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Go buy chocolate at the damn store, you do not need to have everything shipped to you like you're a king or something


Say that to the people that order toilet paper from Amazon or baby wipes like crazy but you see them arrive from a Costco trip or target trip unloading while you’re walking up with the huge box


Dog food and cat litter. Get that shit from the store yourself. They have no idea the chaos that a 60 pound bag of dog food introduces when it’s mixed in with 180 regular packages


I get that this stuff is heavy, but there are plenty of individuals who cannot just go to the store to buy these things. Disabilities, illness in the home, etc. The service you provide folks is amazing; y’all bring the world to those who can’t leave their street. Just want you to know that!


Oh for sure. For a little context I know the houses that I deliver to that have fully able bodies people getting dog food. Be on a route long enough you get to know who 95% of the people are. Betty in her wheelchair? I knock on the door and bring her stuff in for her. Sally with the rich husband and her hidden wine habit? Her dog food goes as far away as possible. lol


Of course! But there are a lot of invisible disabilities, too. disclaimer, I'm not a USPS worker, but I lurk on delivery subs because I'm one of those folks who orders a lot and I want to make sure I'm not violating any kind of etiquette. It's this sub that has me ordering a lot less the summer months so as to minimize the workload -- I learn a lot from y'all! I've got a couple invisible disabilities that makes it so I can't drive (and sometimes, can't leave the house at all!) and let me tell ya, before I figured out I could order the stuff I needed, my world felt real small. I appreciate what you all do for folks like me. So I'm not aiming to come in and correct anyone, it's more of like, providing information you might not have so that you know just what a difference you make! I wish I didn't have to rely on y'all so much lol, but you provide a service that changes lives, and I hope you know I don't take y'all for granted. Thanks!


No, I get you. And I don’t feel like you’re coming in here trying to correct anyone you’re just trying to have a conversation which is very nice on the Internet. Doesn’t happen very often lol And I totally understand what you mean about invisible disabilities. There is only one that upsets me that they ordered dog food and I know very much about how capable they all are over there. A lot of my houses have ramp and other things that I try to be very accommodating to. And I also appreciate you taking the time to understand the world of the delivery driver lol. Not many people take time to worry about the people who serve them and I think it makes a big difference. We are very glad to be doing our jobs and helping people who it makes a difference for. A lot of times also we just bitch to vent like any other job 😎


I do work at USPS and as a PSE I too dusted the huge heavy boxes of dog food, but then one of my dogs got sick and wound up requiring a special prescription diet (she had an autoimmune disease and she would get sick a lot) that you couldn’t get in stores. She was a bigger dog (45lbs), so I needed the big bags. So it’s not always accessibility for the humans either, sometimes it’s just the only way you can get the food you need.


Thank you !


And honestly it's not the people that order stuff like that regularly being an issue for me at least. It's that 90% of the heaviest packages I've had to deliver are usually to homes with dog shit all over their yard or it's ridiculous stuff that absolutely did not need to be shipped and could have been delivered by a local gig worker for practically the same price or less. Amazon isn't saving people as much money as they think it is. Plus something I find entirely unacceptable no matter your condition is ordering something so heavy that the manufacturer has huge labels stating "2 person lift" and also have a dangerous home to deliver to. Had someone order a 65-70 pound bed frame that was literally longer than I was tall, 5'4", only fit in my LLV at an angle and would slide out every time I had to open the back door. Their home was right on the road leading out of town with a rising speed limit and no sidewalk. And lots of debris I could have tripped over. Maybe a 5 foot width of an inclined hill to walk in. Literally my worst nightmare. I'm of the belief that packages like that should be delivered with the assistance of another person because that's just a lawsuit waiting to happen when someone gets hurt lifting something that the manufacturer highly recommended team lifting. Especially when the carrier is seen struggling to lift it into their LLV by themselves


Yes!!! Then when they are outside and go inside when they see you pull in front of the house. That's the shit that pisses me off. You know this shit is heavy. Smh. I definitely don't mind delivering to those who need assistance and appreciate those who appreciate us.


