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Yesss SNMP finally! Thank you!


For the laymen home user, what’s the ELI5 on this? From Wikipedia it appears to be a tool to help manage devices?


SNMP is a protocol for getting current status on anything about a device. You expose the details of things like CPU/RAM usage, network interface statistics, etc, to "MIBs" that can then get queried by something like a network monitoring system (NMS). From there it'll give you fancy graphics and data dumps of info about each device. LibreNMS is a popular choice.


That’s awesome, thanks!


So basically I don’t need to use UniFi poller anymore?


I came here to say this. Yeah, that's a big one for many. I figured it had to be coming, there was a slider for it in the console.


Do you guys think, SNMP will come to Cloud Gateway Ultra ?


If Cloud Gateway Ultra gets OS 4.x. Yes. I think its pretty safe yes.


Improved WAN Failover detection. Hopefully they fixed the issue where it flaps back/forth between primary and secondary WAN once a minute when there's packet loss. It ends up being worse than just staying on the degraded primary and I have to intervene to force a manual failover.


Wonder if this includes the fix for the SE's 2.5Gb WAN port crashing under heavy load....


How heavy a load are we talking? Have been toying going to 2gbps plan from my ISP so may just go down the SFP+ route.


I can't be exact, but whenever I had sustained large downloads going that were going at between 1-2 Gbps, my WAN connection would drop and failover to my backup. It took a lot of scratching my head going in circles before I discovered others having a similar issue: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/1c4sqej/comment/kzrkht1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/1c4sqej/comment/kzrkht1/) [https://community.ui.com/questions/UDM-SE-WAN-Dropping-Verizon-Fios/85eaed8d-a8b1-482c-8ba8-7b80f00cf2ca?page=6](https://community.ui.com/questions/UDM-SE-WAN-Dropping-Verizon-Fios/85eaed8d-a8b1-482c-8ba8-7b80f00cf2ca?page=6) Ultimately I installed the pre-release firmware mentioned in the first link and I've been solid since.


I posted in the release discussion asking UI-Glenn if he can confirm if the fix is included in this release. I don't want to update until I know the fix is in place. We will see if I get a response. Edit: Got a response, looks like 4.0.3 does have the fix included. https://community.ui.com/releases/UniFi-OS-Dream-Machines-4-0-3/90b24b90-8be8-4987-8d47-eb408eb07e45#comment/9e2c0c96-1209-42d9-9e2e-371450767f21


Nice! I'll wait for other brave souls to confirm :)


I have this issue as well. Apparently the driver fix isn't in this one but is slated for 4.1. That was stated by UI-Glenn in the thread.


Wow, I have the same issue. High throughput over a sustained period drops the internet routing, but oddly vpn tunnels to another site over that same WAN stay up. Odd AF. Only a reboot of the console fixes it.


It looks like I was mistaken and the fix should be in the current EA 4.0 UniFi OS update. My issue was always resolved by a physical unplug and replug of the WAN port. It was so damn strange.


Are you by chance using AT&T fiber with a BGW-320?


Nope to both - FiberFirst on a Nokia XS-2426X-A


Ahh got cha. I had an issue where my ISP modem would not negotiate 2.5 gig.. so I changed my service and then hard coded everything to 1 gig and I’ve seen stable speeds. Not sure if you are having similar symptoms. Seems like you do stay connected but when you do large downloads I think the port takes on a bunch of errors and something gets jacked up.. I didn’t spend too much time troubleshooting my stuff.


So my issue was a legitimate bug/driver issue on the Unifi side on the UDM SE itself. Lots of others were having an issue with port 9 (2.5Gb) on the UDM SE where the port would crash if there was a lot of traffic over that port. Unplugging/replugging the connection would re-establish the connection. There was a beta firmware floating out there that resolved the issue and as I understand it, the fix was indeed also rolled into the release this post is for, although I'm waiting for the general release since I'm working fine right now.


Thanks for the info. I’ll do some research on my end and maybe I can go back to 2 gig fiber for the hell of it!


Looks like it caused issues with sfp wan. My wan no longer reliably works. Had to reinstall the sfp into the isp converter and use cat45 wan to get running again. Upgrade beware.


Same for me ;-( Bell Canada !


Same boat! Telus on the west coast


Yep I’m Telus too. Hopefully they resolve. Shut my business down for 16 hours while i was troubleshooting.


When this glitch happening - the port manager is completely useless. The only thing that helps is whole console restart.


That sucks! I ended up downgrading to 3.2.12 and everything seems to be working as it did previously. Will give 4.0.3 another try once it’s out of EA


I couldn’t figure out an easy way to downgrade? How did you do it?


