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The White House literally said there was a planned terrorist attack for Moscow BEFORE the presidential election started.


Yep! That was my first thought. I figured it would be before the 'election' too, but afterwards makes more sense if the goal is the mobilization instead of a rally effect for the votes. Anyways, I guess I was WRONG. And the CIA was also WRONG. It was 5 days late 🙃


It was widely reported. Its entirely possible the gunmen saw the report and decided to shift the date back to wait until the heat died down. If its not a false flag. (I know isis claimed, but anything is possible) Although a few days is really not much of a shift imo. There should have been a lot more police presence around the area.  And apparently, theres extensive cameras with facial recognition in the area. The whole thing feels off somehow.


You're correct. Plans shift days all the time for these plans. Used to read a private monthly terror counterintelligence report for the UN, and very few things were set to be a specific day. The only ones that were were... Things like a Nazi skin head music festival that was planned secretly on a specific day, and then was promptly shut down by police using international networks.


Yeah. Exactly. I think the ISIS claim is sketchy too, honestly. They usually like to stay around and become martyrs when they do their attacks. I could imagine FSB sock-puppetting that claim of responsibility. Or they could just have some of their chechen friends pass the message along to their Islamist extremist buddies that Moscow's security would be turned off today... in that sense it could be a 'genuine' attack. But this would really cede a lot of control which makes that seem less likely. Probably just a straight-up FSB plot and ISIS claims it because they are *also* lying opportunists.


I think the thing I hate the most about this is that we will never really know for sure. Because of past actions and russia's inability to tell the truth. There are so many possibilities here, that it has turned us all into conspiracy nutters. I like facts, and when we dont get them, its annoying.


You are correct again. The ambiguity is a big part of the point. It's deliberate and effective. I *say* Russia was involved, and I *believe* Russia was involved, but I can't *prove* Russia was involved. Somome can always point to the lack of hard evidence and call me a conspiracy nutter. I guess in that sense they are right which can be annoying. But... I bet there is a 99% chance that whoever makes such a defense of Putin's honor is a brainless vatnik, or Tucker Carlson. That's why I feel comfortable ignoring those people. (Side note: those guys ARE universally conspiracy nutters)


The russians also invaded ukraine about 5 days after the predicted date by the US


True. Very true. I guess the CIA is effective at forcing them to delay their pre-planned actions until the weekend.


Location: Moscow, Russia The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours. Actions to Take: Avoid crowds. Monitor local media for updates. Be aware of your surroundings. Assistance: . Embassy Moscow, Russian Federation This was March 07, 2024.


When murderers and criminals are warned, yet they do nothing, when they themselves are participants in this plan.




ISIS has taken responsibility.


well a message from someone claiming to be Islamists - kind of easy to pull off lol


True hehehe


Sort of reminds me of how hackers constantly claim certain hacks that they didn't commit. I watched a vid recently on the hackers who helped support snowden and they hacked fbi/cia leaders to release their personal info publicly and one was frustrated that "anonymous" took credit for something they weren't involved in


I don’t think he knows what anonymous works lol.


It's not always a conspiracy theory. US issued Russia days and weeks prior about an ISIS [offshoot] attack. 


I mean not really. It was posted in an official telegram channel and those can be set to only broadcast by the user of the account.


Hey, Isis, here's $100 trillion rubles to say you did this.


to be paid in instalments cash is a bit tight rn


you think the FSB hasnt figured that out yet?


Right, it's clear you don't know how the app works. If someone starts that official channel and posts things only ISIS would know then the FSB can't easily assume control of that OFFICIAL channel from ISIS and post from it.


lol its 'clear' is it?


As of when? My suspicion has been Islamic militants since the story dropped a few hours ago, it just checks all of the boxes for an ISIS attack. Soft civilian targets and mass shootings/bombings are very much in their wheelhouse, it’s their favorite terror tactic. The attack reminds me very much of the Bataclan massacre.


Reuters, cnn, BBC reported in the last hour. Could be anyone though unless they have a way of verifying it.