I was a carrier for 12 years. Parcels are the reason your job exists. I spent 8 years toiling away as the only mechanic who wasn't allergic to the APBS and willing to learn it getting the machine tuned and the numbers up for packages under 20 pounds, our bread and butter. I saw a period where I was pretty convinced that the post-email period where we were delivering a billion AOL CDs a year as standard SPRs and hemorrhaging mail that I was going to be out of a job. I'm constantly having to justify my hours, too, and I *don't * have a supervisor who does anything with the numbers to support me, and if I don't know, and Google can't tell me, I'm screwed. I'm keeping the AC running and the toilets not backed up and moving your dock lift back or repairing the underpinnings after a driver punts it backwards then tries to pry it back forward and cuts the power cable and repairing your delivery equipment. I'm counting on carriers to believe in the core mission of service, because spinal surgery took me out of the craft. I totally sympathize, but the past few years reshaped things to where the ability to buy anything online in bulk to save money and Prime shipping meant I worked 6 day weeks or more for 2 solid years to keep the machine running. It's gonna be OK. I was also a high functioning alcoholic (almost 15 years sober!) for part of that career. It can be tough to get out of your own head and it's easy to make the people who make our income possible the enemy and not the people that make the policies that make doing the job untenable, and that call is coming from within the building, probably at a desk in the middle of the floor, saying face in the case, no talking, here's a swing of undertime, back in 8. And, in my 25 years, we only got to use the 701 rule *once,* and that was before I made regular in the late '90s. 🤣 We love you, you're awesome, take a deep breath.


Not to mention some people in rural areas have no easy access to stores that sell this stuff.


Lol it monsooned the other day and the packages got wet of course, the box never made it to the door. I walked up to the house and put the remaining box pieces underneath the 2 bags of food that were in the box. It crushed 4 other boxes through sheer heft in the apc while it rained. I leave cat litter in parcel lockers when I can. I'll take other things to the door before that dark Matter box. Fuck them and their cat.


Yeah I try to delivery dog food and cat litter in an appropriate but inconvenient place. Like you got a long ass porch? Right on the corner as far away from the door as possible lol. Of course only for able bodied people doing this. I have a few old folks that I understand them ordering this stuff and I make that as convenient as possible. But miss 35 year old, doesn’t empty the mailbox that is 20 feet from the house, that dog food gets put in any spot that’s legit but a pain in the ass


My favorite is people who order 60 pounds of dumbbells and then don't take them out of the CBU for a couple weeks.


My customers lose parcel locker privileges. If they can’t be considerate of the fact that their neighbors may be ordering things that need to go in the locker that their package has been taking up for a week, they can pick it up at the damn office at their convenience.


Yep, they get a slip if other packages come and their shit is still in there.


Yup, after the third time I just don’t even take their shit to the street


5 packages, 1 apartments. 2 boxes cat litter to the only available locker, walked the 3 small boxes to the door.


The food I have to feed my cat isn't available at any local pet store. And the litter is cheaper online by a few dollars. I used to be a mail handler and unloaded/loaded trucks full of sacks, packages, letter trays, and flat tubs. So it had to be done by hand. There was a local guy who sold steel targets and those were 10-100 pounds. I know the struggle, but sometimes shit is cheaper/only available online.


I get that, I have to order certain cat treats online because my cat has an allergy. This is true for some orders. But not all.


I only order through Amazon because the two brands of dog food and cat food are about 25% cheaper. Considering we go through each bag every 3 weeks it's easier to setup where it is just auto ordered and delivered. Heck I would gladly pick it up every 3 weeks on my way home if the price was the same. Now the way they package it, that's an issue on Amazon's side. Some of these decisions on packaging make no damn sense, lol. And I am pretty sure it's annoying AF for the delivery driver. Honestly, I try to leave my garage open when I can for deliveries since it's easier. I don't mind where it's delivered to my house, just as long as it makes it:) but that explains my old house and why some shit was delivered in out of way places. To be fair, those were always reported.


I would bet chewy is cheaper if not the same


After subscribe and save Amazon is $3 cheaper per bag on cat food, and the dog food is $5 cheaper. However, even if it was the same it's still being delivered;)


Max weight is 70lbs. Never seen a 100lb package, altho I'm sure people have tried to mail a 100lb 📦 .


Oh I'm aware. It was written on the package and the weight scale both said somewhere around 96 pounds.


