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So basically, not only did you waste over 45 minutes of your time, you also wasted your one and only recoup of a lowered tip on 4 dollars. Bravo, you are quite principled.


The doormat was “aggressive”?


"aggressive doormat"


Are you located in AZ/ PHX? I swear I had this exact same door mat for a customer as well, and they tip baited my ass good, but it was on Instacart. I still have the pic of the damn mat, and I remember their apt number. I even remember laughing at the mat saying I need this one on my door. 😂 Side note: If you aren't a Lil Wayne listener or fan, you wouldn't understand the mat. It's a saying Lil Wayne says in a song. It isn't offensive, but I mean everyone is different on what is offensive and what isn't.


I think actually know this exact apartment complex the second they said how hard it was to find the elevator lol. The one in thinking of is fancy-ish and in richer part of town but the people in it are all trash and don’t tip well.


Yeah, that complex is so hard to deliver to. Just Peoria apartments, in general, are quite complicated, especially the sport complex area. Westgate is even worse in my eyes, but Camelback, Westgate, and Tempe Mill ave area take the cake for most hated areas to deliver. 😂


Maybe they saw you on the ring camera and didnt like your facial expressions or heard you mumble something who knows. I always try to look happy because we are always live lol.


Probably saw him snapping pics of the mat mumbling about how trashy it was before he even put the food down. Weirdo standing there taking pics in his own app of someone's *"aggressive"* floor mat.


That 42 minute call time made me sad, the $4 that followed made me sadder.


Don't forget to be sad about the 700 word essay they wrote that none of us are going to read


Agree that tip baiters suck but don't be a karen/Kevin over a doormat 🙄😒


Legit trying to ban bro for being a lil Wayne fan?? It sucks he tried to take 4$ from you lol but is it so serious you had to look at a rap lyric on a doormat lmfao…


Right! 😂 that part was so ridiculous that I HAD to laugh


https://preview.redd.it/ul1mdr37tlqc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f16848b5c4c073954a7f97c44dfc335e8eba5459 Must be an on going occurance... This 👆👆👆 is the best shit ever. Made my night!


What unsafe conditions did you report?


I'm on OPs side but the extensive complaints about the door mat has me side eyeing them. Can you clutch pearls any harder?


Being a Lil Wayne fan, duhh 🙄 "Help officer!! This guy listens to Lil Wayne!!" /s


The read was long enough to forget about checking the picture. I noticed it after your comment lol


The tip baiting really sucks and customer is a dick for that but op complaining about the door mat is definitely very pearl clutchy. Couldn't help but make fun of it lmfao


I agree with you but spite is a very dark and creepy way of responding to anything. It's best to avoid people like this.


I think you mean Mrs. Officer


The floor mat is horrific, I mean the grammar the text and the color?!??? I am surprised the apartment complex will allow this. They need to call the hoa board on this. 😡 /s for any that my sarcasm failed to noticed. Op needs to get over themselves.


Bro lmfao you spent god knows how long writing this and about an hour on the phone w Uber over $4 , congratulations




You spent nearly an hour of your time to make $4. Think about that for a moment. Out of curiosity, how far was this trip?




So it’s his fault the food wasn’t perfect? He delivered, he did his job. No need to change the tip after. What was imperfect about the delivery? Touching his doormat so take off $4? This is classic nonsense that’s done all the time and I see why these guys get pissed.


It could be the case that the customer wrongly blamed the driver for something, but claiming a person "has no reason" implies they are doing it just to be cruel or nasty, which likely isn't the case. At worst, the customer is being a cheapskate and acting within the rules set by Uber. With that said, I'm a driver also and would be bummed as well.


“It’s not about the money. It’s about sending a message.”




Drivers won’t take a delivery for $4 but will spend an hour on the phone for $4.


Yep - freaking Uber makes it a game of will and determination to get paid.


The point is, if everyone just accepts it, Uber will just let it continue.


Really? I thought the point was time is money


I had a similar experience. Next time, ask for a supervisor right away. The regular support can't/ won't do shit for you. The supervisor can and will compensate for the tip bait. More people need to do this when they are robbed via baiting. So many drivers just accept the ass fucking and move on. That's wrong. Call and demand your money. If we all did that, uber might actually put a stop to it. When uber compensates us for tip baiting , it comes out of uber pocket not the the customer.