Yeah I’m reading up on it now. Makes total sense to me but it’s strange they still haven’t confirmed the arrest or killing of any of the perpetrators.


The ammo the terrorists were shooting was shitty and sending unburnt powder everywhere. Another classic ISIS sign.


thats why we see spark when they shooting?


Likely a combination of barrels gunked up with cosmoline (old soviet surplus) and dirt cheap steel case ammo.


But wouldn’t you purposely model a fake on the real deal? There was something about the brief clips I saw and how they moved that is scratching at the back of my pea brain… too “rehearsed” maybe?


This is definitely ISIS. The copium is really pathetic, I despise Putin's Russia as much as the next person but it had already been reported that an ISIS terror attack had been prevented by FSB just over a fortnight ago, and this attack has all the hallmarks of ISIS. This is the first time since the full-scale invasion that I am disappointed by the SBU.


What would be their motivation for this?


Russia is also an orthodox Christian nation jihadis and isis will take advantage in anyway to any nation for the sole purpose of murdering civilian in mass terror attacks . The whole world hates terrorists that being said maybe something Russia did in Syria . Terrorists never do single strikes I’m sure there’s more . It will be interesting to see how Russian security forces work this and the mistakes they will make. Speculation that they were too busy with political adversaries and the election week they ignored the warning and this slipped through and happened . Two things I hate in this world . Russian federation and terrorists . The Russian govt is also a terrorist government so I don’t think we should share intelligence because theirs always a hidden motive why Russia wants any interaction with anything and it’s for selfish gain so I don’t think we should give them a glimpse into our intelligence assets but it does make the United States look really good compared to Putin that we warned him about this and he ignored it so it will also be interesting to see how their people will react to that . We don’t like terrorism no matter the circumstances even if the victims are our enemies we are not evil and that’s what makes us different because we value life on and off the battlefield. I have faith the United States intelligence community is on top of counter terrorism and since oct 7th all assets are back up .


I don’t know but Russia is asking the US to share information.


Hm. I don't understand why we'd need to. We were nice enough to warn them about it a few weeks ago.


They blew off the warning. Tough shit. Lol


They dismantled an ISIS cell planning an attack on a synagogue [[1]](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-neutralized-isis-cell-plotting-attack-moscow-synagogue-2024-03-07/) but they clearly missed the bigger picture.


We don’t, but the fact that they’re asking for info instead of blaming the Ukrainians suggests it might not be an inside job


Heres a tip for russia...your refineries might be attacked. You have been warned.


Pootin thinks hes in ISIS now? Hes gone completely mad 🤣


Exactly. ISIS goes for maximum casualties, hostages. They don't kill few dozens when concert had 1000s attendees and run . Clearly russian false flag attack


Wow, really? Are you talking about old ISIS or new ISIS? Are you some kind of armchair general with deep knowledge of the operating procedures of various terrorists organizations? Do you understand just because ISIS claimed this act doesn’t make it true, as well as it doesn’t mean it was a false flag attack. There is probably still a lot of Chechens around who are holding grudges against Putin.


While skepticism is absolutely fair on every side, the DIU publicly taking such a stance bears at least benefit of the doubt in my opinion. We don't know what they know, and it would be a weird behavior for them to make a claim like this in an unfounded manner, it would only end up looking bad for them if they couldn't back it up and that eventuality would be obvious to them based on their demonstrated acumen. They appear to be very confident.


>it doesn’t mean it was a false flag attack. There is probably still a lot of Chechens around who are holding grudges against Putin. You probably should research how Chechen wars started and Putin became lifelong president


Anyone can google historical events. You should try it sometime. Hostages were taken by Islamist terrorists in both Paris and Moscow at similar venues to the one attacked today. Yet they fled today. It's a departure from the norm.


Only one of them https://x.com/IranObserver0/status/1771258594098381065?s=20


No its one of the workers there. Same uniform


It would make sense to pretend you are one to pull this off? 🤷‍♂️ nobody can be certain for now of anything,more info will be given in upcoming hours surely,but I doubt they will escape. Even if it was their own doing they have to prepare some scapegoats to show the demonstration of power and at least capability to capture the attackers.


