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130 bil. That would mean that Ukraine can ignore those MAGA traitors, and only cost €30/month for every European. For me that would be like cancelling Netflix and skipping 2 pizzas every month. Lets GO!


Well said. US is becoming increasingly unreliable and unstable, EU needs to work out their own approach to the situation. Putler will not stop with UA, russia must be crushed, the sooner the better.


I would totally spend 30€/month to a Ukraine military fund. I already contribute to various Ukraine support groups.


That's a lot of cash. Trump and he's band of fools have tried everything to try and help Mr Putler obtain his imperialistic goals, (what ever they may be). Come on Europe and the rest of the free world it's time to dig deep into your government coffers and finally give Ukraine the cash and weapons/ammo they need. Lets finally put Trump and MAGA to bed/or dead forever. Slava Ukraine


meanwhile actually rich European countries: -yo, should I wear green pants or red?


hahahahha well said