It's hard. The local store doesn't have our pet food half the time


I understand that, but I deliver mail where I live and there are plenty of places to get cat litter around here




Ty chatGPT


I am a city carrier. It is cheaper for my cat litter to be delivered, so nah.




I get dog food that I can't get in the store, and it comes via FedEx, but I made the effort to get my chewy items split up so no boxes weighing 79 lb, max is 25 now.


I do enjoy just having the wipes show up every 2 months and not even having to worry about it


Amazon toilet paper is better than Costco’s


The dog food tho!!! Those boxes bust when we get them for induction.... ALL THE TIME. And then they get returned... SMH


I delivered a case of !@#$ing Cracker Jack's today. Cracker Jacks. Get a life.


I had a spur that wasn’t sealed, I shit you not, a tiny tube of super glue came out of it. Super glue. 🤯


The stuff people order blows my mind. I get it you can order anything now but sometimes is it even worth doing all that when you can pick it up next time you go to the store


I always think that about coffee. For the most part I don’t mind the crap people have delivered. But coffee gets me. I’m always like, if only you could buy this at the store…


Coffee is one of my favorites to deliver smells so good


I was mostly talking about the boxes of kcups. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted when I'm agreeing with the person I responded to about delivering silly things that can easily be bought ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Usually I don’t mind but if it’s a constant thing it gets annoying


We deliver stuff. That’s the gig. But let’s set aside that packages have saved at least 20% of bargaining unit jobs. I agree that it seems strange that people order things that they could go get from a store less than 10 minutes away. But Amazon offers discounts on autoship items, on top of possibly better prices than Walmart or whatever. Add free shipping for prime members and suddenly it’s not such a mystery.


Amazon will also sell items at a loss to drive a competing seller of the same item out of business, then acquire that company and drive the price up higher than it was normally before.


That’s a common business practice with lots of big box retailers as well.  I’m not saying it’s right, but if you’re buying from Amazon and your alternative route to purchase is going to Target or Walmart then you’re in a no-win situation either way. 


This man speaks the truth 🙏


Not to mention family members shipping to those they are concerned about. My kids ship me food regularly but I promise you I’m not hungry lol.


It's not strange at all to order stuff. It's convenience. Plain and simple. Oh, I need X but don't want to go to a store where there's traffic, and people trying to sell you stuff? Way better to order online.


"free" shipping lol - what a great manipulation in Amazons favor. Amazon prime costs what now? After a quick Google it's $15 a month or $139 a year. They have to ship something they'd normally buy about 4 times a month or 48 times a year to make it worth it. If they buy something just to buy something to make it worth the monthly fee then Amazon is winning. Also, they need to calculate how much it could save them to buy at the store on the way home from work. They're paying for the convenience. I bet few people actually get out "ahead" with Amazon. Edit to add: and I went to a store and compared some prices with Amazon - it was cheaper to buy the item in the store than it was to buy on Amazon and that's not including the $15 a month Amazon fee. Of course this is dependent on the item. Also, Amazons convenience has very likely increased spending which is definitely not saving money. Impulse buys and purchases off unnecessary items happens frequently. It does feel good to get things in the mail - id argue that it rewards us similar to addiction.


Prime isn't just free shipping though. You get prime video and books not to mention groceries and same day shipping. Use them all and you'd be ahead.


Maybe! If you use them because you're paying for them, I'd say you're still behind because you'd not have spent that money on the first place without Amazon. It's like buying something just because you have a coupon for it and not because you'd normally get that. With the coupon over is still spending more money, not saving money.


Every video we want to watch still costs money. Prime is useless there!


I think you're confusing digital video and prime video


Must be, it’s my wife’s television and prime account.


Prime video is like Netflix. It's all free. Looks like they mixed both but there was a prime digital where you rent or buy movies and shows.


I’ve learned that if you google “where to watch” it is not the same as “where to watch for free”! I’ve rebelled against streaming and I check out dvds from my library instead.


Use this to find things that are on streaming. https://www.justwatch.com/us


Considering we use Amazon prime video instead of Netflix now that saves 22 a month, the main items we auto ship are much cheaper than our local pet store and the brands are not at Walmart. We only average one main delivery a month but it's enough savings to make it worthwhile. Now, we used to do a lot of impulse buying but to be fair if you impulse buy on Amazon, you are just as likely to grab things while at the store. It's just easier. I will also say it can stop some impulse buying because now we put things into the cart and think about it for a few days and most of the items get saved or removed. Whereas at the store they just get bought... so it works both ways. Now there are people out there that have boxes delivering every day and amazon wins in those situations.