So kill everyone, just to make sure? 😉 Not like it wouldnt be the first time they do that.


here i go pumping carfentanyl gas again! to save the hostages!


That's a person being arrested. Zero indication that they're a Tango.


Regular russian citizen’s life is meaningless when Kreml is involved


To be honest, the way those guys look like, the way they are dressed, their faces and skin colour make me think of chechens doing it. On the orders of Kadyrov that was asked by Putin?


Reality: Russia 2 years, per day, kill dozens, sometimes more than 100, civilians. And spent on meat assaults hundreds of cannon fodder, now with female prisoners. Russian false flag operation: "look, someone killed few civilians!" Even IF someone killed 10,000 Russian civilians, it still would be just "several times less atrocious act than what Russia did in Mariupol, Aleppo, Grozny."


https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1771264321965662399 A transit van with Ukrainian plates parked outside the hall…. The Russians aren’t even trying anymore


So yeah, these Ukrainian terrorists came with a Ukrainian van to Moscow to kill. Like Jewish terrorists would have tried to kill Hitler wearing yellow stars- the perfect disguise.


Never mind the fact that Ukraine could be drone bombing civilians anytime they want, yet they go for strategic targets like refineries etc. Why tf would they shoot up a concert…


Because of the music? Yaaa Ruzzzkiiiiiii!




Wonky yellow stars that are actually colored green. Or in this case a [Ukrainian number plate that's actually Belarusian](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreedomofRussia/comments/1bldold/misinformation_postings_on_russian_state/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Don't forget that all those terrorists had on them business cards, personal phone numbers of Zelensky or Budanov and clear instructions (signed and stamped of course)in ukrainian how many to kill


Soon they will find a Ukrainian passport, some nazi memorabilia and three Sims games in the van!


and. CIA pen


"Readers added context: The white minibus has Belarusian license plates, not Ukrainian"


These do not resemble any Ukrainian number plate neither present nor from any time in the past. You can [check for yourself](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Ukraine).


Makes you wonder if that was planted hastily, and before they could use it for evidence, isis put out their statement. Weird to have a Ukrainian license plate that isnt legit on a van in moscow.


The text on Xitter says it's Belarusian, not Ukrainian.


Plates are from belarus


They don’t care. They just like to spread twitter bullshit so uncle Elon can count the clicks.


They realize they don't have to overthink it because their people don't think at all.


Nice. From the most trusted and reliable source on the planet, the great hive mind of twitter. Any instagram or tik-tok, you know, those other bastions of truth to share?


They got community notes now. It's a Belarusian plate.


The russian people are so braindead that they would believe this.


One second glance tells me this is not UA plate. Belarusian or Russian.


false flag 100%


Even if it's 100% a terrorist attack like the US warned its citizens to leave Moscow or avoid large gatherings, Putler will spin it in his favor instead of being an actual leader.


Apparently they intend to mobilize another 300k men for a new Kharkiv offensive. The mobilization can start "right after the election". Source in Russian: [https://verstka.media/kak-vlasti-budut-prizyvat-rossiyan-v-voyska-dlia-nastupleniya-na-harkov](https://verstka.media/kak-vlasti-budut-prizyvat-rossiyan-v-voyska-dlia-nastupleniya-na-harkov) This attack (whoever did it), might make the mobilization easier.


Once you know how Russia operates, they're so transparent with their bullshit.


It's sort of astounding how incredibly stupid they are


Easier? Sure, all the Russian men are just falling over themselves to enlist.


I didnt say it would be voluntary :)


That's how he came to power. Always go back to the basics when in doubt


No worry comrade, no explosives in basement, just special training operation, nothing like the other buildings we... I mean they blew up.


This sugar is for  cotton candy machine for celebration party time. Those are modelling clay for gift to orphanage. This  countdown clock to remind when the party time start. Nothing to see here. Move along.


