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Fuck Trump and Mike Johnson


And the Republican Senators who blocked Trump's impeachment trial for leading a coup attempt because 'we should just move on and it will not matter'. It is having VERY real consequences.


Worst coup attempt of all time


And every single person who voted for any of them and any other Republican in the House and Senate. And anyone who’s ever fucking helped feed, clothe, or employ one of them too.


Red hats are the new brown shirts




Sadly the individuals have the support of (many of) the people.




Enough to keep them in power. Probably more, if Trump is re-elected.




It's okay. The white house proved it can just go around congress and do arms deals on their own now.


Putin banked on the West getting distracted, and the Republicans after 1.5 years of already dragging their feet obliged. A betrayal for the history books, normal modern Republican behaviour though.    Look at the Kurds post getting rid of ISIS under Trump. Erdogan, Putin, Kim, those are the modern Republicans rolemodels. Shocking foreign policy.


The consequences of this will be far reaching for the West. In terms of geo political consequences it's arguably the single most important conflict the US ( and Europe ) have been involved in since WW2.


It is far worse than that. If our allies can not expect our support because of any number of hair brained internal political issues the GOP comes up with, what is even the point of being our ally? Trust in America is on the line, and it’s shameful the GOP is playing games.


What’s old is new again. US is back in 1940 mode


This is the consequence of major american counter intelligence failure. Foundational democratic values, principles and habits have been successfully compromized by clear and deliberate attacks, by forces foreign and domestic. The fight for political power is for some now a means to an end. No longer is protecting and respecting democracy the most important starting point for public political discourse. We are even at the point already where attacking the legitimacy of those principles openly is no longer seen as a threat to western values, rather as a viable political edge. The US is in moral free fall.


We are basically back in the 1940-41 era when US was watching while Britain was alone and on their heels fighting the Nazis in Europe. Only after Pearl Harbor did US reconsider whether a fascist Europe was really in their interest.




“Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else." William Churchill https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2013/10/28/241295755/a-churchill-quote-that-u-s-politicians-will-never-surrender https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/PiE5FIc2LI


Errr.. Winston Churchill


Wasn't that Winston Chamberlain?


No, you're thinking of Wiltston Chamberhill...


No, no, no, you mean his cousin, Withered Chamberpot


I thought it was Wilford Brimley


No it was Stilton crumblehead


I think you all mean Wilson from that Tom Hanks movie


Rusty Halloween.






I loved him in Doctor Strange


No, Benedict Chumberhill


Good 'ol Billy Boy Churchill...


William churchill is from earth 616


Erm, slight correction. His name irl was Reginald Veljohnson, Carl Winslow was just the character he played on Family Matters.


I don't like the dude but he's got some killer quotes.


I mean. It may not have even been him. Head he's been missing quoted alot lately.


Old Bill Churchill


Winston's lesser known brother, William


Thank you. I was thinking about Avdiivka instead of proofreading… Winston Churchill knows what he’s talking about…


>Winston Churchill knows what he’s talking about… Well, until you got him started on brown people.


Or killing his allies to achieve his goals.


Nazi Germany declared war on the USA, Congress then near-unanimously returned the favor.


Yah but before that members of Congress and the Senate were working WITH the SS in Germany.


It makes you wonder how things would have played out had Pearl Harbor not happen. That said, the US was giving Britain lots of aid. It wasn't like in the winter of 41 the US said "yeah we gave enough, you know those Europeans are all kind of German anyway."


Probably Germany would have been having more successfull on the East front. Especially with the absence of lend-lease for ruzzia. And even more so, if Stalin wasn't pressing Churchill continuously, after Hitler betrayed him, they needed to open the western front. But then again, this is all speculation. If Franz Ferdinand driver just had known the fucking route to the hospital we might not even had both World Wars.


I read a really interesting post once on Ask Historians about Lend Lease. The question was what would have happened if there had not been Lend Lease. The historians did not want to answer that question because too much happened before Lend Lease for Lend Lease not to happen itself. But they answered in some detail about what would have happened if Lend Lease had only been 50% of what it was. And the main takeaway I had was that the Allies still would have won, but the Soviet Union would have been too depleted to occupy Eastern Europea afterwards and thus the Marshall Plan probably would have included Eastern Europe and they'd have been much wealthier and likely free throughout the 1960s - 1990s.


