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> a need to get equipment in to start setting up for graduation I sort of figured that this would be what eventually caused them to get dispersed, but it seems a little too soon for that to be the explanation? I really don't know why the admin wouldn't just wait until then. The protestors don't seem to be causing any problems (as far as I know) and graduation provides an organic and convientent moment for the admin to credibly say they have to clear them out for logistical reasons. If the admin's goal is to clear them out with a minimal amount of ruckus, which seems likely, that would be the time to do it, it seems to me.


Graduation events and planning starts well before finals exercises, 2 weeks or so


So it won't grow.


The tents are a policy violation I believe 


Despite what the administration said, the tents don't violate policy though! UVA's Health & Safety Tent Guidelines explicitly exempted "recreational tents for camping" from needing inspection/a permit... or at least [those were the rules until the administration silently edited the PDF at 9:54am today](https://twitter.com/PEHJackson/status/1786742242264088832).


Does this count as recreational activity?


policy doesn't (or didn't, until they silently amended it) speak to the nature of the activity. Recreational tents, for camping. That's what it used to say was excluded.


The rule has two criteria, both of which are met in this case. Type of structure: recreational tents Use: camping. If it said "recreational activity", that might be a different story. But it doesn't, it says recreational tents that are used for camping.


Is protest encampment included in how the university is using “camping” here? Cause I feel like the colloquial definition of camping implies something more casual, like chilling in the woods making s’mores, rather than a politically charged protest claiming territory, so it feels a little iffy to call this just “camping.”


They are literally sitting around chilling and even hosting a Jewish shabbat celebration.


Hopefully it stays that way. The sign about it being a liberated zone for Gaza gave a different vibe.


You don't think liberation for all humans is compatible with Judaism? The only violence happening there now is from the cops, who are teargasing peaceful students


Where did I say that? I was just saying that having a sign saying “liberated zone for Gaza” gives the vibe of a protest claiming territory way more than sitting around and signing kumbaya. I’m just worried that this protest will take a turn like some of the others and have people chanting support for Hamas or the destruction of Israel, threatening/intimidating Jewish students, or calling for Jewish orgs at the university to be shut down for “ties to Israel.” I’m sorry to hear they’re getting tear gassed. If they were protesting legally and then that happened, that’s horrible. If they were given a lawful order to disperse because of an illegal protest, then it still sucks but it’s less bad imo


Such a crock of shit


they said they turned around facilities trucks on the encampment instagram story. I believe they need to get up there to pick up the trash.




Where is it?


Expel those terrorists


Glad they are clearing it. Hope names are taken so those who aren’t enrolled and arrested and spend some time in jail before deportation.


Why should any of them be in jail


If they are in violation of their green cards, for example, carrying concealed weapons. They found a plethora of kids in its weapons. Also note. People here on work or education visas are not citizens and haven’t the same rights at we enjoy.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Embarrassing take if you actually have any connection to this university


That’s true and it’s in the constitution but it is deemed for American citizens, not visitors. Visitors have rights and due process just like we do but they aren’t guaranteed those inalienable rights. For example, free speech doesn’t cover words of intimidation, death threats, visitors don’t have the right to bear arms, to act in threatening manners not to even a speedy trial. Thing that’s great about the constitution, It was written by old white men for old white men. Yet, it was written in such a special way that it’s open for interpretation and limitations. As a student there, you should know that. If they aren’t teaching that then they should. The constitution is not a bible and uva wasn’t even the first college in Virginia so really don’t need a lecture but I am glad you are thinking about the constitution. I hope you go into law.


Lol that exerpt is from the declaration of independence. You're an idiot. Get out of our sub


hese restrictions are “reasonable" because the Supreme Court—the highest federal court—has found they aren't based on the content of the speech. Private property owners can set their own rules for speech on their property. You can be arrested by law enforcement officers for trespassing if you attempt protest activities on private property.


Unable to have civil discourse? My tax dollars go to that school as it’s a public institution. How about your tax dollars. And yes, what happens on that campus directly affects me. If you can’t agree about what I wrote about the constitution there then you and you are a student then you aren’t a thinker, maybe a learner but not a thinker. Still visa holders are not guaranteed the same rights. Heck, they are nice worlds but face it, we are born equal but that doesn’t mean you remain equal. You have equal opportunity. Hope you don’t turn into one of the greed mongers. Good luck on your journey as you mature and widen your perspective, learn about how America really works. And this sub Reddit is about the protests.


We are not all in the same boat. But we are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts, some have canoes, and some are drowning. Just be kind and help wherever you can. The one you help today may be the one who helps you in the future.


Why are these people not at work ?