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It's early yet...


Fpv hits in the open with telephone pole and foliage very close. Cut to exploding wreck and its immediate environment is different. May have rolled forward before cooking off, but there definitely could be survivors since they might have dismounted before the cookoff.


You can see the pole further left in the second shot. It definitely didn't explode immediately. But those vatniks on the hood definitely got mangled.


Agreed. This definitely didn't explode immediately. Look at the bush it eventually explodes right in front of. When the drone hits it's about 20-30 feet away from it so it must have rolled a bit or another drone came and finished it off. You can even see some survivors running away around the 20 second mark between the bushes to the left of the explosion.


I guess it rolled 50-100 meters but in a straight line, you see the small tree where it explode early in the clip. My take on it is if there was survivors they will at least try turn at some direction?


I was thinking that, the telephone pole is much closer in the dronenfootage and way off to the other side for the hit. Unusual for Ukrainian footage to be this Russian and dodgy with the cuts.


any survivors will be hunted down by drones


Agreed that the cutaway happened later. The BMD would have been rolling forward somewhat if it were, and I see no bodies flying. If there were any survivors they'd probably not be fighting for a long time, that thing exploded right on them with enough force to knock out and (eventually) destroy their ride. Maybe one of them got very lucky with a buddy blocking the shockwave and shrapnel but not very likely.


They match. It's the perspective, most likely caused by different lenses used. One drone must have had a wide angle. You can the the pole in all shots. Other landmarks also mach.


Do you see the little bush on the right at the 0:02 0:03 of the video. This is where it explodes.


You sir are stupid. Look again


You see the same bush, in the FPV footage along with all the other markings. The only "lie" the footage shows, is that it didnt explode immediatley. Dont foolish yourself if you cant properly analyse.


Bro. I can’t believe you are telling me I can’t analyse when it’s fucking obvious. Compare the two piles right to the pole and tell me I am wrong. How many times did u watched the video before commenting?


Do you not comprehend that the angles are different?


Thats why you check the footage for mutliple marks in the terrain/surroundings, and match up. So you can verify the location, and in this case its plenty.


You can even see the car standing in the back if you look carefully. How does it feel to be wrong and stupid?


https://postimg.cc/gallery/Cb0Mdd6 I can do atleast 2 more huge identifiable matchings. Pole and road


.. so we agree, what are you talking about then xD I guess we both did a mistake. You believing that the OP didnt believe BMD rolled foward between the cuts. And I, that you didnt believe the two clips was from the same event. As you doouble posted xD have a nice day :)


Understandable. Likewise


I meant exactly that haha. The little bush on the right by the road




The one in the mirror? Yes.


All were cooked... 💥🔥 The End


Was just about to comment this. That's when you know you have seen to much from this war, when you notice that such a hit wouldn't make it instantly explode.


I see the same. I am suspicious of some of these videos being edits.


At 0:15 - 0:17 you can see at least 2 people middle screen moving between the trees away from the explosion right to left


yep, it didn't explode right when the drone hit. Maybe it was hit by another one or went on a mine. I doubt this drone really made significant damage. Sure the people on it were certainly "inconvenienced", but the vehicle? In that corner at the back there is basically nothing that could explode: the exhaust, radiator, and a tool box further inside. The ammo is below the turret. And in the angle that the drone hit it, it could have not done much damage, if any at all. Maybe it just hit the leg of one unfortunate dude. I really don't know why there are such edits, they just look obviously fake (and actually this is a fake). If the BMD exploded anyway a few meters on, it would have been easy to show what really happened, or if there was any tactical reason to hide something, then don't show the whole incident.


They had to have all died.


Depending on the model of BMD there could have also been a dozen troops inside. In fact as troops were sitting on top unprotected, that is very likely. Potentially 20-odd Orcs wiped out in a second by a $500 FPV.


I thought they sit on top because those things are death traps inside


Sometimes troops choose to sit on top because it means they won’t die if they hit a mine. They kind of gamble which is more likely, running over a mine or an FPV drone coming around.


What a decision to make. When they could have just decided to.... Stay the fuck home.


Right ! Fuck off back home . Fools .


How many percent are drafted vs volunteers?


i dont know the % but its alot, if we take them by their word its 30,000 a month that volunteers because the pay and benefits is really good to draw more people in, however given their very high casulty rate this wont go on for much longer


They have 34 million working men. At rate of 931 soldiers lost per day it would take 100 years to kill all working men. Of course they would give up sooner but... It would have to be a lot sooner.


Well how many can be let go before the economy no longer can sustain it plus not everyone of those will go willingly. I just meant those who go by choice


20 lives ended for the price of a league of legends ahri skin


It was like literally raining bits of Russian soldiers out of the sky, after that explosion. I think there dead lol.


Guys, i would say that the second image of the exploding BMP is not the moment when the drone hits. Depending on the position of the bushes and the electricity pole, the bmp was able to move further bevor the explosion. Maybe due to the damage by the first strike or maybe a second drone attack we were not shown. Theres also one guy running to the bushes on the left. Nevertheless, those guys we see will have a bad day so far. But the video editing is supposed to suggest that the entire crew immediately blew up. Even if it doesn't matter, it's still advisable to sometimes question what we're being told.


possibly drone hits, vehicle is damaged and steering or driver is disabled. vehicle drives over mine


Agree with the sentiment. But I think it is the one explosion. Second part is a replay and the picture is zoomed in a bit. Note the pattern of debris inside the flames is the same.


