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Tbh I did this for the longest time without realizing what I was doing


That’s why I just leave your order BESIDE your door, and not directly in front of it.


I feel people just run on automatic and don't really think. In four years, I don't think I've ever left food right in front of a door that opens outward.


The main house doors typically open inward, but most screen or storm doors open outward




Some people lack the situational awareness to even realize what they did


I'm a delivery driver, and honestly, this is not something that would have occurred to me before seeing this post. I won't do it anymore, but also, this can be avoided by just opening the door more slowly or asking them to leave it somewhere else in the delivery notes.


Truthfully? I used to do it because I’ve never ordered delivery from Uber eats or door dash or anywhere, so I didn’t think about that. I have changed and reformed to placing orders down correctly now, but I have been the heathen before


Exactly I did this when I first started delivering and didn’t think about the person coming outside. My main concern was making sure it was at the right door.


Yep, was the same for me! I thought okay, got the right house and left.


Same, I first started. Then one day I noticed a hinge. And immediately cringed at the thought of all the “perfectly placed” deliveries I made.


I never do that, always leave about a meter away from the door unless the door opens from the inside, preferably if there is a table or bench to leave food on.


I would lower the tip if they did this to me, but normally I meet them at the driveway.


It’s common sense and insane to me


Just careless. I always put the bags at least several feet from the door or on a side chair/table. I've done that since I started.


Don’t worry. This is what you call NPC behavior. They were coded to drop the order off. It doesn’t matter how it is placed down, as long as it was delivered at the house, they are unaffected. You got the real people working and then you got the bots. I made categories for drivers based off what I see. You got the Hand Kissers -(Drivers who get off on doing the most to be praised and hope for the best tip.) Hand givers -(Drivers like myself who do exactly how and what they are told, no need to try and “impress” by doing the most. Just do what you think is NEEDED.) Hand smackers - (A small percentage of drivers who will hold your food hostage because they demand more money or completely sabotage your order if refused.)


“Closest possible spot to the door = best possible spot, right?” In all seriousness, this bothers me to no end. Pay attention people. It becomes impossible when there’s a drink involved and you gotta exit the house and go around to get it.


Put a sign on the floor with a big X that says drop food here


It’s a lack of common sense unfortunately. If it’s says leave at door, I try to find a table or chair. If there isn’t one, I will put it away from the door so it can open and they don’t step on it. I don’t knock or ring the bell unless it says to, or it’s deliver to customer, because I’ve had people yell at me for ringing the bell, despite them not specifying otherwise.


Yup. I realized this pretty quickly when I started delivering. If I were to deliver to this door, I’d place it just to the right, against the brick so you don’t have to step out to get it and can just bend down 😌


That’s because common sense isn’t so common anymore.


There's no shortage of dumbasses in any profession lol


Good drivers make sure not to do this, but to be fair outward opening doors are rare and quite idiotic unless they are a screen door.


>outward opening doors Literally all storm doors open out


In some parts of the country building codes require outward opening doors.


Stupid people are stupid.


Drivers that do this are remedial status. The easiest thing to do is notice if the door swings out or in; I learned that day one, and some drivers need to be in some type of remedial education class to deliver food.


Because they're clueless, don't care, or the customer didn't leave an outside light on at night and they couldn't see the way the door swings in or out.


My instructions always say to leave it on the black table next to the front door. Sometimes they still leave it on the floor. But once a guy went out of his way to hang my coffee order on the door handle of my screen door. So when I went to push the door open not realizing it was hanging there, my entire order fell and spilled everywhere. I think that was the one time I went and changed the tip to a big fat 0 cause thats gotta be common sense?? Like even if I saw it and had to go through my back door and go around my property to retrieve my order, not everyone has a back entrance.


We need a compilation of all of the reddit photos of this problem all in one spot😂 It's gonna be so many.


Some people also drive slow in the passing lane and leave their cart in the middle of the grocery aisle. I don't know how they get through life doing stuff like this but they probably sleep great at night.


They must think we’re going to hop out the window and get the food then walk in the house afterwards


happens to me all the time as well in sweden. one time i opened the door while the guy was still just a few feet away and i told him, very nicely, to keep that in mind and he seemed to just realize it for the first time :) hopefully he doesn't anymore \^\^


Haven’t figured out how to deliver yet.


Omg it's definitely a pet peeve of mine as a customer!!! I put in delivery comment "please leave to the right of front door". Most started following, but some don't regardless. And I'm a decent to really good tipper!


