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As an Uber Eats delivery driver, I am trying to figure that out myself. Why steal food? What is the purpose? I get tired of being the sixth one down that receives the order and has the sense to call Uber to cancel the order and return the money to the customer.


It makes all the sense in the world to scumbags who don't care about their job. Stealing a large order it just a fringe benefit of the job to them. Besides, they could easily be using stolen accounts. One gets deactivated, pick up another one.


Yet I can’t get a job bc an old no insurance charge. And I have to have insurance for a year per court order.


Or try to renew your DL 20 frigging years after an incident IN ANOTHER STATE and get denied saying you have do all of the BS from that older state that you did 20yrs ago BUT they have no records so you're stuck between spending $800 for nothing and spending several weeks doing something you already did 20yrs ago. Sorry had to vent. Florida fuxking sucks and so does Illinois


Yup I completely feel this and I think it’s the people that honestly steal the food is that they just don’t care and they’ll make up some thing that they couldn’t deliver it because something was wrong or something! It’s just really sad who they have on the platform right now


It's ridiculous isn't? Lol. It sucks for people like us, who genuinely trying to make an honest living.


>Why steal food? What is the purpose? I don't know, it confounds all logic. If I had to just make something up on the spot though, I'd guess they must enjoy having the food without having to pay for it. Again, a lot of crazy people out there thinking all sorts of crazy shit... no point in trying to make sense of any of it.


Not to mention the customer has probably been waiting 1-2 hours for food and has no clue what’s going on. These drivers that are too petty to call because “it’s a waste of time”, what about the customer? I’m sure they appreciate it if the roles were reversed.


You do realize that customers steal their own food sometimes too. I've seen it happen where the customer picks up their own order they placed then let driver after driver cancel until they get a refund. So they got free food.


I say that if this is happening to one customer that many times, it is being delivered to the wrong address


So ? What’s your point ?


Because most of this is not theft by driver and possibly theft by a neighbor, or drivers sre going to the wrong address for some reason.Drivers will get kicked off the app for consistent theft


Most drivers just cancel when the restaurant says its already been picked up. Reason being, they will only give you $3 for calling in to cancel. This takes like 10-15mins to do it. Not to mention, you can only get the $3 so many times before you get capped out. Like I've reported a few, and I already am capped out, so if i spend the time to call in to cancel I wont even get paid for anything. just waste my time and gas for free. It's just quicker to cancel and move on. We don't get paid This isn't nothing knew, it's been happening for very long time.


It literally takes like 1 minute of you do it through the chat 💬


That's what I'm saying. I dont know where 15 to 30 min is coming from, lol


In certain circumstances, we have to call, though.


I don't know where you are finding these super-responsive chat people, but the last time it happened to me I literally called Support AND chatted Support, and chat was faster, but I still spent fifteen minutes in the parking lot. And this was after the girl at the counter told me "You're the third person who's come to pick up this order."


Not if you've had to do it too many times. Uber has a limit to where their system caps the amount of compensation and then you'll have to call in and have them send an appeal. That appeal usually takes about a week and during that week you have to call and speak to a supervisor every time you need compensation since regular support agents can't get around the compensation system like a supervisor can.


Talking to a supervisor is harder than trying to find a unicorn order. I'm convinced the first line agents are highly trained in gatekeeping the supervisor access button.


I've been reporting them for over 4 years and never reached any cap. When I used to work late night I would report at least 2-3 every night and still no cap.


It's around $30 in a single day is when they cap your account and you have to have support submit an appeal for you. My area is rampant in orders being stolen


Definitely never come close to that. Most I've ever had to do in 1 day was maybe 5 or 6.


10-15 min if you’re lucky. I’ve averaged 30+ min when I had to. Luckily it was at the end of my “shift”


exactly, its just not worth any drivers time to call and report it. better off just canceling via app and it keeps getting kicked around.


