal investments to Nebraska when the urban voice says that money needs to go to the cities (and then have another agricultural bust because of the waning infrastructure in those regions)? No need to make promises to rural investments when you know their collective voice yields nothing in election polls. The fucking problem is how unbalanced the weighted factors have been because the govt refuses to update these numbers as required in the Constitution.


I disagree with everything you just said. The Agricultural industry is massive. Everyone still has to eat. Trains and trucks and trade still have to get across the country. This idea that big city people don’t care about the Midwest states is all bullshit.


That goes for Republicans too. If your state isn't a swing state your vote literally doesn't matter.


Yeah but it's only been republican presidents that have lost the popular vote but won the electoral. A democrat elected president has always won the electoral and the popular. tl;dr electoral college has only fucked over dems




Wouldn't it be nice if they had done their job and nullified 2016?


Don't forget the Senate. The Senate is horribly constructed and an antiquated institution from a time citizens were more citizens of a state than one united nation.


The electoral college had *one* chance to justify it's existence: not elect Trump. That's like their core task: prevent a demagogue from winning the presidential election. They failed. Disband it, and allow for a popular vote.


There is no point so just stay home this election....also tell all your friends


Well since we aren’t a democracy it doesn’t really matter. Never have been nor were we intended to be one at any moment in US history.


Democracy will be gone if the republicans win, they are already taking the first steps. Biden needs to nut the fuck up, and take advantage of the power they just gave him because we know the republicans won’t think twice about abusing their power.


It’s already gone with this ruling, we can vote all we want the magas in congress and the maga scotus will overturn the election if trump losses


Unless Biden declares war on SCOTUS installs his own justices, and then signs an executive order to nullify every decision scotus has made the last 3 years. He now has the power to do that, they just gave him that power.


He won’t because unlike maga dems hve morals, and unless the American people do something we will be the next nazi germany mmw


There is nothing immoral about restoring democracy.


For fucking real!


Packing the courts to avoid becoming the next nazi Germany sounds like the moral thing to do here.


That's a short term solution that will have big consequences later. It would be better for him to declare martial law and treat these MAGA bumfucks like the rebels they are. If it means civil war, well shit, that's where things are headed anyway. He won't because he's Biden. But he should. This problem isn't going to solve itself with legal remedies and fair plays.


If he’s really that concerned about saving democracy then extreme measures are necessary to restore it. Use the newly granted power that SCOTUS gave you to get democracy back on track.


We should burn down the house to prevent an oven fire? Well, that is one solution.


The house is already on cracked foundation and it's infested with rats and termites.


All of which are very serious but still reparable issues, and we should at least call a contractor before we burn down the house with people still inside it. I can't stand the hardon for civil war people have. Yeah, it might end up being necessary, but civil war means an entire NICU ward dying because one side "accidentally" called an airstrike on a hospital. It means thousands of people in your hometown literally shitting themselves to death, because the water treatment plant got bombed and there was a cholera breakout. It means your grandma starving to death in a nursing home because the food supply for her region of the country got massively disrupted. It means a roving paramilitary gang raping your neighbor to death. Again, I recognize that there is a scenario where it does become necessary in the end. But respectfully, anyone advocating to skip the peaceful means we still have to try, and going right to a civil war, can fuck all the way off.


"The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that we go for the head shot every time. Democrats go for a pillow fight.” Steve Bannon


Democrats are so fucking weak. They will never take the bold steps to protect our democracy. It’s not their primary concern. They want to fundraise.


I say we the people give him a week, then we can see if Kamala has the balls to do something


Not only this, but the issue is that he would have to find a lower court that would rule in his favor. Trump has an endless supply of paid off goon judges in lower courts. Biden, I believe, would have trouble finding the same kind of accomplices.


That’s self defeating. We have to vote for Biden. They can’t just overturn an election, they will try, doesn’t mean it will work. That’s why the coup is staged, they laid the framework but they need the American people to vote in Trump. If Biden resoundingly wins, they will not be able to swing it to Trump.


Conservatives are following the Nazi playbook: if at first you don’t succeed, try again until your dictatorship takes root.


What is helping them is that they tried an actual coup 4 years ago, and haven't been held accountable... why wouldn't they try again?


The parallels to Hitler abound.