Yes- but there would have been more allied deaths on the western front to defeat Germany. Russia bled Germany in WW2.


even with pearl harbor, our involvement in europe was not a forgone conclusion. It was Hitler giving a speech supporting Japan, declaring war on the US, and ordering his submarines to attack US ships that pushed us into open war. If Germany doesn't drag the US into Europe, you might see support for the soviet union and England slip as we focus our efforts on the pacific. we lose hundreds of thousands of men taking the home islands a year before the trinity test. Germany solidifies control of much of europe and expands their own production. hard to say how england and russia fair, russia probably still fighting, but english isles may be occupied.


> english isles may be occupied Bit of a flaw there. Sure, there's no way Britain would pull off a D-day landing and liberate France on its own, but there's no chance in hell Germany would manage to Sealion into Britain. Short of Britain pulling a Hoi4 AI move of parking the RN away from the British Isles, Germany could never successfully invade. Even if they got boots on the ground, the invasion would quickly fail due to a horrible supply situation.


The US was already at war with Germany. The US Navy had received orders to fire on any German or Italian warship, without provocation or dependent action by the opposing ship, on September 11, 1941. 


Yes perhaps I am not totally fair, there was some aid arriving, but at the same time a wide spread pro-Germany movement spearheaded by folks like Charles Lindberg. Now we have the Tucker Carlsons of the world solidly siding with Putin. However, so far we are so lucky that the Ukrainians don't need help by military intervention; deliveries of weapons and ammunition is enough, then they will handle the Ruscists themselves.


I'd imagine that Britain would have become the first nuclear power, and it would have been used against Germany after a much more drawn out war. The United Kingdom and Canada were leading in fission bomb researched with the "[Tube Alloys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tube_Alloys)" project. Since the UK was being bombed en masse by Germany, the research was handed over to progress in the USA as the "Manhattan" project as a result of the [Quebec Agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_Agreement) Since the German Luftwaffe had lost the battle of Britain, and had invaded the USSR with Operation Barbosa, research would have continued in the UK as the war progressed even longer, there would have been a lot more lives lost if the USA had not entered the war.


Nah. ​ The US was being ***payed*** for weapons and payed well, it wasn't giving aid freely. ​ One of the shittiest moments of ww2 was when the US refused to accept Pounds for payment and so the UK had to ship at extreme risk huge amounts of its gold reserves across the Atlantic. It also meant the transfer of vast amount of securities from the UK to the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Fish It was arguably at the time the biggest movement in wealth in history. If a U boat was in the right place at the right time it could have changed the whole course of the war.


I agree. It's 'paid' by the way.


Back then there was a conservative movement called American First that was interfering with efforts to get more involved. A nascent fascist organization. Good thing that is not happening this time…checks notes. Fuck!


Actually Germany declared war on them after pearl harbor, so they didn't even make that call on their own.


Nobody declares war anymore. They just do what they want. The whole declaration of war thing seems to be lost to history. Even we stopped doing it officially after WW2.


Israel just declared war in October, it still happens.


You do know that 3 days after pearl harbour Hitler declared war on the US?


This is not at all the same...... Joining WW2 was a MUCH bigger commitment than helping Ukraine lol. If helping Ukraine was as big a commitment as WW2 we would have never helped at all.


Yes helping Ukraine is cheap, and by doing it the US can more or less completely degrade one of its major adversaries.


Here's the reality though. By bumble fucking aid to Ukraine, Russia is becoming a pro at real war in the 21st century, just as the u.s became really good at counter insurgency. It's paying for it dearly, but it will take what it's learnt and teach it to other dictators. You put two opposing platoons U.S one side and Russia the other, one will have all the gear, no idea, the other will have crude gear, and all the ideas. NATO has unwittingly helped build a more competent foe by not being brutal with its help. Put another way, Russia can outbleed Ukraine easily on the front line, and still walk away with core knowledge. We have been lied to by commentators from day dot.