"you are just as likely to grab things while at the store." I'm going to disagree here - Amazon has its app and emails specifically designed to show you things that you'll be more likely to buy. The store doesnt have a little robot that shoves things in your eyesight that it wouldn't have shown to me. The app does.


But I also do not use the app nor read emails from Amazon. Facebook is a much worse culprit at showing me this for sale and they link up shady ass sites.


Yeah the monthly fee is a scam just wait til your gonna order over 25$ worth and the shipping is free . Roku channel and freevee have most the same shows as amazon prime . We quit paying our monthly subscription haven’t missed it one bit


I used an Amazon trial to watch a show that I probably could have pirated but it was easier to do the trial lol. I never need something, Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, and eBay are my places to go. I haven't had much luck with Craigslist lately, but I could see how smart home things don't show up there in my area very often.


Sorry I work all day delivering mail. Please deliver more, thank you!


Yo when I started as a CCA I had 0 fucking time to do anything. I live and work in the same town so my carrier definitely saw an increase in his workload when I started. He was always mad cool about it tho. That being said I never ordered TP or dog food.


I’m an Uber Eats driver and what people will order for delivery fascinates me. I live in the core of a very dense city so granted the calculus is a little different because most people don’t own cars, so getting bottled water delivered (for instance) I can kind of understand even if I may resent it because I wouldn’t want to schlep that home either. But I once rode four miles to deliver a single Chapstick. Recently got assigned a pickup at a liquor store and it turned out to be an eight-pound bag of ice (and nothing else). I could go on


People work from home sometimes and make a lot so they order stuff like that instead of driving.


I talked to someone who orders these. She’s diabetic - and they’re low or no sugar I believe - and wants to eat chocolate occasionally. They ship with an ice pack and she said they don’t get ruined.


Maybe they want specific chocolate. I grew up in buffalo and love sponge candy but it's a regional thing. I mean I'm not shipping any to me in summer. Our local chocolate shop ships year round They use ice packs in summer


Right? God forbid we have mail to deliver. I just want to show up for 8 hours and deliver the minimum amount of mail and ask for $30 starting pay and top pay like UPS


People are wild, eh?


Idk, I just work here.


Nah more like people see showing up 8+ hours, for 20$ an hour (lol fucking joke) while delivering mail and 100s of amazon packages.   I know, wanting the job to be easier or pay more must seem difficult to a boot licker like you


I'd rather deliver parcels than mail. Getting rained on to deliver packages people want is 100000000% more fulfilling than getting rained on to deliver mail people don't want.


I agree. If I could snap my fingers and transfer my  career position into UPS I would in a heartbeat. We’re basically a real life mail spam bot. Nobody needs 90% of the mail we deliver. 


Yup. I had the choice to do Amazon or usps since I had an offer for both. Chose usps cause I wanted that 60 hours. I don't get even 40 on most weeks. Regret it since this was supposed to never be a long term thing anyways. Oh well.


You know what’s the saddest thing? Having to work those 60 hours just to make ends meet.


You obviously have it all figured out.


What did I say that wasn’t based in facts? 


What did I say that made you feel like you full of shit?




Do not be rude to other posters. This includes hate speech.


These people may not have cars and the US is not public transportation friendly. There are valid reasons as to why people get these things delivered.


I'm lazy af, wfh, and have anxiety; I get everything delivered.


They don’t sell this kind in any store. It’s sugar free for diabetics, and it beats all others I’ve tried!


Ah OK, my bad. Sorry about that.


I hate delivering stuff from Walmart and home Depot both which are like 5min away. (A box ripped and it was a pest control jug that I bought from home depot so they could've just gone)


delivered a large bag of cat litter to someone that lived on THE SAME BLock as the pet supply store


It's probably chocolates they are ordering from a store that is not in their area. There's an online shop in Ann Arbor that sells the best candy bars and sometimes I order a few of them. Not everything people want is available at local stores.


No joke, I delivered a huge box of pretzels to a house and it was signature express!!!