Horrible but true. This next time will be worse because the imbeciles have experience and the fucking supreme Court of the United States is on their side. Joe Biden, you old ass motherfucker, you have done some decent stuff but like let's not go over board. You beat that fat bitch Donald Trump. But here's the thing, you can now send the navy seals to kill him. The supreme Court told you that. Do it bro. That's literally the only way forward. Send the navy seals and the entire army after that fat, rapist, piece of mcdonalds fucking....ok I lost it. Just send the navy seals to shoot him and dump him right next to bin Laden's body. Not sure if I spelled anything correctly. But do it.


And if I might say, they're doing a really good job at following it too.


Really does read as Hitler's "Enabling Law", Trump as president will be able to rule by decree and all his lackeys will have his back to block it from being overturned.


No, they don’t. It just has to be close enough in a few states that Biden doesn’t get to 270. Something will happen to make the results questionable in, say, PA or MI or more and then we’re off to the races with courts and Congress and the SC. They’re aiming for a “legal” coup here and it’s going awfully well for them at the moment.


They have already plainly stated they won’t accept the results if Trump loses. They’ve created a space for him to immediately and permanently take power. He’s openly promoting military tribunals less than 24 hours later


The thing is with this ruling they gave Biden power while he's in office so now he can do whatever he wants with Republicans since they gave him immunity to pretty much crush them into nothing with nothing to be done about it. So let's hope he starts


If the SCOTUS tried to flip an election in this political climate it would almost certainly cause a civil war. I would not expect them to survive the initial days of it considering where they are physically located.


I agree with you but according to my understanding, the Supreme Court makes the call about whether or not a president’s actions are official or unofficial thereby giving preferential treatment to Trump.


If Biden doesn't utilize his newly given powers, putin will through trump


The problem is things go deeper than just...stooping down to the republicans level. bidens in a really shitty situation right now, because if half the country no longer believes in democracy, then democracy isnt going to last regardless of what biden does to stop it or slow it down. if biden just abuses his power to try and save democracy, that itself could be what ends up destroying democracy, itll just perpetuate a cycle where every president feels they can just try to stay in power by going after their political enemies. as much as i dont want to say it, i almost feel like the only solution for biden is to try and not give in to this shit and just try and overcome trump and republicans through democracy. if we cant get back to where we were, democracy is going to fall regardless. we need to try and show republicans that all this support for trump and talk of taking control of the government is going to backfire on them and the general public doesnt want support that.


Maybe Biden should actually use his power to get on TV and address the nation directly...other presidents do it I don't recall Biden doing anything other than SOTU. Or maybe he's too feeble and they won't let him


I hear you. It sucks. But it is too risky to leave this in the hands of the voters. The last time that happened, the democrats were bullied into not nominating a SC judge and that lead to loading the bench. The Republicans **_ARE_** going to undue the power of the public vote once they are in and cause damage that we may never recover from. The stakes are too high. There is a window here where Biden can fix everything through executive power including putting limits on executive power. The Republicans have gamed the system too much in their favor while the Democrats and public at large have been asleep at the wheel.


Trump knew this was coming, he's been in rallies telling people they'll only need to vote this upcoming election. He said after that voting won't be so necessary anymore.


The only thing the president is publicly willing to do is to wait for them to die and replace them. That's it. 


Or the Senate.


Republicans don’t hold presidency right now and it’s not being done either so


There are 12 circuit courts now and travel isn't like it was 200 years ago, let's get back to one Supreme Court judge for each circuit court. Lifetime appointments are stupid. Each presidential term replaces the 2 longest "serving" justices.


I doubt there will be a peaceful vote this time. J6 was a test run and they’ve only grown more emboldened. They know they can do what ever they want and then legalize it after the fact.