I’ve had support tell me it would count against me when there was a gas leak at the restaurant because they couldn’t get in touch with the restaurant. The brain on these people. I was talking with them for 30 min that night only to have to call another day to talk to a higher up because I wasn’t paid like I was supposed to.


I will sit there and call, but Uber has a chat bot. YOU get your 3 dollars fast.


You can do it via chat in less than 30 seconds...


I've never got $3 from chat. It just cancels the order. If I want the money, it has been my experience that I have to talk to a human.


Ever since they introduced the chat option, that's all I have used and got the $3 every time.


It literally takes 2 mins to chat to their support team and for them to reimburse you.


I drive between NY and NYC. It's so crazy when I contact CS for my compensation. They hit me with that: "You're covered under NYC guaranteed earnings." Like no, I'm not covered. I'm 50 miles away from NYC.


Takes less than 2 minutes if you use the chat. And I have always reported them for 4+ years and have never been "capped out."


Took a whole 1 minute https://preview.redd.it/gl9g9yz1umvc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d3fbf81607556c4882e04f86e291392a3d1aea0


It actually takes about 30 seconds now to get your payment. Go to support in the app, then clicked on someone else picked up order. Then, click to cancel it and boom $3 super fast. $5 for a Walmart order I believe.


*anything new


Until they banned you from getting the 3 dollars because you supposedly request it too many times They did that to me That’s why I just unnasigned and don’t make it my problem any more


A lot of places make you confirm the order now in front of them because of this


There is one Thai restaurant in my area where you have to scan a barcode on the receipt to confirm the pick up. You can not confirm unless you scan the barcode. Genius! Whoever came up with that idea 💡


You get some shops who have you confirm the order before giving it to you. Some are rude about it, but I don’t blame em. It takes a couple to ruin it for the rest of us


It's wild how places think you're going to steal the food but trust you enough to deliver without tampering with the package.


Even if it is confirmed, that doesn't mean it gets delivered....I just watched a driver deliver to the wrong address.


Yeah but the restaurant doesn’t take the hit in that case. Once the driver confirms the order, the restaurant does like Pontius Pilate and wash its hands. With what OP is saying, drivers taking food without confirming can affect the restaurant.


I get that, but it still doesn't resolve the customer issue of not getting food. I have had a CSR that will call the store and have the restaurant remake the order. I don't think it is reasonable to expect the driver to wait without extra pay, though. Two expected me to wait 30 minutes for food. One. I waited for and was paid more. One, I was paid little, and one, I was paid nothing extra, but after the delivery, they sent another 2 with over the top pay. One. I REFUSED. I actually think the CSR doesn't trust drivers either....I have had a few to exclaim that my driver record is good. and they said it repeatedly, as if they were checking my incidents vs actually helping. This job is getting more and more like B S.


That’s actually not 100% true. When another driver shows, if the order isn’t there then we get banged with the cancellation. As a manager I hate these services. I also never remake an order unless the service resubmits it.


Not true. The restaurant does not take the hit if an order is stolen, UE does.


So would UE reimburse the restaurant for the food on top of the customers refund if the food gets stolen and the customer wants a refund? Would they pay the restaurant for another order if the customers order was stolen, and customer decides they want the food?




Let’s call it what it is.. it’s bummy and low class to steal peoples food. It’s sad some people would rather put all that effort into being a crummy person then work and be respectable human beings


I'm not gonna lie to you, chief. It takes less effort to steal it than to finish the delivery.


Still takes less effort to gig work versus working at a factory. 🤷‍♀️I'm definitely not trying to lose my account over a meal. Just saying.


While it sucks keep in mind once it gets cancelled enough times the base is maxed at $35. I have had many easy deliveries or payouts like this by having them remake it. There are other ways to get paid instead of the $3 they want to give you. Sometimes if it's cheap enough you can offer to pay for it and split the difference 😁


Yeah I've done this before but it's rare that it's worth it .


