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"South Korea has banned the export of another 243 items of goods to Russia and Belarus, Yonhap reports with reference to the country's Ministry of Industry. We are talking about products that could potentially be used for military purposes. The updated sanctions list includes metal-cutting equipment, parts of optical devices and sensors. The document will come into force at the end of summer, after which the number of goods prohibited for export to the Russian Federation and Belarus will increase to 1402.  Moscow previously tried to circumvent sanctions using gray supply schemes. Thus, in February, South Korean customs suspected two men of helping to import precision engineering equipment into Russia that could be used in the production of weapons.  According to law enforcement officials, entrepreneurs illegally supplied 98 machines worth 15.5 billion won ($11.5 million) to Russia between August 2022 and December 2023. Due to sanctions, they could not do this openly, so they declared the products as machines with low technical characteristics, for the export of which at that time no permit was needed. A case was opened against the suspects, which was transferred to the prosecutor's office. South Korea imposed sanctions against Russia after the start of the war in Ukraine. Seoul suspended settlements with Russian banks and supported the disconnection of some of them from SWIFT.  In March 2022, South Korea banned the export of microprocessors and microcontrollers, equipment for the production, testing and inspection of semiconductors, polycrystalline silicon (material for solar cells), filters, and resists to Russia and Belarus. Seoul soon expanded the list, adding industrial and construction equipment, goods for the steel, chemical and automotive industries, parts for cars over $50 thousand, conductors and quantum computers and parts for them, as well as sapphires and rubies. Despite this, the export of machine tools from the Republic of Korea continued to Russia. Thus, according to the NBD system, from March 1, 2022 to July 31, 2023, Hanwha Precision Machinery (a South Korean manufacturer of automated production systems and metal-cutting machines) supplied $13.7 million worth of goods to Moscow. Moreover, deliveries took place directly.  On November 2, the United States imposed sanctions on nearly 200 companies. Among them was JSC IPK Finval, a Russian importer of Hanwha equipment. After this, the South Korean company, which previously risked falling under secondary sanctions, since a significant part of the supplies were intended for Russian enterprises under restrictions (for example, JSC FSPC Titan-Barricades or Marine Underwater Weapons - Gidropribor), was forced stop cooperation with the Russian buyer.  At the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of South Korea added 682 types of goods to the export control list for supplies to Russia and Belarus. The list included heavy construction equipment, batteries, spare parts for aircraft, and machine tools. "-The Moscow Times




"quantum computers"? I didn't know S Korea had quantum computers let alone export them. Has anyone built one yet, even? There was a great ballyhoo a couple of years ago but that was China, so...


Ah probably refering to the rudimentary ones we can build now They advanced a lot over the years but we ain't quite there yet


Should ban the export of buldak carbonara too


No more K-pop and Samsung for them, eheheh. They can listen to vomit inducing RuZ muZic and use FSB spyware phones.


[North Korea publicly executed 22-year-old man for watching K-pop](https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/east-asia/north-korea-executes-man-kpop-music-b2570516.html) Russia will follow the suit. There are a lot people have been judged there for listening to Ukrainian music.


Unfortunately, there are plenty of other countries, like India and those in the Middle East and Southeast Asia who will happily act as intermediaries for Russian trade in banned tech. Export bans don't work very well because of both lack of enforcement and lack of severe penalties. But SKorea can easily make up for it by announcing billion dollar deals to supply much needed munitions to Ukraine.