I’m legit worried. Ugh


This is going to be the most important election of our lifetime, no hyperbole. The nutcases on the right are setting everything up for the US to become the next Nazi Germany, and Russia is squaring up to conquer the entire Eastern Hemisphere. Putin just needs someone like Trump to enable his next steps. This is the next 50 years if Trump wins: The US becomes a single party autocracy, as Project 2025 basically eliminates the Democratic Party. Those in opposition are executed or imprisoned. The Supreme Court basically set the precedent for this to have no consequence on Monday. Trump will take away term limits, remain president until he dies, and his children take over, keeping this process going forever. Trump backs out of NATO. Russia forms an Axis Power with China, Iran, and North Korea along with any nation in the area who has beef with Western values to take nearly all of eastern Europe. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and the rest of the original Russian Empire gets absorbed. Trump backs out of Eastern Asia, claims that South Korea haven't been paying enough for the US deterring the north. Kim Jong Un seizes the opportunity and reignites fighting with the South, but he now has the military backing of China and Russia. North Korea takes all of the Korean Peninsula, begins attacking Japan, the only other major economy not aligned with China, to seize more power in the region. Entire world destabilizes, as South Korea and Japan's economy falls. Trump provides full military support to Israel, dismantles any ongoing peace talks, labels Hamas a terrorist threat and goes full Iraq War and sends US troops. Gaza is completely wiped out, Middle East begins a holy war in retaliation. Somewhere in there, one of the countries uses one of their nukes. Then, the world is over folks. I wish I could make any of this up, but its all plausible with the Orange Orangutang and with everything going on in the world. Putin meeting with Kim Jong Un and Xi recently should also set alarm bells. Vote Biden or die. Literally.


It needs to be citizens verses the Supreme Court and as many independents and Republicans need to be made aware that the rulings of the court can fuck over their rights just as much as it can fuck over democrats.


ALSO Citizens United (dark money buying politicians) fixed AND we need something like an updated version of the Fairness Doctrine to hold the Fourth Estate (media) accountable. AND Ethics requirements for all politians and the Supreme Court.


No doubt this Kangaroo court expects to weigh in on the next election too. Democrats can't let it go to the court. They have to do what they can now to keep a corrupt court from being able to declare Trump the winner. If our elected representatives can't accomplish this peacefully, the people will be forced to use other means.


Isn’t it wild how the party of “family values” became the party of fascism, domestic terrorism, and human rights abuses?


Making the Senate the second most important thing. He can’t appoint justices if the Repubs don’t hold the majority.


We are not voting for the presidency. We are voting for the supreme court that your kids will have to live with.


tried telling people that back in 2016 got fucked and Roe v Wade overturned and the courts packed with assholes ...


If people didn't understand that when there was an actively open seat, I don't know if they ever will.


Such a simple concept but there are people out there still taking about third party, and no votes, and what about the war. Only things that can be discussed when dictators aren’t running the show.


At the end of the day, the Democratic Party establishment would rather preserve its own power than preserve democracy. They did nothing about the electoral college, nothing to implement ranked choice voting, and nothing to rein in the supreme court. By all means, do vote. DO NOT mistake it for a long term solution, and DO NOT mistake it for a substitute for direct action. Liberal weakness and unscrupulousness are, and always have been, the precursors to fascism.


Voting for Biden this election is voting to keep Democracy. This ruling is the first step of Project 2025


I know that. You know that. Low information and new voters don’t know that. That’s why we need a better candidate than an 80 year old establishment guy whose brain is out to lunch.


Yeah I would imagine that the average American knows next to nothing about the basic functions of the federal government, 3 branches, separation of powers etc. It's basic middle school level government class stuff that most people learn and promptly forget as soon as they pass the class. This is also the reason the right wants to dismantle public education. You have to be really ignorant of how things function to vote Republican and not realize you're voting against your own best interests (unless you're a billionaire)


I said that in 2016 and some people I know rolled their eyeballs into the back of their skull. I'd like to see what they think now but I cut those fuckers out of my life.


https://preview.redd.it/18r1dvpuy2ad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=883ae4131e11a6ae44a909b3882916d04629c467 Let's take a moment to appreciate the photo Raw Story chose for this article.


Just want to smack the smirk off that pos but I'd have to wear gloves doing so, don't want an infection...


Ah...that fresh diaper look


I do not understand how anybody can react to this man with anything other than absolute repulsion.


Women will have to save the country come November.


It’s also down to men who care about women.


Exactly, ones who do not simply view them as a lesser to be exploited for sex or child birth.


My eyes have been opened these last few years. I feel like I am living in a nightmare. There is a solution. Vote!


Cannot agree with this more, but this isn’t just America’s worry. In the UK these things filter through. We’ve already got American religious groups protesting at sexual health clinics in scotland, so we need you guys to kick this Oompa Loompa cunt to fuck, Christ we will come over and do it for you if we can!!!