Yeah, it's like a bacterial infection, if you don't administer antibiotics in the right dose and the correct duration, the bacteria aquire immunity. The dose has to be high enough to kill off the infection before immunity arises.


Yea. I agree with your point, just think you picked a bad example lol.


Fair enough.


Uh, the US was already significantly supporting Britain by that point.


>while Britain was alone They were not alone. There were multiple other nations involved in the defence of the british isles. But specifically the Battle of Britian was fought by the UK and Canada against the Germans and Italians. Canada declared war 7 days after the UK to make a statement that they were a sovereign state choosing to participate in the war of their own will, yet here we are 80 years later pretending that is not the case. Hell even wikipedia lists them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Britain


The US was heavily involved before Pearl Harbor. There were many tons of material crossing the Atlantic in support of the UK and eventually the Russians against the Nazis. This shipping was under fire from Uboats as well, so even through they were not declared as such, the US was in the war pre December 41. Pearl Harbor just fully drew in the US to the military conflict.


This is being said while ignoring that the US has been the BIGGEST backer of Ukraine despite Republican opposition.


I suppose you could say that if you ignore a large part of the US history between 1939 and 1941. FDR did a lot to help arm the British and even the French. Here is some of the stuff FDR did during that time if you're interested in history instead of just shitting on the US without cause. [https://www.history.com/news/united-states-neutral-wwii-lend-lease](https://www.history.com/news/united-states-neutral-wwii-lend-lease) Also, as a frame of reference we've sent over 70 billion in aid so far. We have a rich history of arming people who are pissed off at Russia post WWII. Don't let one hiccup sway decades of work. 70% of Americans see Russia as an enemy. A few of Putin's puppets won't stop the inevitable.


It's not "US doing this." It's specifically Republicans in congress and Trump especially personally. Even Senate Republicans are willing to do the aid.


It's more of Russia's successful blackmail and bribe efforts infiltrated the USA government.


Well. Yes and no. It’s also just us politicians betraying not only their fellow Americans, but also Ukraine.


Putin’s investment is beginning to show results.


It's absolutely *not* the US, it's *just* the Republicans. They are so set against the Democrats having a win they are willing for Ukraine to be genocided.


It consistently happens to all our allies. Read about what we let saddam do to the Kurds after we cut off support. I'm surprised we didn't betray Ukraine sooner.


And more recently what the Turks did to the Kurds after Trump betrayed them by withdrawing from Syria. Seems to be pretty consistent in the abandoning of allies for political gain. His secdef Mattis resigned over it.


Especially when you consider how many of republican's goals are set by foreign powers who simply bought them. If anything, I'd imagine the republican party being more foreign than domestic interests.


Unfortunately for the US, this is an issue affecting another part of the world, that the rest of the world is reporting on. There is no nitpicking at that point. The US was helping, now they're not, that's all it boils down to. Reality is it's just another nail in the coffin that America is terrible at actually following through on agreements and military pacts whenever theyre required to commit on their part Ukraine now, middle East before, even at home in Australia here, we follow along with the Vietnamese war because America asked to, but when we asked for help with bougainville conflict, we got excuses and not much else. America is once again proving its the one friend who is always asking you to help move house, or fix their stuff, but when you ask the same they're suddenly busy.


When you are not the USA, but just the one who is betrayed, you don't give a shit to know who in the US is responsible for. All you can see is the US making promises, and not sticking to it. Ask the Kurds, ask the Ukrainians, and apparently soon enough, ask the european.


I disagree. I think the Dems and biden could have done more early on. As soon as Ukraine showed they could take back land, we should have given everything they asked for. That’s on the Dems too.


You know, I'm tired of this "US betrayal of Ukraine" bullshit. There is one party that is holding everything up, the Republicans. Their subservience to their orange hued God is revolting.


Yes. REPUBLICAN’S betrayal of Ukraine.


Republicans' worship of Russia.