I thought exactly the same without having an these comments.  The cut in video is a perfect "cut in motion" which we use for various reasons. One of which is to stitch together angles from different takes and/or with bad synchronicity in between.


I totally agree.


Looking at the post in the background, it rolled on for a bit before sudden involuntary disassembly. Even if they didn't all die, there will be few survivors.




That would explain what I thought was strange: the drone seem to almost miss the BMD, just hitting a corner. For a bang like at the end, you would need a full hit in the center..


Wow it’s a little early for fireworks 💥🥹 please continue.. 


That guy jumping off must have been launched!


These are so satisfying


Meat Armor Failure


Not a failure at all. They just need to add a bit more meat for it to work properly.


That is a lot of kills with one drone ✌


Well those orcs are fried.  


The 2 clips do not match. In the first clip the vehicle is near a pole. The exploding vehicle is next to a large bushy tree - a long way away from the pole (far left?) - same vehicle perhaps, but 2 different events. Stitched together for internet points. Not cool. The sort of low grade editing and headlining we expect of ruzzians.


It doesn't matter. It is very obvious it is the same vehicle only 50 meters further down the trail. It doesn't matter if there was a second drone or a delayed explosion from an internal fire started by the first drone. A vehicle with troops on top was hit and 50 meters down the road it exploded. It's obvious some troops were killed and some were not. The 2 troops seen running between the bushes would indicate that the explosion happened pretty soon after the hit shown. 


I agree, also seems like it wasn't a full on impact. The other one does


Agree, I see this nonsense regularly and its frustrating.


Seeing BMD in the title, i knew what was coming. The Russian troops were either the bravest, stupidest, or just plain resigned to their fate kind of fellows to ride into battle on a BMD in this day and age.


This is sugar. Need no extra sugar in my coffee.


They usually atleast attempt to jump off


that guy looks like Prigo




That was many kosmonauts at the same place :-)


Heißer Empfang. Willkommen in der Ukraine. 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


Death from above and below. Death is certain in Ukraine for the orcs


More senseless loss of lives for no gain!


I think that guy in the front is going to need a couple of stitches.


that one guy just right of the impact point was watching the whole descent... who knows what went through his head?


Goooooood morning zorc bastard's your life it's a blast...LOL literally LOL


Kontakt-200 NERA didn't work.


Good one Bob!


The orc protection system appears to have malfunctioned here. The BMD was destroyed in spite of it.


As the song states : "ayayayaya"! Indeed




And pop goes the weasel


A clip that more-or-less follows this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/EKlNp2UoUl


Looks like one of the African recruits in the centre of the frame when it hits


Lou Reeds 'Perfect Day'? "Oh, it's such a perfect day. I'm glad I spent it with you." From the drone operators view that is, of course...


Excellent. Love the Ukrainian work


This could be the second hit of a FPV drone first one got the guys riding on top and the second one took out the bmp.


I just tell people "I never do any work, free money!" Even though I bust my ass off lol


In the second scene you can see a person moving away from the vehicle in the bushes on the left.


7 or 8 less murderers in Ukraine, it's making MY day brighter, WELCOME TO UKRAINE MF'ERS


"Surprise MF'er"


That was a peach!


Magnificient shot, congrats to the drone operator ;)


Their going to need some burn cream for the sore bums.


Seven on top and at least a crew of two more, all 200's! SLAVA UKRAINI!


Would you like fries with that?




That drone looked like it was powerful enough to kill off the dinosaurs. Meatier shower.


I think no survivors. Slava Ukraine.


Airborne unit.


I hope everyone de-BMDed safely. But for those who may have terminally egressed, I hope the relatives get a piece.


made my day! slava ukraine


LONERS ANTHEM WHO SHOT SCOTT [https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=3Sh1Ryulf0Q](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=3Sh1Ryulf0Q)


It looks like 2 different videos


The new BMPs are worst than the old ones. How is that even possible? The old ones we're trash 🤣


Apple commercial music


Now that is a bullseye


They went in fuckin orbital mode


Looks like some the riders got some flytime yeeehaaaa :)


great hit however that fireball explosion was not the immediate result of this drone strike. Notice that pole next to the BMD when the fpv-drone hits it? In the final explosion this pole is quite a distance away from the BMD. So I guess that hit killed and wounded soldiers on top and disabled the BMD and the big explosion occured when the BMD was finished off later.


Most likely it was on fire (like most Soviet BMPs) after a hit, then after some time, exploded when the fire got to the ammo. People inside gets the flames, the ones on top, gets a drone in their face.


Okay, that was a juicy target.


Mobile blyat-becue


Squad wipe


The MAT (Meat Armor Test) #789 results are in: fiery but mostly successful.


All happened so fast for those guys. The noise of the BMD would hide the noise of the drone. When they spotted it, it was too late. Why don't they just go home?


Nice fucking hit! I'm so impressed with how Ukraine has been so resorceful in developing better drone warfare into the real threat it is. 524,000 fewer Russian's to breed, limiting their genetics and continued mongol aggression. The only good Russian is a rotting corpse fertilizing the fields of Ukraine. Slava Ukraine!