True, sometimes depending on who you get on the phone you can get support to give you the base pay instead of the small payment. So far I've had about a dozen like that this year where someone stole it and I wasn't about to let that money go especially considering how slow it has been lately haha


I think out of 100 stolen orders, I might have successfully had them remade maybe 2-3 times. I even called support and got them on the line to tell them they'd get paid to remake it. They were like "Great. Send us a new ticket and we'll remake it." I think the restaurants are to blame when orders get stolen, because it could be prevented completely if they make the drivers confirm, but they choose not to. Then when the order got stolen on their watch, they shrug it off because they know there's no consequences. Today I called support and escalated after I waited at a McDonalds for 20 minutes just to finally be told the order was already picked up. Losing that pay was too big a pill to swallow, so I called this one in. It gets applied as a courtesy credit, which they would apply once or twice no matter what you said your reason was. You might as well use them periodically. It took about 20 minutes, but I was doing a Dash on hourly while I was holding for a supervisor.


100%. Whenever a restaurant makes me confirm order I thank them and ask them to do it all the time. I’m not in this for a free meal. I accepted the order to make money. Hey Uber make them confirm driver fully marked order picked up or store doesn’t get paid. They all make drivers confirm then.


>Whenever a restaurant makes me confirm order I thank them and ask them to do it all the time. Me too! Especially when they seem scared or apologetic. I absolutely can't understand why drivers are so prone to making a scene when being asked to confirm a fucking order.


The system should make restaurants confirm driver and order picked up. And driver to confirm that they actually got order. Then no one can claim they didn’t start order delivery


I've been through this as well. Very frustrating. You would think after it's happened to certain businesses a few times, they would change how they let the orders go out (rack or not making people confirm before leaving). Unfortunately, it seems like they don't care.


It’s not a “trend going around.” It has been happening for years. It’s nothing new.


I remember I had driven so far to pick up food for a customer and the order was a pretty high paying one, I was driving around for a while so I was so excited, I got to the counter and the server tells me, “oh someone already came to pick that up”, I had obviously accepted the order so the only person that was supposed to pick it up was me, someone stole that shit. So not only did they get into the way of my bread but they fucked the customer too. People are fucked.


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There was a thread here recently about someone not giving extra tip on a high value. The number of people who suggested helping themselves to something as 'compensation' was rather eye opening...


That's pretty messed up too. However stealing food isn't the answer either. Customers need to just be educated on the pay scale of drivers, and need to understand that drivers depend on their tips to survive. That's it. Those same people who are comfortable sitting on their throne of "money", can very easily lose it all one day, and they will be living in squalor just like the rest of us.


I work at a package store who deals with doordash. We are not allowed to give the order to the driver without conformation of who it is and they have to hit the picked up button in front of us.


This happened to me yesterday, I messaged support saying the order was picked up by someone else and asked for compensation. Pretty sure they gave me $4 for not too much waiting, you just have to ask for it because they won’t hand it out freely.


The real answer is that they don't get in trouble for a few times. That said, it's a very shitty thing to do.


We could solve food theft it everyone just listened to OP


Those people aren't trying to do the job... they're just trying to get some weed money and then fulfill their munchie madness.


Happened to me three times last week. Went to get order and the restaurant said it was picked up already.


In the immortal words of one legendary Dasher: "I am hungry your food."


To get ppl to quit cuz they be getting all greedy taking all the shit and leave the terrible orders to us


Well to be fair, it’s not a driver stealing unless it is proven. It could be any random Joe that rocked up to the restaurant and knocked off an unattended bag. Even restaurant staff steal orders when they are completing their shifts.


I’ve often wondered about that, like when I was traveling and I had lunch at a chipotle, and all the online orders were just on a shelf, if I just walked in, looked at my cellphone, pretended to look for an order that matched my cellphone, and then grabbed something and walked out, never to be seen again, would there be anything stopping me?