Let's go further. Europe can make most shells for US equipment. The whole point of NATO was to standardize equipment for joint operations. It's why all our ARs use the same rounds, all our artillery and tanks use the same rounds and so on. The US support is being held up by Republicans, this is true. Who the fuck is holding Germany, UK, France, The Netherlands and so on from producing and sending rounds? People need to stop acting like this is all the US fault. The war is nearing two years, and still the Europeans didn't increase enough local production to supply a war happening in their backyard? You think it makes more sense to produce these shells on another continent then fly 16 hours or so to Poland to have them trucked to Ukraine instead of shipping by rail or truck from Germany? Let's get real, if Europe still hasn't awoken then their involvement in NATO was only ever an excuse to be bailed out by the US. This is coming from an American that supports Ukraine and NATO.


We in Europe have failed Ukraine. Apparently WW2 didn't teach us enough about not letting dictators get away with conquest. We let them take Crimea and proceed with business as usual and now with full-on invasion, it was drip-feed support...


Agree. Europeans still are asleep at their wheel. As an AmCit, this is an old story that grows more stale with time.


Europe has always assumed it would provide the majority of financial aid while America provided most of the arms. This was working until the aid from America was abruptly stoped. Europe is DESPERATELY trying to onshore arms production and ramp up shell production. Look at Britain, it will be increasing it’s shell production by 800% over the next two years, but Ukraine needs the ammo now, it’s the time frame we are struggling with. By the end of 2025 we won’t have to purchase ammo for Ukraine from the USA, but until then it would be damn helpful if America’s MIC could do what it is literally designed for and make ammo for it’s allies.


This! Astute! “I NEED AMMO, NOT A RIDE!” has never been more true, more true every day… To prove your point, read here on EU ammo production: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/L6MwP3tyV5


Not astute, Europe had 2 years to start that ramp up. They had Trump back in what, 2017 talking about leaving NATO? Come on with this nonsense. For what it's worth, I hope this costs the Republicans in the election so we can fully commit to aiding Ukraine. But any country relying so heavily on just one other is a fool. The entire EU should be able to handle this without sweating and yet here we are.




This is spot on. Inevitably, someone will chime in and say something like "well of course Europe was unprepared for this kind of war, since NATO would just swoop in and delete Russians from air in a metter of days"


This is not a competition in failure


France is always trying to make more weapons. But thanks to our beloved american friends, we keep getting stab in the back. FRANCE want to sell submarines to australia, USA create AUKUS, FRANCE want to sell Rafale for decades, USA manipulate the sell market to force F16 and F35... The USA always wanted to be only one muscle guy in the schoolyard. Now that things get real, suddenly, it's all the other guys fault... Europe should definitly have awakened earlier, and it could have be, if not for the USA to prevent it.


Europe is increasing both production and defense spending. After decades of neglect thats too little too late for Ukraine.    If the Republicans keep this up until the elections Ukraine loses, simple reality.   Europe fucked up for decades, as the US knew at the start of the full scale invasion , but has the right idea now and keeps up the support. Money wise "we" dont lag behind the US at all there just isnt the equipment to send.   What the US is doing right now is exactly what Putin banked on, getting distracted 1.5 - 2 years in by election bullshit.


"Getting distracted by election bullshit" is an overly generous take on the behavior of the GOP. This isn't a political response to electoral expediencies; this is a bunch of craven grifters being whipped away from Ukraine aid by one of the worst people in the world, who's very clearly been in the bag for Putin from the start.


True, but it also seems to me like Ukraine losing ground it simply seen as the price to pay to make Biden look as bad as possible.  They dont necessarily  want Ukraine to lose, but everything (country, voters wishes, geopolitics) is subservient to getting Trump re elected. So dont give Ukraine support, have them lose ground, make it all look hopeless and only daddy Trump can save it. Might indeed be too kind but i do really believe it


> They dont necessarily  want Ukraine to lose, but everything (country, voters wishes, geopolitics) is subservient to getting Trump re elected. So dont give Ukraine support, have them lose ground, make it all look hopeless and only daddy Trump can save it. Might indeed be too kind but i do really believe it I think you are right on target.


Yeah that seems quite plausible to me too. But what will their be their next goal, if Trump is reelected? 


Have him draw some South / North Korea lines and call it a day on the Ukraine front, then visit some despots and focus on whats really important: the domestic culture war.       Thats modern Republicans as far as I can tell. Doesnt seem to be a grand game foreign policy plan ala the days of Reagan.


