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What a lusterfuck


Luster Munitions...I assume those make them shiny and easy to spot.


Diamonds in the rough.


Yeah, I just decided I am going to turn down all those rubles to help ole Vlad out. 😏


I really wonder how much ground these cluster munitions cover. There always seems so many open area’s where you don’t see impacts.


They're meant to be used in tandem with other cluster munitions so that there's no gaps, but the Ukrainians make by with what they have.


Each “puff” you see is an individual bomblet detonating. Each detonation spreads shrapnel. If memory serves correctly there are roughly eighty bomblets in the variety sent by the US. I think the spread pattern is eighty bomblets detonating within a 150 meter circle, and a smaller 80 meter ‘kill zone’ inside that. That’s a lot of words to say “in an open area these spread lethal shrapnel *far* further than visibly recognizable


Before he was assassinated, Prigozhin revealed the reason why the Kremlin oligarchs invaded Ukraine. Prigozhin said: "The cause was neither NATO nor the denazification of Kyiv; those are for the fools". Starting @ 2:10 https://youtu.be/nupKl9EiVCg?si=vlt5c5YyGFYkijOv


I’ve seen your comment elsewhere, but never until now watched this video. It’s honestly horrific to think about the details he shares. Human beings capable of such pure evil is beyond my comprehension.


I don't have a problem using anything on hand to take out orcs.


I guess the 3rd Brigade is a little angry.


Now we know why FPV and drones are much more effective and cheap. 2000-3000 bucks per cluster shell, not accurate, requires multiple shells and at best only take out 2-3 soldiers in a tight grouping. FPV, 500 bucks, less with mass production, almost certain to seriously wound or kill at least 1 soldier, if not jammed. For the price of a cluster shell, FPV could take out 6 soldiers, almost guaranteed.


We also know that FPVs have a low hit rate due to the proliferation of EW on the front line. Interviews from Ukrainian operators say they are only successful 10-30% of the time.


Sniping two or three individuals with a cluster munition seems a waste of a scarce ammo type. Surely they'd be better off conserving them for bigger or more significant targets. If I were a FOO and wanted to engage them, I'd have probably called for a 155 HE and then assessed whether it was worth adjusting fire onto wherever they took cover.


The ruzzians now advance in small groups...they find cover closer to the Ukrainian lines and wait for.the next small group to get to the same.place, and the next, and the next, them they all advance at the same time, if Ukrainians don't manage to hit them with arty, then it's to close to use arty, so it has to be drones...if possible...it's not easy... hopefully Ukrainians will win in the end of all this madness


Send more evacuation groups


They killed a dog! MFERS


The US needs to deliver its thousands of Cluster bombs (not artillery) along with the F16s...the US refuses to use them per some lame treaty, so let Ukraine put them to use.


The USA has neither signed nor ratified the treaty