I don't know the whole thing but that poem that talks about them coming for the socialists but I'm not a socialist keeps coming to mind. These people putting Trump in power are going to be surprised when they are rounded up and put in the deportation camps. These camps are the most ominous thing a presidential candidate have ever said. Please vote.


By Martin Niemöller First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me.


Thank you for posting this. I really appreciate it. I think EVERYONE should take a look at this and realize that they are all not in the ruling class.


True but I say this as a man, men are fucking stupid


Women, Millenials, and Gen Z


Yeah, it's all hands on deck now.


Over 40% of trumps voters both elections were women lmao. You people act like they’re not also the ones at his rallies and cult churches. 


White women especially are Republicans too


Trump feels victorious now, as "his" justices run interference; will they go so far as to end their own reign? Trump is loathe to name a VP, after his last was ultimately loyal to our constitution, and thwarted Donnie's coup. He wants total power, no Supreme Court, no VP, or guard rails... SCOTUS may have signed their own proverbial death warrant.


He hasn't named a VP because he is still weighing up the sealed bids from the millionaires and billionaires who want to be his running mate.


Ah..maybe, but I still stand by my assessment, Donnie wants nobody in his way!


Everyone knows there's no such thing as a "Vice King" or "Vice Dictator", so he might be thinking there isn't really a point in naming one.


This is like watching the origins of the Handmaid's Tale in real time.


We’ve been getting the rerun of 1925-1933 Germany.


Get ready for 4 years+ of some nasty retribution and nothing else from trump if he gets elected. People need to wake up and vote for democracy!!


4 years? Elections are done if he wins.


Are Democrats going to actually grow a back bone and do anything aside from making sad speeches? No, thought not.


Stack the fucking Supreme Court. Enough of this “they go low, we go high” bs


I'm not American but this sets a terrifying precedent globally for anyone with even a vague interest in "freedom" and "not being in a fucking nazi dictatorship." I find it genuinely staggering that there isn't national uproar about this: even Trump cultists should be terrified, what happens if you're on the "wrong" side in the future once your orange lunatic is no longer around? Rhetorical question of course, because your orange lunatic will end the American republic for good


Our news is bought and paid for by the billionaires. They are telling boomers this is great news for the country and a win for democracy.


They've been told this whole time that they are fighting for their survival against people that want to ban the Bible, brown people that want to replace them, and scientists and doctors that want to take away their trucks and turn their kids LGBTQ. Just like Germany in 1933, they'd rather have a dictator than the boogeyman of democracy and equality.


No it won't. Nothing has ever backfired on this man.


It won't matter if they steal the election again. If they can do it to Gore they can do it to Biden


Yes, they have been working for four years to get rid of the guardrails from 2020. Doesn’t have to be everywhere. Sow enough BS confusion at a few key polls and send it to SCOTUS to call Trump the victor. Possibly if Biden win all the swing states and flips TX and FL so that it’s simply overwhelmingly clear he’s the winner, then they might avoid ruling this way. But any Biden win is going to get challenged.


Biden has the immunity as well. He should use it to ensure Trump doesn't get elected.


even if Biden wins, how do we fix the fact we have 9 robed dictators?


We'd need 3-4 consecutive democratic terms in the oval office, and/or a majority in the House plus 60 Senators. That's the only way this changes.


I don’t see how we have 12-16 years.


I'm aware of high difficult that would be. A guy literally tried to overthrow democracy and have himself appointed an unelected dictator and he's still polling ahead... and he overperformed polls in both prior elections. I've lost so much faith in the American people the past ten years.


Dude, same. I somehow held onto some scrap of optimism until now I truly just don’t see the way out here. Either: A: trump wins in November, takes office, never leaves it. Or B: Biden wins in November, trump claims it was rigged, somehow takes it to the Supreme Court, they decide in his favor, we’re back at A.


I don't see option B happening. They didn't rule in his favor on any election case back in 2020, and it would be far more difficult for Trump to manage it while he is already out of office. They are crooked to the core, but they are still limited to not doing anything so blatant as to invite political assassinations. They can put their thumb on the scale a bit, like the 2000 "stop the count" shit they did when Bush was nominally ahead, but they can't just fully reverse an election. Especially when they just gave the president (who still holds power in his lame duck session) de facto assassination power.