Dude’s not getting banned. But congrats on getting your tip back!


That lil Wayne mat should’ve been a dead give away they was gonna scam lol


Way to show you assumptive ignorance


What’s wrong with the floor mat lol ? And wtf does it have to do with uber


Shame you didn’t see the customer Last Baiter I had to deal with ended up being a minor on a stolen account. Uber cares so much about that oopsie happening, since I made it clear someone violating their ToS from the start makes this their problem to fix, that they gave me 15$ instead of the 5$ I was owed


I was on your side but you doing way too much for $4. Anyway same thing happened to me a few weeks ago delivering to a hotel, I did the chat instead of calling and got my tip a few hours later wasn’t that hard.


> At first I was determined and felt a deep passion burning in me, but after 30 MINUTES OF BEING TRANSFERRED I was defeated. My spark had died, and it was now a test of endurance. I'm convinced that the only competent people they hire in support are the people who do the math to find these breaking points. I guarantee there are people who have painstakingly mastered the optimal point on the curve, plotting just how sucky they need to make the service in order to curb just the right amount of people from calling. There's eggheads who have sifted through the data and can tell you how many transfers, how much blatant incompetence, how long they need to make these morons speak without breaking, to not just get us off the phone but prevent us from calling back later. These people are meat shields first and foremost. It was never their intention for them to provide service or be a force that benefits you in any way. I get the same kind of depressed thinking about these things as I got when I read The Jungle.


Except they didn't even pay the tip. That money came out of Uber Eat's pocket. You didn't win, you broke even.


>You didn't win, you broke even There it is. With an hour wasted, I'd even question that.


Literally the last thing I ever want to do is be on the phone with support for even more than 20 minutes 😂


Very cool story


Aggressive doormat…it’s called a rap lyric🤣🤣🤣


Yeah but it's not even good rap like biggie or Em..it's bad rap


Lol "bad rap"?? it's one line 😂


Yes but I know what it's from. So it doesn't matter if it's one line or the whole song... This might be the dumbest thing I've replied to today.


You worked for only $6/hr to get that tip. I hope you were still making deliveries


This was reported to the safety department for an offensive doormat? And wishing for the customer to be banned for it? This is two bits much. I understand the frustration for reducing the tip but the rest is nuts.


I think the foundation is built on the audacity to reduce the tip for a perfect, timely delivery. The rest was a bit of “I can one up you if I must”.


Congrats! You spent 42 minutes of your life making the equivalent of $5.71/ hr. Was it worth it? Although I appreciate the time wasted of all overseas Uber employees that probably also made less than that, your efforts were high for such little payoff. The customer won't be affected, and if you think differently, you're fooling yourself. I hope you didn't have more important valuable things to do.


Another 42 minutes typing this novel*


Is not about the money.


What's it about?


If this is real, this is just petty and sad...


It's not petty or sad on the drivers part. It's called dignity and pride and trying to retain it.


Right, it's not about the money at this point.


lol how does dignity matter more than money


I don't know how much dignity you're supposed to have begging support for 42 minutes for a $4 tip when you made $1.75/mi even after the tip adjustment.


The guy was off shift , could've been on the toilet for all you know. The more customers do this, the more they feel they can do it to the next driver. After a while of all drivers called in to get their tips, siber will have to do something about it to the customer side. But of alot of drivers keep being clowns and lazy then it will persist.


This might have happened to me once over 500 deliveries. It's just not a prevalent enough thing to even skip a beat over. Most people even if they would reduce the tip for some legitimate reason forget and by then the hour has passed. I just had a delivery last night where the app took me to the wrong gate for a complex and the guy was waiting at the other one. Took me an extra few minutes to find him, and I expected a dock on the tip. Still got full tip. People don't do this very often, they really don't.