It could also be the customer who ordered it as delivery but then decided to just go pick it up instead. They pick it up themselves, the driver shows up after them, no food is there, and the endless cycle begins. It can also be a customer doing this intentionally so that they can say they never received their food and then getting an easy refund.


I just had one yesterday from a halal restaurant and they keep the orders behind the counter. When you think about it they’re dumb af for doing that but not making people confirm pickup.


All forms of theft are on the up because of the current economic climate. All the restaurants have to do is make the driver swipe to confirm pickup on the app. Some restaurants don’t care because Uber still pays them for the order and they don’t bother to remake it. If Uber stopped paying the restaurants for the stolen orders then all restaurants would immediately make you swipe to confirm pickup


The restaurant should bear all the cost including the full pay to driver for stolen foods. I can guarantee restaurants will make every driver swipe confirmed pickup.


In a lot of cases, it doesn't have to be a driver that steals food. As a driver, almost the only time I interact with a restaurant employee is when the food isn't ready. Orders that are ready are put on a designated shelf or table where anyone can pick them up and take them. No one from the restaurant checks. It could be a driver. Drivers aren't inherently more honest or dishonest than anyone else. But the scenario you outlined would only be used by a particularly stupid driver. There's no reason to accept the order to find food waiting at a restaurant. In fact, if you accept enough orders and don't pick them up for whatever reason, you can get kicked off the platform. And you've associated yourself with that order. Their algorithms could detect that a lot of orders you accept and don't deliver are stolen. I would say drivers are less likely to steal food. If a random person walks up to the delivery rack and walks off with an order, the only result is free food. But a driver who does this contributes to a system where from time to time, they will drive to a restaurant at their own cost to find an order missing. Now, it either costs them the expense to have gone to the restaurant and the consequence of dropping it or valuable time waiting for the order to be remade. Again, I don't doubt that there are some stupid, corrupt drivers stealing food. But I think the vast majority of delivery orders are stolen by random scammers that have become so prevalent in the world.


It isn’t always a driver. It can also be the customer who ordered it as delivery but then decided to just go pick it up instead. They pick it up themselves, the driver shows up after them, no food is there, and the endless cycle begins. It can also be a customer doing this intentionally so that they can say they never received their food and then getting an easy refund.


Why? Because some have no morality. Simple foundation of a normal society. Some are simply scums of the earth. That's the reality and the world we live in


Why are customers not courteous to drivers?...you order food but when a driver calls or texts, you don't answer...You just ordered food!!!!!. If I am calling you, it is because I am having difficulty with your address or asking if you want a substitution. When you call the store and say that you didn't get your food, you affect me, the driver, who just spent 30 minutes on your delivery. If I do find you and you downgrade me, that is some B S. I am often. riding with more than one delivery, and you just caused me to be later to that one too. All of these problems would have been resolved if you would have answered your phone from Dash because you just ordered food, and should have been looking for it. If customers are getting that many bad drivers, it is because the apps are losing better drivers because we are tired of the B S from customers, businesses, and the gas lighting apps....Different perspective, ehh?


That is the most elaborate deflection I have ever heard


I tried to suggest to a manager that he have drivers confirm after the third row I went to get food from his store, and it was gone. He said, "I don't care, it's not my money" some people are just lazy I guess.




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I don’t usually pick up fast food but the restaurants I go to ask you to confirm before you leave. They literally wanna see you swipe to confirm


I always ask the restaurant "will they be willing to remake the order?" I'm often told you're the 5th driver that has come here. Many times they will re-make it. Always keep the customer informed on what happened and that the store has agreed to remake their order. Much better than the $3 and you often get tipped nicely.


So there's this new thing people are doing. There's things that don't belong to them. They didn't earn them, and they're not entitled to them. But even in spite of all that, it's like they're just taking those things anyway and just keeping them for themselves. I've never seen anything like it.


Your sarcasm deserves a gold star.


Thank you! I've been doing this for so long and I have never received the recognition that I -- WAIT A MINUTEEEE...!