This was a lesson I learned on my own! Ordering is still the way to go for more niche/harder to find things that aren't in every Walmart. It pays dividends imo to be able to just go to the store and walk out with what you need (or a reasonable alternative) same day instead of dealing with late or missing parcels, Amazon losing it before it even gets to the carrier to deliver, damaged merch, and all the rest of the pit falls of e-commerce haha.


I'm a big fan of ChocZero, I cannot get it at the store. It's zero sugar chocolate made with monk fruit instead of terrible artificial sweeteners. It's quite tasty and significantly healthier for you if you are say... a diabetic. So sure, if this was a box of heresies, you'd totally be right. But unfortunately a lot of shit can't be bought in stores these days due in large part to sites like Amazon. So I'm sorry you have to deliver it, but I don't have a choice either.


I’ve done this it was from Etsy. Themed cookies, cake pops, and iced rice crispy. I could DIY at home but I was able to order online and opted for that.




I know everyone here is complaining about this lol but I just want to point out that sometimes, you save a lot more by ordering certain things online 🤷‍♀️ or from certain companies, delivery companies, etc..


I can't. This job gave me so many damn food allergies I have to buy the expensive vegan shit online just so I can enjoy a treat and not die.


I didn't get chocolates from that brand specifically, but I did order a specific kind I had tried at a friend's house months ago. They're Droste-Holland, so I haven't seen them in stores here, and since I have ADHD brain, I just went and ordered them as soon as I remembered they existed, which happened to be a couple weeks ago . I simply did not think about the fact that it's hot as hell out 🥹 I forgor the chocolate lumps of mysterious flavors that I don't know which is which of are good though


If it's 90 outside, your LLV is definitely going over 110 in the back after a 20 minute relay, maybe even 120+.


Today, I had to do a split then my route. It was towards the end of my route. So it sat in my truck for about 6 hours lol


Just the other day I set my scanner on top of my mail on my tray in the LLV while I was loading the back and it gave me a pop up about a Thermal Notification and that it reached the max temperature of 131 and only allowed emergency calls. So it's possible for the LLV to be at least 130+ within 20 minutes. https://i.imgur.com/eA9HR64.jpeg


I keep it closer to that 110 mark by parking in the shade. Every. Single. Relay. Except the last one because there's no shade available anywhere there.


The shitty HOA on my old route tore down all of the trees in the neighborhood about 4 years ago to deter crime or some nonsense. Literally no shade on the entire route


Yeah, it’s been mid 90s every day here for the past 2 weeks. I wouldn’t think of ordering chocolate by mail lol.


I don’t order chocolate but I have ordered refrigerated items. (Also aquarium fish) these boxes are very well insulated and usually come with an ice pack or dry ice. I had a box of cheese sitting on my Porch all day in the sun and when I got off after 12 hours the ice packs were still frozen


My first thought was that at least these are properly packed and insulated. Source: I’ve seen one too many battered boxes of cherries bust open all over machine belts.


Aaaaaaand it's going in the mailbox


If it fits it ships




That’s where the mail goes


If it fits in the mailbox, it goes in the mailbox


Chocolate melted? Straight into the freezer. Be back to gobble you up later cutie pie.


Thank you for asking this! I just got them for the first time- person ordered 2 boxes and they are in the middle of my route, so about 5 hours in on a Monday- I have no AC in my POV, I left a notice on them. They filed for redelivery, I took them out on Tuesday- as of Thursday the boxes were still by their door… not sure how that’s gonna go for them, but I’m glad to know people say there’s an cold pack in there.


Lol that cold pack was probably gone by the time it got to their door. It's way melted now.


I’ve often wondered the same thing


Yes, they do have an option for adding ice packs at checkout. Sometimes they ship the chocolates in a little insulated cooler.


Shipped chocolate the other day in one of thost bag containers. Only knew when i grabbed it to put it in the box and it squished...


No worries, customers then call, complain, and get sent another one! Winner winner chicken dinner for the customer.


I always get them in an insulated bag with ice packs, never once were they melted.


The answer we're all looking for. Thx!


I did once have them melt, that was a long time ago in ChocZero's early days. Contacted support and they sent me a new shipment, free of charge. Haven't had an issue since and I order fairly regularly from them.


Yes. They’re about half the price as buying them locally, and they’ve always been fine.