There were mentions that it was [something to do with Azerbaijan and ISIS](https://twitter.com/Sea2Sea1Way/status/1771243382557282533) [NSFW link], but as far as the government is concerned the reason almost doesn't matter. They'll probably try to blame it on Ukraine and direct their media to report it that way. Anything to justify another mobilization for their war.


Love the username!


https://www.reuters.com/world/us-embassy-warns-imminent-extremist-attack-moscow-2024-03-08/ >It issued its warning several hours after Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), the main successor to the Soviet-era KGB, said it had foiled an attack on a synagogue in Moscow by a cell of the militant Sunni Muslim group Islamic State. They've already stopped one attack recently.


Not everything is false flag... there lots of ethnic groups in Russia that want the downfall of the Russian federation. So please stop shouting false flag every time... it doesnt make sense and its quite logical for this to happen in a country like russia. UPDATE: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/22/europe/crocus-moscow-shooting/index.html?iid=cnn_buildContentRecirc_end_recirc TASS Russian media outlet says it was an Afghan ISIS group. Doesn't seem like Putin or Ukraine had anything to do with this. So I say again to everyone in this subreddit. STOP shouting false flag for every random event!


Not 4 days after an election, when a trigger is required for a full war declaration/mobilization. From a government that has been suspected of a similar false flag in the past to start a separate war (1999 moscow apartment bombings). If this were a real attack, would 5 heavily armed gunmen "escape" the middle of moscow, in a state with internal security services larger than their fucking armed forces, in the middle of a war? If I see 5 dudes captured, it would go some way to convincing me otherwise.


Especially your last remark. But no, all attackers will escape- or get killed. No questions asked, Ukraine did this, complete mobilization , zombie army marches up. Instead of remembering the opera and school bombings from the early 2000, better remember the Moscow apartment bombings from the late 90'ies by FSB. They put Putin on the map, rallied ruzzians around the flag and allowed him to invade Chechnya.


Not all false flags are created equal. The Moscow apartment bombings were orchestrated to get Russia into a war with support from the people…. 3/4 Russians support the Ukraine war already, which has been going on for over two years. Plus, Putin has been trying to keep the war out of Moscow as much as possible. But now he orders his own men to go and kill dozens of people with machine guns at a concert hall? Who’s going to do that for him? That’sa very intimate attack, unlike rigging bombs in basement. Cameras are everywhere. Unless he then has other people to kill these fake terrorists, there’s no way this plan isn’t leaking. Again, it’s 2024, not 2000. You can’t expect to keep the lid on such a thing these days. Honestly I think the most likely explanation is that one of the terrorist groups from the Caucuses saw an opportunity with Russia’s attention and personnel focused on Ukraine and Belgorod. All that aside, Putin could still spin it as an attack from the Ukrainians. But that doesn’t mean he signed off on the attack. I say we wait for the facts rather than just shouting false flag from the rooftops when there’s no evidence of a false flag apart from our own assumptions.


This isn’t a democratic state where evidence matters or even concerns the regime who control ALL the levers of power. They run the corrupt cops that investigate. The corrupt prosecutors who will lay blame. The corrupt courts that rule as told. There is only the corrupt state media to lie to the people. There is no outsiders who will investigate or have access to details. There will be no other version of the attack getting told other than the Kremlin version. No honest investigators getting to the bottom of it. There will be no Russians looking to uncover a corrupt govt involvement. It will only be what the Kremlin says happened. As for these men having to be from some Russian security agency or some other secret brutal part of the govt; that doesn’t have to be so. These could have been men coerced into the attack, scumbags who ran afoul of the govt and were offered this as their out from the trouble they were in. Russia isn’t short on inhumane men lacking in morals to wantonly kill. Stooges for the govt, who “escaped” and will probably be announced as being eliminated by the FSB soon.


Why would Putin even care what evidence is left He’s already a wanted criminal. He would not care a bit if the US released 80 hours of footage documenting him giving an order to do this directly to his people. He doesn’t work in evidence. Never has. And doesn’t particularly care if it’s left behind.


