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I CAN NOT imagine a more frightening sight than sparks and fire a couple inches away from the ammunition and the charges. Holy shit! Where even came that fire from?


I'm pretty sure it wasnt a hit btw, if you look at the thermals you can see that they fired a shot and fire traveled back through the barrel


[I don't think so, if the gun fired I think the interior would have jerked much more violently and it would have been a lot louder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HIMhIGoFP4) Also nobody said to fire the gun before the explosion.


also the auto loader is usually instantly engaged right after firing during combat missions


I respectfully disagree. If you pay attention to the gunners screen, you can clearly see a distant thermal explosion in the distance right as you hear the sound of the shot. If that explosion was near the tank, it would've had to have been tiny in order for its size on the screen to be that small. The fire is "flowing" out of what I presume to be the barrel. If it was hit by something, it wouldn't have taken a while the way it did. The video you linked has the same exact sound as the one in the video, just louder due to the low quality of the microphone. If you put your lips to a microphone and speak into it, it will sound louder through your speakers than a tank firing its gun. Also, an explosion doesn't sound like that. You can hear the reload mechanism. It's just a malfunction or somethings like that


it looks like it came from above the gun. the roof is illuminated before the gun/bottom which would not be the case if it came through the gun


You can see something exploding in the gunners prism so it probably came through the roof or from the right side of the cannon breach


Its blowback from the barrel. Not a hit


Water in a submarine


>Where even came that fire from? They detected Javelin shot at them, released the smokes and rolled back. Javelin hit the smokes in front of them, a canister flew back at the tank and ended up in it (supposedly through the barrel? Not sure).


Well you couldn’t make a better story


It can't detect a Javelin launch since the latter isn't a beam riding missile.


It's possible if said T90M is equipped with the new Arena M and is as capable as Russia says. Even if it isn't as long as it has *a* variant of Arena it would have picked up the missile via radar.


Rocket flare in thermals at 8sec


He used a slang verb there and it has an ambiguous meaning which doesn't specify if it was a visual spotting of the launch or a hardware one. Overall the point is, he says that somehow they knew it shot at them.




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It can't detect Javelins because Russians stopped driving through cities in columns. They use tanks more like mobile artillery now.


So where’s the proof that it was actually a javelin?


The description of the events from tank crew member.




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enemy crew got gaijined


My crew: Yes! A hit! Me: bro this mf didn’t even pen him, what’s this “hit” gonna do


\*Critical hit\* "wtf my shell took out like a single, small piece of optics on his turret"


War Thunder needs more FPV drones. They’re perfect for taking out armor. 




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Lmao what is this then


They out of extinguishers now…


Carousel sharpnels where Gaijeen


More likely just incomplete combustion of the shell casing, given that they fired the 125 mm gun right before the fire. If they were penetrated and something in the carrousel was burning I don't think they would be so casual.


Idk you can see something burning on the gunners prism before it gets inside.


I wouldn't be shocked if the bore evacuator was damaged.


"Oh, fck! Extinguish! Extinguish!" is pretty fine by me.


The breach was open and the Javelin exploded infront of them, the Javelin detonation was drawn into the tank via the barrel.


An explosion from a Javelin close enough for that to happen would have created a much more noticeable shockwave and you would have seen a more explosive combustion. This just looks like bad ammo going off.


Why would it? The Javelins warhead is smaller than the propellant charge and detonated away from the tank


Gun breach is locked. Fire came from the roof above gun barrel.


That hit was way more silent inside of the tank than I could have imagined


Nowdays tanks are sealed really well, not like an 2WW ones


Yeah, it was so loud inside ww2 tanks, plus all the spalling noise. Deer god.


was not a hit, was fire from the case ejected after shooting


First thing I saw, too.


Why is it fking dark


Darkmode, wtf you want bro


It's night, nothing shines more in darkness than light coming thru periscope.


That's why other tanks have small blue, green or red lights for night that doesn't show outside the turret.


> That's why other tanks have small blue, green or red lights for night that doesn't show outside the turret. It probably isnt that dark at all, Most cameras just have really bad lowlight performance they could probs see just fine with their eyes




Haven't you seen start trek? RED ALERT all hands to battle stations.


Because the lights arent on :D




Is the joke already at its end, or is there more to come?


