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My exact same thoughts.


They should have wasted their lives trying to remove the Tsar...


And what if you get captured alive instead of being shot on sight ? You'd be in for a treat let me tell you. They wouldn't let you off that easy, you'd be tortured for years.


I just don't understand. If you're going to do this, just kill your general. That's the worst that can happen, the same thing?


These people are nowhere near any command i would assume.


Kinda hard to kill a guy that you never get to meet


These guys probably don't see a non-commissioned officer their entire short careers in the military. They are just thrown out they're to absorb bullets and drone strikes.


They don’t have the guts or the ability to take out their own higher-ups in RU army. They apparently rather waste themselves.


Brainwashed by being told that Ukraines would way worse to them as PoWs.


The mysterious death of your family back home, I assume.


Watching this can't be good for my mental health.


If you been on this sub reddit long enough and watching the other videos also I think at this point most of us are pretty desensitized to the blood and gore and human suffering. So yeah I think most of our mental health is pretty messed up at this point


I've been watching combat footage ever since liveleak days.


I remember LiveLeak and some of those videos were absolutely brutal they showed things that Reddit would never allow.


The most horrific thing I saw was some sort of farmer, that had a huge pit full of pigs. Probably like 30 or 40 and set it on fire. I guess they were sick or something. It scared me and I will never forget the horrific sound. Or a cartel member wearing another man's face skin as a mask after removing it.


The death mask must be one of the most brutal ways to go. Those guys got down to a science.


Yeah, me too. I’ve been watching this kind of stuff for years- some grisly stuff from ISIS and the cartels, as well as combat footage, accidents and disasters. It doesn’t seem to have affected me in any particular way. I don’t have nightmares, don’t have mood swings, don’t think about harming myself or others. I know that this kind of stuff is not for everyone and I actively protect people around me from accidently seeing what I see on my computer. The notion that this kind of stuff automatically harms the viewer’s mental health or ability to function as a normal member of society is not that accurate. Of course there are people for whom this kind of stuff is not healthy…but I think that there are also many people who can handle it. My basic sense is that this is part of our human experience and I have a duty to face the hard facts and not just ignore them.


watched bestgore for years, plenty if cartel killings, work place incidents, etc some of these videos get me like that beating heart, or the faceless dude.


You can say that again, at least half of this subreddit has 0 care for human life and are just disguising it behind hate for Russia because they invaded Ukraine.


The problem is that if these guys don't meet this fate, then they'll do even worse to Ukraine. So to that extent this gory footage is by far the lesser of two evils


This conflict as a whole has been not the greatest for my mental, but staying up to date on the ongoing conflict and remaining grounded about lucky I am to be born where I was is important.


Yeah, shit, I was getting pretty sad. As much as I hate Russia, these are still people who once probably had a normal life with hobbies and love.


That was well worth the sacks of onions and potatoes that their wives are going to get.


Onions and potatoes are very valuable in Russia.. 🤣


Even more valuable than their currency


They ain't Gettin shit, Russia is broke


Maybe, just *maybe,* the widows were getting some petty remuneration for soldiers’ deaths but that came to an end after a few mere weeks into the SMO (Sadistic Murder Operation).


Be nice if they did this on a much larger scale to save Ukraine the trouble.


Lets stream that to TV Moscow prime time.


After hearing about the recent beheadings of Ukrainian soldiers, I have no sympathy at all for these dogs. Who knows what other crimes they have committed without us knowing. I wish them the worst


Where you got that from? Source?




Thank you boss was just searching for this as it was posted a few days ago


Bare with me


They should just call this video “So how’s the SMO going?”


everyone had a family, a childhood, everyone went to school for 10 years to die.....


What I read over 2 years ago from another redditor: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/t1fwa6/comment/hyfw20s/ >Yes he fighting on the wrong side but he have also children wife mother father he is victim of his country. Don't insult him hope he find now peace.


So many poor Russians dying such brutal and torturous deaths. All for what? Some old farm land?. This war is so useless


Good on them for doing the right thing.


Really seems like they could have done this at home


Other Russians should learn from these guys


WWI levels of PTSD for any fucks that survive this shit.


I think this literally makes them a suicide cult.


I fully support this Russian initiative, they are saving Ukraine the cost of bullets and drones and still getting the job done... keep it up Invaders, you are doing good work


It's better if they surrender.


Reap what you sow


Pigs are useful and lovely animals. Those are barbarians that rape kill loot peaceful civilians. Orcs.


I’m pretty sure they’re just random fuck nuts they picked up off the street. But sure kiddo.