It's not common, depends on area. I've had two in a week. I've had the same person remove tip twice in one day. One order in morning, one on afternoon


I used to get tip baited pretty often but nothing crazy. Hilariously enough my tip baiters always flowed around 5-15 buck tips I don’t remember getting tip baited from any order that said more. When I would get tip baited though I’d just take the L and keep it going in the time it’ll take to get that sorted out I could’ve been making what the bait showed and then some


I had a late night order from Popeyes the other night. $21 offer for like a 12 mile drive, with the last 2 miles being from the restaurant to the customer. Get to Popeyes at 12:05am and it’s closed including the drive thru. No food there. No employees. No lights. Called Uber and yeah.. after 10 minutes or so on hold and being transferred to a supervisor, I get the standard $3 for the store being closed PLUS $15 from the supervisor! Thanks for being a platinum driver! 🤙🏼


Your lucky you actually got ahold of a supervisor. Some dumbass dude once told me if I returned all the items from a cancelled order back to Walmart that I would get the full delivery pay. Of course, once I did that and called back I was told I wasn’t getting more than the usual $3, the same $3 I would have still got even if I kept the fucking items. After an hour in the phone I was ultimately told no supervisors were available and one would call me back in 1-2 hours.. guess who never got a call back? 🙋🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ Yet when a customer falsely claimed they didn’t receive the food I delivered, support called me twice not even 5 minutes after the delivery and then again like 2 hours later. Hey Uber, 🖕🏼


all they have to do to stop most tip baiters is make the customer provide a valid reason **A*****ND PROOF*** before they even have the option to reduce the tip. problem solved.


but Uber still makes money if they only reduce the tip. we all know scammers won't stop there but Uber simply does not care, at all, about drivers. they think they have an endless supply.


Yeah, just sucks because it would be such an easy thing for them to implement. It might not stop or prevent everyone from scamming but I think it would definitely slow things down for the tip baiters. Sure, people would find other ways but I think the majority would just say 'ah well, that's the end of that. It was a good run.' and give up.


I totally get the idea that asking for a "valid reason" and proof when lowering or removing tips. That's where my head was when I first thought about tip baiting. Unfortunately, I see that going badly for drivers. Think of it--if you're the type of person who has no problem tip baiting and lying about the reason(customers already have to choose out of a list of reasons that Uber provides), they're not going to have a problem lying a little more to ensure they get their money back. Demand proof and those customers will go from clicking "I put in the wrong tip amount originally" or one of the minor reasons to clicking that they never got their food, or that they got the wrong order (snap a pic or Google one of a Wendy's bag when you ordered Popeyes). They're going to say that the driver didn't match the profile pic or that they were in a car instead of a bike. They're going to say that they felt unsafe. They're gonna say the driver parked on their lawn, and here are the pics of the deep tire marks he left on my grass! And so now these "valid reasons" and sometimes easily fabricated "proof" that customers created are going to be held against the driver as a reportable fuck up. Now on top of having your tip pulled, you have a report on your account. I really feel like it's got to be all or nothing. Doordash seems to have a better system (customer has to go through support, driver is still paid), but it would be cool if they kind of merged policy and so had the above *plus* the ability to easily increase the tip in the app. I also think they should monitor how often a particular customer takes the tip away, and after...idk 3 decreases/removals, that's it. Just like they do to customers with the refunds or with us and the $3-$4 inconvenience pay. The ability is just removed. Just my thoughts on this.


You worked an hour for $4. Congratulations, you “won.”


Seriously lol what a gargantuan waste of energy


I mean if it was $40 I get it but 40+ min of my time for $4 can't you make more than 4$ in 40 min from other orders? not being a dick just wondering


Uber drivers can chat with support while delivering.


ah ok I don't do Uber eats but I like reading stories on here lol


No worries.


From what I am getting is dude did do 1 more order afterwards because it was late. The phone call to support and everything was when he was just relaxing at home winding down for the night and then winding himself back up for $4.


okay yeah that makes sense 😂


It's not about the money at this point.


How ya derin?  That's a good song though! 


Geez! What a glorified story for something that is not a big deal…not to mention the judginess of the doormat/ppl.


Seriously. Oh no! Not Lil Wayne lyrics! Support probably hit him with the C&P like 🙄 "I'm sorry that you encountered that while delivering for Uber Eats. I understand that this can be frustrating. I've gone ahead and made a note in your account...*blah blah blah*." Makes me wonder why OP even took a picture with his own camera, outside of the app. Ngl, to be *that* offended (or otherwise negatively effected) by a door mat...that's kinda weird imo. It sucks ass being tip baited--I think we all experience that at least once or twice if we deliver long enough, and obviously some markets are worse than others. But spending over an hour--or almost an hour, it's a little unclear if it was all one running tally of time or 2 or 3 separate attempts--for $4 isn't something I think I'd be interested in doing.