Incredible footage I wish there was more of these


Real, it was nice when Russianwarfootage was up as allot of stuff like this got posted instead of the 90% drone footage we get these days.


https://preview.redd.it/dug3b7xiue6d1.png?width=1275&format=png&auto=webp&s=30760cf5e6953163b02341e7ba548f78007f9de4 Взрыв Джавелина 2м от танка В триплексе видна вспышка Javelin explosion 2m from the tank A flash is visible in the triplex


https://preview.redd.it/o50vklrsue6d1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=382038b61ebdfaea91e80d690f724388bd96599d В незапертый канал ствола затягивает продукты внешнего взрыва The products of an external explosion are drawn into the unlocked bore


Ok this is some mind blowing footage


Bro pressed 6


Thanks Gaijin for stock FPE


Doesn't look like something hit it, more like fire after firing the main gun. There is no way something that can penetrate a t90 does not make a sound when it hits it.


But the sound was muffled. Javelin probably exploded in the grill on the roof of the canopy and only the cumulative jet reached the hull. The explosion of the projectile can be viewed in the commander's optics. The visor began glow a fraction of a second before the fire.


Are you sure the explosion on the optics you are referring to is not the flash from the main gun firing? If you watch closely the fire is coming from inside the gun


The main gun was fired 1.5 seconds before, this can be seen on the thermal imager.


Ah I see what you mean. I think you are correct thanks for clearing it up


I don´t think that was the main gun firing. I´d instead go with the smoke canisters being deployed.


Look on YouTube for videos of t90 shooting at armored vehicles and the position of the AFU. There are hundreds of such videos.


I doubt the gun fired. The explosion was too quiet from the inside, the recoil is too low, no one ordered to fire the gun, and the automatic loader did not try to remove the shell cap.


I think the missile detonated Infront of them and the fire came though the barrel into the inside of the tower.


According to unverified information, the T-90M shot all ammunition and fired only from a heavy machine gun, after which it was hit by a Jevelin


In the full video they are firing quite a lot before the impact.


Do you have the link?


bro fired the main gun seconds before they got hit


He didn't, when you hear the loud booming sounds it's something incoming, crew was surprised by that (they say "woah"). Also when main gun fires, kick back after the shot is crazy, while here camera operator barely reacted, it barely moved him.


So obv that the main gun was fired at 0:12 dafuq you on about


the unverified informations is his theory lel


Good shit, well absorbed


I almost shit my pants when I saw the flash of fire


If you slow down the video its obv that the tank fired at 0:13 and then something hits the tank at 0:15 you can see its a different explosion trough the sights and fragments on thermals at 0:20 is it possible some fragments got inside the tank trough the barrel while the auto loader was doing its thing?


Don't they have a hatch to eject casings? Maybe something came through right when the shell was getting ejected?


I think this one ejects the primer thingy only, I thought at first the primer catcher mechanism probably missed and the primer case or some burning propellant fell in the carousel.


Well we will have to wait for experts to come out for a smoke break lol


tank got hit from drone it didnt pen and then it fired its main gun and it opened the small door on the roof and the burning stuff dropped in


probably top 3 scariest things you can see in combat and live.


Damn, that's cool. This is the first of its kind I have seen. T-90 does not gaf; like a mosquito landing on a water buffalo's butt.


"Джавелин чуть пиздюлину не дал😂 (Мы) Спалили пуск и откатились с дымами Попал в метрах 2х перед мордой Аж дымы обратно залетели" Танкисты экипажа Т-90М «Прорыв» танкового батальона «Черное Крыло» выполняли боевую задачу, успешно уничтожили заданные огневые точки противника. Во время выполнения задачи увидели пуск джавелина, выпустили дымы, откатились назад. Джавелин потерял наведение и ударил туда где были дымы. От взрыва дымы полетели обратно в машину, пару штук залетели через пушку в башню." "The javelin almost gave us😂 (we) detected the launch and rolled away with smoke Hit 2 meters in front of the muzzle The smoke flew back" Tankers of the T-90M "Breakthrough" crew of the Black Wing tank battalion carried out a combat mission, successfully destroyed the enemy's assigned firing points. During the mission, we saw the launch of the javelin, blew smoke, and rolled back. The javelin lost guidance and hit where the smoke was. From the explosion, smoke flew back into the tank, a couple of pieces flew through the cannon into the turret.


That’s not a fire from the ATGM, that’s excess propellant burning up


Are these tanks air conditioned when needed? lol!




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This is insane


Bro activated the “cameraman can’t die” cheat 




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shes a dirty dirty bore


It came out of the breach when it opened it is remnant of Gun shell


They were inches away from becoming contestants in the next turret toss competition. Yikes! Better him than me.


bro think he's funny




So what you are saying is the T-90M self ignites? Ya I think it being hit would be less embarrassing.


I mean, unlike the T64BV, there is reinforcement around the carousel so such small fire shoudn't immediatly blow up everything