I really don’t understand why people still food and the gig market. I am trying to earn money to pay my bills or buy nice things. Food will get me none of that.


If someone steals three meals a day that pays for breakfast, lunch and dinner which is more in their pocket while they make regular deliveries in between.


Unless they’re homelesss… They should have groceries at home. 😶 and I’d assume that Uber would catch on to their behavior if drivers start calling. I mean some restaurants are now pulling cameras just to get the identification of people.


They want the food and the money. Nah i honestly think it's a glitch. if I'm averaging over $25/hr mysteriously i get orders where "it's already been picked up". I'll get like 1 or 2 until I'm down to $20/hr. It's not a huge annoyance but it is unusual when it does happen


It happened to me as a user ordering. The restaurant called me and were like, a driver came to pick up and then another one came, it seems the first driver stole your food, you have to contact uber to cancel. The second driver unassigned himself from the order, and another one was assigned… So I contacted the Uber customer service and they were of no help, not understanding, the clerk was like « Your other is being picked up right now! ». Finally it got canceled, i guess by the restaurant or something? Then the clerk was like « oh sorry your order got canceled, here is 5$ for your time, is there something else i can do for you? ». Then told them, well maybe you’d like to look into the first driver assigned to the order since it seems he stole my food. And they were just ignoring, repeating « what else can I do for you? » From my viewpoint, it seems like they don’t take this shit seriously.


I don’t get it either. You can obviously afford a phone to do UE on and a car to get there. Why can’t you pay for your own food?


Bigger question: As rampant as this is, why not have drivers pickup orders using a pin? Maybe McDonalds or other fast food do not want to devote a person to take 15 seconds with a driver, but certainly high end restaurants should use a pin. With all the money these gig apps rake in, and then spend frivolously on salaries and “marketing.” Why not invest in the actual system and have fingerprint pickup, or at least a pin pad, or something to stop shrink. I would love to know who is eating all this shrink? What does Uber eat (pun) and what does the restaurant on all these stolen orders….


They also take and confirm it and claim car trouble.


That’s insane! Uber should reimburse you for the time wasted because you didn’t get your fare!


Only steal shitty orders




I figured they do this when the pay is insulting and the tip is nonexistent. What I’d rather do is wait outside the restaurant for ten minutes, and then collect $4 if it’s more than the pay for picking up and delivering the food is.


I mean, maybe they're hungry? I dunno. I don't get it either, but it seems like the logical conclusion.


I am about to do that seeing Ubereats won’t refund my order when I order $50 ribs and got someone’s $10 chicken. Fuc Uber. This might be only way ti get even 😂


Well the people who stole the food did not accept the delivery at a high dollar amount. The price goes higher and higher be cause no one reports the theft to a live agent.


but if u accepted the order doesnt that point directly at who stole it?


People are hungry and this job isn’t exactly the best paying job in the world so they resort to stealing. It’s the same reason anyone else steals anything.


Obviously because they are hungry.


High dollar? I doubt it. Maybe you think it's high dollar because by the time it gets to you it's high dollar after several other drivers have shown up after the order was stolen. They're probably stealing orders because the rates are so low. I just decline all the crap orders. I kind of don't blame them


That’s messed up. I’ve experienced this where I have literally gone to pick up an order and it’s already picked up. I’ll never understand because I am the opposite. Make sure that the food gets to the customer.


And apparently Uber won't give the customer a refund.


I could steal food regularly without even losing the delivery I’m actually there to pick up. Many places leave multiple bags of food out with no verification required to take as many bags as you want… I’m not a scumbag. That’s the difference. This is like asking why someone would hit a dog. There’s no acceptable answer.


I don’t understand why all the restaurants don’t check the orders on phones. I run into this pretty often and it’s always a bummer not only do you waste your time but it also goes against your completion rating to report and drop it.


The real question is here. Why is uber stealing from drivers and customers?


