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Munchausen was a saint against the Russians.


Good lord, I thought you said Mauthausen...


With all my current hatred of Russians, I wouldn't cross that word limit. Not even for Russians. It would make me feel small.


The article has a bit more info on this https://united24media.com/latest-news/russia-state-tv-airs-video-of-russian-soldier-executing-comrade-falsely-labels-them-ukrainian-1082 I just wish to add something that even though I believe Mr.Andrii Tsaplienko statment since he has a longer version of the video russianocontext has a more clearer and larger version of it https://imgur.com/a/GnILnom since the two ferns I marked are cut out from his version of the video Andrii Tsaplienko version also has the classic fpv text with the battery and such The Russian version is by far the worst since it has the first and last few minutes completely cut out the last part having assisted us with geolocationg it and it is also smaller than the original video which leads me to believe that they just downloaded russianocontexts video due to the lack of text above like Andrii Tsaplienko versions and also just cropped out their logo https://imgur.com/a/i98Xhkt - I have attempted to recrate the effect by putting a piece of paper over that portion of the screen and got similar results while being on almost the exact same frame of the vid The frame I used https://imgur.com/a/eneiJIq


Wow! Thanks for all the context.


dude is wearing tactical-sneakers


russians = Absolute fucking idiots…


The stink of desperation


All they do is lie. All they’ve ever done is lie.


All they will ever do is lie.


How to identify a Kremlin bot- they will reference this "news" report. Ez dunk.


This is the definition of a Russian.


What a sorry ass country


Fake new! Russian orcy are losing so bad.


Hot in 1980


Sooooo why didn’t this “Ukraine” soldier just shot him from the distance he was behind? Or the other Russian soldier ahead? Next they will claim the “Ukraine” up front was running from the Russian followed by the “Ukraine”. /s


I think they were implying that its a Ukrainian soldier shooting another Ukrainian soldier. Although it seems a bit fake cuz guy on the ground clearly knew that he would be shot cuz he starts shaking his hands and bracing


Pretty sure I saw this raw footage of the russian getting hit by drone and asking soldier near him to finish him off, funny how russians use their own soldiers who kill each other for propaganda purposes and say it’s ukranian soldiers🫠🫠🤣🤣


hmm aren't the russians wearing the red/white tape bands anymore?


this video was shown on reddit last month, but I cant find it anymore, it was some long title - russian soldier ask to be shot after fpv drone attack, its funny russia takes few weeks old video and tries to spin it lol, only russian human sheeps have such a short memory.


The Russians won't tell the Russians the truth. That must be done by......liberation


Thats a ruzzian gesture everybody know them!


🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺


As truthful as Puftin's claims.


Ukraine has a good cammo uniform, their own design of body hidden inside,and evacuates their wounded to an effective hospital.


To be fair it looked like he got shrapnel in his genitals. I would ask for one to the dome myself.


Armor is also widely used by Ukranian soldiers


Even if they identified the armour this clip is really hard make out any details that can really confirm that. I was definitely an equipment geek before this war started and looking at the video all I can say is "Probably Russian" (mostly because of the helmet) but to ID from the body armour (or camo pattern) is pretty difficult to say for sure. Especially since anyone could be wearing surplus camo ordered from "Amazon" Don't get me wrong I do think these guys are Russian due to it being geo-located... but it's hard to verify anything in this video purely from its contents.


The original video came from the 47th Mechanized Brigade. I could be wrong on the unit, but it's definitely Russians that got bombed and then executed


Yeah the videos been cropped to hide the drones information


Oh ya **I** & **WE** think that.. I mean more about convincing the Russians is difficult due to what we actually see. If there was a water-mark it was cropped out The best method is usually equipment identification but those guys have no patches and I'm 90% sure the camo isn't specific to any side. No IFOF markings (coloured tape). No Red Tourniquet. I actually think those guys are Russian contractors.


It was a Ukrainian drone tracking Russians. There’s more footage before and after it. It’s a month or so old, there’s no doubt it was Russians. You missed the bit about Russia and their connection with truth.


3rd repost


I am the guy who initially shared this info here and asked Bob to translate it and I say let it stay


Why the actual fuck doesn’t this have an NSFW filter?


If it’s an Ukraine isn’t it a war crime? If it’s a Russian then what?


If it's Russian, it's just another day in the office for them. 😁 Edit: typo 🥴


*"If it’s an Ukraine isn’t it a war crime?"* Probably not. But it's an inhumane bevaviour not usual within Ukrainian troops (or western armies). *"If it’s a Russian then what?"* Typical Russian inhumane behaviour, to give a shit on a human being. Let me explain: It's, I think, not a war crime. The situation is: A soldier is on the move with some comrades, gots obviously wounded, begs his fellow comrade to shoot him, to die immediately instead of dieing a slow, painfull death. The fellow comrade understands and grants this last wish and shot him on point blank. If a severly wounded comrade would beg me, I maybe would do the same. And if I were seriously wounded and would beg for a quick relief, I would expect my comrades to do me that favour. So, THAT is NOT the point. The points are: * The total absence of empathy. The comrade doesn't even try to help. He is not checking the wounds. He just shoot without any hesitation and/or remorse. He didn't draw the corpse off the way. He doesn't even take his dog tag. He just moves on ... * There is a famous case of an Ukrainian soldier who was (at what we could see) way more severly wounded, begging his comrade to shoot him. The comrade refused, promised to save him, saved him and the wounded was literally fixed together again by Ukrainian medics. * You may have a different point of view on such an incident. But if you find this behaviour (of assisted suicide) inacceptable, you may not be so stupid to use it as propaganda against the enemy, if they are obviously your own guys. * But if you decide to do so, you have to be VERY desperate, very stupid or both ...


I thi k the question may have been rhetorical.