Your over estimating the security capability of Moscow... cops are just as corrupt as the government. Its quite believable that this is an actual terrorist attack... Russian ethnic minorities have been send to die in Ukraine, it wouldn't take much for some of those relatives to take up arms against the Russian government. So yes shouting false flag for every little thing is presumptuous.


I definitely agree that people should hold up prior to assigning much to a breaking event I also can sympathize with people looking at the timing, method, and context and saying this looks more like Putin than Ukrainian-backed terrorists


Moscow cops swoop in on any hint of a public act of protest and ferret away persons. Gunmen rampage for a not insignificant amount of time at one of the biggest venues and they all just disappear. It would have also been far more undermining of the Putin regime for an attack like this shortly before the election. After it serves a convenient excuse for the regime to further clamp down on the people and make greater mobilization moves less troublesome for the Boss. For a regime that doesn’t care for the men it sends to die in Ukraine, who killed hundreds using a questionable gas in a 2002 hostage event, and regularly fabricates charges against anyone who challenges the regime. It is not a big leap to see reason to believe Vlad and his cronies are behind this. More so than ethnic groups from the south of Russia at this time.


Yeah, but counterpoint: cracking peaceful protesters’ skulls is *very* different from running full speed toward the sound of gunfire. I find it completely believable that Moscow police and OMON and whoever else would shy away from responding immediately to an attack or event that could actually endanger themselves.


Well your wrong, both CNN and Russian media outlet TASS are saying it was ISIS and afghan ISIS is also claiming they did it. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/22/europe/crocus-moscow-shooting/index.html?iid=cnn_buildContentRecirc_end_recirc So please stop it with the false flag narrative.


i cannot find the TASS article where it says its isis


>Not 4 days after an election Isn't that exactly why this attack might happen? We of course should wait for more information, but discontent with the fairness of the elections, plus recent deaths, seems like a more likely reason for someone to attack. The similarities with the Israel attack also make me wonder.


He said it is for the draft not the election


Reports say they are still inside with one being captured?


Can you link? I've only seen reports of them 'vanishing'. Breaking story, new info welcome obviously.




If this was real, I think there would be a big group of cops around this guy in case of attempted escape/rescue. He walks too regular to me to be what they say he is, no struggling, nothing.


Honestly I don’t know. I just read it on some sites from my country (I’m from Serbia) and there was this video.In any case,what is he gonna do? If it is a real terrorist attack they went in shooting people,they were fully aware what is gonna happen after this,they are either gonna be killed or captured,so resisting this is literally pointless. He is not running anywhere with so many cops around.


7 hours ago this article came out. A few hours ago a Russian figure called Ukraine a war. It's not like there isn't reason to call it a false flag. And even if it wasn't a false flag, there's no chance Russia will not blame it on Ukraine. https://kyivindependent.com/military-russia-gathers-100-000-soldiers-unit-for-alleged-offensive-effort-in-summer-of-2024/


Remember you said that...


False flag makes absolute sense when you realise the depths to which the Russian terrorist state has already sunk. The timing is perfect for Putin. Western intelligence already anticipated an attack just like this and warned all western citizens to avoid crowds or places people gather.


If any of them get caught, I'll believe it was a genuine attack. That's it, that's my only counter point


Medvedev already blamed Ukraine so yea its false flag either you like it or not.


Ukraine being blamed by a well-known and documented alcoholic who blames the West and Ukraine for everything isn't evidence of anything other than medvedev doing what is now expected of the drunkard...


I agree and a lot of people are jumping to conclusions but there are indications of a false flag attack. The timing, first of all, just days after the "elections"


And how medvedev had nice speech prepared so quickly after the event :D


He's crazy, so whatever he says doesn't matter. I expected nothing less of him anyway


That is wild, but hes the kind of guy that would  write hate speeches on the daily,  and file them away for just that special occassion. He lives for moments like this, getting blasted while scribbling his rabid thoughts  down on paper, in the hopes that one day he can share them with the world.