Ordered DoorDash last night and went through this. However, my biggest pet peeve is when they still ring the doorbell after my instructions say there’s no need to in the app. We have a Ring cam so I know when you and or the food is left at the door. Not to mention my pets go crazy when the doorbell goes off.


You think thats bad? I have a bug trap outside my front door thats SUPER sticky and drivers ALWAYS set the bag down on it causing me to have to rip the bag apart to get my stuff and throw the whole trap away. Instructions on the app clearly says not to place food on traps too btw


Can you set the tip to a negative number for stupid shit like this?


Some of the drivers actually don't listen to directions intentionally to piss people off. I swear




Well that's what happens when you've rented apartments your entire life.


Shit happens, that’s really the only reason! I think maybe one out of every 50 houses here has a storm door, would be easy to forget. Not really a big deal and easily preventable with a delivery note if it keeps happening


What does the type of door have to do with the mechanics of an object placed directly in front of a door?


The type of door will determine whether or not it opens inward or outward. Hope this helps!


What I'm intending to convey here is that excusing the "different doors exist, so you might forget" is much more cumbersome than just placing it off to the side to accommodate all situations


This makes sense! Delivery note would probably help regardless.


Grab ya food muppet


We have a storm door & always use the 'leave at door' memo. When we order food we leave the storm door open.


Funny thing about common sense - it's not very common


Uber. The Lowest common denominators for everything.


1) drivers are low IQ 2) these homeowners font make it all obvious where they’d rather have the food.


Driver here. I do the same as you, this is also why I don’t use these apps to get my food. Some drivers out there are freaking idiots, easier for me to just get the food myself. I’ve been burned so many times.


I have a table right next to my door and directly below my house numbers. I put in notes to leave the bag on the table. There is always an envelope with a few extra bucks on the table (in addition to the app tip) tucked under the edge of a plant pot that says "delivery person", which they'd see if they follow the instructions and make a little more money for the trouble. I still get my fucking door blocked every 3rd delivery or so. I don't understand it either.


The number of people in the comments who don't think the driver should avoid putting the order directly in front of the door is frankly appalling. Holy shit.


I tend to leave the food on a table or just about anything nearby, but I’m pretty sure when there’s nothing like that, I put the food next to the door. I figure that way even it opens inwards, they can step out to grab it because some people can’t bend over that easily from inside the house. But then I see these posts and I wonder if I’ve ever blocked a door because I do kind of zone out when I do this kind of work.


I am done with Uber eats . I have a bench. No cushion, just bench they are leaving on ground. Plus I say meet me and ring door bell I have camera they don’t I call them they admit they didn’t read note. I dislike them all at this point I am fed up myself. Last week was last one. I will still use Uber car service but no longer will get Uber eats


I delivery for uber eats and my first thought when I get one that says leave at the door and the door opens outwards I move it away so the door can open or right the the left or right of the door depending which way it opens. Same with chairs and benches if theres one there I feel it's common sense to put it up somewhere off the ground if possible.


I do the same, only makes sense. It's also the way I would want it having my food delivered to me


Jesus Christ most of these replies are unbelievably stupid. no one cares if YOUR door opens in, how is that relevant? it's common sense. that's it. actually, these replies perfectly show why drivers do this. because they're dumb.


We can't afford houses, and so never learned about doors. Next question.


This needs to be the top comment


I had a driver argue with me the other day because I said be careful about putting food in front of doors that open outward and he got pissed and said he's never seen a door open outward "especially not on a house" ok screen doors are fake apparently


Don’t tip AND report delivery drivers who can’t follow simple, rudimentary instructions


instructions: leave at my door


If it's Uber eats that's how they get a tip reduced and a bad review. If it's door dash all you can do is impact the review.


I was delivering an order to a house when another driver was also delivering to the same house. That guy made me feel like I was in the rat race movie. Believe me when I say many drivers are NOT thinking but just racing to deliver the most orders by any means necessary. The things I’ve seen other delivery drivers do is hilarious.


If it isn't in the instructions they aren't thinking about how much sense it doesn't make to block the door from being opened. They think they're getting it as close as possible but it's more of an inconvenience than it would ever be to open the door and take one step outside. Easy fix though. Just add a note to your delivery instructions. I know it seems like common sense but when you're tipping to have something done - if that's all it takes to get it done correctly.. even if seemingly unnecessary, it's a simple fix🤜🤛


As a driver I'd put it next to the door on the right side, also no I don't know why drivers and even parcel delivery people never take into account which way doors open.


Indeed. Even if the door opens in, I put it just to the side of the door. Unless there is a table or a chair.