Exactly, Europe now surpasses the USA in aid if you include the UK, but we simply don’t have the military hardware to send, we are ramping up production across the board but this takes time and Ukraine needs it now. America can easily plug this shortfall for the next year if it passes an aid bill, that’s all we need, one more big chunk of military aid from the USA before the next president. Europe will have the capacity to produce arms by the end of 2025.


Exaclty. Everybody complains that America is the world police, and then they complain when America isn’t policing the world.


There was literally a comment earlier saying if we are playing world police we need to accept full responsibilities that come with it. 🤷‍♂️ The answer globally is whichever is convenient and gets me what I want lol. *Murica does too much* World: Mind your business *Murica does too little* World: With great power comes great responsibility I'm just tired of seeing ragging on the US when this war was years in the making. For Ukraine the signs are now a decade old, but for ex Soviet states this has been going on for a long time.


Also absurd how we're solely responsible for this either. France and Italy are two of the world's largest arms exporters, where are they? Germany is the fourth largest economy on Earth, but is incapable of building artillery shells? Most importantly, why is the US solely responsible for Europe's security? And of course, wealthy western Europeans then mock us for not having universal healthcare, while the only reason they can afford theirs is because they aren't defending two continents from Russia imperialism


The author of the tweet is actually American. Europe is ramping up its production and has not stopped providing support for Ukraine.


Fucking preach.


This. Headlines need to run with this specific issue because that’s the only way we solve it. A shocking number of people will blame this on Joe and Dems because of these “Merica” headlines. It’s fucking republicans doing this shit damn it.


Whatever you think, Europe has let the US carry the weight of NATO, trashing us as obnoxious gun toting morons while getting in bed with Russia and abandoning nuclear energy, falling short of their military spending and commitments. Whatever, seriously, figure it out and stop blaming us for trying. Slava Ukraine.


Oh, I’m not letting Europe off the hook… But the idea that the US has somehow betrayed Ukraine…. Like, I get it. I’m on board with sending them whatever they need to win. But some people act as though the US hasn’t already given a shit ton of aid, equipment, and munitions. We can and should do more (looking at you GOP), but to act like we (the US collectively) have betrayed Ukraine infuriates me.


Well, this is the exact same treatment what us Hungarians get who wish nothing else but Ukraine to succeed. Buuut we are just Russian whores as a whole. I think you should get used to this type of reference.


And the same treatment that Germans get from US users when Scholz is impeding or protracting weapon delivery.


Scholz makes the right noises lately (this is still the same guy who had to be pressured by Mark fucking Rutte to pretty please be allowed to supply PzH2000's at the start of the war), but as long as hes doing fuckall on the Taurus production front its just words.     Get serious with the type of weapons being supplied, i dont cheer for dingos and bridge layers.  You are Germany, not some impoverished  banana republic. Leadership role also includes long range weapons.


One can absolutely criticize Germany for the refusal to deliver Taurus. But Germany absolutely stepped the fuck up on almost all other fronts. E.g the majority of all Patriot systems in Ukraine were delivered by Germany with another one on the way. (Their is no data on missiles, but I suspect the US was delivering the majority of missiles for the patriot)


Yeah ukranians dark knight, Viktor Orban. 


The US appeals court has just ruled that trump does not have presidential immunity and can be prosecuted in an election interference case……shits closing in on that traitor to your country


Trump, unfortunately, won't be the end of this, even from prison. Hell, even if he died tomorrow, it wouldn't change a thing. Trump is the figurehead of the movement, but the movement still exists.


>I'm tired Get used to it, in coming years US has good chances to lose all the trust and all the allies.


This is on YOU, Trumpers.


They would proudly agree.


they don't care. expecting conservatives to care is something we've got to stop doing. they don't. they never have.


You need to stop saying "US" when you actually mean "Trump Republicans." It is one group in the US that is betraying Ukraine, and they need to be called out for it and defeated or the situation will not change.


These people aren’t going to differentiate between Americans and their politics. What the nation, as a whole, does is what they see. Makes me sad, but that’s how it is. We all get painted with the same brush.