I completely hate these people, who steal these orders cuz I literally cannot afford to not have any orders like this and to have my energy wasted gas wasted. To just find out it was stolen by someone is just debilitating I just lost a $40 order


No one is stealing high paying deliveries lol they are stealing no tip $2 deliveries and after many drivers arrive at the restaurant and cancel Uber raises the base pay because they don’t know the order is stolen.


This is likely the best scenario.


Honestly, this is nearly all the orders in my area. I will confess that I've done it. I've had it done to me and it does suck to wait. Do I feel guilty? Sure! But I had been taking orders all day and only made enough to put some gas back in the tank. I took a double order without realizing how far the second one was and I canceled that shit and kept the food. It wasn't good food, but it was nice to eat that day! I've since stopped delivering out here. $4 for 9 miles and countless potholes is not worth it.


They send 19 drivers not just you. Then they have a selection in app that food picked up already but your CR goes down and $0. In just saying yes your right the system is broken


It’s more like - random person steals it off the shelf…. First driver shows up, the restaurant says it’s been picked up by a driver already. Uber doesn’t pay you more than peanuts to be on hold with them for 15-30 min while they try to call customer and restaurant to make sense of a simple concept , foods been stolen by some random guy So drivers just cancel and move on to the next order. If Uber paid up to get rid of bad / stolen orders drivers would wait on support to clear it out, but they don’t so the situation is what it is now I’ve been the 7th driver to show up for a stolen order one night. Guess what - I told the guy at the restaurant you should expect another one after me in about 15 min lol . He’s like seriously. I said hey your on the time clock call Uber if you don’t want us coming in for this order


I think this is also a plausible answer, when nobody is guarding the pick up point. Any random person could just come in and take orders. Any neighbor could also do it.


At the restaurant I work at now we don't even have an Uber tablet. All of our orders go to Uber, but we don't have any access to order numbers so calling support is completely useless. They tell us the orders don't exist. People are always stealing the food and the customers are irritated as hell. Instead of trying to mend it or fix our situation management just tells the customer to call Uber. Even though the customer never placed an Uber order. Idk it all feels so weird and stupid. As a consumer, I'd be livid.


Trip Radar is also messing up and creating duplicates. I have multiple creenshots of when trip radar is offering 2 trips (one a single and one a stack). The stack offer also contains the single drop. So, if 2 people accept, it's going to send 2 drivers (one who got the stack and who who got the single) and then the food is "already picked up" Trip Radar is a mess.


I hate radar with every ounce of my soul. It's also distracting the way its notification pops up over a new offer, like wtf! And I hate accidentally accepting one because of how random it pops up while I'm on the main screen clicking something else.


Agreed it’s not only high dollar restaurants it’s regular ones as well and for the driver that just unassigns and moves on they are just as bad as the person stealing. The next 5 people until one with brains calls and has the order marked it will sit in the system for additional drivers to pick up. For fast food I have come to the conclusion that the homeless go in and take them and these stores can be bothered by their lobby to even acknowledge people there. Sad part is they refuse to remake the orders and cause a lot of drama just because they don’t want to secure their orders.


If it was ten times. It is not a driver doing it.


Why do you guys steal food? Probably the same reason why you make a massive order with no tip to an outrageous long distance trip.


I can only speak for myself but I’d imagine it’s because the customer didn’t tip well. But then again, I pulled up to multiple restaurants ready to pick up a $30+ order that was a <5 mile trip and they were still stolen by other drivers…


Gonna point out resraurants frequently try to give drivers the wrong order out of negligence, so poof! Your order goes missing, but no one actually stole it, and so the circle of confusion begins.


In my experience it's rarely the driver, usually it's restaurant staff or random people off the street stealing food. It's by far the fastest way to lose you account as a driver.


There’s a McD’s in my town where they leave order pickups on a shelf out in the open. I have seen on two occasions where a homeless dude(at least appears that way) will walk out the door with a sealed brown bag(UE or DD). The staff gives zero fucks and never have a customer verify the order.