I always place the order right beside the door. I don’t even think about where the hinges are. This really boggles my mind.


fr! this just avoids the problem entirely and avoids someone walking into your food (my dad did that to food i ordered once LMAO)


I think the assumption is that the door open inwards and so they don’t have to step outside to get the order. Lol bc that’s my thoughts 😂


Who has a screen door that opens inward? I delivered for Amazon and it's not that hard to put the package next to the door


The best is when they put the drink right up against the door so it immediately gets knocked over if you don’t go out the back door and walk around the house. You’re definitely getting a 1 star rating if you do this.


You’re assuming this is an intellectual job that people actually want to do well


My boyfriend and I often order food on the weekends and we always have this happen. They’ll set the food and drinks right in front of the screen door. Thankfully, I’m weirdly flexible and can usually squeeze through the few inches we can open it to grab it and then he opens the door fully so I can bring it in. But I’d love to not have to do a contortionist performance just for some lunch.


Leave at door duh


I don’t have to push open my front door I pull it open inside. So idc if people leave the bag like that


Every single time even with a large sign on my door that says it opens outwardly, do not put items in front of the door.


Although a lot of drivers won’t read it, put in the instructions not to block the storm door with the food delivery. Then give them a 2 rating if they fail to listen.


I think it’s either low IQ or someone who truly hates their life


They’re either stupid and deserve a low rating, or you tip for shit.


At this point it’s gotta be an inside joke and hilarious to them


Place a sign indicating where you would like your food. It works for me and my deliveries.


The other day a lady told me I was the first delivery driver to ever not block her door and she had ordered like 300 times.


Its lack of common sense, I’d go back and reduce the tip just for this.


Stupid/Lazy. I’ve been doing this for going on 4 years and realized, on my very first delivery, not to block the door.


People need to complain each and every time they do that


It might be habitual. The vast majority of external doors swing inward.




Most people are not very smart.


I’m embarrassed how hard I laughed at this


My opinion is, if you choose the option to leave at door then you should anticipate this to happen, unless you specify in the notes you want the order to be left a bit away from the door. Or even better, invest in a cheap small table and tell the driver to leave them on the table. Since you mention how a lot of drivers bother you with this, why not try to make changes on your end so you will not continue to get bothered by it?


you act like drivers don't just ignore instructions anyway. you could leave a big sign to leave on the table and they will STILL put it in front of your door.


This is so weird to me. Unless the house has a screen door (which isnt very common anymore), I've never seen a front door that opens outward here in Canada. Every house I've ever been to and every apartment always opens into the home.


Genuinely it’s because they don’t get paid enough and don’t care


Atleast the order made it to the correct address (presumably)


I only do this to people who don’t tip


As a driver, me neither lol.


Dude, same. I actively look at how doors swing before putting it down. Ain’t rocket science


As a USPS carrier, I always put packages by the handle where the door swings out so the customer doesn't have to be out getting and grab it quick and not blocking the door if I can. Bare minimum, not blocking the door.


Come to think of it, I can't recall a time a package carrier ever blocked my door with a package. But food delivery? They do it all the time.


It's much easier to place it overhead, wedged between the screen door and door. When they open the door... drops right into their greasy hands like a gift from the gods. 🤌


Common sense ain't so common


I always see this in the instructions and think man it’s pretty easy to tell when a door opens outwards. Don’t know how this stumps so many drivers.


Mostly newer drivers , even I would do this when I started , after some experience you get the hang of the best spots to place the food so it’s safe


They want you to unblock your door to UNLOCK the flavor baby


Well it did say "leave at door"


This happens to me all the time it drives me insane. Every time I put specific instructions for them to leave it down a few steps or at the bottom so I can open my door without ruining my food, and every time they ignore it


1 star won't doing this for long


It is all about common sense 💯


is it a massively american thing to have an outer door that swings outwards? as someone not from there i can see why this happens a lot, never thinking about doors that swing the wrong way lol


Storm/screen doors are extremely common here in the states. Anyone who lives here would be familiar with how they operate.


At least you got it by your door, I had a driver leave it on the grass a few inches away from the street curb around the corner from my house. He even took a picture of it which is how I was able to go find it. 😂 But I have also had that happen where they leave it in front of the door. I swung open my door once not realizing it and knocked the food everywhere.