Biden can now make official orders and do what he wants as president. If anything he should use his new power and start taking them all out since he's above the law.


We can't allow Supreme Court justices to make a career out of destroying democracy and undermining the constitution. The need to have term limits just like any other public officials.


Fuck you CNN. You’ve been getting it wrong again and again.


All enemies of the state and should be treated accordingly. SCOTUS, dick-tader and the federalist society, time to run scared fascist scum


I hope so for Americas sake.


This election is illegal and it’s an official former Presidents act.


Couldn't Biden just have him hung and call it an "official act"?


We will see, I have no faith in people anymore.


Thanks CNN, but after the last debate you have the street cred of the NY Post. Your opinion does not count anymore.


Fuck CNN’s credibility.


I don't think Trump even matters any more. The judges have been placed throughout the country, trained by the Federalist Society who are already implementing project 2025. Any future Republican president will work for them. I'm still going to vote and I won't make this post again. But I think it's over.


Yes, impeach the Supreme Court!


Pundits and polls are only snapshots into what the status of the climate is at the time they were taken. I just hope that America has enough sense to not vote fascism in November.


We need some chaotic good in the Biden admin right about now.




yeah they guy who was just as crazy in 2020 and got 80M votes will surely lose voters NOW


Vote right or forever lose democracy


Vote right or forever lose democracy


Pretty effing crazy when a convicted criminal can even run for president, now this garbage! The world is messed up!


Vote blue as if your life depends on it.


Why couldn't Biden simply send Trump and his goon squad to Gitmo for threatening democracy? He'd be immune anyways right?


So while y'all were focused on this red herring SCOTUS just removed vast amounts of regulatory powers from government institutions and placed these powers into the lower federal courts. SCOTUS also threw the responsibility of defining what "official acts of the president" means to the lower federal courts. There's a theme here. The lower federal courts will get to legislate by adjudication. If you haven't caught on yet it's the federal courts that handle election litigation and now with the power to define the language of a regulation say made by the FEC they'll be able to adjudicate in favor of Trump by changing the rules, if he claims the election was stolen.


Wishful thinking from Van Jones. Half of the country is inside the maga bubble. We are fucked


Backfire how? By losing the election? He'll just claim it was rigged again and his goons with do another jan 6th but this time they'll be armed


If he loses another election the conservative courts probably won't be afraid to legally throw him under the bus. Costing them so much power in office will be seen as a liability they'd sooner do without. That's why all their current tactics are just to delay until after the election. If he wins he's still necessary for them, and as soon as he's in office he's shielded via our dumbass "you can't indict a sitting president" policy. If he loses, democrats and republicans alike have reason to support justice finally being served. As for Jan 6th part 2, I suspect security will be escalated far beyond what it was last time. The real danger isn't until the next republican administration is already in, at that point getting them out might be impossible.


That's because regardless of his control of the party, most of them know he's unhinged and petty. They didn't vote for him last time, more will vote against him this time.


i thought they said official acts are granted immunity if constitutional, but i guess it’d be the supreme court that decides what’s constitutional in the end?


It is up to the President to decide if the act is official or not


Well... Nate Silver's model has the likelihood of Trump winning at 75%. lol


This is what a stable genus looks like !


I am so sick of CNN telling people what they want to hear. They have never been right about any of their wishful thinking scenarios.


Everyone is missing the point. Electors in red states will refuse to certify for Biden, red electors in blue states will refuse. This will lead to court challenges ending in the supreme Court deciding who the president is.


I agree this will hurt trunp on November. However, I have what I think is maybe the way through this. Ianal, and i would love to hear how this could work legally, but here’s what I think Biden should do. Biden issues an executive order declaring trunp a domestic terrorist and insurrectionist and declares him ineligible for the ballot. If he needs it, he has legal justification in the Colorado ruling that removed him from the ballot. SCOTUS overturned the case but did not make any statement about the insurrectionist label, so there’s that. He also removes anyone who refused to certify the election under the same pretense. He could either now impeach the 6 SCOTUS justices who issued the ruling, or pack the court with as many justices as he needs to overturn this decision. He then takes whatever steps he needs to reform SCOTUS, instituting an ethics code and term limits. Biden then announces he will not be seeking reelection, and we essentially have a hard reboot without the fascists. Both parties are starting from the same place, and we go from there. There will be a lot of teeth gnashing, of course, but I think this is the smoothest way through this. trunp simply can’t be allowed anywhere near power again, and I don’t trust them not to rig this election. Once he’s removed from office, I’m not anywhere near as concerned about anyone left in the GOP. I’d gladly take Mitt Romney or Haley if it meant no ore trunp or magats.