Or sometimes the customer themselves! Easy way to get your food and your money back.


Oh, asking the drivers who steal to consider the larger repercussions of their actions is a fruitless endeavor; if they were capable of empathy exercises or bigger picture thinking they wouldn’t be such twats in the first place.


>To those people I say, Imagine all the people's time and energy you wasted, The person simply didn't care because they see it as a victimless crime because Uber will have to deliver the order. Which kinda used to be true, but now with as much as they deny refunds it isn't the case. >To the restaurants, do a better job monitoring your pickup station Every place is different and some do ok at it. But you have to realize the difficulties because it isn't a "one tap" to confirm. It's often up to 4 taps which make it easier for the driver to steal. Many DD merchant will hold the food now until they see you've confirmed it in the tablet. That creates a lot of hostile interactions though. >To Uber! Come up with a better system that solves this kind of problem They could, but won't because it would require using profits to develop. They could use something like DD method of reporting cancelled orders where the driver gets 50% of the payout and it would reduce the happening a bit. Since Uber will only pay $3 it's literally not in the drivers financial interest to report any order stolen as it often takes 5+ minutes. And since there's no money to be made, what incentive does the driver have to call support to cancel the order? None.


Because they’re lazy and stupid.


I stole food because Uber took my tip away and wouldn’t repay me when I called. Was I right? Was Uber? No, but I got free food, and I got my $2 for picking the food up. I also made it look damaged so I wouldn’t get in trouble. I’m not a dummie. I take food from nontippers to encourage them to stay off the app although it’s Uber’s fault for not paying us.


THANK YOU my friend! Omg this is one thing that is so infuriating to me and you are the first person that has ever actually posted something decent about it. I have spoken to managers, I’ve tried to call Uber, tried so many different things and the like the same bullshit goes on and on. I really hope something changes and thank you for posting! I agree with you 100 percent.


Honestly if Uber paid better that 5-6$ per hour fare wage and the customer tipped more than $4. Then you’d see less and less food getting stolen.


A man’s got to eat right. 🤷🏿‍♂️


I got to work to make money, not eat food. Now with that said if a man can't make money he still has to eat. You're making a big assumption they take high value orders and such like it's a bank heist... We should address the real reason this sort of thing occurs... Imagine working all day and being offered no money... Just order after order of untipped 2$ orders creating a wall between your efforts and your ability to pay bills and eat. What gives the customers the option to treat those that serve them as if it's their birthright with no compensation. What gives Uber the option to treat their drivers as both independent contractors and employees at the same time while they take all the money and leave those doing the work unable to even afford to eat. Who's the criminal when a man can work 60 hours and bring home 350 dollars on a 1099 with a 43% tax rate and still cover the cost to transport... Uber does this as if they have an endless stream of new slaves. And you treat these drivers in this manner and hand them food when they are hungry... Then get baffled when they eat that untipped order you sent them to deliver 5 miles away for 2$. End the bullshit My guess is they take the insulting orders, not the high value ones that pay money... Then eat if hungry and give the rest to the homeless


Wow, I wish I could report you to Uber. There is no scenario in which a person delivers to get their food stolen


Report me for what exactly? Letting you know if you leave the people who work for you too broke to eat and hand them food there's a good shot they might eat it GFYS


Also it's called civil absconding, not theft. I noticed you aren't suggesting the feds get a report someone just informed you they work for 2.50 an hour


You seriously think anyone's gives af to lose a job that pays 2.50 an hhour. Buddy you need to get your senses about you and put a thinking cap on


Because we get hungry sometimes 🤷‍♂️


Its not always due to being stolen, a lot of multi-appers go of route with orders to do other orders on other platforms….this creates a severe delay and when recognized by the app it will remove the order from their itinerary to assign to another driver in attempts to have the order picked up again and have the other driver penalized. When you see them not moving for a while without an update its because they turned off their gps to prevent visibility of their movements.