They do come with cooler packs! Have to order online bc they don't stock them in store where I'm at. And it's usually cheaper on their website then from Amazon (plus Amazon doesn't do cooler packs). Thank you for delivering the tasty goods! We have food intolerances/medical diets in our house and it's nice to be able to eat tasty treats again 💜


That's the thing that gets me "Why are you so lazy, just go to the store" is such a dickish attitude. We can't! We would if we could! Either items are simply not sold in stores, or may not be available in all areas. But with things like Amazon driving most small businesses into the ground, online-only is the option for so many things these days.


I’ve ordered some of the fancy euro chocolate as gifts and such, but only ever in the colder months. I know that the place I order from has different shipping rates and packaging based on different destinations. They for sure offer hot climate shipping that includes cooler packs, but my LLV hits 110-120 degrees easy in the summer, and I have to imagine those cooler packs can only do just so much to preserve the contents of some of these packages in the summer, especially for the folks that get delivery early on in the day, and don’t have much shaded area for protection from the sun. In my opinion, these should only ever ship with signature confirmation. It would be a real shame to spend a shit load of money just to ultimately receive a box full of overpriced chocolate sauce.


I get insulin shipped to my house and it takes 2-3 days. The cooler packs are still cold by the time it gets to my door. I'm surprised every time i get it during the summer. The boxes are also insulated.


I'm running an ecomm company in the temperature sensitive perishables niche. All that jargon is bullshit spin so my boomer customers have less to bitch about when they inevitably go digging for someone to blame for their ineptitude. I expect you to ignore what's on the box entirely, and I package accordingly with insulation and temperature control packs as needs fit.


I will say in my town there is NO way for me to get decent fudge around here but it was a small box. They ship with dry ice to keep it cool and usually has 2 day shipping. But it arrived via ups/FedEx.


I saw a customer come pick up their parcel that got notified, and when they realized it was dog food, they asked for the supervisor to tell him to make the carrier deliver it to their door step since they live in a apartment in the second floor. He didn't want to take it with him he wanted "the carrier to do their job." I walked away from the window since I couldn't believe what that customer was attempting to do. This man didn't want to carry their dogs food to his apartment. He wanted the carrier to do it.


Yeah that’s why you got notified in the first place…


2 dog bites as a stat on your name is mad


It’s like the MLB. I list my best stats next to my name in the hall of fame 🫢


Been getting a lot of these at UPS too.


I’m sorry, I do have my cat litter delivered. I don’t want to be thought of as a horrible/lazy person 😕


It's very convenient. Ignore the haters.


Me too, but FedEx delivers it. Lucky I have a regular guy there now. It was bad for a few years.


Bad news....


Choczero is a specific brand of chocolates that have zero sugar and great for keto, so not really easily accessible at your regular store. They do come with ice packs that are pretty much warm by the time they get to you.


just don't put it up against the wall of your mail truck. Never had this brand, my breads come with dry ice and 1" thick insulation padding lining the box. One time just one side of the box was super hot. I figured it was in direct sunlight or against the sheet metal heater.


Ohh so this is what one of my customers was b*itching about.


I work for Amazon but their a house on my route that orders at least 6 boxes a week


I had a jar of live insects that sat in the back all day cause it was for the last block 🤷🏾‍♂️


Clerk here,I just recently got a box of insects from UPS. They put it in one of those plastic bags.  I had no idea and didnt get to them until late in the afternoon.  So they got packed up in a plastic bag at 5 am, sat in a truck for 4 or 5 hours, then sat at the post office until 2 pm when i finally got to afternoon parcels.  Im sure those bugs were all dead.  Who the fuck sends live critters/bugs through UPS surepost. Thats insanely stupid. 


They're supposed to call the customer to see if they're there then you're supposed to go to that stop first for live animals.


I laughed when I saw that on my skid in the office I was sent to, LLV only of course, during 90°+ heat


I feel the same about it with the soaps like Sasquatch. The packaging looks so light lol


I've ordered candy bars in the middle of summer and they arrived unmelted. Based on how long some packages will sit in the back of an LLV I would probably try to get it delivered through FedEx or UPS but good insulation and a few freezer packs will usually keep it at a cool temperature until it's delivered.