I think most sane people get it. We see the comments, watch the videos and observe Bidens efforts. You can tell ordinary Americans are passionate about this. And you know, the US president. But US representatives are supposed to represent and one has to assume they represent (even if one suspects they may not be representative) so it is what it is. But yeah kind of weird calling it a betrayal while Biden is working overtime to get support through, its obviously more like bogged down negotiations


It also doesn’t help when the same Ukrainian journalists and war reporters openly bash Biden for being old. These idiots are going to guarantee they lose spewing that bullshit. The people from America who do follow those reporters because they believe in helping Ukraine are going to be impacted by Ukrainians saying garbage about the president in an election year.  How fucking stupid are these Ukrainian reporters to give the keys to Trump? Because they’re helping that happen and it will not end up well for Ukraine if Trump gets back in office. Period. 


🎯🎯 Yes!! Blame the GOP Traitor Trumplicans: “In Russia, they are laughing at us right now…As Olga Skabeeva said, “Well done, Republicans! They’re standing firm! That’s good for us.” “If Putin’s team is cheering for you, maybe it is time to rethink your actions." Michael McFaul https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/pN94frsl0q “US Republicans need to stop arguing about their border wall, twiddling their thumbs while the free world burns, trying to decide whether they want an incoherent demagogue to run the country again.” “Get a grip, America.” “Pick sensible and intelligent presidential candidates.” “Defend the free world. Action this day.” UNTIL VICTORY, WHATEVER IT TAKES ACTION THIS DAY!! https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/w8E9eRTJVP


Just like 2 year's ago when "Germany" was not sending enough weapons which was more a matter of some partys and politics that made it so hard. People don't differentiate and are by any means quite dumb.


Sure but to people outside US it's going to be US, half of US is still US. Generalization is going to happen


And you need to understand that when you're abandoning your allies, indifferent of the peculiarities of your inner politics, its on the whole country. Thats how politics work.


Republicans betrayal.




Betrayal. The only correct word. Fuck you GOP.


The stakes for this election are huge. Everyone needs to vote.


Fuck every single republican that opposes the support.


US produced 28,000 155mm shells in October. EU produced 33,000 rounds in October. No country supporting Ukraine had their military industrial complex set up for WW1 style fighting. Air superiority is the reigning doctrine.


They’re gonna fucking lose Avdiivka because Donald fucking trump exists. I fucking hate humans. It costs literally nothing to help Ukraine. It’s creating jobs and economical upsides and agent orange says no for what. It’s not even republicans. It’s him.


BOOM! 🎤 (Obama style Mike Drop) 🥂🏆 https://youtu.be/sEp9OUXix-w?si=ceWpGvHAJlL9MP7x Thank you for saying so better than I can. Absofuckinglutely correct.


Britain and Europe need to step up more quickly. I'm British. I'm Left Wing. I support us sending Ukraine more help!


Such a disgusting thing to do from the republicans… but at this point its cult not a political party


The Republican party is the one that's refusing to support Ukraine, and holding the aid hostage.


RUSSIANS are killing Ukrainians, not Americans. Tired of this narrative. I 100% believe we should be supporting Ukraine with money and ammo but this reframing that Ukrainians are dying because Americans aren’t helping enough, just frustrating. Blame every country on the planet then. Blame 1 country. Russia. Russia is the reason Ukrainians are dying. Russia is killing Ukrainians and no one else.


Correction…..”US Republican congressmen betrayal of Ukraine…”


Not betrayal by the US, betrayal by the GOP. And is really betrayal if they were on the other side the entire time?


Republicans betrayal of Ukraine.


*Republicans* betrayal. I know the distinction doesn't matter to the people who are dying and suffering. But it matters for getting the process un-fucking-stuck in Congress. Fuck every Republican who is complicit in holding up the money in Congress. Only political pressure on the Republican party will get this shit moving. They're the ones stopping it from happening and only them. They took power in the House with the promise that they would support Ukraine. Now here we are, and the lying Republicans are blocking support.




Timeline doesn't make sense. Do you think the U.S. just wires money over and then the Ukraines run down to the ammo store? And because funding is held up (in one country) it immediately affects a battle now?


America literally has Putins nuts in their hand. One squeeze and Putins done. Too bad MAGA wants to stroke his balls instead.