Weezy F Baby and the f is for final boss


Man, how the heck don’t you know Lil Wayne! That song is golden, that mat is awesome. Getting someone in trouble for that is so low! Listen to some music!


I've listened to rap.my while life and couldn't name more than like two lil Wayne songs.


Thats honestly a shame


I think he is like the start of when rap just trended away from what I enjoyed. I'm also old as shit so like I'll always go for 90s rap before any other era


I ain’t reading all that bro


Strange thing to announce.


Even stranger thing to comment…you okay?


I ain't reading all that bro.


Not really. Isn't it stranger to come into a thread, not want to read it all and instead of just leaving... post a comment about how you're not going to read it? I've deff gone into threads and seen a text wall and left, never did it cross my mind to let everyone know my decision 🙃


It’s not, because it’s a commentary in the verbose nature of OP’s content.


I've read your reply.


Thank you for taking the time to read my reply


This is so sad….only for 4$


Spite. This was pure pure spite and I am here for it.


To bad we cant see the future and tip thibg and know when tbey may do that id have taken the food said it got damaged lol


Uber eats customers are the worst, it’s why I choose DoorDash. I’d do grubhub cause they go one step further and ditch the rating system too but they dont allow bike delivery


Talk about having no life.. (OP, not the customer)


All i know is you went and cried to support over $4 when you deserved to lose the tip for being a judgy mf about doormats of all things. That doormat is dope, i can't imagine being around the type of person that calls it trashy🤢


Hell yeah, that doormat is awesome.


If you don't find it trashy you probably are trashy.


Nah, it’s trashy as hell


I seem to remember every bad delivery or pickup from restaurant. I sometimes won’t pick up at restaurants if that bad experience creeps into my mind.


Me with every Popeyes around.


You’re my hero!


Uber purposely makes it difficult so people will hang up and forget about it


I never go through support for these situations, I just raise my rates for a few days and do DD at my normal rate. The algorithm seems to be compliant when this shit happens but that’s just my experience.


wtf are you talking about raising your rates


How is it that Uber support is better for drivers than for customers? I was promised for a full refund for an order when it arrived (complicated reason), but the next agents didn’t help me at all . Trust me, I tried everything. I had to dispute. How do the drivers get some semblance of (not great but) functional support?


I had a similar issue as a customer where they transferred me around for 30 minutes for an order I absolutely never received despite paying for. They kept feeding me responses from a script that weren’t even answers to what I was asking. Eventually they mentioned something about emailing a manager, and so I did and just told them I’d charge it back if they didn’t give me a refund. They immediately refunded it lol.


Can I get this manager email


This was a few years ago. BTW I don’t think they actually gave me some personal email for a manager. That was just how they worded it to me. If I remember correctly it was just like a shared email for a certain department or something.


Holy god no one is reading all of that Jesus christ.


I’m about to be done soon doing this job. I have snapshots of customers address who do this. Don’t need to say much more.


Do you just screenshot everyone's address and then delete it when the tip comes through?


Nah, I always use Google maps as my navigation, it saves it for a little while. I snapshot the address. And honestly it’s a smaller town, so it’s even easy to remember. Especially if they do it all the time.


Ah, lol. That makes way more sense. Thanks for responding in good faith! Hope you have a lucrative week!


I'm not sure this is painting a picture of you or coming across the way you intended it to, OP. You got your money back in the end, and if that was worth it to you, good. As a side note, I do hope you're able to recover fully from having been subjected to such a horrifically offensive ::checks notes:: *door mat*. /s


You’re kinda the annoying one here you’re giving too much a opinion on everything and being judge-mental just deliver the food you’re getting paid to deliver


Would’ve taken my anger on the next low tip order.


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I wait until I have another order and then initiate the call to support. Tell them I’ll quit right then and not deliver the order I have if not compensated for the stolen tip. They then have to decide between paying the tip amount or losing a customer’s order. Either way, I’m being compensated for that stolen tip. I get my tip money every time.


Maybe they didn’t appreciate the extra photos you took of their front door.


yeah I think op forgot customers can tell when they're infront of the door


Crazy you wrote a whole novel over $4


All this for a tip


All this for $4. It took over an hour of OPs life for $4


Thanks OP. I didn’t read shit but I did just buy one with a 2chainz quote.