See the issue is there are too many things not adding up. Keep in mind Moscow has heavy police and FSB presence along with military forces Putin keeps there. So for there to be no armed response is either a show of Kremlin incompetence or intent. There never seems to be an issue with police showing up to arrest protesters yet once organized armed gunmen show up none are to be seen even in a heavy traffic place, where police would normally be on the look for dissent especially when it looks like a big event was going on which would require police presence anywhere else in the world. It appears no one was eliminated or apprehended as well adding further scrutiny to the event as they were making sure they were as visible as possible in all the filming that has been shown. Honestly this is looking more and more like the NO Russian call of duty scenario where tomorrow we will probably see a foreigner apprehended as an excuse for Russia to escalate. Keep an eye out for mass mobilizations to follow.


Not a false flag. 100% a minority group within Russia did this at the perfect time. In the middle of a war, right after an election. Russias republics like Chechnya, Dagestan, itchkeria, have a history of this.


When every single neighbor hates you, you are likely the asshole.


A la 2002 attack


Russian security sevices can easily lead a cell of people that hate Russia and facilitate their attack


Yes, my thoughts too.


ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack


Is this official? I had a feeling Putin wasn’t that dumb. WHERE YALL FALSE FLAG FOLKS AT?


Yup. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/22/europe/crocus-moscow-shooting/index.html


Oh nice insight there, do you know where is more info? Or names of events?


Yes beslan school siege 2004, and look up theatre attack 2002. Both conducted by resistance fighters/terrorists from Chechnya/dagestan/ and those parts. This new theatre attack is almost textbook them.


Why didn't they take hostages?


Also in the Russia Ukraine war there are units made up entirely of chechens, Dagestanis, tuvai, who are actively fighting on the frontline against Russia for Ukraine.


Oh nice thanks for the info and your other information. Your username is modest Gd_Information2127


The FSB also has a history of this. It's just like 1999, you don't know who did what, but you know they all plausibly could've done something.


They will soon parade the bodies of the "terrorist" & they will likely be Ukraine POW's.


Or Russian convicts dressed as such and promised release from jail, no need to go to Ukraine, lots of money, a Lada, and a bag of onions.


They don't need to promise them ladas if they are *bodies* though.


If this was a false flag, I’m sure there were some special promises involved. It’s really cheap and easy to promise almost anything if you plan on those loose strings “suiciding themselves”.


BINGO. POW bodies. FSB isn’t even trying!


Putin is a terrorist. Always was.


Seems that Putin is ready to scarifies as many Russians as needed for his own benefit.


It will be interesting to see what comes of the investigation. I mean, if Russia is capable of finding, arresting and convicting every person for slight anti-war activity, like a young woman for writing tiny anti-war slogans on a pricetags in a shop, they should easily be able to find 5 gun-wielding terrorists. Let's wait and see..... Regardless, Putin will undoubtedly use this as a Reichstag moment. Particularly after being 're-elected' and already holding a speech in which he said they need to crack down on 'traitors'. It's difficult to know what to make of it in honesty. The boy who cried wolf all over again. But once again people suffering in Russia and Putin will just personally gain from it .


Why were the men wearing masks unless they expected to leave alive.


Putin will be trying to control his smirk right now. Another false flag by the little leader.


Remember the bombed apartments leading up to Putin’s first full scale attack on a former Soviet entity? There were arrests made of a small group of FSB agents loading explosives into the basements of one of the apartments. The FSB later claimed it was a training exercise and that the bags contained sugar! So, during an ongoing supposed tear campaign of blowing up apartments in the area, the FSB deployed, a handful of agents on a training exercise where they planted, fake explosives in the basements of apartments, yeah OK. The bags were checked and tested before that story got released, and they were positive for explosives. The FSB was blowing up its own citizens, to give a provocation enough for Putin to enter Grozny and level that city. And since Putin still got “voted” to stay in power this month, it is obvious that the Russian public is ok with being bald faced lied to, even when it concerns the murder of their own citizens by their leader.