So random raping fucknut barbarian looters then?


This is good to dance too. 🥃🍾. 🧟‍♂️


Thanks for sharing, I needed that after all the evil they bring and atrocities they been causing again and again lately!


I love this channel, each day I wake up and look forward to New Orc horror videos. 🇺🇦✊🇺🇦


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They are doing a good job eliminating themselves from ukraine


#14 Gets extra points for full auto.


That's the power of pootin's mind controlling propaganda. I hope russians will finally realise they're just being duped.


I know this is aggregated, but is this behavior usual in warzones? Never heard about this phenomenon.


Could the reason for these suicides be the supposed payment their families get for their deaths? I can see the prisoners and impoverished troops taken their lives for that purpose. If their only purpose is to be cannon fodder, they likely know they're not making it back. Plus surrendering means their families won't get shit. Some of the self deletion has to be the result of being told the Ukrainians are going to torture them, or just plan ol' fear of dying painfully and slowly. I just wonder if the Russians are desperate enough to kill themselves for what Putin is promising them.


I've seen enough Ukrainian POW being executed to not feel even a little bit of empathy for these Russian orcs




What's up with #6 did he set his gun down before dying


You guys are rotten and horrible. Most of these people are drafted


Let’s go for that times ten


… ten hundred thousand, yeah


They seem to be having a blast


Kind of morbid. I'm not sure what people get out of seeing this shit


Love to watch it


Whoever made this video is a total freak, this video is just sad, what a stupid war


You are dehumanizing people nice job.


The one at 00:40 cuts his own throat, right? It is quite a scary thought that for most of those who were mobilised, there wasn’t really much choice to avoid ending up in that situation. For the average man, escape abroad was financially impossible (and then legally so as well). The state knows where they live and has financial pressure levers on their family. Can’t even run away and live in the woods. Then after basic training, ferried to the front and kept cowed by threat of or actual brutality if refusing to obey orders that would lead to almost certain death. The realisation that this was a one way ticket must have happened suddenly and quite early on. No or little support to be found among your own, everything is too fragmented - impossible to rebel get together into some sort of deserter gang. And now it’s probably even harder to surrender to AFU. Unless you’re in a trench or other position that gets overrun, you’re just alone in a field as part of a meat wave. A drone is coming for you. It’s too far to try to run towards the enemy to surrender. Desperation must be overwhelming. The final decision comes easy, it’s both logically sound and an emotional relief. By then “what could I have done differently” doesn’t even come into consideration. Just one last thing to do, to finally regain control of your life.


From - [@GloOouD](https://x.com/GloOouD)


Whoever is responsible for the grenade in the collar order deserves a slow, torturous existence. Years. That's such a fucking evil thing to convince your people to do.


Do the Russians not carry side arms?. Seems most of them use their AR's to do themselves in.


Only officers and special forces carry a side arm in the russian army.


Oh weird.


jesus fuck dude, you cold ass nibba.


Well the jam is good


Don't these profoundly religious men know suicide is a mortal sin?


This is sad.


The fact that it's happened this many times and many times more not on camera speaks volumes of how trash the russian army is and how low their morale is


This comment section is a gathering for the uneducated who believe every single enlistee is a willing collaborator of Russian war crimes. And not instead, a victim of the authoritarian ship there, learn to value people's lives or at the very least. Work towards validating your own as 'above' theirs instead of wanking to these videos.


this particular comment is an extremely uninformed and ultimately useless take, which is parroted around reddit for no reason other than to garner sympathy for willing participants in a genocidal invasion and for the commenter to feel morally superior than others. russia has no problem sustaining their army out of contract soldiers, theres been no mobilisation since 2022, they sign up for many reasons but all want to be there because they get paid. The only time they don't want to be there killing Ukrainians is when they're featured in videos like these.


Pretty sure every last person here did not want any of those people to enter Ukraine as an invading force. These guys did anyway. At least they gave us some lulz on the way out, thanks boys


Classic, seeing dudes kill themselves lulz0rz


Pretty fucking sure they live in the same country as Putin and if you ask most Russians agree with his actions because if they did not agree they could you know remove him! No leader stays in power without the help and support of many people! You cannot in this day and age claim it's propaganda, information was never so easy to come by and they chose to remain ignorant ans hatefull. So yeah glass the fuck all of them tbh! Some cultures are better not to exist at all, they are a people rotten and that is why for generations their leaders are rotten.


100 percent


Glad to see these guys being proficient with something.


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Did anyone else count 66 like I did? I might be a little bit off because I had to rip my shoes & socks & boxers off to count ‘em all on.