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Thank you OP for showing the world how fucked up russia is. They decide to be in Ukraine. They decide to kill Ukrainian people. They decide to die in a land which is now hostile towards russia.


They decide to be the garbish of mankind.


and OP is very happy about it, because he gets paid to be a psycho for PutinZ.


By the number of troll posts Ukraine's having successes.


It is genuinely a good indication.


This isn’t a troll post though why is it bad to also see the losses ukr soldiers are taking as well. I think it would be a much better sub if we got to see the cost of war from the defending nation as well. Let’s not forget this is a war casualties are being taken for both sides though


Nobody forgets that. It pains me to see good people killed by a terrorist state. On the other hand, I like starting my day with seeing at least a few orcs get eviscerated by American firepower and Ukrainian balls. There are channels for orc propaganda this isn't one of them. This is a channel for Ukrainian supporters and their videos, portraying their fight against being tortured, raped and murdered in their own land by an evil invading mob of alcoholic scum. /edit for spelling


Героям Слава!


Why do they always cut off and not show the aftermath? I hope the soldiers got off OK


Orc Troll


Ukraine accomplishes the same thing at a fraction of the cost with their oneway FPV drones. Russian Lancet drones cost $30-35,000 each. I wonder if Ukraine would ever consider running inexpensive "drone boats" with crews made out of scarecrows just to make Russia waste their lancet drones?


Ruzzians be actively working for MAGAots any way they can, bring it on. It's either us or you guys, nonetheless ... see ya in November


Small dick drone hit




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