Any update on the state of the shooters? Are they still alive or were they killed/captured?


Even better, they disappeared


One has to be killed or captured and must be Ukrainian. No Russian, remember?


Some sources are reporting them as having left the hall so are on the run.


How convenient. 


member call of duty the mission with the plane member…yea member


Is this Putin’s “burn the Reichstag” move? Whether legit or not Vlad is getting nervous. All indications are his regime is less stable than we think.


"Sensation! Sensation! ISIS did in Russia what Russia each few days, for 2 years, did in Ukraine!"


I bet they did this false flag in a concert to draw similarities with Hamas's attack on Israel. They are really a huge bunch of stupid fucks.


All 5 gunmen carried 8 high powered 50 calibre machine guns each then escaped fully armed and in full military fatigue in a Ukranian drone X-fighter that turned on NATO supplied Ukranian invisibility cloak and flew back to Kiev via the moon said Medvedev during a 56 hour vodka binge.


Yep. That sound like something he would say...


I would really like to think this is an ISIS attack but the US warned about something along these lines 2 weeks ago and then Russia claimed to of thwarted the cell planning the attack. Putin has a track record of false flag OPs in his career and it just lines up too well with the election closing and the news around 100k+ troops being mobilised for whats been called a summer offensive. Pls downvote me to hell and back cos i hope i'm wrong but the old spidey sense is tingling here


It is within the realm of possibility. Putin does not shy away from poisoning opponents, organizing balcony and window flights, bombing civilians and invading other countries, so this too could very well be arranged by Putin.


Mass media, with reference to the russian special services confirmed, that information was received from the USA about the preparation of terrorist attacks in Moscow. All mass media repeats that russia was warned. But when murderers and criminals are warned, yet they do nothing, when they themselves are participants in this plan.


Ukraine has barely got any money for this war, are they really going to be wasting time bombing concert halls when they can wait and smack ANOTHER refinery?


If only zelenski could gove his condolences to the families which are hurt. That would be a powerfull denial of there influence.


Anyone who thinks that certain agencies haven’t been encouraging certain separatists from a certain region to do shit like this is very naive. There will be more. And nobody can say Russia didn’t put themselves in a position where this stuff happens.


Is still insist, some random balloons loaded with weapons and ammo should appear all over Russia. There is always someone who will use it for his own interests. -> collapse of the civil and criminal structure. And super cheap. How much costs a 3D printed Gun with 8 Bullets and a Ballon with H2 gas.


False flag. Really shitty they kill their own people. Sorry Russians but this is resistance or your government and we’re trying to stop that


This is not an official Ukrainian action this is about the only thing we know for certain this sort of action is not what Ukraine does.


Didn’t the U.S. warn about something like this about to happen a few weeks ago ?


[ISIS claims responsibility for attack in busy Moscow-area concert venue that left at least 40 dead](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/22/europe/crocus-moscow-shooting/index.html?iid=cnn_buildContentRecirc_end_recirc)


Now that Putin has secured his seat, he needs more bodies for the war effort. I won’t be surprised if he uses this as a reason to trigger more drafts.


Looks like lots of posts were removed that had good emerging information. Where is a good place to go for emerging news on this? Some place on discord?


Resale market for Ukrainian language 2005 "the Sims" CD ROM cases on fire in the last few weeks...


ISIS-K took responsibility. I get we want to be right about the false flag narrative but even the US is confirming it at this point


Nice try Russia 😂


Should have waited a little longer, but I understand the need to keep ahead of russian lies. Sometimes it forces you to move with little information and gets a little egg on you.


Watch some Ukrainians that were made to relocate get rounded up for this to take the blame. Or some POWs.


Maybe it really was terrorists......... attacking a terrorist state.