Update on the Avdiivka situation: “Avdiivka Is About to Fall” “R Russian troops are making gains towards Avdiivka, posing a "critical" situation for Kyiv's forces, Ukrainian Telegram channels have warned, amid the prospect the Donetsk town could be the first settlement captured by Moscow in eight months.” “Russia has suffered huge losses of equipment and troops in what has been described by Kyiv as "meat assaults," but Ukrainian Telegram channels have been giving pessimistic assessments on the chances that Kyiv's forces could manage to hold onto the town.” https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-avdiivka-fall-donetsk-1866925 I feel like it’s Bakhmut all over again… GIVE THEM THE TOOLS NOW!! https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/HX87rjd5Qk


The situation is dire. Even if funding comes through how long before the supplies reach the front lines?


You can blame Donald Trump and his lying con man cronies like Tucker Carlson!


Trump and Johnson are killing Ukrainians. Enough said.


Not the US. We stand with you Ukraine. Only the cowardly Republican party under Trumps has become the pro-communist, pro-Putin ally.


I support Ukraine & Ukrainian sovereignty. Betrayal is a strong word. If you ask me for help, and I lone you $10,000, and you go bankrupt anyway, did I betray you? The GOP is betraying US foreign policy interests though. They are betraying their own ideals as a party, and the entire western world. Supported by half of America’s population


Publikans are assholes again.


It's fk'n infuriating, and I hate to admit that republicans succeeded in pissing me off but they did. I'd like to apologize to the world for america being so undependable. Fact is, the ONLY reason america is doing this is so republicans can score political points against democrats by appearing to fight for something. There is literally no other reason than this. They just want to hurt democrats and they don't give a fk how many Ukrainians have to die to accomplish this. Some of you may hate Hilary Clinton but I'll be damned if she didn't hit the nail on the head when she described them as america's "deplorables." They are the most childish and selfish group of people in the free world. They have a world view closer to pootin's than Biden's because Biden is an 'evil democrat hell-bent on helping people who don't look like them.' Again, as an american, I apologize.


This is not US betrayal but a handful of Republicans betrayal!


That handful is holding up the whole package. You're making a distinction without a difference.


Mike Johnson and Donald Trump killed everyone who died in Avdiivka. Their blood is on the cult's hands.


Mike Johnson is playing with lives in Ukraine just to help Trump's campaign.


I am from the US, my wife is here from Ukraine, and I gotta say, I'm deeply ashamed of the actions the reds (specifically Trump and Johnson and *anyone who believes in them*) are taking. Our country has become so two-faced because of it. The amount of moronic, severely uneducated articlss and posts I've seen is unsettling to say the least. I'm so sorry. We need to do better. This is easily one of our major weaknesses that other predatory countries are watching.


"Betrayal" is a pretty strong word to direct toward a country that made no promises (no, the Budapest Memordum was not about defending Ukraine's sovereignty) and gifted a small nations worth of military equipment & ammunition to Ukraine. War related aid is well over $100 billion. Poland's president was not wrong when he described Ukraine as behaving like a drowning person...though, this tweet/thread more a case of a subset of their supporters behaving like drowning people.


Betrayal? That's a strong word.


As a European the betrayal by Ukraine’s neighbors is worse. Germany and France alone should be able to sustain the war effort for years. Decades of cowardice, greed and incompetence from our ruling class has made Europe too weak to manage our security. Shameful.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 betrayal?! Haven’t we done enough for them already


And redditors will complain from the comfort of their home that there was no betrayal while a European nation is demolished wholesale by a malicious invader. We should have taken a stronger stance from day one in support for the defense of democracy.


Since the US is incapable of tossing the orange troglodyte rapist behind bars where he belongs, it's up to the EU to provide support and it will take time to get things going. It's what we get for expecting the US to maintain a promise when past promises were just as empty.


Do you ever not comment 30 links in comments on your own post?


