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Hard mode: MS Office wrapped with Wine


I'd like to install r and r studio via snap. Tried multiple times install them on 24.04 and never succeeded.


Pack a programing language need a --classic permissions. Its difficult cause need canoical maunally approve. But r studio maybe possible , i will take a look at it.


I know this is pretty much the opposite of a snap as this is considered more complicated but R is actually pretty straightforward to compile from source, you can even add blas and lapack support if you’d like which the package version of R doesn’t have https://docs.posit.co/resources/install-r-source/


Have you tried following the instructions [https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/)


I know this does not help at all, but R is a first class citizen on Fedora. There is even a copr that has almost all the R packages. https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/iucar/cran/ It's very convenient to update the R libs when you update your OS. R-studio is in the rpmfusion repo. Before switching to Fedora I was using pop os and I didn't have any issues with Rstudio, but on Fedora things are much better. I'm not saying you should switch to Fedora, but you can use a Fedora distrobox. It works for gui apps too.


I'll give it a try!


Hi, just figured out rstudio maybe can't be packed as a snap for now, it need access /lib/libR.so on your host, but it's impossbile without --classic permissions. I'll give a try to request classic permission, but the chance maybe be small.


There are quite a few apps in Flathub that are not packaged in the snap store. E.g. * [Extension Manager](https://flathub.org/apps/com.mattjakeman.ExtensionManager) * [Mission Center](https://flathub.org/apps/io.missioncenter.MissionCenter) * [Tor Browser](https://flathub.org/apps/org.torproject.torbrowser-launcher)


I think that Extension Manager can't work as a confined Snap with current Snap interfaces. Therefore, it's available as a deb package instead: `gnome-shell-extension-manager`


You might be right, I don’t know. It’s worth investigating as normal users won’t be able to find the extension manager in the Ubuntu snap store and will assume it’s not available to install on Ubuntu - that’s sad because it’s super useful.


> It’s worth investigating as normal users won’t be able to find the extension manager in the Ubuntu snap store and will assume it’s not available to install on Ubuntu ... It's the first thing that comes up when typing "gnome extension" in "Ubuntu Software". Isn't that what "normal users" would do? Alternatively: %apt-cache search extension-manager gnome-shell-extension-manager - Utility for managing GNOME Shell Extensions or % apt-cache search extension | grep GNOME | grep -i manager | grep -i extension gnome-shell-extension-manager - Utility for managing GNOME Shell Extensions


Debian packages do not come up at all by default in the new 24.04 App Center. It only shows snap packages. The user has to manually change the search filter to include Debian packages.


Interesting. That doesn't seem like a good default.




Good old app, will take a look.


Ye I need that also


This name is already been registered by other user. Sorry can't do anything now.




> Pika Backup: Gnome Circle app for backing up personal files. Might be difficult to do without classic permissions yeah exactly. For **extension manager**, i always use the deb version from ubuntu default release repo. **Detwinner**, will take a look.




Thanks, looks interesting, will take a look.


Docker has been snapified, so I'd really like to see Podman go the same way.


As far as i know, snap docker is very special, a special snap interface named docker-support plug has been developed for it. So i guess podman would be difficult too .....


Podman makes more use of userns by default which AFAIU may depend on recent enough apparmor which actually mediates userns. Though I don’t see why the existing docker-support interface wouldn’t be sufficient to get you 80% of the way.


According to the source code: [https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/interfaces/builtin/docker\_support.go](https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/interfaces/builtin/docker_support.go) it's full of docker specific things. like allow rw on /var/run/docker , /var/run/containerd/ etc etc. it doesn't really help.


That's… kinda disgusting. They're sort of admitting that snaps are terrible with that. Couldn't they just have proper support for the features that Docker requires instead?


Not sure what you meant. Docker need to access and write thing at some locations. Many of those are hardcoded inside the docker/containerd source code and there isn’t much to be done about it. The most pragmatic thing to do is to allow access to said locations, but only that and nothing extra. Unfortunately docker needs pretty wide permissions because of the nature of things and how complex they are. It is further expected that the container runtime applies proper sandboxing to the workloads that get launched.