ISIS said they did it, I’m honestly surprised Russia didn’t didn’t


Isis claiming responsibility doesn’t mean they are actually responsible. We have limited info at the moment, and I don’t think we will ever have much of any reliable information about this attack. Isis has a big incentive to claim responsibility for attacks by themselves or any other group, because a particularly shocking / heartbreaking attack can be a boon to donations sent from rogue nations, private citizens with the same religious / ideological convictions, and mother / daughter organizations. Likely, Isis is also hopeful to inspire “copycats” to help rekindle the momentum that they have almost completely lost since their peak periods of depravity and hate-driven attacks against humanity.


This whole thing screamed 'False Flag' as soon as I'd heard about it.


Why is Putin killing his own people?


Surprised by some of the responses ITT to be honest. Putin was warned for weeks and possibly for Months this was coming. He saw the warnings as a big Western plot to "destabilize" Russia. [You can literally hear him say it.](https://kyivindependent.com/comments-show-putin-dismissed-western-warnings-of-moscow-attack-as-blackmail/) It wasn't the FSB. It looks horrible for Russia & creates discontent for Putin. It wasn't the SBU. It would completely erode European support. It was ISIS. Aided by Putin, Stalin-like once again, thinking he knew better and misreading a situation. Like his work solidifying NATO. Or getting Finland and Sweden in. Uniting Europe militarily against him. Misjudging what Western reaction to the Invasion would be. Convinced that more or less it was a 6 week operation to seize Kiev & annex Donbas over the simpering Ukrainians who would melt away. Egging on and feeding the troll Prigozhin oblivious to what was developing. If he can just hang on until January Trump will save him... Putin is evil. he doesn't care about Russian lives, let alone Ukrainians or Poles. He controls a powerful military. He understands post-Wall Russia in his gut. But he is truly an incompetent in almost all areas.


Lots of people are calling this a false flag, but keep some things in mind. 1. The US and other states' intelligence agencies warned if an attack exactly like this weeks ago, and (if my memory serves me right) they specifically mentioned threats from ISIS affiliates. 2. The Russian Government (as far as I've seen atm) has not moved to overtly assert that this was of Ukrainian origin and seems to not be pushing back against assertions that this was ISIS. Note: I'm referring to official Russian counterterrorism, intelligence, and law enforcement statements from the govt, not state media hosts. 3. The US seems to be backing up claims by ISIS that they were indeed behind this. 4. Russia is absolutely no stranger to terrorism at the hands of radical islamic militants and has a large share of enemies in this regard. There have also been increased tensions as of late with the Chechens. Lots of marginalized populations (such as muslims) have been disproportionately brought in to fill the army ranks as cannon fodder in Ukraine. 5. Russia has been actively recruiting militants out of Syria and other parts of the Middle East to bolster their manpower in Ukraine. These areas are some of the biggest hotbeds for Radical Islamic Terrorists, particularly ISIS affiliates. 6. It's unclear what the Russian Govt would stand to gain by having greater popular support for fighting ISIS. Perhaps there's some weird mobilization 3d chess, but that's a lot of assumptions and doesn't seem to tie in well a Ukraine centered narrative. I think we need to be careful about jumping to conclusions. My points 1 through 5 are purely just facts. This whole thing being a fully legit, horrific ISIS attack is very much in the realm of not just plausibility but probability. Yes, Putin has a track record of false flags, but Russia has a track record of getting terror attacked by jihadists as well.


Let’s not forget that putin bombed moscow apartments and did that moscow theatre hostage situation. All meat to drive his agenda, primarily in manipulating the russian population. So he killed russian civilians on numerous occasions. After killing Ukrainian civilians on a daily basis, it really takes some audacity to do this rhetoric that it was some Ukrainian act.


I’m sure the will use a Ukrainian POW and claim Ukraine did it.


How it comes that every discussion to this topic is locked. Did the Russians let the bots out?


Mods dont like to mod. So they locked them all. Ukraine is the second most grateful that isis took responsibility (after this sub's mods), because now mods can delete all posts about the attack since they dont relate to the war.


The Nazis pulled the same stunt with the Reichstag fire in 1933. Of course they blamed it on Jews.