Mindless people who really don’t care because they just simply delivered it 🤦‍♂️


For those suggesting get a small table or something, that doesn’t always work either. I have a small table and a chair right beside my door on either side, and still get some dashers put it directly in front of the door


Gonna assume they just don't think about it. They probably don't use delivery services and haven't really had it happen to them as a customer. Delivery services are an absolute money pit, and even making 6 figures I only do it 1-2 times a month because the delivery will cost half as much as my food, which is crazy bad value to me. I'd rather just pick it up chillin with my music. Disclaimer: not a delivery driver.


Before I was ever a driver I had two different experiences where I had to forfeit my drink to the ground bc there was no way to open the door with out knocking it down a cement stair outside. Now as a driver I ALWAYS pay attention to where I set bags and drinks bcuz man that shit pissed me off


Im fine with it but if you put instructions they should follow them


I have been a delivery driver and a customer a lot longer. Always have in my notes to driver: “please place order on bench next to front door. Do not block door with the food.” So far I’ve had drivers who consistently follow directions 🤞🏻


I give specific instructions to set the bag aside because my door is an outie


This one goes out to all my homies who know what a screen/secondary door is and how it functions.


It's literally in the "training" video were supposed to watch before we are abld to deliver on the app


Not every driver is smart


I just want to start dropping stuff off infront of garages for pitch black dropoffs.


I always set stuff to the side of the door. Same for the Amazon packages I deliver at my regular job. Some people don’t look down as they walk out the door and I don’t want anyone tripping over their shit either.


If you could find a little table or stool at a thrift store with an indication of where food orders go would be perfect.


lower barrier to entry = low worker standards. Untrained, don't care, don't realize, or just plain dumb.


If they were rocket scientists they’d be working for nasa


maybe leave a delivery note. or meet the driver at the door.


When I started dashing I didn’t know to do it, it just didn’t come to mind. After a few runs I figured it out, let your dasher know so they know for future reference.


Maybe they ain notice the door opens outward rather than inward lol my door opens inward


Yes, the door to your house always opens inward. A screen door in front of your door always opens outwards. Otherwise, how would you open the screen door from the outside of the house. Yalls generation is so fucked. 💀🤣


Do you expect the delivery drivers to have common sense? LOL


Who's front door opens outwards??


100% of screen doors.


In some parts of the country it’s building code to have outward opening doors.


Any door designed to withstand getting broken into? You know how much easier an inward opening door is to kick in?


If it opened outwards wouldn’t the hinges be accessible from the outside?


I guess technically the door in the picture is a patio door which usually has another door after it that opens inwards, which would make having two inward doors harder to use. Outward doors are better weatherproofing too


Have you never experienced a screen door?




Neither are some above minimum wage workers. Let’s not generalize everyone who drives for Uber eats.


I mean instructions say “leave in front of door” and not every driver is going to stop and think “hmmm which way does this door open” people make mindless mistakes and that’s just a part of life. I get that it’s frustrating though. But a mistake like this is a lot easier to make than you might think.


1. Some people can’t tell which way it opens. 2. DoorDash makes you retake the photo in front of the door or it won’t accept (Uber eats sometimes) 3. You tip 1$ and they drive 18 miles for $3 total so be happy someone accepted your order and actually brought it to you instead of canceling and eating it at least. People think the base pay is what delivery drivers live off of but seriously they don’t make shit and it’s very annoying hearing people complain about tipping now, if you can’t afford to tip why buy food? Go pick it up yourself if it’s too expensive or you want a better service, their pretty much only making the gas they wasted back and it really sucks, my brother and sister do Uber eats and I can tell you if it were me I’d be using it as a punching back and to wipe my ass after a shit if it were me doing these deliveries, honestly some of the most ungrateful people, but also to take into account Uber eats is pretty fucking stingy on keeping peoples money, I’ve seen the fees and my siblings never make that much. It’s crazy. The putting it in front of the door thing, I guess just put it on the delivery note to set it somewhere else after the photo because they have to take a photo first. Tipping culture should be demolished but for delivery drivers and actual great service from an establishment I feel it’s acceptable but there’s many reasons for the drivers to be mad too.


I know, right! Who orders from Qdoba?!?


No common sense.


I have instructions on my address for the driver to leave the order on the table next to my door and I still get drivers leaving it on the ground in front of the door. I don't get it.


In modern times if you dont have a little delivery table next to your door, youre out of fashion and deserve spilt food. :::Snaps fingers:::


please be satire


and toes


Seeing these posts in my recommended made me realize that when i used to doordash a few years ago, i did this for literally every order, and i just never realized.


Because you rushed by the app to get there as quickly as possible. You are reading the instructions as you run to the door with food in one arm and drinks in the other, and the phone is balanced on one of them. The solution is to either change the apps or place a small side table to make it easy and fast for the drivers. Most would stick the food on something off the ground if you gave them the option.