I'd love to see Waydroid packaged as a Snap. Flatpak cannot do the job but Snap can


I think you should make a snap of "flatpak". I think it would be hilarious. But also, there is a need: The current version of flatpak for 22.04 and 20.04 have an unpatched CVE ( https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2024-32462 ). The whole point of snaps, in my opinion, are to ease the maintenance burden of requiring a separate patch/fix be tested for each release --- which is why flatpak is fixed in 24.04, but not other releases ... even though the patch is a simple 12 line fix (available from upstream). I particularly like snaps for command line tools/utilities (e.g. ffmpeg ... where one from snapcrafters already exists). Some other candidates. For example: 1. TeX, pdflatex, or LaTeX. If you do a "snap find latex" you don't find the real package ... which, I think, is texlive-publishers-collection. It's currently only a "beta" and was last produced in 2022/09. I should note that once installed, the programs are not found in the path (i.e. one needs to either export PATH=$PATH:/snap/texlive-publishers-collection/current/bin/x86_64-linux ... or do some /snap/bin magic). 2. pandoc . A "snap find pandoc" gets lots of other things. I think snapcrafters was working on one, but I don't know how that has gone. https://github.com/chrwahl/pandoc-snap Also: I tend not to install snaps if they are not from a "starred" source (e.g. snapcrafters) or from an official source (e.g. kde, canonical, spotify, ...). I'm not sure how to address that.


All snaps contain a snap.yml or snapcraft.yaml that tell everyone how this snap is exactlly been built. So when i find a not "starred" snap, i'll look into the snapcraft.yaml to check if there are any weired things.




>Or already a snap version exists but hasn't been updated for a long time.| This is the real problem with snaps, once built nobody cares.




[https://snapcraft.io/keepassxc](https://snapcraft.io/keepassxc) Already exists though. And if i am not got it wrong. its directly maintained by keepassXC official.


> NOTE: KeePassXC no longer supports this distribution method. Snaps have a lot of bugs across distros and are difficult for us to maintain a satisfactory experience. We recommend switching to the flatpak distribution instead. It's been abandoned, sadly


Oh sorry. Its sad, i am a heavy keepassXC user too. and got a update at 6 May. I dont know when this abandoned note been released.


I don't think it has been "abandoned" yet since there are recent updates to the snap. However it has moved to "unsupported" and will probably be abandoned at some point. Here was there note: > KeePassXC no longer supports this distribution method. Snaps have a lot of bugs across distros and are difficult for us to maintain a satisfactory experience.


Why do you want snap for it? There is the package already in Ubuntu and there is PPA managed by the project owner - in case you need the latest version. What benefit would there be in having a snap for Ubuntu?


Not OP, but my order of preference is: deb from repo > snap > deb from PPA. So if there was some issue not fixed in the repo, I would probably switch to the snap.


PCSX2, DuckStation, Flycast, RPCS3, PPSSPP, xemu, Dolphin Emulator, Cemu, ryujinx, melonDS, ares, simple64. 👍


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Podman snap would make me install snapd back. It's in a weird "obsolete or unstable/unsupported" kind of state when it comes to deb-based distributions, while being actively developed, so it is worth to keep up with the latest releases for personal workstation / learning purposes.


Ros ,can't use it anywhere other than ubuntu or a docker container


ntpsec: https://github.com/ntpsec/ntpsec/ because the apt package on 22.04 is too out-of-date to even use I'm tired of compiling from Github


Name is already been registered by other user. Sorry can't do anything now. Hope canonical can release the name.


It might be someone on the ntpsec team that grabbed it years ago.... I think one of them was working on an official snap version at some point but then abandoned it. Oh well. Maybe they would release the name if they knew you were willing to do a snap version? https://lists.ntpsec.org/mailman/listinfo/devel


The packer snap has been abandoned for a while. I cannot create Jammy cloud images with the packer version present on Jammy, neither as a snap or the deb.


There is a official PPA [https://developer.hashicorp.com/packer/install?product\_intent=packer](https://developer.hashicorp.com/packer/install?product_intent=packer) Maybe you can try it.


> i am maintaining serveral snaps. Which ones? Are you a Ubuntu Member? Are you a Star Developer?


[https://snapcraft.io/publisher/aoilinux](https://snapcraft.io/publisher/aoilinux) That's me. Not a ubuntu member. Not a star developer.




All the corporate software: adobe, office 365, etc.


I prefer a snap that works.