Who told you that it’s a trend? If you’re referencing the times when you try to pick up the order and it was already picked up but had a high pay, well the only reason it was a high pay is because it kept rolling over to other drivers. It happens when everyone is too lazy to call and say the order can’t be completed so they just click cancel and it goes to the next a few times. If you still complete the delivery you will see that the base pay is really high and the tip is normal. I actually love those orders as I usually just delivery something they didn’t order and get paid 💁🏿‍♂️


DD driver here: it’s a simple equation for me to steal food, #1 - Am I hungry?, #2 - Did the restaurant waste my time? If the answer to both is “yes” I’ll not confirm pick up and take the food, and I don’t care if I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion lmao, these restaurants need to do a better job at cranking orders out for courier drivers, we already run on slim profits, if a restaurant is going to take 15 minutes to get out an order, I could of already did another delivery in that timeframe, it teaches the restaurants to get them out to us first. My local Wendy’s used to take 15-30 minutes on orders, now they’re way quicker about it, because they don’t want their time wasted with potentially getting more dashers like me so they have to keep remaking orders.


Are you a delivery driver or an angry customer if you have something to say to uber why don’t you message Dara the CEO and tell him he needs to pay his drivers better and that we’re only getting 20% and they’re taking 80%! Also, I don’t have to steal anybody’s food and I delivered over 11,000 food deliveries and have a wonderful rating for that! To be honest, some people don’t deserve their food because they’re jerks or they like to tip bait where they added a tip and then they take it away when their food is perfect and nothings wrong with it! So I’m gonna say are you a customer or a delivery driver? so if somebody has their food taken the first time, it will get handed off to another driver to pick up and then the restaurant has the right to remake the food or the other driver will just cancel and time it happened to me where there was 10 people ahead of me that never even called into uber to say that the person didn’t deliver it. It was so annoying because some drivers are lazy !


Driver! I haven't encountered the tip baiters yet thankfully. I'm sorry for your experience.


Well, next time you get there, make sure you call uber and tell them that someone took the food and didn’t deliver it so another driver doesn’t get called out to unless they make the food for you and then you can deliver it! Remember, there was a glitch in the system where people ordered their food and we had to go in and order it plus we had to pay with our Uber card that had their money on it, but apparently there was a GPS location issue wouldn’t work with money because uber couldn’t tell that we were at the restaurant so it was a huge issue because drivers were just cancel the order instead of calling Uber and saying there’s something wrong. I was like the 13th driver to pick up food and I was pissed off! I mean to be honest some of them just want a steak dinner or if it’s a good seafood place or somewhere that they can’t afford they’ll just eat their food. There is people that do that unfortunately


Are you up to speed on the adjustment fees? You get to be part of the solution and honestly will be WAY less annoyed when this happens to you


Why so miserable, why hurt you ? If you don’t like this job , well you can just find another one. Why cry about the pay , you are free to walk away


Cuz we hungry


There's a bunch of clowns in Southern California that are doing it because they don't worry about deactivation. They have at their disposal an unlimited supply of accounts available to them to use, with their multiple phones running the same app. They feed themselves, their families, their friends. This while driving their BMWs, wearing their Givenchy sweat suits, gold chains and stinking like three bottles of cologne. Their phones are chirping like crazy with that familiar Uber Eats jingle, while your phone is quiet and not getting any deliveries. To get full bellies and full wallets, and Uber is doing absolutely nothing to combat it. When I confronted Uber about it, they tried to act like it didn't exist, "Multiple accounts is against our policy, we have safeguards to catch and deactivate them." Right. Deactivating the account does nothing, because they have an unlimited supply.


Happened several times with me. You just swipe picked up and call support “i accidentally” swiped its just a habit. Booom you get free $20-50


Only the $2 orders


I have no problem with people stealing from Uber.


Wym you guys?


The ones who steal orders = you guys.


You guys sound like alot of people. You should expose your driver. 🫡