Small table yes. But after 6 years, stopped rushing a long while ago. No minute here and minute there makes the grind any less of a grind. Just sit and read the instructions in your car for 20 seconds.


On the one hand I agree, on the OTHER hand....it's Uber Eats, when those gigs tip bad they tip BAD, so... apathy? Not condoning it mind, just empathizing.


Easy; because people are stupid. 


I do it on purpose if you make me wait the whole 8 minutes on a meet a door order. I will make sure it's so close you have no option but to climb out the window to not spill it.


Weird after the 956 deliveries I’ve done I’ve never gotten a qdoba one


Tryvsetting a small table out there to the side of the door.


They shouldn’t have to do extra shit to get some common sense with the service they paid for


The real kudos is that this is a Qdoba delivery and not Chipotle




Amazon special


I literally kept rearranging the bag on my last order cause I didn’t want it to be next to door nor did I want it to be on the ground. They didn’t want me to knock so I could some bricks laying adjacent to the door and I just placed bag on top of them


gotta make em work a lil


When I leave at door I always take note of which way the door will open and place the bag so it won't get hit. I still get down votes.


My only note says please don’t block door. Before I put that, this would happen nearly every time


They're not smart to do that, but they come from all walks of life and get 0 training on how to do the only job they can get. Just be painfully specific in your instructions.


Because they are stupid.




I delivered something to a house after another driver who had added on 7!eleven order. She left it like this and I fixed it. There was no tip on my order too. I was on EBT. She probably got it.


UberEats has incredibly high turnover. It’s very likely that all of the drivers doing this are new.


If you think about it, it's kind of a miracle anyone ever gets their food 😅


Uber eats pays less and has a bug almost every delivery. Basically stopped doing any but incredibly high tips a few weeks back after having several bugs including not getting paid for deliveries.


The added craziness for me is that my last house has three steps up to the front door and the driver ALWAYS put the bag on the top step. It blew my fucking mind every time.


DoorDash might have a policy that the door has to be in the frame for the photo? I work for a courier service, and we need to have the door and house number in the photo before we can finish the delivery. Do you have a little table or something nearby?


dey so special


I always back it up or put it on the side. Walmart deliveries r worse they have barricaded my door basically lol


Every time we order through them we ether don’t get what we ordered or something is missing this is the thi time it’s happened fr separate restaurants.


They do this at my work all the time, I’ve knocked over other peoples’ food all the time. Someone set a Starbucks bag outside the main in the dark and I kicked it. There’s a bench and a callbox right outside the door but they place it blocking the door or foot traffic.


My door opens into my house. So. I actually prefer my food right on my doorstep


I always look at the door whether or not it swings outwards before placing it down. Usually i put it besides the door though.


Kinda feel like this goes both ways, though. Since they always do this, I always open the door very slowly. I have never knocked my stuff over. Its especially annoying cus I have a 3 piece table and chair set 2 steps from my front door...


You're operating like the average intelligence is analytical and present, OP. 


I literally made a sign that goes on my mailbox that says “Drop Food In Here” because they don’t read my directions to leave it on my stairs.


DRIVERS: Always put the food to side of the door. So even if you're low functioning or just miss it you won't have this issue.


Put a chair or bench outside your door. Problem solved lol


I never used these services. Do you pay a tip before or after delivery? If before, can you not change the tip due to bad service?


Well, when the average American has the intelligence level of a 6th grader, wtf do you expect ? I'm not saying it's right bcuz it isn't and something I've never done as a driver but the average American isn't aware or intelligent enough to grasp basic things anymore.


I remember Instacart Watchdog mentioning this. I kept this in mind ever since.


Simple solution. Go out, get in your car, and get the food yourself.


Imagine you’re really hungry and you just ordered your favorite soup and then by opening the door you knock it over and all of it pours out that’d be infuriating


Shitty tip?


That would piss me off. It’s a no brainer that screen doors open out.


If there's no tip and you're being an idiot on my way there sorry that's how it's being left


I might be the only one not seeing the issue with this specific positioning. From here it looks like it's at the same level as the ramp. It looks like it will be pushed forward, not pushed over.


I always check the door, but common sense is not that common. But if you order from a particularly far location with no tip or that symbolic $1 nonsense and live in a hard to get location like a large apartment complex and didn’t leave the gate code and leave vague or confusing directions and you got one of these doors then… 🤷🏼‍♂️ 📦🚪