Cancelled my CNN months ago. I am watching Meidas Touch where they are not paid by corporate and trying to keep their job instead of democracy.


I want to see the polls showing that this move by the supremes is the first step that crossed the line for voters. Rather than throw up their hands and say there is no way to stop Trump and his corrupt gang of thugs with their manifesto all primed to destroy the country, I want to see the people step up and say NO! This is not happening. This has to stop and we will NOT have a king/ dictator!


Maybe it’s just me, but voting for a guy who says he has to be immune from prosecution to do his job is… kinda dumb.


I hate to say it but Biden will likely lose as everything is so gerrymanderd. Democrats are always defending, never attacking!. So unless Dark Brandon comes out it's all over for the US.


The powers under article 2?


Yup. The undecided voters see this and go king? No!! thank you. America will never have a king or queen. #Markmywords.


Saying "go vote" on Reddit is like petting your cat except it's not your cat you're concerned about, it's the feral ones on the street. Try petting them.


We better hope so.


>However, Jones added, "I'm telling you, this is going to backfire politically. Because what I'm seeing from the left now, if you thought people were discouraged by what happened last week with [Biden's performance](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-biden-debate-2668627619/), they are now outraged and terrified that Donald Trump is going to get in office and be a complete madman dictator." Except that it will galvanize people in Democratic states, where Trump was never going to win. And even if Trump does lose this winter, it means there's just a four-year delay before the next Republican has a chance to get in and do the same thing.


If Trump wins, he enacts Project 2025, and we live under brutal GOP Christian nationalist dictators for the next 100+ years. Once they get their people in place in the military there will be no getting rid of them. You might as well just have a big public suicide/die-in protest which MAGA would televise and celebrate. The Dems should do something now to stop them. I have my doubts that they will though. They want to take the high road and win the election but the GOP will try to overturn any result they don’t like, and after the election SCOTUS will either say that Biden is not legitimate so does not have immunity or they will declare that Trump won and so he has immunity as the President-elect, so there will be no saving us after the election. We would be naive to assume that they haven’t already got a plan in place.


If Trump wins in November, there needs to be another Jan 6th... But 1000x bigger to preserve 350 million people... Not just one!


The problem is the vote doesn’t matter. It’s out of our hands unless something drastic happens. Johnson will find some reason to not certify some number of the election results making it so neither candidate gets to the magic number. Then it goes back to the House where each state gets 1 vote. There are more Republican States than Democrat ones, so Trump will win “within the letter of the law.” And because Johnson is challenging the rules he won’t be letting new House Representatives in that could shift the Speaker. The game is already lost if Biden doesn’t use his new powers.


just another rich old white guy with zero consequences


Is it possible for Congress/POTUS to simply pull funding from SCOTUS? For example, recent calls to SCOTUS to appear before the Senate were met with skepticism from Roberts who claimed that the Senate did not have oversight of the Court. Pull their funding until Roberts, Alito, Thomas all appear before the committee to answer questions. No money = no court, right?


nah, no more cnn. they're complicit after that debate. they put something like this out and it should be taken as a way to discourage voters because things aren't as bad as they seem.


His plans for November are to subvert the process, not go through legal channels.


And who is delivering this message?


Hahahaha. Losers.


CNN analyst🤡


No it won’t. The die have already been cast. Everyone knows who they are voting for at this point. And the few people who honestly don’t know who to vote for clearly lack critical thinking skills, so this new information won’t be what decides it.


Who cares at all what @CNN has to say anymore about anything?!


This analyst has way more faith in the American public than I do.


US needs a new Reconstruction. its a cultural issue. change the media, change the culture.


