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You probably need to figure out what you want to do. I didn’t attend UVA for grad school but different programs in the same university can have different acceptance rates. Hell, even different labs in the same department can be very different in that regard, for traditional doctoral/researchy programs.


Just seconding this. I'm a PhD student in the humanities, and in my department we typically recieve hundreds of applications a year and only make like 8-12 offers.


Yeah, I think the people you asked are just being modest -- or honestly think of you as super bright/accomplished. Darden is very competative as far as acceptance goes.




Nope. Keep on keepin' on. If you're truly set on Darden, why not just speak with an admissions officer and ask him/her what you need to do to make yourself the best candidate you can be? You still have time.




By then you’d be a much different candidate and your question isn’t all that relevant to now. Jobs and relationships will pull you in unexpected directions. In many ways it’s easier because you’ll have real world experience, but it’s tough to watch older adults grind through an MBA program missing family milestones. Don’t wait too long.


11.6% acceptance for a Darden MBA, per Google. So it’s harder than undergrad to get in.


I'd suggest checking out the [MS in Commerce](http://explore.mcintire.virginia.edu/ms-commerce). Darden would probably want you to have several years of work experience before starting


MS Comm is if you screw up recruiting, I wouldn’t bank on it as a silver bullet.


Wait so MS Comm is only for people who were Comm grads but didn’t get the jobs they wanted?


There’s a lot of people in the program, hell I know a friend in it rn who wants to go into Project Management and I know another guy in my year who said if he doesn’t get the job he wants he’ll go to the MS Comm program and Re recruit for High Finance. It’s all up to what YOU want to do with the degree and also take note that your MS Comm would essentially be your MBA so think about if you want to go to McIntire instead of Darden


Oh weird. From my understanding of MS Comm it was either UVA Econ grads or a lot of people from other schools in state who graduated with business degrees. I didn’t think people who graduated with Finance and Accounting from McIntire would get MS In Commerce to recruit better


No youre exactly right, this is predominantly non-Comm kids who get the MS Comm degree I’m saying that they get it to recruit better or have a degree that works with their aspirations


Percent wise it’s harder, but a lot more depends on your life experience than undergrad admissions


Darden looks very closely at what you’ve done in the 2 to 4 years of work after undergrad.


Recruit with Econ, you’ll be fine