I followed the steps at the link below. Be sure to set your release channel to ‘official’ in the console before you do this otherwise it will upgrade again. Mine didn’t need a factory default afterwards but if yours does you can restore from a backup. Process took about 10 minutes. https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043360253-UniFi-Recovery-Mode


Hi. How do i downgrade to 3.2.12 from 4.0.3 My hole network got slow. And other strange things came with it. Do i download 3.2.12, and then restet udm pro se, and load firmwaren on config screen with a laptop?


That’s right. Unplug the udm and plug it back in while holding the reset button. Hold the button till the screen shows recovery mode. Assign your laptop a static up address and plug it into port 1. Once you get to the recovery page there’s a field to select the firmware after it says success hit the restart button.


Same for me Telus west coast!


Yep. Still not fixed. Can’t believe they haven’t released a patch for this entirely broken release. Only known fix is to revert to older version.


3,000 miles away. UDM Pro unreachable for the last 24 hours. Only way to fix it is to take the plane ✈️ and do it manually. Learned my lesson. Only update while on-site.


Yep. I turned off automatic updates. Only do it when planned. You can get up and running by using your Telus ONT to convert to cat45. And then doing cat45 to the udm Or, roll back the system to an earlier release. But I’m too lazy for that


was hoping to see BGP routing on this release. I know they said it was coming soon, but wonder if we're looking at 3-6 months or a year+


Given what we’ve been able to test during our poc it’s still months out.


Do u know if they are going to add VRRP support?


Suggestion on the release post is OS 4.1 + Network 8.2


If you bothered to look at the Release Notes, UI-Glenn has responded about this.


Well this is a UniFi OS update, not a Network application one - so I’m still hopeful it will be in an upcoming Network release. 🤞


Still no ability to install an SSL certificate on a console.


I don't get why it even needs SSL for local access. I am getting tired of clicking for an exemption and SSL certificate stuff is way beyond me (and shouldn't be required to purchase one to use a product properly).


Very fkn odd. This should be very easy to add. I know they have a lot to do, but damn.


I solved this with truenas, nginx manager, pihole, and letsencrypt. Everything is free and easy to set up... Its also give me more solutions for other issues.


Has dark mode disappeared from the local console after this update? I can implement it from the web but not locally.


its a bug with the local UI and will be back available soon


I came here to cry about this, my eyes are burning :)


Looks good so far. Slight pedantic bug under the speed test section it displays the download speed correctly as it’s running, then when it’s on the upload the download speed displays as 1mbps. Displays correctly when complete. Total first world problem, been a boring day.


this speed test has never functioned correctly for me the entire time I've owned a UDM Pro


I’ve literally only been in the UniFi club for less than a week so my experience probably doesn’t count. I did come from an AMPLIFI alien which was so bad when it comes to the speed test so I do believe it!


Same but now first time it actually worked.


"Added SNMP support." Auvik free switch says hi :)


Can we expect Shadow Mode for the UXG-Pro at some point? It’s impressive that a device created essentially for large networks doesn’t have this feature.


My wan connection is suddenly highly unstable after updating to 4.03 , direct fibre pppoe connection on spf+


losing internet every hour or 2 UI says connection lost to ISP , contected my isp tested the ONT and it is communicating properly , never had any issues with them in the past


Same here... Something very strange going on WAN...


Considering the changes, I think I'll wait to the second official release of the 4.x branch, just to be suuuuuure ahaha !


updated and i have no issues so far.


So you can't shadow a UCG Ultra from a DMP?


You can always download the network backup on the UDM-Pro and restore it to the UCG-Ultra and then change the WAN and LAN ports. **Manual process but it works**. Doing that with UCG-Ultra and UDM as backup. Network only, though.


So you can't shadow a UCG Ultra from a DMP?




Hmmm almost tempted to do this


Ty ❤️


where did UID go!???????


Fan control unfortunately stopped working: [https://github.com/renedis/ubnt-auto-fan-speed/issues/13](https://github.com/renedis/ubnt-auto-fan-speed/issues/13)


When can I route all traffic over IPSEC properly. Edit: I realize maybe there is a way or workaround. Apologize if so.


OpenVPN Config options missing: We gots the cipher option in the UI, how long until they implement the --auth selector as well? Also appears to be limited error reporting when adding a route that conflicts with the existing route tables. Reports "failed to save" but not why, what was the offending delta, etc.


Yay, Tailscale on UDMP broke for the first time since 2.x.