LOL sure it will. LOL


I dont care what CNN has to say at this point, but that is still my sentiment. If the gop, scotus, and Trump was actually smart, they wouldve spent 2024 campaigning on nothing but economy. Dont say anything about abortion, the border, rights, nothing, just act normal for once. Easy win. Then come November 6, you drop your "oh by the way, we're mailing you a project 2025 manual" bomb. "Dont know what that is? Well, prepare to learn Gilead buddy." The ole bait and switch. Instead, theyve spent 2024 pissing off just about everybody because theyve been shouting from a bullhorn all year, and i think yesterday really was it. That was the breaking point and I think people realize now it truly is not a game anymore. Now, not only are people going to be coming out to support Roe, they're going to bring a friend, to stop scrotus from moving any farther right. I truly still think it'll all backfire. All you had to do was not piss off everyone, especially people are who still undecided (somehow). But thank goodness they did. I know the mood is glum right now, but i really think youre going to see a galvanization in October for the ages.


Who gives a shit what CNN thinks seems to be on team magat Willing to watch the world burn for ratings .


Not taking CNN’s word on this; after that disaster of a debate, it’s clear they’re on Trump’s side and this is just an attempt to lull Democrat voters into a false sense of security. VOTE, even if you have to wait in line for 5 hours.


We’re living in a world were Trump is speaking what MAGAs have wanted all their lives, he’s here and they will do anything for him, including destroying everything good about our country.


I'm not American but I cannot see Americans voting for a King. They may as well have kept George III 250 years ago. The messages to get across to the electorate are 1. the Supreme Court is corrupt & 2. voting for Trump is voting for a King. Focus on these points.


Sadly, tens of millions of Americans seem to dig the idea of a king all of a sudden. And it’s the same people who fly the Gadsden flag. Morons.


If trump loses in 2024, then Gavin Newsome or some dem filled with piss and vinegar wins the job I’m going to enjoy seeing jaguars eating people’s faces.


It has to happen in swing states!


No one should trust anything that CNN has to say, anymore. Not since they were bought by a right wing billionaire. And screw them for not cutting Trump off or fact checking him during the debate.


It's Biden's job to protect the vote by calling up the National Guard in battleground states if the governors won't to defend polling stations. The trumpsuckers have every intention of using violence and chaos to prevent minorities, students and liberals of all sorts from voting.


![gif](giphy|iqV644gIkpgNG7euXA) Whole lot of this happening here


I read the linked essay. Is Van Jones correct insofar as he predicts that the SCOTUS immunity ruling will galvanize Democratic voters ahead of November?


oh, is the CNN analyst the same bitch that kept giving Trump a thumbs up during the debate. STFU CNN, nobody has any god damned respect for you


except, even if we keep him out this November We will have just him again in 2028 - His family are long lived.


I will never for as long as I live, will I ever vote GOP on anything ever. Your geriatric, lying, cheating, stealing, and predatory thought processes will go down in history as the greediest MOST propganda-filled bullsh!t leadership on earth.


The bigger issue is the GOP. They don’t give a shit about Trump. They will have a better, smarter candidate in 2028 to continue their takeover


I think this might happen too. I think independents will not like the idea of Trump running amok for four years, possibly 8 if it’s ‘official’.


When it comes CNN's reporting on Trump, my money is never down on CNN.


Y’all’s better be quiet. Trump got that emmunity now and there know tellin what dat man gone do.


i think thats a huge cope unfortunately


It actually could, IMHO. Darkest of clouds kinda guy about the state of this demented timeline, but it's not hard to see that the court just gave nearly unlimited power to the president. I still believe many who aren't outright cultists believe don the con is harmless because he's dumb and lazy (at everything except whining). So the prospect of another 4 years by itself doesn't scare them. But that he could order disappearances, torture, or murder of anyone without fear of prosecution should scare some of the fence sitters and leftist malcontents enough to vote against the will-be (no longer would-be) dictator.


I’ve learned to not hope anymore. These analysts, saying it might backfire on him. Doesn’t matter. The fact that he might have a shot at being potus again is frightening.


Biden can send seal team 6 to wipe out alito Thomas and trump, he’s immune


Man CNN is really trying to sell us some trump.


Let’s hope this turns out to be reality this November


Talk about grasping at straws. Trump looks like a winner after Biden's debate fiasco. The Democrats are falling apart and so are the plethora of court cases against Trump. Democrats are playing at politics and they don't even know the rules of the game.