I'm sorry for you buddy if you think tearing up a flimsy piece of material in anger (over a job you are doing of your own free will) is worth taking the merciless beating you should be getting from the customer... More power to you and .....at lewet won't have to worry about missing work while you heal.


So you'd have gone back to their apartment complex an hour later, went up to their 5th floor apartment, and would've just went ape shit on their door mat? 🤣 Sure, Jan. And I'm sure everyone in all the other apartments would've clapped. Might've been worth it until you realize you were caught on camera and have a video going viral, or the customer catches you in the act and calls the cops or just comes out throwing fists. "Trashing" a fucking door mat, getting deactivated, and possibly getting hurt or arrested. Totally worth it.


Congrats psycho


yall mfs are so entitled it’s actually insufferable.


What do you mean? If it’s about the price difference than you, my friend, aren’t too bright… if you order a burger and it says $9.99 on the menu, then after you eat the burger they tell you it’s actually $15.99 are you going to be pissed??…it’s the same principle…if I get an offer for $20 I don’t care if Uber pays me the $20 or the customer…but I accept the order to make that amount


bruh you’re an asshole! also why would you call a doormat trashy and aggressive? cuz it’s a rap lyric?


I read this and knew exactly why OP has to drive for UberEATs


Good on you! Fun read lol


It‘s crazy people actually put a $12 tip. UberEats is already deliriously expensive without a tip and if you live in an urban area it appears it’s easy to get people to deliver to you even without a tip / very low tip.. during my time in the US I ordered UberEats everyday and always tipped precisely $1 and never had any issues with drivers, my orders were always accepted and delivered quickly and everyone was perfectly nice..


Must be nice to have never been or had a relationship with a service worker in your life.


What does that mean?


I think he been living the lyrics of T-Pain’s “I’m in love with a stripper.”


He thinks he is entitled to a tip


They accepted the order so clearly it was enough for them. No need to tip extra. Also W2 service employees just love complaining. I’m not tipping 20% when they already make $15.29/hr


They accepted it with 12$ tip. Not without. Don't be a trash human.


They’re not talking about that. Also it was a $4 tip not $12. $8+ basepay which means the order was probably cancelled by drivers multiple times which delayed it which lead to the customer removing the tip


The other thing people don't think about is that when that happens, the customer usually receives cold food. Which, depending on the restaurant, could basically mean ruined food. Which is why they remove the tip. It's not the one who delivers its fault. But from the customer's perspective, they used the service, and it was delivered late and cold. But on the other hand they could have gotten refunded for the meal. If they do, they would get their tip back too. Which could be what happened here, which is why support gave him the 4 dollars.


>Also W2 service employees just love complaining Who are you talking about?


Get a real job and this won’t happen


lol 😂  No I’m not laughing *with* you 


They call themselves independent contractors but yet go to Uber for their change😂


I dunno about you, but if i made a post a few days ago about how fucking bad i am at my job i wouldn't rag on people about theirs. Glass houses, champ.


I have adhd and just started a job as a mechanic so that is my reason but y’all literally want customers to pay ur bills when ur a so called independent contractor and yet this happens cuz Uber allows it. Y’all will try to find things to say to hurt me but it’s showing me ur insecure 😂


He deleted all his posts except 1 😂


Deleted the post that made him seem like a fallible human, but kept the comment up that makes him look like a smug dickhead. Very telling. But that's ok, Pepperidge farm remembers.


Omfg I really hope for your sake that picture isn’t you.. would explain your miserable comments though




Look like the white wwe Dudley boyz wrestler, except a bit more inbred a hell of a lot more gay


😂I took that pic after leaving ur moms house last weekend


why are you commenting on ubereats and doordash posts?


A real job is doing work and being paid for it. And you realize the gig economy isn’t small right??? It was launched and consumers piled on. So who would deliver lazy/busy/disabled people’s food, groceries, liquor, etc?? There’s a demand for it. But prob is it became mainstream when govt was handing out cash for covid. Then ppl liked it. And those that can’t really afford it, still used it. Rent owed but I still need my UE!!


Why do you obsessively post negatively on Uber/DD/instacart threads?


Honestly, if that was your attitude before the tip adjustment then you kind of deserve it.




I just wish I could see the pictures lol