Artificial Xmas trees smh


I ordered some Harry and David pears one year after Christmas on a big close out. I live in the Midwest. We'll they arrived frozen. They shipped me another and followed up and the second box arrived frozen and then they decided they would send a 3rd box in a few months once freezing wasn't an issue.


i delivered birthday napkins today! 😀


My mom just ordered some, we live in Texas so yes they were melted by the time she got them.


Got a person that ordered 10 boxes of floor tiles today. They were each heavy as fuck. How is that affordable?


I had a subscription once and they put very good ice packs in them. In my experience they have never been melted.


More packages = more money and job security. Keep on ordering just go easy when it’s 100 degrees out . And try to order all the same day so we’re only come twice a week instead of every day


As someone who orders ChocZero, its not your fault. I try to order mine when its not dealthy hot, but they are insulated (in general) and DO have an option for ice packs at checkout. And if they melt, well, it's chocolate, it's fine when its cools and resolidifies.


SOME have cooler packs; melted by the time I get the product


I ordered some ah caramels from Canada to here in the US and they were definitely melted by the time they got here lol On another note, I didn’t deliver chocolate, but I did have a temperature sensitive package (could’ve been chocolate, who knows) and it was for a house towards the last hour of my route. I go to deliver it to the door and there’s a large insulated bag on the porch with a note from the owner saying to leave the package inside with the ice packs. There were two small ice packs inside it, warm af, and it was hotter inside the bag than outside in the open air. Idk man, people definitely don’t think about the things they order. I definitely didn’t with the ah caramels 😂


I thought you were about to post those uline books I hate so much


That's nothing. Yesterday on my route I delivered 2 poorly packaged in the crappy moving boxes that you fold and tuck to make a box....of 30 packs of the cheap Walmart brand 16.9oz water bottles. Like who the fuck ships cases of water bottles to someone. Also this wasn't a grocery order, some person sent this couple 2 cases of water. Paid god knows how ridiculously much to ship too.


If they check their mail daily it won’t sit in their mailbox 🤷🏾‍♂️🚮


Still going in a parcel locker🙂


Lol Parcel locker. Listen this is why you tip you carrier to the non workers reading this. It will be the difference in front door delivery or parcel locker.


Still not gonna save it if they're not home to bring it in, it'll just maybe take a few more minutes to melt on the porch.


Nah fuck tipping.


The only thing that annoys me about delivering chocolate is that they are ordering it in the summer, that shit is gonna be liquid by the time they bring it in the house.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. We are a mail service, not a package service. This lazy, entitled attitude where people can’t get off their own behinds and go to the store anymore needs to end. I’m more than fed up hearing about how parcels have saved the post office. No they haven’t. The government will never let the post office go under. Let the ups and fed ex guys deal with boxes. While we are on the subject, we can get rid of the contract with Amazon too. Why should I deliver Amazon’s large boxes while they cruise around delivering spurs all day. Maybe my attitude would change if this company would pay us what we are worth, but they don’t.


Dude it’s a messy affair to get chocolate from the corner store in this weather why would you do this to yourself?


I don’t think it’s really “chocolate” it may have cocoa but who would eat that? Eew


For sure they are definitely melted. Inside of a LLV, gets a lot hotter than 90°, if it's 70° outside, it's already 90+ inside of an LLV, 80° or 90°, you're looking at at least 120° inside of an LLV.


Imagine whining about doing your job. Just deliver the package, dude. Be glad for that package, because without them, you may not have a job to work at.


One of my biggest pickups is a candy company. They say they get complaints every day that their chocolate is melted. The lady always says she’s surprised that people are stupid enough to get chocolate shipped to Texas in the summer but they do a tone of business.


Dumb customers? Lazy companies. I wouldn’t sell a product to a person if I couldn’t provide adequate protection for it during shipping. Shipping companies offer shipping. Not God powers.. greedy companies saying eff it, we got paid, not my problem. Until the customers filed a chargeback


They send them with the freeze packs and the dry ice. What do you want them to do send out a refrigerated truck to deliver your chocolate bunnies? How do you expect chocolate to ship in the mail over 1000 miles and not melt when it’s 90+ the entire way?


Det sell dat at Walmart


if you are dumb enough to order chocolate delivered to your door in Phoenix AZ you end up getting what you deserve.