Snap of flatpak


[VeraCrypt](https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Home.html), [ZuluCrypt](https://github.com/mhogomchungu/zuluCrypt), [SoundConverter](https://soundconverter.org/), [ClamTk](https://github.com/dave-theunsub/clamtk), [HandBrake](https://handbrake.fr/), [VokoscreenNG](https://linuxecke.volkoh.de/vokoscreen/vokoscreen.html), Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, thank you.


Vivaldi, please. Thank you very much.


Sorry. A moden browser is a huge project, even though i can pack it as a snap, i can't solve those problem when using it ... its out of my capabilities.


I see, thank tou. May be vivaldi developers will pack it as snap once.


None of them. sudo apt install some-package, that's all I want


* reText * Pulseaudio utils * tmux * meld * git


Salome-Platform is big missing for me at Ubi24.04 :) OpenNumismat


[https://snapcraft.io/opennumismat](https://snapcraft.io/opennumismat) Hey, OpenNumismat just go alived ! But i have no idea about this app. Can you kindly help me to test this app?


Great, thx. I will check it.


if you can get Autopsy (https://www.sleuthkit.org/autopsy/) setup as a snap, it'd be so great. The version that comes from the store is VERY old.


Seems already exists. [https://snapcraft.io/autopsy](https://snapcraft.io/autopsy)


Strange... Maybe I was using apt and not snap. My apologies.


Also, the graphical (not cli) version of httpie maybe.


Tried but failed. Httpie desktop rely on a newer libharfbuzz library current core22 base and gnome42 can't satisfy this. I need to wait for core24 and newer gnome.


Thanks for trying.


Flameshot could use a working update for 24.04 :)


I haven’t looked for it for awhile, so it may exist already, but Jellyfin.




nextcloud. It is so easy, just one command and you have it running as a snap!


Bottles. It's pretty much the only thing i add flatpak for.


Tried last year, but too hard to fix all runtime problem. Need some source code patch. But bottles only supoort flatpak even dont give deb a care.


A FreeBSD or Windows snap would be nice


GanttProject has a .deb version. It would be nice to have it as a snap. https://www.ganttproject.biz/ Could be something similar to the ProjectLibre snap.


I use pCloud for cloud storage, because they have good Linux support. Their app is currently distributed as an AppImage. Maybe you could help them create a snap package.


Pcloud heavily reply on userspace mount feature which is very tricky problem in snap. How do i know? Because i am rclone snap maintainer, and same problem on rclone didn't fix.


If you like a challenge, you could try a QEMU snap, or as a variant a libvirt snap. I'd be happy to use it, but I'm not sure it's possible.


It's possible! Ubuntu member know as ogra packed one. [https://snapcraft.io/qemu-virgil](https://snapcraft.io/qemu-virgil) But i can see its a hard work. Maybe give a try when have enough time.


snapify snap itself


How is snap done on Ubuntu Core? I'm led to believe that Ubuntu Core is 100% snap, even the kernel.


Yes, the kernel is delivered as a snap package and snapd has some logic to deal with it. The bootloader is delivered by a thing called gadget snap. Snapd then orchestrates things such that proper A/B boot is possible through a mechanism appropriate for a given bootloader (grub, uboot, piboot, androidboot etc.)


Thank you. Is snapd itself a snap in Ubuntu Core?


Yes. On UC snapd only comes from the snapd snap these days. On classic distribution though, it’s usually the distribution package. Then some distributions such as Ubuntu support a feature called reexec, where snapd snap binary can actually run directly on the host. So during startup the snapd daemon check if the snap version is newer and if so, it reexecutes directly from the snap (it’s a way to deliver snapd updates quicker than through the archive to currently supported systems, but also to systems which will likely never get an update because they’ve reached EOL, eg 16.04). We’d like to enable that for all supported Linux distributions in such a way that the user would naturally need to opt into this feature (otherwise it’s only your distribution package).


That's pretty cool!


Looks like its snaps all the way down!


Can you make a snap that installs snap so that I can snap in my snaps?


haha, but snapd is actually a snap that installs snap can let you snap your snaps.


I want snapception. I love snaps so much, I want to run several layers of snapd. So I'd like a snap that runs snapd that runs snapd that runs snapd that runs snapd that runs snapd that runs any other snap.