Do you ever appreciate trustworthy information on what matters most for Ukraine—and for freedom everywhere—available at your fingertips? “Why is Avdiivka important and why does Russia want to capture it?” “Both sides see the city as key to Russia's aim of securing full control of the two eastern "Donbas" provinces - Donetsk and Luhansk.” “These are among the four Ukrainian regions Russia says it has annexed but does not have full control of.” “Avdiivka is seen as a gateway to Donetsk city, whose residential areas Russian officials say have been shelled by Ukrainian forces, sometimes from Avdiivka.” “Seizing it could boost Russian morale and demoralise Ukrainian forces, which have made only incremental gains in a broad counteroffensive since June. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy himself visited in December.” "If the Russian army takes control of the (supply) road, the Ukrainian armed forces will evidently be forced to withdraw from Avdeyevka. That will be a great victory for the Russian army," Sergei Markov, a former Kremlin adviser, said on Feb. 5.” https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/why-does-russia-want-capture-ukraines-avdiivka-2024-02-06/ Education is how freedom wins.


Fuck off with US- American Republicans betrayed their oaths.


I can understand asking for help. I dislike the mentality that it's a betrayal not to help you.


I wouldn’t call it a betrayal. That’s strong language to use especially since the US has sent BILLIONS of dollars in relief and weaponry. Should they send more sure but in the meantime other countries can also fill the gap while the US sorts itself out.


America is slowly siding with russia, it will be too late when russia either takes over America or destroys it


Just wanted to say Senator lankford From OK is Hero. He is a Republican going on Newsmax and getting screamed at trying to sell this to Republican voters. I am angry at the democrats for not going on Newsmax OAN to try and sell this


Hi, American here... fuck anyone getting in the way of Ukrainian victory.


Republicans betrayal of Ukraine, not the US.


Please vote for blue. That’s all you need to do.


Republicans* betrayal of Ukraine....


Republicans betrayal* Ukraine is fighting a hot war for their democracy. We are in the US fighting a cold war for democracy. It's fucking pathetic, really.


We should have gone in in 2014. We should go in now. Russia isn't going to end the world over the Donbass.


There’s not a big enough “Fuck the conservatives” to be had.


United states will never be taken seriously in situations like this ever again. No more coalitions of the willing, no more trust me i got your back.... nothing. A permanent asterix besides it name. Never to be trusted. How in a few years you can go from the champion of all things liberty, freedom and justice to this pathetic group of cucks


“Republican betrayal” FTFY


Fuck the Republicans, fuck the goddamn US system that allows political tomfoolery. Jesus, they are so fucking blind to the possibilities that are becoming more and more inevitable. Fuck the goddamn Republicans. (American here, just really pissed off with my fellow countrymen. Slava Ukraini)


The Americans promised Ukraine protection from Russia if they gave up their nukes. They gave up their nukes and now the Americans are not fulfilling their end of the bargain. I despise that country.


"Trumps betrayal..."


Putin has some good ass kompromat on Republicans


How is this a betrayal? Did the USA have a contract to supply ammo ? Hasn’t the United States given billions to Ukraine?


The GOP are Putin Puppets and their dear leader Trump Better get your friends to vote or all is lost if Drumpf gets back in


Don’t forget to vote. Trump is bad, but people who voice disgust for trump on Reddit….and then don’t take the time to vote…are worse? Posts here are worthless hot air. Vote.


Please reach out to your representatives and ask for support for Ukraine.


First, I don't support this war and think that Russian should not invade Ukraine at first place.  However  betrayed is a strong word. Nobody owe Ukraine anything as far know. The USA is not the  best shape either. I pay taxes  and I wish them benefits the USA.


This must be so demoralizing for Ukrainian troops and all of the foreign troop volunteers, many from the US. We’re just costing ourselves future direct conflict if we don’t continue their momentum.


not our problem lol, and wasnt russia doomed over a year ago?


A disgusting betrayal. Broken promises.


The USA distances itself from it’s allies at this time. Let the games be over, if you have to rely on so called friends and allies whom used you to sell their weapons to the rest of the world showing they are superior to Russian crap. Get with the game USA, these people represent the American people in the lower house. Who knows in the future maybe everything! Maybe best description is, “What piggy would you want to be in the tale of the big bad wolf. USA your house is not made of stone the whole other world can see this!!!!!


Russia controls key Republicans


Betrayal lol