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Put away the gallows. It's an investigation.


Some are accusing him of using meatwave tactics. I saw it on Radio Free Europe. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y2fYl7aZpU&list=PLmx1cgbbtmA39lqK30Cudo99a4o4xivT\_&index=14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y2fYl7aZpU&list=PLmx1cgbbtmA39lqK30Cudo99a4o4xivT_&index=14)


IMO this is a more complex matter. There has always been tension and unresolved conflict between AFU marine corps and Azov forces due to the their roles during the siege of Mariopol. [Bohdan Krotevych](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohdan_Krotevych) (*commander of Azov Brigade*) is highly critical about [Yurii Sodols](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yurii_Sodol) (former *commander of the joint AFU forces, succeded by* [Andrii Hnatov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrii_Hnatov)) role in the defense of Mariopol, which resulted in a substantial amount of Azov forces becoming encircled in Azovstal complex and later having to surrender to RF military. The investigation initiated by Bohdan Krotevyech is supported by politician [Maryana Bezuhla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryana_Bezuhla), she has called Sodol a "butcher" and "murderer" of Ukrainian soldiers. She is also known for submitting a proposal to the Verkhovna Rada which would have allowed military commanders to kill soldiers under their command if they refused to follow orders (*the proposal wasn't made into a law*). However, Sodol was never officially accused of any wrongdoings or dereliction of duties in this respect, as he was likely following orders from the general staff of the armed forces (Генеральний штаб Збройних сил України) and AFU didn't have the military means to establish a land corridor to Mariopol to allow for evacuation of the encircled forces. In the past, Sodol has been awarded the "Hero of Ukraine" award and has proven to be an effective army commander, he is credited for the modernisation of the Ukrainian marine corps. One of the most efficient and progressive units of Ukrainian marines is "[Madyars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Brovdi) Birds" a.k.a. [414th Marine Strike UAV Btl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/414th_Marine_Strike_UAV_Battalion) that is currently transformed into a rgt. IMO the conflict specifically originates from early April of 2022 when \~1000 soldiers of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade surrendered at the Illich steel plant in Mariopol (*having run out of munitions, provisions, medevac capacities and in a strategically hopeless situation*) after a botched attempt to break out of the encirclement lead to high # of casualties and the collapse of several critical defensive positions that would have been important to any further attempts to vacate Mariopol. Azov Regiment and Ukrainian intelligence units criticized the marine command and servicemen that had surrendered as this also sealed the fate of Azov Rgt that couldn't break through Russian lines and retreat towards Ukrainian-held territories. By mid April 2022, the defense of Mariopol was considered hopeless as Ukrainian defenders where encircled and cut off from all lines of communication (*attempted airborne evacuations and supply runs in and out of Mariopol also resulted in heavy losses with Ukrainian aviation*). Apart from small groups (*\~20 soldiers from 7th tank brg*), no successful breakout through RF lines towards Ukrainian positions (*\~180 km away from Mariopo*l) was achieved. The events leading to this conflict are described here (wikipedia [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Mariupol#Final_pockets_of_resistance) on the siege of Mariopol). The shift in command structures of the Ukrainian army in February 2024 is described here (article [link](https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240217-zelensky-s-a-team-who-is-who-among-the-new-ukrainian-army-commanders) from French source in English). TL/DR: It's difficult to evaluate the underlying motives and power dynamics among the senior ranks of the Ukrainian military and politics. As internal division among Ukrainian military will only benefit RF, I hope some sort of sustainable solution can be found in this matter.


Interesting summary. Thank you. Binary good/bad assessments skip the nuance.


You're welcome. Note I'm not taking sides, I just want to provide some context on this matter.


Absolutely don't think you're taking sides. You're being informative which is what keeps me here.


I had no prior knowledge of all the events you describe. That said, it’s a lot and I’m going to put my thoughts elsewhere for the time being to revisit at a later timepoint. Thanks, though.


Sodol has absolutely the worst reputation on the Ukrainian telegram. I personally have no idea, but nobody has one good thing to say about him. People are constantly calling for his head. For Krotevich to do what he did requires massive balls even by Azov standards. So based on the preponderance of evidence, yeah dude is asshole who got a lot of good people killed,


Sodol was one of the "[new men](https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240217-zelensky-s-a-team-who-is-who-among-the-new-ukrainian-army-commanders)" that were appointed after [Valery Zaluzhny ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valerii_Zaluzhnyi)was resigned as commander in chief of the AFU in February of this year (*who was expedited on relatively short notice to UK to serve as ambassador*). While he led Marine Corps Command, some of the most difficult tasks were assigned to the Ukrainian marines (*defense of Mariopol, offensive in Robotyne, establishment of beachhead in Krynki...*). He is one of \~900 recipients of the [Hero of Ukraine ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero_of_Ukraine)award, which at the very least indicates his work was appreciated both in the military and in politics in the past. When Sodol was appointed commander of the joint forces, he re-allocated significant resources away from national guard, territorial defense, intelligence and "irregular" units (*\~units that were founded outside of the army and integrated into AFU or* [GRU](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Directorate_of_Intelligence_(Ukraine)) *at a later point*) and set out to build up the marines into a combined arms force (*the integration of Madyars Birds UAV strike force and transformation into a rgt is an example for this*) to complete his modernisation of the AFU naval infantry/marines. This might have irritated other prominent formations within AFU as well as prominent members ot the Verkhovna Rada that took to social media to discredit him. Time will show if the investigation turns up any significant and verifiable underperformances, evidence for corruption or derelictions of military duty.


Don't punish people who make mistakes. Try to learn what went wrong.


Mistake, yeah. If it was deliberate, then down with him.


If he willingly fucked up for being lazy and shit, he deserves a Demotion at the bare minimum.


Bad gernals loss wars. Has to kick em out


You have to remember most of these older guys still used and believed in the old Khrushchev-era offensive and defensive strategies.


IMO this doesn't acurately depict the actual military doctrine and operational tactics that were implemented in the Ukrainian marines under Sodols command. One of the most dynamic and progressive UAV btl is part of the Ukrainian marines ([414th Marine Strike UAV Btl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/414th_Marine_Strike_UAV_Battalion)), commonly known as "Madyar's Birds" led by [Robert Brovdi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Brovdi). It's currently build into a marine UAV rgt.


Really inept or Pro RuZ bribed?


He dont need to be bribed, just believing in the russian narrative. I hope the investigation will get to the bottom of it. Anyway his influence is no longer. And I hope this will be good for the AFU.




Rip? He's in Ukraine, alive and well. Unlike his chances if he was in Russia of being killed by falling out of a basement window. The worst that will happen to him is 12 years in a reasonable humane prison.


Everything is true except the very last statement. Ukrainian prisons are horrible, and I doubt they will spend money on them to improve in the middle of a war.


Russia kind of set a new standard for what is considered *humane prison conditions*, so Ukrainian prisons are probably like a spa resort in comparison.


Okay from that perspective, yes humane.


People who are reasonable are refreshing.


he will be in a trench as private right soon