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Speculation: hit by some sort of supersonic interceptor with a ring blast pattern. The bang heard was probably mainly the sonic boom, not the warhead. Ring blast pattern is associated with Buk as seen in the 2014 attack by Russia on the MH17 civilian flight.


I recognize propaganda from the other side, but... That's a really interesting blast pattern in the night.


Comrade! You silly! No hope to earn potato from Leader Putin for fireworks video!


My Russian buddy's dacha got its roof turned into Swiss cheese when a low flyring drone got intercepted by a Buk SAM and fragmentation hit his house.


My first thought was if I was filming I would be heading for some type of overhead protection. Shit gona be falling from the sky.


How’d the S500 do in Crimea? 🤣🤣🤣


It is now a 200. 😉


Russia is a terrorist state. Who the fuck supports an open mass murderer like Putin? OP must be psychotic.


My guy this is just footage from the other side, this mean nothing, I dunno if the OP is pro Russian or not, but posting Russ side footage doesn't make you a whatever pro meat grinder activist


Checkout OP's post history, very sussy. There were many RuZbot trolls that frequently brigade this sub with "impartial" bullshyt, trying to create arguments and division. They will act impartial, but sooner or later they slip up and you find them cheering for UKR deaths, in another sub. So yeah, when it comes to RuZ content, never give them a benefit of the doubt, unless they openly condemn RuZZia in every post.


His firts comment is from about 1year ago and his account is made in 2018 seems pretty sus


Hacked account.


Was that an intercepted drone? Was it filled with confetti or what? Looks like a children birthday firecracker or like the special effects in sixties sf movies..


Air defence missile. They fly next to the target and shoot out what is essentially a 360° shotgun blast.